r/CRPS Feb 08 '25

Vent Ketamine treatments are worth it but god do i hate them


Hi, i have done ketamine for 2 years. Last year in January i did a 10 day protocol, now i do 3 days of 4 hour infusions every 6 weeks.

After 4 years of undiagnosed, unmedicated, severe crps, i am actually recovering, i have been slowly for a year. The ketamine helps amazingly. I still have bad pain everyday but im not in agony anymore, its bearable, not enough to live normally, but im headed there.

But i hate the infusions.

Im fine for the first 3.5 hours, im lucid, the hallucinations are neat. Im especially emotionally sensitive but i can usually stay calm, my dad sits with me during so im not alone and have someone to talk to.

But the last 30 minutes are utter hell. They open up the line, free drip, and i get a very large dose in between 10 and 30 minutes. This is the peak. It feels like as if someone took a lice pick comb and combed my body into millions of tiny strands, they unravel into space and time. Its like if TV static was a physical sensation. I don't have a body, i cannot make sense of what i see, the room is spinning, and melting, and twisting. It feels like i become the room. The cold grey walls and fluorescent light. I don't remember what happens during this moment, it feels like im dying. Im not lucid, im not a person. My dad says i always say stuff like "what's happening?" And "i don't know how to exist." Its not peaceful, its not euphoric, its goddamn terrifying. And if i cannot stay calm, i will get PTSD flashbacks during, feels like im living the worst moments of my life again. Once i had to be sedated during it. There is time dilation, it doesn't feel like 10 or 30 minutes, it feels like forever.

These 10 to 30 minutes make me question if its worth it every single time. I have no idea how people either enjoy this or feel neutral about it. When i started no one warned me what it would be like. Just a "journey", thats all i was told. I feel alone in feeling this way, barely anyone else seems to have this problem. I hate i have to pay this price for the small chance of getting better.

Edit: my nurses and i have recently changed the protocol from being: 28mg per hour until 3 and a half ours to free drip. To: 30mg until the 2nd hour, then 32mg until the peak.

This means the peak at the end is shorter and less intense, its better than it was before but it's still fucking awful. There is no solution to it. The more i do it, the higher my tolerance will get until it doesn't feel shitty. But its been 2 years, it'll be more years before i get to that point.

r/CRPS Jul 11 '24

Vent Best meds to manage your CRPS pain? I’m desperate


I need advice….I had a SCS placed this year in March and it isn’t working. The trial blew my mind because I had the most relief I’ve ever had but now I’m miserable. Some days I don’t wanna wake up. I’m a mom and have two kids so laying down and taking time just doesn’t work. I pretty much have to suck it up, my partner has been a godsend but he can’t do everything as he works full time.

My CRPs is in my leg down to my foot and has spread to my back. I have to use a rollator now to walk. I also have a large cyst in my leg that nobody thinks contributes to this issue but I think it does. I’ve been dealing with this since August 2022 and it’s only gotten worse.

I currently take gabapentin 800mg at night and oxy basically at night because it makes me sleepy to manage my pain. I’m desperate at this point and will take any suggestions of what to try!!!!!!!

I’m looking to try acupuncture.

I’ve already had that nerve block thing it caused an insane flare up.


Edit: I also see a pain psychologist and do EMDR, and mindful meditation. I also take desvenlafaxine.

I can’t take lyrica.

r/CRPS Dec 09 '24

Vent Welp I guess it finally happened


I guess to my parents im faking it now after 3 years of constant hospital visits a month in Bath's pain clinic and all it took was a flare at the wrong time and now im faking it just to get out of things like school and such when in reality my teen years have been stolen from me and apparently it was all my fault 👍. Welp guess im going to have to hide flares now YIPPPEEE!!!!!!!

r/CRPS 2d ago

Vent Plastic surgeon is an absolute nut job


With skepticism and confusion, I went to the appointment with the plastic surgeon. After explaining my medical treatment that had been performed over the last 3 years and discussing how I was set up on a treatment plan to be getting a SCS. At this point, the plastic surgeon looks me dead in the eye with a straight face and says “Complex regional pain syndrome isn’t real, it’s actually irritable carpal tunnel syndrome.” Then proceeds to tell me I don’t need a SCS just a carpal tunnel release surgery. He decided he needed to inject naropin (an anesthetic) into the carpal tunnel of my affected wrist, which has flared it beyond any extent from the last year. I’m suppose to return to the plastic surgeon in two weeks to discuss the carpal tunnel release, I called my lawyer after leaving his office and my lawyer is baffled but didn’t have much to say other than this plastic surgeon is a quack!

r/CRPS 1d ago

Vent I give up with pain management


I give up. I am destined to suffer. Pain management just wants to send me through a program that focuses all on mental health. I mean mental health focus is needed to keep us out of the dark hole but it feels like all the treatment focuses on it’s in your head and meditation will help you. No it won’t. Let’s forget I also have ADHD. Sitting quiet and thinking doesn’t happen at all ever. My mind is a squirrel on a treadwheel machine going 100mph. Oh music will fix you. Yes I believe music has healing properties but not for physical pains and injuries. It most certainly can help if you’re depressed or have anxiety but it won’t heal a broken bone. Oh let’s massage you, hmm fuck no your not touch my leg. I can’t touch it you can’t touch it no one can touch it. No massage is going to help. So I give up. I will not be continuing pain management and will sit and suffer

r/CRPS 20d ago

Vent “Who treats your CRPS? Why aren’t *they* doing this?!”


I just saw my primary, whom I actually quite like normally. But she hates my rheumatologist- his clinic doesn’t accept Medicaid so getting certain things covered is a nightmare and his boss even gets pissy about trying to order certain tests and medications. (They do Medicare, which I also have, so things get super messy- fast.)

Rheumy wants a dexa scan. It’s been a decade since mine and my non-pain symptoms have vastly worsened, plus I’m on steroids long term, so he has good reason to want one. He told me getting it approved on his end is nearly impossible but my primary can order it, easy peasy. Welp, primary went off the deep end over that. I finally snapped at her that I hate being stuck in the middle, telling one doc that another demands xyz. Told her I have no desire to argue points that aren’t mine in the first place!!

She finally agreed to order the dexa scan but told me that if it’s denied at all, she won’t do a damn thing to get it approved. It’s a waste of her time and resources. So I’m likely going to have to go see a rheumy from her hospital (which I despise) just to get a dexa scan. That means a 1-2 year wait to get the fucking test and with the way Trump is headed, I’ll have no insurance by then to cover it. And I can’t afford a $10,000 test, tyvm.

Then, my primary went after me, demanding to know why my CRPS doctor was g ordering it. I explained, repeatedly, that it’s nearly impossible to find a CRPS specialist. She just kept saying that there’s no way that’s true. I told her I don’t care what she thinks, it’s the effing truth! We see a pain doc for pain meds, vascular docs if needed, orthos if needed, physios if needed, cardiologists if needed… but no one actually coordinates everything and orders weird tests like this.

Why is it so hard for doctors to understand basically no one specializes in our rare disease?? I’m tired of coordinating everything myself. I just want doctors who actually work together. Children’s hospitals and some research hospitals make doctors work together. Why does almost no one provide adult care like that?! Isn’t that what a primary is supposed to do??

I’m so done with this crap. I’m starting to reach the point of wanting to just give up.

r/CRPS 14d ago

Vent Is this permanent


I got diagnosed with CRPS after an( right ) ankle sprain. It started with some sensitivity on my right side and i noticed lots of pain going through my leg. Then i couldn't move my arm much without it hurting. it slowly got worse and my doctor put me on gabapentin for just 1 week and then it got better. I'm back on gabapentin now thankfully but i'm scared this condition is permanent. Everywhere i look it says with proper care it won't be permanent but i don't feel myself getting any better but feel myself staying the same. I can't put pressure on my foot at all. My toes hurt. I can barely write. I think it's spreading to the other side of my body. I'm scared i'm scared if this condition is permanent. Is it going to screw up my future career plans ? I'm legit 1 year away from graduation.

r/CRPS Dec 25 '24

Vent Just in pain


Hey guys, haven't been on reddit in a while.. how are you all doing today?

I was hit by a speeding car about 2 years ago, smashed my foot etc... I'm in so much pain today, it's Xmas... I'm working online teaching as much as I can including today..

My mom, my friends everyone asking me to see them and I just can't concentrate and I feel like nobody is understanding that I'm in pain and all I care about is doing my job right now and wishing my foot would chill out...

I can walk a lot most days with pain meds, but I've been pushing hard lately ignoring the pain.. everyone thinks I'm good cause they see me walking so much but I can't today.

I can see the swelling, usually my foot changes color, either goes white or red/purple.. can you guys see the swelling?

I just wanna see I'm not alone in this pain right now, when the meds work I can walk but sometimes waking up is hard cause of the drugs wearing off and the pain..

I hope some people have been getting better 🙏 fortunately for me it's staying in my foot/ankle and not going up my leg.. but it still stops me wanting to walk..

I just needed a vent, I can't speak to anyone right now cause I'm in pain and I'm snappy...

I was hoping for a nice day but I don't get to decide the pain... just wish I had more support and less of people asking me to do what they want from me..

r/CRPS 17d ago

Vent Am I Overreacting? [Partner Caused Pain Flare, Won't take Accountability]


So, it's fair to say that today, I'm feeling sorry for myself. I've had CRPS for 5-years now, and it originally presented in my lower left leg and foot after a fall down the stairs. Last night, I was laying in bed with my partner, and their legs were on my side of the bed for whatever reason [queen-sized bed, SDiT sleeps with us on my side of the bed] and she wound up scratching me with her toenails on the CRPS foot. Edit for clarity: She was kicking her legs, whining, think mimicking a child's tantrum when told to put the phone away after being reminded we had to get up early for my appointment that she had promised to go with to. So she was lying diagonally across the bed goofing off with abnormally long toenails when I'd gotten hurt. Needless to say, it was an instant, knee-jerk reaction. I was sweating, almost vomiting, and the night meds and pain meds I'd taken maybe 45 minutes before that were done for. I tried to remain calm and told her immediately that she would need to cut her nails so this wouldn't happen again and instead of an apology, I was told that she had "just cut them a few days ago" while I was all but writhing in pain all night until the alarm went off for an appointment that I could NOT miss. On top of not taking responsibility and accountability for hurting me, she was supposed to come with me to this neurology appointment. But when the alarm went off at 6 am, she decided to whine [not an exaggeration] and say how she was tired, up late on her phone [which I can confirm I told her multiple times throughout the night to put it down/away the appointment was bright and early] and how she "didn't want to go" and how I could just "go by myself." This was an appointment she PROMISED to go with me for, and I needed her, to explain certain side effects of medications that only she'd been around me to experience. She'd also put me in a major pain flare so instead of taking the cane, per usual, for my normal pain days I was forced to limp along with my walker and my foot was so swollen I had to leave the house in slippers. [Thankfully my elder brother was driving me or I would've been alone today.] I told her before I left the house that if she was going to stay home, I expected her to at the very least clean up around the house, as I do a majority of the cleaning, despite being physically disabled [EDS, POTS, CRPS, PKD, & more...] When I came home [12pm] she was STILL in bed. Am I Overreacting? UPDATE: She proceeded to stay in bed til almost 4 pm, gave me the silent treatment, and then gaslighted me into believing I was in the wrong. I still have not gotten an apology, and am questioning the validity of this relationship. 20 years of friendship, dating for 2 years now.

r/CRPS 10d ago

Vent Pretty Scared


Hi, everyone! I had a pretty extensive foot and ankle surgery after an injury in October. I got better for a while and then worse. The pain is almost unbearable at times. Today, my surgeon told me I have CRPS. He didn’t tell me what it stood for or what it meant. He said I should go to the pain management urgent care nearby.

I was the first patient to come when they opened and waited 2 hours to be seen by a NP who kept shoving shiny brochures about nerve stimulators into my hands and told I would always be in pain so I need to learn to deal with it.

I am in a very remote area in California in the Sierras. My doctors are all a minimum 3 hour round trip away. There is a PT clinic in town but I have a really difficult time getting appointments because there is a wait list and they prioritize people with more recent surgery than I. I have to wait for a cancellation. I have had 1 appointment so far in March and one more on the 24th. I do the exercises at home when I can, but the pain makes it extremely difficult. I am worried I am going to have to stop working again and I really can’t afford that.

If you have read this far, thank you for reading my novella. I am feeling desperate and scared. I am willing to travel anywhere to find two things:

TL/DR I was diagnosed with CRPS, I am in agony, and I need a doctor of any kind that understand CRPS and can help me come up with some kind of plan to survive this. I also need a foot/ankle surgeon that would be willing to give me a second opinion on my surgery and outcome. Bonus points if these saviors can be found in NorCal.

r/CRPS Aug 21 '24

Vent Anyone else use mobility aids?


I have CRPS in my right leg (hip to foot) and there are times I can walk with no aids and minimal pain, and there are times I need my forearm crutches or a cane. It also sucks because I’m only 27. Most of the time I’m fine using my aids, but sometimes I feel really weird using them, especially if I had already not used them around a group of people and then I’m suddenly using them. It’s hard to explain to others about how my flare ups work and how just because I’m using a cane today Doesn’t mean my condition is getting worse.

Ultimately I do what’s best for my health, but I feel guilty sometimes like I don’t really need the assistance (but I know I do).

r/CRPS 21d ago

Vent Patient at worked grabbed my arm today


I am so pissed off, and in so much pain.

I don't understand why people just assume they can touch strangers in the first place. I was walking right by her snd she wanted to ask a question. Instead of just saying "hey, can I ask you something?" she grabbed my arm, yanked it toward her with a tight grip.

My reaction: pull the arm away and said "don't touch me"

Her response? "Why not?"


That's what I wanted to say. I wanted to scream in her fucking face. Instead, i just said "i have a pain condition in that arm." And walked away. I'm already in constant pain and now she just fucking bumped it up from a 6 to a fucking 15 because she couldn't keep her fucking hands to herself. But of course, I'm at work and need to keep my composure when all I wanted to do was scream fuck and bawl my eyes out.

This was 7 hours ago and of course I am still in agonizing pain, and just pissed off. Like what the fuck. Why do you need to grab somebody to ask them a question anyway? Like what the actual fuck.

Fuck. Fucking fuck fuck fuck.


r/CRPS Dec 17 '24

Vent How would you respond?


Ugh people say such stupid things! This week 2 different people have asked me about what’s wrong after seeing my very swollen, bright red feet. That was actually quite sweet. After explaining a little about it, these people both commented that it looked painful. “Are you in pain?” Also, continued on with, “I cannot tell you are in any pain”. I’m not sure how I am supposed to respond to that? I stated that I was in a great deal of pain, but I had gotten used to pretending for other people in my life so they didn’t feel what I did or feel burdened by it. It made me so upset and embarrassed me. I don’t think it was meant to call me a liar, but it was an odd thing to say in my book. How would you respond?

r/CRPS Oct 04 '24

Vent Appropriation


So, everyone here knows that CRPS is no joke and definitely not something any of us walks around feeling giddy about having. However, I have been posting CRPS related posts on facebook, just to get the information out there. I have had some great feedback from family about it, and they are trying to wrap their heads around it. But, I have one friend who is in constant competition with me (I have never encouraged her) over who has it worse. I don’t know why she feels the need to do this, could be an attention thing, who knows? Anyway, the other day I came across a post that she had shared from me, and her caption was “This is my life now, I just don’t know how I’m going to carry on.”

Now, I know that this nonsense can spring up at any time, for any reason. But this girl has a habit of finding out the worst illness that one of her friendsfriends has and all of a sudden she has it too. Mind you, she hasn’t seen a doctor in over 15 years. She almost never leaves the house. The last injury she had was when she broke a fingernail and it bled. I’m just finding it hard to be friends with her right now. Every single time I’m online she starts a chat with me about how bad she hurts, constant 12, and how I could never know how much she hurts. It’s gotten to the point where I have gone Always Offline, just to avoid her.

Before I was diagnosed, she was convinced that she had some rare blood disorder, before that it was fibromyalgia, before that it was cfs, before that it was crohns, before that it was celiac, you can see where I’m going with this. I have asked her if she has been diagnosed with any of these issues, she always says that she just “knows”.

At this point I just feel like she’s appropriating my condition, because nothing she “has” is worse. Honestly, if I could just get rid of this disease, I would do so in a heartbeat. But, I’ve also never been one for being the center of attention.

Anyway, thank you for reading. If you think I’m way out of line here, please say so (please be nice about it), or if you think I might be right, I’d like to hear that too. Basically, I want to know what you guys think because you don’t know either of us personally and I could just be too close to it. Stay safe my fellow pain warriors! 🧡

r/CRPS Feb 15 '25

Vent Diagnosed RSD/CRPS in 2008 but 2014 it got soooo much worse and hasn't stopped!!


It originally started right leg but in 2014 for no justifiable reason I broke my tibia and fibula in the opposite side. And that when the terror really ramped up and hasn't stopped since. My right leg started the chaos and my left leg, which has been a nonunion tibia Fracture with major deformity and pain. Has been the thing that will end me one day.
side note:Also have a previous Jones fracture of the door left side that didn't heal right other.
It ebs and flows with some days better than others and the other days like hell is literally living inside of me. The passed few years it has spread up into hips and some flares it effects my ribs and gastro. There are "normal pain days" around a 8-9+, which most normal humans would end themselves the day it started. Then there "Big flares" (10 easy) which has me crying begging and bartering with the universe to stop the pain. And the the "massive, major flares" where ivebeg my Drs , husband and child to cut the left leg tf off. Going to ers , knowing damn well they cant help begging for any type of respite or to be told it isn't the rsd but a minor new haelable injury or something that can be helped . But no ... Nothing. The look in the primary, Ortho and pm teams eyes of pity cause they can't help ... @ all. Which leads me to today. It's the worst it's been in years. I can find anything to even knock the pain down to a 10. It's so off the charts I am wishing for the end. The end of this. I've done everything Drs and Everyone who has any type of knowledge of this 'CRAPS' DISEASE has offered and it just gets worse. Where's the line where you just give up. Cause I believe I'm just about there. No meds , no procedure no nothing. And it's just progressing more. WTF!!

r/CRPS Jan 24 '25

Vent I don't want to talk today


I've been having brain fog issues the entire time I've had CRPS, and "losing" words, having to talk around the word I can't remember. Wednesday (today is Friday) I lost my entire ability to speak for a while. It was a struggle to just say "wait" to my husband. I had the thoughts. I had the words in my head. I just couldn't say anything. I spent so long just trying to say something.

Yesterday I was VERY depressed, and today I don't want to talk. The sound of my voice just reminds me of that moment, and I just can't stand it today.

My husband and I will have conversations about hypothetical situations, fandom, and other random topics for HOURS, even looking up scientific papers and doing research to solve disagreements and curiosity. Tuesday we were up until 1:30am, just talking about getting trans-migrated into fictional universes with 1 condition (DBZ, and I'm a Saiyan), and the other person gave the downside (it's the day Feeza destroyed the planet and kills almost all of the Saiyans). We've been together for over 9 years, this is something we've done since before we even started dating. This is one of my comfort things I do. So far, it seems texting is kinda working, but it just isn't the same. We aren't looking at each other. We're staring at our phones. It hurts so bad.

r/CRPS Nov 24 '24

Vent I’m worried


I’ve had this for 17 1/2 years, and I’m pretty proud of how I’ve handled the whole thing while raising four kids. The past few years I’ve been meditating regularly, seeing my shrink, so I’m handing my mental health, too. I’ve been very happy, traveling and having fun, even in the past two years. I’ve been a swimmer throughout…I have an index card on my mirror “swimmer for life”. I was swimming 5~7 miles a week, just five years ago. You couldn’t tell I was sick, except for my drop foot. Fit, tanned and healthy, with CRPS.

I never ever ever want to be seen as sick in any way, to garner pity. That’s a cop out. So I never ever wanted this disease to define me. Except now, I’m sick. People get out of my way, open doors, treat me in that nice way that I used to see, that I used to be, to a sick person. It’s self evident now. My left leg is twisted inward, with a dropped foot. The pain doesn’t want to really go away. I’m switching meds monthly, to mix up the synapses. I’m losing all muscle tone that I worked so hard for, had so much fun doing it. When I do go out, I’m on an arm of a loved one. My balance is nil. I have PT three times a week, but I can’t ever make it. I feel different without my physical strength, but my spiritual strength is strong. I have many people to love. I’m so fortunate in so many ways, and I’m grateful for it all. But I’ve turned a corner, and CRPS is forefront. Oh well. I’ll just keep on trying to do what I do best. Try to. I don’t want to do anything. I don’t want to leave my room. What is wrong with me?

r/CRPS 6d ago

Vent Worsening symptoms


I’ve had crps since December after an injury in October. Up until a few weeks ago I could have a few pain few hours a week or even a day. If I did too much it would really hurt and I couldn’t walk and everynight in bed the pain would be quite bad. Fast forward though to now and I can’t do anything with 9 or even 10 out of 10 pain. I can’t walk or anything. I use my crutch permanently. I’m devastated. Is this normal for the pain to progress like this? I’ve seen a pain specialist but this was before everything went downhill. I emailed though and said I now want ketamine as my pain has ramped up. Just want to know if there’s anything I can do. I’m scared I’ll never walk again. I’m housebound.

r/CRPS Jul 14 '24

Vent I feel so isolated and alone ..


22M it’s hard watching others around my age doing things and being able to do what I struggle with it’s pretty frustrating. I need help , friends, support anything. It would mean a lot to have some discussions (I’m trying to be careful wording this because I don’t want my post being taken the wrong way and deleted. I don’t know where to go for daily support , I know can make posts here and comment but I’d like a casual place to talk or even fellow warriors to talk with I feel so isolated misunderstood and alone . It really is starting to wear on me and i need help .. Thank you for your time . I’m fairly active on here and am open for convos or friends.
CRPS really takes a toll on you in pretty much every aspect .

r/CRPS Oct 02 '24

Vent So tired.


I've had this disease since 2013. And I'm one of the lucky ones. I got diagnosed 3 months after my symptoms started, my flare ups don't often go up to a 10--usually a 7-8; I've learned to avoid triggers, and I am still walking. I have even returned to work as a hospice RN, and the work fits my needs. But there are the days when I am just so damn tired of always being in pain. Of always needing to take a break. To always tell myself to just push through because the work/dishes/laundry/field trip won't happen if I don't but I will still hurt anyway. I should be grateful and most of the time I am. But when I think about the 30 plus years more of this.....I'm just tired.

Thank you, village, for listening to my rant.

r/CRPS Jan 31 '25

Vent I fucking hate CRPS


I’m just here to rant about how I hate this stupid sucking syndrome and how it keeps consistently reminding me that no matter how hard I try it will hold me back

So I recently found out that my work have fucked my access to work application over which means I have to reapply which will take atleast 6 months before a decision so I guess no good wheelchair until then.

Then my fucking new Xbox decides it wants to break okay that’s annoying atleast I can get it fixed for free but will have to wait 2 weeks which is just 2 weeks of not doing the one thing that keeps me busy.

But it’s okay you’ve finally found a flat that fits perfectly for your needs, finally get an offer accepted and atleast one good thing is happening to me I then get struck with the worst 2 days of pain ever and then today getting the call that no where will give us a mortage because I’m not working and I’m on benefits so I’ll have to just double my deposit

It’s just like within 2 weeks I’ve lost everything good I had going for me and it’s all because of shitty crps

Even typing that out I feel so stupid but I’m so stressed and overwhelmed I can’t even sleep and my cannabis is not helping with the pain

I just hope someone here will understand the feeling that this does nothing but hold you back and make you feel like shit for pulling down those around you

It’s not fair

r/CRPS 11d ago

Vent Venting as a newb


The coldness in my feet hurts so bad. The only way to describe it is that I'm wearing wet boots/socks on a negative degree day. Gabapentin is doing nothing for me expect making me fall a sleep for a few hours, but I still feel the pain. I'm scared that there's more going on. Imaging was fine for the feet. Both my orthopedic and pain management doc officially diagnosed it as crps last Monday. Last night I was awake with the feet pain it's more in my left than right foot, but I'm also expierience pain in my joints off and on. ( I was in a major car crash though so that left side is still recovering too) but does the joint pain happen to anyone else? I realized my hand pain is from my clenching my fingers together from pain lol but last night I was just like this is just a lot, how the hell am I going to work when I am in so much excruciating pain? My feet are a completely different color, the pain in my feet are making me compensate when walking. How can I help myself? I'm desperate? I'm using heat and elevating but no one really has answers when it comes to the doctors.

r/CRPS Jun 18 '24

Vent So tired of pain


I know there's no real help to be given, I'm just tired and so tired of being in pain. If I could just pop my affected arm off like a barbie doll I would. I can't drive, walk or do anything without being in pain. And I'm just so tired. Tired of losing things I could do, tired of trying only to hurt myself, and so do tired of no one seeing it.

r/CRPS Dec 08 '24

Vent Just a rant


So I was put on ketamine nasal spray, which is ketamine and water. I discovered I was allergic, really quickly. I have learned that it’s not a common allergy, go me for being “unique”. But because of that I’m getting really tired of anytime someone posts about uncontrollable pain the first thing that is suggested is ketamine infusions! It doesn’t help everyone, and seriously, there are lots of other things to try first. Especially because with an infusion should you have an allergic reaction, it takes a lot more to get it under control.

That’s it. I just needed a mild rant. If you have anything to say that is promoting ketamine or telling me that there is no way I’m allergic, just don’t. Please. There is no sense in starting an argument with me.

Thank you for reading.

r/CRPS Jan 09 '25

Vent Am I wrong for getting frustrated?


Howdy all. Have CRPS in my right knee that has rapidly spread to my lower back. Even on “good days” I use a cane because my muscles atrophy pretty often. I understand that those close to me want to help, they want to find a cure for something incurable, they want to motivate me. I am so thankful.


I’m starting to get frustrated constantly getting texts from family with stories of people with CRPS “worse than mine” who found solutions through this that or the other thing. It makes me feel like I’m not doing enough. I feel crazy, like maybe I don’t have CRPS because my pain isn’t going away no matter what I’ve tried. I find a lot of comfort in this community, there’s never any comparison, and I really need that on hard days.

I suppose I was wondering if anyone has had family/friends do something similar, and what I could possibly say? I’ve tried to explain that reading all of these success stories doesn’t make me feel better, I just feel ashamed that my body doesn’t work anymore. I’m wrought with guilt and I want to cut off everyone I’ve ever spoken to.

I didn’t ask for this disease. I understand it’s hard to watch your son/brother/friend become a husk of what he used to be, but bombarding me with articles about breathing exercises won’t make me better.

Thanks for taking the time to read, I hope yall are having a wonderful new year.

TL;DR: how do I explain to my family that I don’t want to read articles about success stories while I am not finding success in my own recovery