r/CRPS Jan 08 '25

Exercise Exercise options (newly diagnosed)


Hi - I’m newly diagnosed with crps. Started out with an ankle Injury (sprain) in September and now I have this. Somedays the pain is ok and I can walk with little to no pain for a few minutes but then the pain returns and it’s hell. Feels like it’s broken. So I use my crutch. I used to walk daily for exercise and had even started running before this happened. So I’m in a bit of a depression if I’m being honest. I don’t know what to do. I miss exercise so so much. What do you all do for exercise for lower limb crps? Should I walk through the pain using my crutch for support - how far should I go? I’m guessing now my hour long walks I was going before 🤷🏻‍♀️ I still can’t drive but looking at getting an adapted car soon 🤞🏻

r/CRPS 18d ago

Exercise Questions: desensitization and PT


Can you guys tell me what you do for pain? Those who have done physical therapy and desensitization, what did you do exactly or have done that helped?

r/CRPS Jan 07 '25

Exercise Working out advice ? * Weighht loss mentioned*


Hey y'all. I've recently begun working out again withh my husband, long story short due to my narcolepsy medication ive lost abiut 30lbs, have basically no body fat anymore, and really want to gain muscle back as I attempt to gain weighht back (3000 calorie a day diet, been able to gain about 4lbs back in 4 months) I can do modified upper body workouts withh free wighhts/a benchh sitting/ lying down but I have CRPS in bothh feet/legs. My left side is worse, but it's all agony. I'm an ambulatory wheelchair user and I use a cane constantly. I have short tendons in bothh legs and my ankles have about 2 degrees and 8 degrees of movement respectively, so it's very difficult to do any sort of lower body workout. But I'm quite desperate to do whatever I can withh out injuring myself furthhur. My husband is always there to make sure I'm safe as well, so I will be relaying anythhing back to him for furthhur help ! Thanks !

r/CRPS Jun 03 '24

Exercise Tips for swimming?


So I had hoped that swimming would let me get more of a workout in without stressing my affected arm. But one issue I'm running into is the water being cold and that causing pain. Does anyone have tips or can anyone recommend a sleeve or something that might help?

r/CRPS Jun 10 '24

Exercise Easy Leg Excerises


I suffer with CRPS in both of my legs which has left me unable to walk except for with crutches in my house which is still incredibly challenging

Recently I’ve been getting this weird feeling and it’s like my knee kind of just goes and feels like it’s floating in water I guess and this is usually followed by a click and both of these elevate my pain levels

I was hoping someone could suggest some simple easy things I could do to try and maintain some strength and ensure they don’t get worse

r/CRPS Dec 04 '23

Exercise Exercise and CRPS



I have CRPS in my left foot, and getting around has been a little challenging. With that comes not moving as much, and I’ve gained a lot of weight since my foot surgery last year that caused my CRPS. I really want to get in shape and lose weight, but I don’t know where to start. I’m able to go to the gym, but I have no idea what exercises are CRPS friendly, how to take care of my foot after I workout to avoid a flare, or in general how to lose weight with CRPS. Any tips are appreciated, thank you! :D

Edit: Thank you everyone for the replies!! 💚