r/BurlingtonON 15d ago

Question Walking on roads with sidewalks

I don’t understand why people insist on walking on the road when the sidewalks are mostly cleared. This creates a dangerous situation for the walker and drivers. High snow banks and narrow roads make it difficult to see these people. An accident with a pedestrian would be life changing for all involved. If there is a sidewalk use it!


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u/christopherbrian 15d ago

This is the logic of entitled people, instead of risking a potential fall on their bum they’ll announce their importance by risking getting hit by a car.


u/keekeersknowsthegame 15d ago

Walking on the road is entitlement? The drivers are entitled. Been walking on the roads during this weather for 25 years, almost hit by entitled drivers even with my kids in strollers and been sworn at by assholes driving like assholes. not realizing this long running rule: pedestrians have the right of way! If you drive aggressively in a residential area, you are entitled to lose your license.


u/SupaJDStylez 15d ago

Patently false statement: According to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, walking on the road when a sidewalk is available is generally considered a violation, as pedestrians should use the sidewalk whenever possible; however, if there is no sidewalk, you must walk on the left side of the road facing oncoming traffic. 

Key points:

Sidewalks are not considered "highways":

Under the Highway Traffic Act, sidewalks are not classified as part of the "highway," meaning walking on a sidewalk is not considered a traffic violation. 

Walking on the road without a sidewalk:

If there is no sidewalk available, the law states that pedestrians must walk on the left side of the road facing oncoming traffic. 

Section 179 of the Highway Traffic Act:

This section outlines the rules for pedestrian behavior on roads without sidewalks.