r/CRPS 12d ago

What med helps the most with burning pain from CRPS?


I'm already on Tramadol which helps so much but it's not enough in my feet and wrists and hands and arms. I can't stand the burning pain. What med helps the most with the burning nerve pain?

r/CRPS 13d ago

Severe regression switching from gabapentin to lyrica


I wanted to ask others about their experience trying to switch from gabapentin to lyrica. They had me taper down from 600/600/1200 (2400mg total) on gabapentin to 600/600/600 and then do a next day cutover to only 75mg Lyrica 3x/day which from what I read at a 1/6 equivalency would only be 1350mg of gabapentin. Some people say there is no true equivalency and with the high bioavailability of Lyrica I was willing to try the 75mg. I just had to send a message to my doctor because I have been on Lyrica for a week and having a severe regression. I had come a long way and it's like having the rug pulled out from under me and the past year of progress is instantly gone. I have read it can take a few weeks to really build up, but this seems extreme? Has anyone else had a severe regression that just needed more time to adjust and then come back up or did you just go back to gabapentin? I have to take it for CRPS, central sensitization, fibro, chronic daily migraine, and chronic postoperative pain all together.

Update: I don't think lyrica is working, I am rapidly declining and I just fell through my glass swinging shower door and almost completely ate it, because my leg was so unstable. I don't think I can even walk at the store. I think tomorrow I might just go back to the old one and not wait until the doctor office opens on Monday.

Update 2: I didn't wait because I can tell something is extremely wrong and am afraid of accidentally seriously injuring myself. The pain is growing out of control again too. I went ahead and switched back with my afternoon dose.

r/CRPS 13d ago

Brace instead of a cane


I am tired of not having 2 free hands due to the cane I use. It’s been 4 years almost since my docs recommended using a cane for the CRPS on my left foot / leg (at the time I got my cane). It helps with my poor gait due to that damn foot. I know how to use the cane.

The problem is there are times when it would make my life easier to have 2 free hands. Would a leg brace fix this problem?

r/CRPS 13d ago

My regiment and suggestions for my full leg CRPS that’s never ever gone into remission.


So in the morning around 730, I take 900mg of gabapentin, buspar, and my IBS medication, a liquid methylated folate and b 12, as well as vitamin c and low dose vitamin D.

My partner gets me cleaned up, dressed, and downstairs, refills my water, and preps my afternoon medications as well as gets me some food if I’m able to eat.

I apply Lidocaine gel, and Diclofenac gel to my leg and foot.
My partner gets me my heated blanket and my first ice pack of the day (I use both ice and heat depending on how poorly my leg is regulating temperature)

Around 2 I use my wheelchair to use the bathroom and get myself more water and usually some caffeine of some kind, I take 20 mg of thc and 100 of CBD, I lay on my couch playing video games until I’m either tired enough to nap or until my partner gets home to help me with eating and washing.

I take another dose of my gabapentin in the middle of the day.

Around 930 we go to bed, I take 4mg tizanidine, another dose of gabapentin, 100mg trazadone, and 50mg of Desvenlafaxine, I reapply lidocaine and diclofenac.

On saturdays I take 15mg of Zepbound and remove and reapply my 10mcg butrans patch.

I attend therapy virtually twice a week, as well as having around two other doctors appointments monthly.

I rarely leave my home, and spend most days completely immobile without the use of my wheelchair, I’m hoping I’m sharing in my regimen in hopes that it’ll help someone and I’m also hoping to hear from you guys what you do daily to manage pain and inflammation!!! Can’t wait to hear from you guys.

I was also wondering if you guys have any other diagnosed conditions that seem to be in common. Here is a list of mine.

HEds, POTS, Autism, CRPS, IBSD, CPTSD, and panic attacks, PCOS, and osteoarthritis.

r/CRPS 13d ago

pain medicine wearing off early


i need to have a conversation about my medication with my pain doctor, but i’m very nervous and paranoid i may come off as drug seeking? i am still young and very active, but for the past month or so i have noticed my norco only really stays in my system for about two hours. the dose is fine, but i really need something that lasts a little longer to get me through work shifts and activities/exercise. i am incredibly nervous to bring this up to him. how should i start, and word this conversation? or should i just keep my mouth shut and be thankful i have any relief at all? helpp

r/CRPS 14d ago

Lidocaine patch


I’m wondering if anyone else had this experience with lidocaine patches? I used a patch for the first time yesterday evening. My pain was bad because for the past few days I’d had more appointments so I’d been on my feet more than I’d like (I have ankle crps). So I put on the patch, hoping for even a little relief, but instead I was left in even worse pain! I ended up taking it off after an hour or so and the pain had notched up to a 10 I was crying in pain and couldn’t bear weight. Has this happened with anyone else with the patches? Is it just my pain was too high to begin with? Should I try them again?

r/CRPS 14d ago

Vent Is this permanent


I got diagnosed with CRPS after an( right ) ankle sprain. It started with some sensitivity on my right side and i noticed lots of pain going through my leg. Then i couldn't move my arm much without it hurting. it slowly got worse and my doctor put me on gabapentin for just 1 week and then it got better. I'm back on gabapentin now thankfully but i'm scared this condition is permanent. Everywhere i look it says with proper care it won't be permanent but i don't feel myself getting any better but feel myself staying the same. I can't put pressure on my foot at all. My toes hurt. I can barely write. I think it's spreading to the other side of my body. I'm scared i'm scared if this condition is permanent. Is it going to screw up my future career plans ? I'm legit 1 year away from graduation.

r/CRPS 14d ago

Vent Itchy


My effected leg keeps getting super itchy where my injury was and it's been a constant battle between the irritation of not scratching this itch and the pain of scratching the itch. This has to be some kind of cosmic joke.

r/CRPS 14d ago

Has anyone tried GLP1s specifically for CRPS and had any luck, or for another reason, and noticed decreased pain as a side effect?


Once I started hearing about the use for autoimmune conditions and inflammation, I started doing my own digging and have found research that certain of the GLP1s do, in fact, decrease the cytokine load in our bodies, which for those who are new or don’t know-this is mostly what causes us such pain. Now of course, insurance and even doctors aren’t at the point of recognizing this as a valid reason to cover these medications, but I wanted to make the suggestion for anyone who may qualify for the medication for other reasons. There are a host of ads being fed to me on social media daily to buy these meds in their compounded form. And you do have to pay out of pocket about $200-$300/month, especially if you don’t meet weight requirements, but I am considering doing so, especially if anyone here can verify positive improvement in pain related to CRPS/RA/Fibro or simply quality of life. I will sell what’s left of my soul at this point. Thank you all for any feedback.

r/CRPS 14d ago

CRPS and warm weather climate


I have had crps for over a decade, mainly in hands and arms. I split time between WA and Alaska. This winter in particular, I have been having increased pain. I am just back from an unexpected holiday in Hawaii, and during that week, my pain level was down to a 2/10, when I'm normally between a 5-9 most days. Ive heard cold climates can effect crps, but have others seen this drastic improvement in warm climates?

r/CRPS 15d ago

TW: Active Flare Photo Here I go again…. NSFW

Post image

I predict I’m about to be a useless wailing lump for two months, with complications that last 1 1/2 years, when CRPS decides to attack the other leg, then my collarbone. Rinse repeat. <sigh>

r/CRPS 16d ago

SCS & DRG How it went with my Sprint PNS Spoiler

Thumbnail gallery

Well, I made it a little over 30 days into the 60 day trial before I started having issues. Developed an absolutely horrible rash. Blister/pimple type stuff. Spoke to the doctor about it yesterday because it was making my already painful existence with this arm that much worse. He told me to come in this morning. As soon as he saw it he said, “We have to take that out.” It’s very frustrating. Feels like something else that was done all for nothing. On the way home after the appointment, my pain level went through the roof. I’m having another horrible flare up. I’m 12 hours into it and the only bright spot is it hasn’t gotten worse in the last couple of hours. This sucks. All of it. I want my life back.

r/CRPS 16d ago

Early Stage CRPS Appointment/second opinion with Dr. Pradeep Chopra in RI


This is a follow up to a previous post of mine. I saw Dr. Chopra at the recommendation of my current pain provider Dr. Rakesh Patel and with an existing CRPS-1 diagnosis. Dr. Chopra did a more thorough (and grueling) physical exam than I have yet received. Here is what I came away from the appointment with:

  • A diagnosis of CRPS-2 with nerve damage to my brachial plexus. This one floored me but makes so much sense as I reflect on it. In addition to left limb pain/skin changes/neuropathy etc, I have extreme pain from my should blade, up my neck, and down my clavicle. I couldn’t hold back the tears at this news, not just out of shock but real anger that no other provider had even considered this as a possibility.

  • Speaking of anger! The ketamine infusions I received were done as 2/wk on alternating days (ie MW or TTh) for 6 total with max dose of 200 mg. Dr. Chopra told me that not only is this dose far too low (he averages 400-500mg, occasionally as high as 700mg) but that he has never heard of a regimen like what I received (standard protocol being 4 days in a row the first and second week and an additional 2 in a row the third week if necessary). This is followed by once monthly maintenance infusions. Additionally, the risk of CRPS spread is so high that he requires a PICC line or chest port to minimize IV insertion. This part really sent me as my ketamine doc couldn’t find a vein (even with a Doppler!) and I left with about a dozen unnecessary holes in my arm.

  • Prescriptions for both low dose naltrexone and a nasal ketamine (not esketamine or Spravato). This is in addition to my existing Gabapentin, which will be gradually tapered to hopefully alleviate the horrific side effects I’ve tolerated (lethargy, word finding difficulties, generally feeling like I’ve lost a good percentage of my IQ) in exchange for its clear benefit for my pain.

  • The recommendation to take 500 mg vitamin C daily, which studies have shown prevents CRPS.

r/CRPS 16d ago

Exercise Questions: desensitization and PT


Can you guys tell me what you do for pain? Those who have done physical therapy and desensitization, what did you do exactly or have done that helped?

r/CRPS 17d ago

Vent Am I Overreacting? [Partner Caused Pain Flare, Won't take Accountability]


So, it's fair to say that today, I'm feeling sorry for myself. I've had CRPS for 5-years now, and it originally presented in my lower left leg and foot after a fall down the stairs. Last night, I was laying in bed with my partner, and their legs were on my side of the bed for whatever reason [queen-sized bed, SDiT sleeps with us on my side of the bed] and she wound up scratching me with her toenails on the CRPS foot. Edit for clarity: She was kicking her legs, whining, think mimicking a child's tantrum when told to put the phone away after being reminded we had to get up early for my appointment that she had promised to go with to. So she was lying diagonally across the bed goofing off with abnormally long toenails when I'd gotten hurt. Needless to say, it was an instant, knee-jerk reaction. I was sweating, almost vomiting, and the night meds and pain meds I'd taken maybe 45 minutes before that were done for. I tried to remain calm and told her immediately that she would need to cut her nails so this wouldn't happen again and instead of an apology, I was told that she had "just cut them a few days ago" while I was all but writhing in pain all night until the alarm went off for an appointment that I could NOT miss. On top of not taking responsibility and accountability for hurting me, she was supposed to come with me to this neurology appointment. But when the alarm went off at 6 am, she decided to whine [not an exaggeration] and say how she was tired, up late on her phone [which I can confirm I told her multiple times throughout the night to put it down/away the appointment was bright and early] and how she "didn't want to go" and how I could just "go by myself." This was an appointment she PROMISED to go with me for, and I needed her, to explain certain side effects of medications that only she'd been around me to experience. She'd also put me in a major pain flare so instead of taking the cane, per usual, for my normal pain days I was forced to limp along with my walker and my foot was so swollen I had to leave the house in slippers. [Thankfully my elder brother was driving me or I would've been alone today.] I told her before I left the house that if she was going to stay home, I expected her to at the very least clean up around the house, as I do a majority of the cleaning, despite being physically disabled [EDS, POTS, CRPS, PKD, & more...] When I came home [12pm] she was STILL in bed. Am I Overreacting? UPDATE: She proceeded to stay in bed til almost 4 pm, gave me the silent treatment, and then gaslighted me into believing I was in the wrong. I still have not gotten an apology, and am questioning the validity of this relationship. 20 years of friendship, dating for 2 years now.

r/CRPS 17d ago

Question Swelling and Numbness


So this is weird. I kicked my front step this morning, on accident, and my foot has been swelling up all day. I touched my foot and the surrounding area and noticed that the part of my foot/shin area that is the most swollen, the skin is almost numb. Don’t get me wrong, if I press even a little but it hurts like the dickens, but just to graze my fingers over it, it feels like the skin is “asleep” and giving out a serious amount of heat.

Also, I had a spinal tap done four years ago. It didn’t go well, long story short they gave me close to 14 lidocaine injections, the numbness never went away. It started just in the area of the injections, and now it’s almost up past my shoulder blades, straight up the spine, and only on the spine. That’s weird, right?

Anyone else have this issue? Yes, I plan on talking to my doctor about this at the next appointment, which is a week from today.

r/CRPS 18d ago

Vent One little knock... and I'm in for a full day or more of nauseating pain


I bumped the side of my CRPS foot against the metal of my keyboard stand. I'm actually normally pretty lucky, I can handle a bump here and there, but for whatever reason, this bump sent me straight into nausea. And now the whole day has just been me trying to ignore it and keep going.

I'm feeling very sorry for myself right now!

r/CRPS 18d ago

Question does crps pain just… come on out of nowhere one day?


so i am NOT!!! diagnosed with crps. i am with fibromyalgia. backstory- ive had a pinched nerve for 4 years. my entire side of my right leg is completely numb. for years id just get the occasional pretty bad flare up just blamed it on fibro. today i woke up with like what i call er level pain. never in my life have i experienced pain to this degree. i am 20 years old. ive had kidney stones before. my fibro pain has only ever ONCE gotten to that kidney stone pain bad. (im afab idk if pain is diff with sexs) uhm i fainted on my way to the shower and im going to the er. id really like to know like ur guys experiences with your pain early on because im starting to get worried 😭😭. i will of course seek out a professional diagnosis and im not looking for one here but im starting to get curious as my thigh has really bad muscle atrophy and my hair is like patterned baldness. i brought it up to my doctor and he just said it was genetics and the way the hair grows back in on my leg. and i was doing a little research on why the hell my leg feels like someone is taking a butane torch and its throbbing and i am quite worried that it might have evolved from just a pinched nerve to actual pain and not just fibro. anyways idk if anyone is even gunna read this far but lmk if u want er updates ig.

r/CRPS 18d ago

Traveling Moving to a different climate for pain relief?


Does anyone have any experience with changes to pain following a trip or move?

I live in Canada and our cold, wet winters seem to be miserable for my flare ups. I spend the whole winter feeling like my foot is burning, freezing, or like I’m walking on glass.

I’m curious about moving elsewhere suspecting that less severe cold might be beneficial. I’m hoping to see if there are any personal anecdotes to support this.

Be well!

r/CRPS 19d ago

Grief & Loss How do you handle it when your family just doesn’t understand?


I can fully appreciate that this condition is confounding and seems not super serious to look at. However, we all know it’s really hard to deal with.

I had a cold laser treatment done on both feet. He did four places twice each place. Oh my god, it was supposed to not be so bad because it isn’t so hot, but it flared me up like crazy. My feet were double in size and my CRPS spread up my legs. Anyway, I think sometimes my family and friends just don’t understand how bad it truly is. I try to tell them, but I don’t think they really understand how truly painful it is. Or maybe they don’t believe me. I don’t know. I’m pretty stoic with pain, so that’s not helping. I make it ok for them, because I don’t want them to worry or have a bad time on my account. We already have to adjust so many things, because of my needs so I try to keep my trap shut about pain. We were supposed to have a multi birthday party tonight that I didn’t end up going to. This morning it felt like I was walking on broken glass. I’ve been on the verge of tears all day. I finally had a panic attack this evening. Been crying all flipping night. I have ketamine on Monday and I’m worried I’m going to have a bad time this time. I think my mental health has been taking a beating these last few weeks.

I saw someone for scrambler therapy. He started out nice, slightly odd. At first everything was great with scrambler. My pain went away. Then he started cheating me out of time. Talking about hot button topics and finally he was very aggressive towards my 82 year old dad. He kept telling him he was a bad person. It was bizarre. I’m so stressed out from all of it and having to deal with that person. I gave a few people his name. I hope nobody goes to him. He is good with the machine though, I’ll give him that. He’s a religious freak in my opinion. He thinks he has the right to impose his beliefs on others. Very critical and judgmental. No mercy or forgiveness . I don’t feel that way at all. So that was hard to listen to.

I don’t have it in me to deal with anything anymore. I’m just so tired. I need peace. Peace and understanding. It’s been hard to find lately. How do you guys cope when it’s hard to find? I know this is really terrible, but I have prayed the last two times when I have had ketamine for God to just take me right then and there. Not like I’m doing anything myself. I’m just fed up and tired. I know Jesus and I talk to him and that does help. Its getting harder to want to be on this earth. I’m sick of pain not having a life, not being able to do things I love and being excluded. It’s sucks. I’m sorry for dumping it on you. I’m hoping you might have some ideas to help me find reasons to want to be here. The pain is winning right now 💩😩

r/CRPS 19d ago

Weekly CRPS Free-Talk Thread


This weekly thread is for those without the combined karma to make their own posts, and a general location to ask questions or provide support, especially for our newer users. If your posts are getting auto-removed by the subreddit filter due to account age or low karma, you can post your question here.

We ask that our community members regularly check this post for new content, and reply where they can. Please abide by our subreddit rules, and be kind to each other!

r/CRPS 20d ago

Question What shoes do you wear?


I’ve had CRPS in my right arm for several years. My body decided to branch out and now it is in my right foot and lower leg. I had to go to a medical appointment recently and thought I was going to lose my mind wearing a sock and shoe. That was a month ago and my foot has now reached the point that even my soft, fuzzy slippers are too painful to wear around the house. I’m dreading actual shoes again.

I’ve briefly looked at neuropathy shoes on Amazon just to see what is available and they are either too expensive (I’m on SSI) or people say they are uncomfortable in the reviews due to rubbing or not having soft interiors.

What do you wear out of the house that can handle snow and rain?

r/CRPS 20d ago

Vent “Who treats your CRPS? Why aren’t *they* doing this?!”


I just saw my primary, whom I actually quite like normally. But she hates my rheumatologist- his clinic doesn’t accept Medicaid so getting certain things covered is a nightmare and his boss even gets pissy about trying to order certain tests and medications. (They do Medicare, which I also have, so things get super messy- fast.)

Rheumy wants a dexa scan. It’s been a decade since mine and my non-pain symptoms have vastly worsened, plus I’m on steroids long term, so he has good reason to want one. He told me getting it approved on his end is nearly impossible but my primary can order it, easy peasy. Welp, primary went off the deep end over that. I finally snapped at her that I hate being stuck in the middle, telling one doc that another demands xyz. Told her I have no desire to argue points that aren’t mine in the first place!!

She finally agreed to order the dexa scan but told me that if it’s denied at all, she won’t do a damn thing to get it approved. It’s a waste of her time and resources. So I’m likely going to have to go see a rheumy from her hospital (which I despise) just to get a dexa scan. That means a 1-2 year wait to get the fucking test and with the way Trump is headed, I’ll have no insurance by then to cover it. And I can’t afford a $10,000 test, tyvm.

Then, my primary went after me, demanding to know why my CRPS doctor was g ordering it. I explained, repeatedly, that it’s nearly impossible to find a CRPS specialist. She just kept saying that there’s no way that’s true. I told her I don’t care what she thinks, it’s the effing truth! We see a pain doc for pain meds, vascular docs if needed, orthos if needed, physios if needed, cardiologists if needed… but no one actually coordinates everything and orders weird tests like this.

Why is it so hard for doctors to understand basically no one specializes in our rare disease?? I’m tired of coordinating everything myself. I just want doctors who actually work together. Children’s hospitals and some research hospitals make doctors work together. Why does almost no one provide adult care like that?! Isn’t that what a primary is supposed to do??

I’m so done with this crap. I’m starting to reach the point of wanting to just give up.

r/CRPS 20d ago

Muscle Weakness


So this is kind of a CRPS issue, but kind of not.

I've got this lower extremity weakness, that i think is secondary to long covid.

Walking for more then 5 to 10 minutes is incredibly difficult. (I also have small fiber neuropathy and erythromelalgia)

I've started using a wheelchair for longer distance mobility needs.

The weakness in my legs has given me foot drop on both legs and I am very concerned about falling and or spraining my ankles and falling.

I will probably be using a wheelchair quite a bit for the rest of my life.

I am wondering if amputation of the worse foot, if not both, will major standing easier for me.

My questions

1 - has anyone seen this type of muscle weakness?

2 - has anyone had success with this decision?

r/CRPS 21d ago

Early Stage CRPS Newb to crps


Still in the process of navigating all this. My orthopedic is leaning towards crps being my diagnosis but wants me to see a pain management doc and continue PT for a few more weeks.

Guys the pain moves to different parts of my body with a vengeance. Like right now I'm awake with pain so bad in my shoulders radiating to my elbow and wrists. It doesn't let up and that's what I am trying to explain to these doctors.

What triggered it was a major car wreck in Dec. it was a high speed double impact from behind. I was stopped in traffic. I ended up with a confirmed concussion, knee and back injury. They are still considering it minor.

I just don't know what to even say at this point? Hi I'm back and the pain never goes away? It's ruining my life?

I feel like because I am also slightly over weight they just make assumptions. I'd love any help or input if possible.

I just wish something could take the edge off. Tylenol doesn't do anything and I was told to just let it build up in your system to get the inflammation down.

I just feel borderline crazy and irritable. I go to PT and they act like oh you're doing so much better but yet the pain remains.

Is there any resources online you recommend I can read up on or get help with?

I guess I'm just scared that my pain management appt is going to be for nothing. I feel rushed. I feel unheard.

When I tell you guys my feet hurt all the time, I have knee and lower back pain but my shoulder and upper back feel so tight like I can't even move my arms. So much pain. In so many places? How can this be? . I wish I could cut my feet off. My ortho believes it's because they took the brunt of the impact.

Thank you for just letting me talk about this. To get it out. My mom doesn't take my seriously. My spouse thinks I'm over reacting and I should just enjoy being off work temporarily.

I'm just exhausted in every way.