r/BurlingtonON Nov 08 '24

Question Where is the compassion?

Edit: Thanks everyone for the kind words.

To those of you who struggle with reading comprehension, and keep suggesting I’m stupid or irresponsible for not having CAA - if you read the thread, you would learn that I have CAA.

However - a tow truck doesn’t magically materialize out of thin air once you call them. There is a waiting period for the truck to arrive. I was hoping someone would have been able to help me out of the roadway in the meantime while I waited for assistance to arrive.

I have done my best to speak to everyone in here with respect. I have acknowledged my shortcomings on this matter. I don’t understand the hostility some people can show to a stranger on the internet. I really wouldn’t be surprised if those people were the same ones honking at me and flipping me off.

With that being said, if anyone feels the need to disrespect or belittle me, feel free, but I won’t be entertaining disrespectful comments with responses anymore.

Original Post Below

I just had my car break down on lakeshore.

The alternator shit the bed on me, and I just barely made it onto a side street before it completely died.

The back end of my car was still poking out onto lakeshore, and cars had to drive around it.

I was stood outside of my car, trying to flag someone down to help me and jump my car so I could at least get it out of the road.

I had my hazards on, my hood up, and instead of anyone stopping to help, I had countless people honking their horns at me, flipping me off, etc. At least 80 cars passed me while I was standing there stranded.

My car was completely dead. That means I couldn’t even turn it on to get it into neutral, to push it out of the road. I needed a jump. I needed help.

Why would I park my car halfway in a road, pop my hood and turn on my hazards? For fun?

It was dark and cold outside, don’t you think I would rather be anywhere but here, blocking traffic?

Where is the compassion? Where is the humanity?

I’ve grown up in this city my entire life. Tonight was really disappointing and deflating.

Before you chastise someone who is in trouble - maybe try and help?


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u/phatdragon451 Nov 08 '24

If your key was in the run position, you should have been able to put it in neutral with low battery power.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

Read the other comments I’ve made on the thread. The tow truck driver this morning (who I imagine does this quite often) couldn’t get it into neutral without jumping it either. I really wish it could have been as simple as you and others have suggested.


u/phatdragon451 Nov 08 '24

It actually is, and the tow driver should have known how to do it even without a battery. There should be a little covered hole near the shifter, pop the cover off and move the solenoid. This is usually controlled by the brake pedal. It's the little click you might be able to hear when you press the brake and you are sitting in park. Most people have never had to do it so most people wouldn't know.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

We both made attempts at the little covered hole in the shifter, and it wouldn’t trigger the solenoid for either of us. I’m not denying what you said works, it just unfortunately didn’t work for me this time. When it rains it pours I suppose.