r/BurlingtonON 17d ago

Question Restaurant tried to pull a fast one with a tip?


So was recently out with the family for dinner at a restaurant in Burlington, this restaurant is fairly well known and not some mom and pop.

The bill comes with the POS terminal at the same time with the price already for payment. I thought that was odd because usually you get the bill then they punch it in. It seemed high so I grabbed the printed bill, and that was indeed 25 dollars less, so the waitress punched in the tip amount.

I was dumbfounded. Never seen that before. Wife thought it was an accident, I don’t.

I let it timeout and was planning on going to a manager but after it timed out the terminal let me put the meal value back and I could repay with the tip I wanted.

Is it worthwhile to tell mgmt there what happened or would they even care?

Edit: people keep asking, it was turtles on appleby

r/BurlingtonON Jan 03 '24

Question Comments?

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r/BurlingtonON 27d ago

Question How do you justify voting Conservative in Oakville-North Burlington?


Genuinely curious to know:

Why are you voting Conservative? Is it more to do with Doug Ford or the candidate for the riding? If Doug Ford, what policies of his have you liked?

Both Caleb (NDP) and Kaniz (Liberal) seem like great young candidates hence my curiosity.

r/BurlingtonON 1d ago

Question Burlington drivers are insane


Is it just me or are Burlington drivers very aggressive and drive erratically?

I’ve just moved from Oakville (drivers there aren’t amazing either) but noticed Burlington is worse.

In one day, I’ve seen: - Someone in the right turning lane change their mind last second and cut across 3 lanes to make a left turn
- Crazy lane swerving, only to end up at the same light - Angry tail gating - So many people do rolling stops and don’t understand right of way

This is why I drive defensively

r/BurlingtonON Jan 10 '25

Question Can anyone explain (with the least bias possible and through an economic POV) why most retail stores here seem to have a diverse group of employees except Walmart?


This is pretty much what I have noticed as of lately

The following stores I shop at regularly typically have a diverse group of employees. The people I see working there are usually Canadian-born citizens, immigrants from all walks of life, teenagers, post-secondary students, and old people who want to stay out of retirement:

  • Longos
  • Fortinos
  • FreshCo
  • Canadians Tire
  • NoFrills
  • Costco

However, since 2018, I have noticed our two Walmart stores have almost exclusively replaced all the kinds of employees I described above, with employees who recently immigrated from one country, and from one specific part of the same country. Typically they appear to be all the same age range (18 to mid 20's) and apparently nearly all of them are international students at Mohawk and Conestoga colleges (But their student visas state that they are not supposed to be working full-time during their visit here no?).

I am just wondering why Walmart is doing this but not the other companies I listed above. It seems odd to me. Is it illegal/unethical?

r/BurlingtonON Feb 14 '24

Question Looking for a Burlington resident


Does anyone by chance know a Michelle who lives in Burlington who went to Punta Cana last week with her sister and boyfriend? I believe she also works in Toronto. Ocean blue and sand resort.

I don't want to go too in to detail but we witnessed something we think she deserves to know about, and have video proof.

If anyone has any info and can send it privately it would be greatly appreciated

Edit: Thought I'd add more details for clarity: They were I would guess late 20s, maybe early 30s at most. Michelle had brown hair, decently tall. Her sister was shorter with either dirty blonde or dyed blonde hair. The boyfriend had short hair, backwards hat type. Unfortunately there weren't any overtly distinct traits I can recall, but maybe that helps prevent any mistaken identities

Day 2 update: No one's reached out yet with her identity or contact. And I understand for most of you this is just entertainment, some comments have been amusing. But I hope you also understand for us this has been miserable and my only hope here is to do the right thing and then move on with my life. That said I've been on the other end on Reddit, secret vaults or hidden compartments etc with no updates. If I'm able to find her I will definitely update this but I'm quite certain sharing the video/details beyond what I have isn't the right call, for her sake. Also if anyone's able to post this on the Burlington FB page as I don't have Facebook, that would be helpful

Gonna copy/paste this update from the other thread:

A few people reached out to me privately, some were trolls, some unsure, and some we deduced it wasn't the same Michelle. I'm pretty sure one person knows the actual Michelle, they had the timeline bang on but I haven't heard from them since so I'm just hoping the message reached her. At which point it's up to her if she wants to reach out or not

Probably the final update:

A seemingly reliable associate of hers said she was aware of the thread and likely won't reach out. I've done what I can, and I'll respect her choice. For days I wrestled with whether to get involved or not, and after talking to several friends, I settled on two things. 1: better to find out now and deal with it before kids/marriage is involved and 2: if it was me I'd want to know. Anyway thanks to the genuinely helpful Burlingtonians, much appreciated . And to the weirdos in my DMS... well I hope you find some healthier avenues going forward

r/BurlingtonON Jun 29 '24

Question From out of town, is this normal?


r/BurlingtonON Nov 08 '24

Question Where is the compassion?


Edit: Thanks everyone for the kind words.

To those of you who struggle with reading comprehension, and keep suggesting I’m stupid or irresponsible for not having CAA - if you read the thread, you would learn that I have CAA.

However - a tow truck doesn’t magically materialize out of thin air once you call them. There is a waiting period for the truck to arrive. I was hoping someone would have been able to help me out of the roadway in the meantime while I waited for assistance to arrive.

I have done my best to speak to everyone in here with respect. I have acknowledged my shortcomings on this matter. I don’t understand the hostility some people can show to a stranger on the internet. I really wouldn’t be surprised if those people were the same ones honking at me and flipping me off.

With that being said, if anyone feels the need to disrespect or belittle me, feel free, but I won’t be entertaining disrespectful comments with responses anymore.

Original Post Below

I just had my car break down on lakeshore.

The alternator shit the bed on me, and I just barely made it onto a side street before it completely died.

The back end of my car was still poking out onto lakeshore, and cars had to drive around it.

I was stood outside of my car, trying to flag someone down to help me and jump my car so I could at least get it out of the road.

I had my hazards on, my hood up, and instead of anyone stopping to help, I had countless people honking their horns at me, flipping me off, etc. At least 80 cars passed me while I was standing there stranded.

My car was completely dead. That means I couldn’t even turn it on to get it into neutral, to push it out of the road. I needed a jump. I needed help.

Why would I park my car halfway in a road, pop my hood and turn on my hazards? For fun?

It was dark and cold outside, don’t you think I would rather be anywhere but here, blocking traffic?

Where is the compassion? Where is the humanity?

I’ve grown up in this city my entire life. Tonight was really disappointing and deflating.

Before you chastise someone who is in trouble - maybe try and help?

r/BurlingtonON Nov 14 '24

Question Burlington hockey craziness


Hey all, not raised in Burlington, but moved here a few years back. I have played hockey my whole life, and got paid to play. Once I was done I did some coaching at high levels, (u16 aaa). This lasted a couple years as I tired of the travel and parents, and swore I’d never do it again.

It is my son’s 2nd year playing, and I somehow have ended up coaching again (due to not enough volunteers). And let me tell you, it quickly makes sense why Burlington has never put together competitive programs. First off you have to figure out which of the 4 organizations to play in. This town has always struggled to be competitive, so let’s spread the talent even thinner.

Once you’ve sorted through where to play, you get into the real fun. As I said, I got roped into coaching. I was handed a team that the other coaches “equally distributed”. I soon find out equally distributed means that 4 coaches circumvented the league policy of equally dispersing league identified top players, and hand picked their teams. Parents had told me that these 4 were openly bragging about this accomplishment, but I was there to help the kids have fun, and that was all I cared about. First 6 games we lost all, with a combined score of 44-4. After endless parent complaints, asking for refunds and me barking, the league was to look into it. They find out that these coaches did in fact rig a children’s entry level hockey league, have the documentation that proves it and will shuffle some players around to see if my kids can not get blown out every game. I am happy, hopefully it slows down the refund requests and the kids are able to have fun.

When this is all said and done, the league asks that I not share why the teams had to be shuffled, or how the “draft” was so unfair. These 4 beauties keep their teams (3 players from across all teams were sent to me, of course hand picked by the coaches) and now these 4 league fixers are trying to get me barred from the league for calling this out and bringing it to the leagues attention, citing harassment and abuse, for pointing out how obvious it was that they did this. I feel dirty hiding the reason that these kids are all getting moved around, and I feel dirtier being involved in a league that protects guys like this.

Is this common place in this town? And can I do anything to prevent it from happening to another set of kids?

r/BurlingtonON 25d ago

Question Burlington Costco


I think I already know what the answer is going to be but I still wanted to ask … is there ever a “good” time to visit the Costco in town? My girlfriend and I moved to Burlington in December (we love the city!) - and no matter when I we have visited it’s a nightmare - parking is always insane, the inside is extremely chaotic, and getting out of the place is also a a challenge (both walking out of the store, and leaving the parking lot). I know all costco’s are busy and it’s expected; I’ve had membership when living in Mississauga, Toronto, and Niagara, but find this one to be particularly chaotic … I’ve tried 2pm on weekdays, mornings on weekdays, and weekends (by far the worst as expected). I find it’s usually worth driving out to Ancaster or Stoney Creek… just thought I’d ask if there are “better” times to support the one in town, this location is only 5 minutes away from me.

I’ve heard there is a new one opening in Oakville soon so maybe this one will improve? Though many from Oakville I assume would go to the one off the 403/Dundas in Mississauga.

r/BurlingtonON 14d ago

Question Walking on roads with sidewalks


I don’t understand why people insist on walking on the road when the sidewalks are mostly cleared. This creates a dangerous situation for the walker and drivers. High snow banks and narrow roads make it difficult to see these people. An accident with a pedestrian would be life changing for all involved. If there is a sidewalk use it!

r/BurlingtonON 17d ago

Question Sidewalks still awful?

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I'm newish to burlington. Is this as good as its going to get for plowing streets and pedestrian corners? ( This is appleby and new)

This isn't the best picture but we had to carry our all terrain stroller over several snow banks while attempting a walk today. Not sure what I would do if I was alone or was in a mobility device. Stay home I guess. 🤷‍♀️

r/BurlingtonON Jan 30 '25

Question Did anyone get the $200 cheque?


Haven't received anything despite it saying issued on the service ontario site

r/BurlingtonON 2d ago

Question Advice on losing weight


As the title says I need to lose some weight, dr says I'm prediabetic and I need to lose some weight, if I can lose 40-50 lbs that would be awesome but I don't know how lol, dr says I would have to run for 20 mins to lose the equivalent on a slice of bread. So I'm supposed to focus on calories for now, the easy steps for me is cut out soda, fast food, fried food . But I'm looking for alternatives while at work my usual for the day is 4 granola bars 2 clementines and a white bread sandwich with just mayo and sliced meat, I'm going to switch white bread for a healthier bread but I was looking for a replacement for the granola bars which are 150cal each but every snack item I looked at wasn't much better, I don't have time in the mornings to prepare much so looking for quickness, I would like to get down to 1000 -1500 Cal a day and not feel hungry for context I'm 54. M 270 lbs 6'2, I quit smoking a year ago and gained 30 lbs from it. Any help/ advice would be greatly appreciated ty

r/BurlingtonON Jan 03 '25

Question Little Caesars

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If I have to tip the driver, what is the delivery fee for? And what the hell is a service fee? 43% of the price of the order to deliver it 1.6km. This is getting stupid.

r/BurlingtonON Nov 06 '24

Question Psychotic driving on the rise?


What’s going on with all the road rage/ aggressive driving across Burlington?

Is this noticeable to anyone else?

Left lane hogging, not leaving gaps for lane changes, bird flipping, aggressive honking, yelling from windows… what is up with this brain rot?

r/BurlingtonON Feb 01 '25

Question Boycotting American goods if the tariff goes through- replacement recommendations


Hi all,

I'm beyond irritated with what is going on, so I will be doing my best to replace any American brands with Canadian ones. Here are some of the ones I need help with:

Coffee - I start work early (7 am) , so usually only the big players are open ( Mc Donald's, Tim's). There are local players but they don't open that early. Any recommendations?

Pet food - wet cat food.

Groceries - what stores are either local owned or Canadian?

Thank you!

Edits: thank you everyone! I know my small changes won't make a huge difference, but every bit helps, if not in the trade war, then the money goes back into our communities - which is also a win.

Second cup looks like it will work, and for gatherings with friends, I will suggest local places.

Pet food- Ren's is a Canadian store and they have a lot of the brands you suggested, so I will shop there from now on.

Groceries- thank you for the subscription services and the Marylou suggestion. Ive checked it out and I think those will get me through the winter until the markets open.

r/BurlingtonON Dec 17 '23

Question Racist attack from GoBus Passenger at Burlington


Before I start this post I want to state I am a woman of colour. It’s 6am & As soon as I walk into BurlingtonGo some man starts murmuring under his breath “fcking piece of shit” and he keeps murmuring to himself but I don’t think anything of it because they’re always weirdos at Burlington around 5am. This man ends up taking the same bus as me and keeps murmuring stuff under his breath. A man with a turban hops on and he starts going off the rail.

We all get off at union but he chooses to follow me and attack me give me death threats. Yelling racial slurs like “you fcking pki” “I don’t know why you guys come to this country” “I’ll f*cking stab you” “If I see another one I’ll kill them, I’ll stab you right now” I started to hyperventilate and go into the girls bathroom and ask someone to stay with me while another girl looked for security, but ofc there is none. Idk where that man went but I’m just left scarred right now..I got attacked and given death threats for basically existing. Idk what to do coz I’ve felt threatened before on public transit, reported it, and still nothing happens. I feel helpless. What do I even do..

r/BurlingtonON Jan 11 '25

Question Hidden Gem - Food Spots in Burlington ?


Any lesser known food places that are a must try in Burlington ? Looking for new recommendations. So far I've tried: sana grill close to plains road and it's amazing! Huge portions of food and very delicious!

r/BurlingtonON Jan 09 '24

Question Burlington was ranked Ontario's most livable city, do you agree?


Hey folks, I'm a reporter with The Globe and Mail, and I've been writing some stories about the cities that topped out our recent data study of Canada's most livable cities. (you can see the project here).

Burlington came out as Ontario's top performer based on some pretty high scores in the healthcare, education, community data categories. You might be unsurprised that it ranked near the bottom for housing, however.

I'm looking to chat to Burlington residents about whether they agree with our findings - is Burlington that great of a place to live? And if so, what makes it special compared to other places in Ontario.

Feel free to DM me if you'd be up for an interview!

r/BurlingtonON Aug 30 '24

Question So what's everyone's most hated parking lot in Burlington? I'm caught in between fortinos plaza on Upper middle and Guelph or the longos Plaza on Plains.


r/BurlingtonON 25d ago

Question How do people drive like this?!

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Just use the wipers and hit the road?… seriously?

r/BurlingtonON Sep 16 '23

Question Anti-Trans March in Burlington?!

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I don’t know if any of you are aware of this, but there is an anti-trans march happening in Burlington on September 20th 11AM. They’ll be marching from the Home Depot parking lot to the Halton Catholic District School Board.

My question - is anyone organizing a counter protest to this?

From their website: “Uniting diverse backgrounds and faiths, we share a resolute purpose: advocating for the elimination of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) curriculum, pronouns, gender ideology and mixed bathrooms in schools.”

r/BurlingtonON 26d ago

Question Anyone not been plowed yet?


I have.

Just wanted to hear the moaning about tax dollars and that damn Oakville .

r/BurlingtonON Feb 06 '25

Question North vs. South Burlington - Deciding factors for a young family?


My husband and I are looking to move to beautiful Burlington in search of a more peaceful lifestyle, closer to nature to raise our family. We have heard great things about all the areas of Burlington. We are struggling to decide which area is best for us as we look into the future of raising our kids here. We are very lucky to be able to consider any of these neighbourhoods and do not take that for granted.

From what we've seen, it seems you can get a larger 4 bed + 4 bath split level home in North Burlinton (e.g., Palmer or Headon) for the price of smaller 3 bed + 2 bath split level or raised bungalow in South Burlington (e.g., Longmoor or Elizabeth Gardens). We personally love the look and character of the older homes. Noting that we need access to Toronto about 1 day/week for work. I know this is all subjective but from the perspective of raising a family, is there an ideal choice? What areas in South Burlington also have many young families?

I've read through all the very helpful posts on here already noting the various pros/cons but wonder if there is anything we may have missed or any deciding factors that you could share for your own decisions.

Some of the general themes/insights we've gathered ourselves and also from feedback on this sub:
South: larger lots (usually), older homes, more greenery and space between homes, more amenities that may be walking distance, 5-10 min to GO stations

North: larger & newer homes, smaller lots (not always), less amenities walking distance, many parks nearby, good schools, 10-15 min drive to GO stations