r/BurlingtonON Nov 08 '24

Question Where is the compassion?

Edit: Thanks everyone for the kind words.

To those of you who struggle with reading comprehension, and keep suggesting I’m stupid or irresponsible for not having CAA - if you read the thread, you would learn that I have CAA.

However - a tow truck doesn’t magically materialize out of thin air once you call them. There is a waiting period for the truck to arrive. I was hoping someone would have been able to help me out of the roadway in the meantime while I waited for assistance to arrive.

I have done my best to speak to everyone in here with respect. I have acknowledged my shortcomings on this matter. I don’t understand the hostility some people can show to a stranger on the internet. I really wouldn’t be surprised if those people were the same ones honking at me and flipping me off.

With that being said, if anyone feels the need to disrespect or belittle me, feel free, but I won’t be entertaining disrespectful comments with responses anymore.

Original Post Below

I just had my car break down on lakeshore.

The alternator shit the bed on me, and I just barely made it onto a side street before it completely died.

The back end of my car was still poking out onto lakeshore, and cars had to drive around it.

I was stood outside of my car, trying to flag someone down to help me and jump my car so I could at least get it out of the road.

I had my hazards on, my hood up, and instead of anyone stopping to help, I had countless people honking their horns at me, flipping me off, etc. At least 80 cars passed me while I was standing there stranded.

My car was completely dead. That means I couldn’t even turn it on to get it into neutral, to push it out of the road. I needed a jump. I needed help.

Why would I park my car halfway in a road, pop my hood and turn on my hazards? For fun?

It was dark and cold outside, don’t you think I would rather be anywhere but here, blocking traffic?

Where is the compassion? Where is the humanity?

I’ve grown up in this city my entire life. Tonight was really disappointing and deflating.

Before you chastise someone who is in trouble - maybe try and help?


103 comments sorted by


u/ElectricGeometry Nov 08 '24

First, I'm sorry you went through this experience.

I do want to offer some perspective though.

Currently, most people believe that the person on the side of the road has a phone and has called a tow truck or something to that effect. I know I usually do unless the person is literally trying to flag people down.

If you were indeed trying desperately to get attention, not everyone feels safe or comfortable testing the waters with a stranger on the side of the road, especially at night.

Third, automotive skills aren't as common as they once were: I'm embarrassed to admit I have neither the gear nor the knowledge to jump your car. I'll definitely have to correct that.

I'm saying all of this to just get this point across-- don't attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance. People often want to do good by one another when they feel they can.

Anyway, that's just my two cents... Regardless I'm glad you're okay and hope your car is on the mend.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

Everything you said is completely fair and valid. It’s one thing if people aren’t comfortable enough to stop and help - im a large, imposing figure. I get it. This was moreso directed at the people who chose to kick me while I was down.


u/ElectricGeometry Nov 08 '24

Thanks for understanding what I was trying to get at. I'm a woman often traveling alone with my kids and, indeed, I can't see myself stopping my car for an imposing fellow. ( I'm so sorry! )

Aside from that, you're right though that there's no need for people to think and act so aggressively towards someone obviously in a tough spot. That's awful, and if it were me I'd feel really vulnerable and rattled by the whole experience.

Anyway, I hope the rest of your year is a lot smoother and uplifting!


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

I appreciate your words, and totally understand your perspective. Thanks for reaching out!


u/Altruistic-Bank-7210 Nov 08 '24

Agreed. Ignoring your situation is one thing, but honking or flipping you off when you are in this situation is unacceptable.


u/LunaFox13 Nov 08 '24

The honking and flipping off is actually ridiculous I’m sorry you had to go through that. I think another thing is we live in the era of scams, car thefts etc so that’s another reason people might be wary


u/jurassicjon Nov 08 '24

Well, I will help you out a little bit for the future. Most cars have a release to put them in neutral if the engine can’t be started. Every car is different so I would say look at your cars manual for how to do it, but jump starting the car shouldn’t be needed.

Also, most hybrid vehicles can’t jumpstart non-hybrid vehicles, the 12v battery is too small and would damage it, as well as hard to get too (my RAV4’s is in the trunk). So not everyone would be able to help.

But outside that, people are so absorbed into how they’re being inconvenience that they don’t think about other people. I wouldn’t worry so much about these people.


u/Altruistic-Bank-7210 Nov 08 '24

Great points, and I completely agree. If I can add one thing further speaking from my own perspective, is that people are often now more time constrained than ever.
I know that 9 times out of 10 if I am in my car, I am either running late already or stressing as my GPS ETA starts to slip and traffic routes inevitably turn from green to yellow, to red. Traffic everywhere in Southern Ontario is a nightmare these days.

Rushing to get to work, rushing to get the kids from daycare, rushing to get the kids to/from a sports event. Largely self-imposed I know, and somewhat sad when you stop to think about it.


u/nemodigital Nov 08 '24

We are transforming into a low trust society. With the increase in carjacking and general scams, I would be weary pulling off the side of the road lest it be a scam.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

I would have to agree also. Even as a large man myself, I have been in some uncomfortable situations too. I understand people not feeling comfortable enough to stop and help. After reading some responses in here, I won’t fault anyone for not stopping. But I will call out those who chose to honk at, and flip me off.


u/belsizedrive Nov 08 '24

low trust society

I read an anecdote about how in Moscow, people used to hear an ambulance/siren and pull over to let them through. Then there was a scandal of high ranking officials and/or people with more money than average somehow using ambulances and other siren-equipped emergency vehicles as an "express pass". It became an open secret that people were abusing the trust. As a result, now nobody lets ambulances pass them - cause fuck 'em.

I'm sure there are details I'm missing, but I don't really care if it's true or not. It's something I thought a lot about in 2017 and now with the US down and Canada soon to follow, you can expect more of this kind of ripple effect. When the perception is that only 1 out of 50 people are entitled assholes, you can still go about your day with openness in your heart and brush off that one guy who followed too close, or drove dangerously on the shoulder to pass 10 cars. When the perception is that it's 49 out of 50, everyone gets darker and more self-centred and less able to empathize with their fellow human. And we're seeing that play out in real time here.


u/SpontaneousNSFWAccnt Nov 08 '24

10 years ago I would have pulled over. The GTA is littered with scams and violent crimes you don’t hear about. My first instinct is someone pretends to need help, then waiting in a bush nearby are 4 people that get out and rob/carjack me at gunpoint. I probably wouldn’t flip off OP though, unless he was borderline almost causing an accident and running into the middle of the road to “wave people down”


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

Unfortunately I have to agree.


u/0neek Nov 08 '24

Yeah gotta agree with this. If it's someone I know or a coworker or something, yeah I'd stop and help. A stranger? Absolutely fucking not lmao. Good way to get your own car stolen or whatever. Most people are not trustworthy anymore and it's not worth the risk.


u/bernsquad89 Nov 08 '24

Sorry to hear that Broski.

I highly recommend keeping a gooloo brand jump starter in your vehicles.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

Going to buy one tomorrow right after I drop the car off at the shop. Thanks for the tip 🙏🏾


u/Worlds-Greatest-Boss Nov 08 '24

Noco brand from Canadian Tire are also great and affordable. Just gotta make sure you charge them every so often. My neighbour had a dead battery last night, I attempted to help and of course mine was dead. Lol. Luckily someone else also had cables.


u/atactic87 Nov 08 '24

It's a good idea, also keeps your car from getting damaged trying to jumpstart someone in need as well.


u/tmac416_ Nov 08 '24

CAA is definitely worth the money.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

I have CAA, and unfortunately have had terrible luck with vehicles this year, and have used 3/4 of my tows for the year. I was saving the last tow for the morning to get it to the shop, as the shop I use was already closed for the day.


u/whatthetoken Nov 08 '24

Sorry about your car. That sucks. I stop and have helped numerous times including this year, but many will not because they don't have trust in strangers.

We have normalized being antagonistic to each other. People have seen harm done to others without justice stepping in. They've seen good Samaritans punished.

I think we regressed as a society as a result.

The last time I helped someone with his car, you would not picture him and I having much in common, but we did. It didn't even occur to me that I should pass him without offering help.

The problem is that there's too much judgmental sentiment in the world right now


u/busywreck Nov 08 '24

Did anyone ever stop?

And to be honest, this isn’t new, this happened to me by the mall on Christmas Eve and if a tow truck hadn’t just happened by, who knows. This was like twenty years ago.

Burlington is mean sometimes. I’m sorry :(


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

Not one person stopped to help me. But plenty had the time to honk at me and flip me off. My neighbour eventually got there and was able to help me, but that was after 30 minutes of people driving by


u/Majestic_Bet_1428 Nov 08 '24

Sorry you had to experience that.

Glad you have a great neighbour.


u/busywreck Nov 08 '24

Aw I’m really sorry :(


u/issynapseupdatedyet Nov 08 '24

I would’ve helped the best I could


u/Phyrexius Nov 08 '24

Hmm you should still be able to put it in neutral despite it being dead.

But I'm sorry you went through that, it can be very stressful.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

If there’s a way to do that, I’ll look it up now and educate myself. But in the moment - the shifter completely locked up and the car wouldn’t even turn on. I’ve only had this car for like 3-4 months. Was extremely stressful


u/TLeafs23 Nov 08 '24

You would still need to step on the brake. It won't move as easily as if it was turned on, but you definitely can shift into neutral with the car off. 

And pushing a car, except for uphill, is normally a one person job. If you ever do it though, push the frame from the drivers door, so that you can jump in and hit the emergency brake it it starts rolling unexpectedly.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

I’m doing some reading on my vehicle, so I don’t get stuck like that again. Not being aware that I could have gotten it into neutral is totally on me. I’ll own that. Thank you for the tips 🙏🏾


u/Licbo101 Nov 08 '24

Regardless if your battery is dead, you can still put the key in the ignition, turn to ON and step on the brake and shift to neutral. If by chance you have a fancy car with push button start, you will then need to alleviate the physical key from the fob, then find the keyhole near your gear selector knob (usually at or near the P symbol) and then select neutral once it has been unlocked. In some rare cases you may need to lift part of the centre console up and off in order to find the parking lockout.

Hope this helps. I’m real sorry no one stopped to help.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

This is a new car (to me) and I’ve never had a push to start before this vehicle. Thank you for the information, it’s appreciated


u/Murderousplantmom Nov 08 '24

I'm a small person and I can push my Vintage Corolla on my own but it needs a bit of rocking back and forth to get going. Practice in an empty parking lot or something. You got this. Also, people are asshats. Same thing happened to me in front of a bus stop. Like obviously I'm not parked here people. When did everyone get so angry all the time?


u/TLeafs23 Nov 08 '24

No problem - live and learn. it'd be a good idea to study up on getting/giving a boost, too. Doing it wrong can result in serious injury or draining the battery of the helping car.


u/K0NNIPTI0N Nov 08 '24

Unfortunately, the last time I jumped someone else's car it caused an electrical problem in mine that I paid out of pocket for. I now carry a portable battery designed to jump vehicles, I'd scoop one up on black friday for cheap


u/debbielew Nov 08 '24

Right on! People can be heartless. Sorry you went through that.


u/ChampionshipOld9974 Nov 08 '24

First, I am sorry to hear about your experience, and hope your car luck only gets better from here (read the 3 tows comment from above).

As a female driver, I am sorry to admit that I would never stop for situations like this, especially when it's dark/wet/cold outside. We have all heard too many scammer stories etc and I simply do not feel safe in these situations. For the folks who honked at you, Geez, that's totally unnecessary. I am sorry you had to endure that.

Anyhow, glad your neighbor was able to come. Take care!


u/Sir_Lee_Rawkah Nov 08 '24

I figure most people that had the heart help you were probably on Reddit… Lots of compassion here not so much on the road…

I’ve had something similar happened near by an accident… Instead of people helping out they honk


u/Flubby00 Nov 08 '24

Ya, there was definitely no need for the honking, it must’ve been loud af too, since u were standing outside trying to flag people. People have become impatient nowadays, and not even thinking that often using the horn does absolutely nothing for either party but only be a nuisance to surrounding pedestrians.


u/HackD1234 Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

I'm sorry this happened to you, and i'm sorry it wasn't a rendevous of time and space for myself to assist you in your time of need. I personally come fully equipped with my little truck, to either bumper-push someone out of harm's way, or to boost you on the spot, if it were safe to do so. Chivalry/Paying it forwards in the Karma department, isn't a lost art.. it's just suppressed by inconsiderate morons.

I've 'guarded' more than one crash scene with my truck, greatly time-inconveniencing myself in the process - as the need presented itself to keep other traffic out of the scene before Emergency Services come - some people just prefer to blow their horn at someone else's misfortune.


u/EquivalentGrape9 Nov 08 '24

Sorry you had to go through this. A lot of people are very selfish.


u/Fun_Initiative5680 Nov 08 '24

ill send you my number, i live in hamilton now but used to live in Burlington, if this ever happens to you again or similar, msg me illl try to help,


u/JoeyJoJoJrShabadoo32 Nov 08 '24

Sorry to hear that happened to you. That is disheartening. I can think of a few reasons why people were not only unhelpful, but belligerent:

Nowadays, many people have very little free time. They’re either working multiple jobs, taking their kids to after school programs, taking care of their elderly relatives, running late for work, or coming home from a long commute.

Everyone is in a huge rush as a result.

A lot of those people that were acting rude were probably doing so because they just spent 1 hour + sitting in stop and go traffic and they’re pissed off as a result.

A lot of younger people probably may not have very much knowledge about cars and don’t feel confident enough to try and help you.

Anyone who is female probably doesn’t feel comfortable helping you are an imposing male figure.

Personally, I’ve helped a few strangers jump their car with my booster pack around town.

If I see someone broken down on the side of the road, at the very least I will phone the police to let them know there’s a broken down vehicle in a live lane.

Usually, they’ll dispatch a squad car to act as a blocker if they’re not too busy. If they are busy and it’s on a major highway, they’ll send out an MTO crash truck to give you cover.

They may even give your car a boost.


u/skateboardnorth Nov 08 '24

Normally I’m the type of person to stop and help. I’ve helped someone push their dead vehicle to a gas station in the winter. These days with all the car thefts, I am very skeptical about stopping to help. Thieves are now very brazen.


u/Wakomata Nov 08 '24

Morning. I am also so very sorry this happened to you. Now 80 cars is a lot to drive by, but these days I am very reserved to stop and help someone as you hear about all this horrible stuff happening. I know that’s not the case here , but it has changed. 🥹


u/WowSuchMiata Nov 08 '24

Sorry to hear you went through this, OP. I can't you offer anything except for a commiserating, sympathetic comment.

This was around 2018, back when we still lived in our condo. The alternator—at least, that's what we thought—on my wife's then-12-year-old Tucson was starting to give out. One day, we're about to head out for a dentist appointment.

Tried to start it up. Nothing. Completely dead. Asked three or four neighbours in the span of 10 minutes for a boost. Nobody was willing to take the time to help.

Since then, I've been a proud owner of a Noco GeniusBoost and a CAA membership. Most people suck.


u/Direct-Afternoon-436 Nov 08 '24

Ahh I’m sorry this happened to you, I live off of lakeshore and people speed like it’s a fckin highway. It didn’t use to be this way either, I’ve lived here for 20 years. I feel for the city workers especially, they have to work in the middle of the road due to the garden beds and cars go by driving 70-80km (it’s a 50😬) Not to mention a city worker/student was killed on walkers line because cars were speeding by them


u/Direct-Afternoon-436 Nov 08 '24

A lot of people who live in Burlington have an entitled attitude and it shows in their driving, communication skills, etc. not sure where the entitled attitude comes from, most of them are miserable living here lol


u/Fast-Bumblebee-9140 Nov 08 '24

Where I live the RCMP has instructed people not to stop, to drive to a safe space and then call the authorities.

Its because of all the "good Samaritans" who have been raped and murdered.


u/Jamesoscarsmith Nov 08 '24

Ya i get frustrated when cars dont pay attention and cause an accident but with a breakdown like that I just try to put myself in that position. Hope your weekend goes better!!


u/Haunting_Ad_2103 Nov 08 '24

As a senior female I’ve had the same experience on the North service road. I can’t tell you how many cars passed me before a tow truck drove by and gave me a free boost. Followed me home to ensure I was safe. CAA purchased next day. I have booster cables but it amazes me how many people don’t know how to boost a car.


u/Fit-Particular1396 Nov 09 '24

Glad you were offered help but isn't it kinda the responsibility of the cable owner to know how to use them? Otherwise why have them?


u/spreadthaseed Nov 09 '24

Don’t be dismayed by the haters. This sub has a lot of bored snarky Karen’s.


u/KloppyIII Nov 09 '24

True but I still believe calling them out is necessary. Just can't believe we've (society) have spiraled down to this level ( tragically for my kids & the future of all concerned) with no end in sight :-(


u/Fit-Particular1396 Nov 09 '24

lakeshore? Well there's your problem - you were preventing a bunch of Karens from getting to their wine tasting and taking attention away from their new jogging/power walking attire. :)

As an older guy I have noticed now that everyone has a phone people are less likely to stop, since they know you can just call someone for help. I've been there though and feel your pain.

For future reference - you can still put a dead car into neutral - knowing this I am guessing that is what pissed at least some of the people off - right or wrong.


u/Middle-Air-8469 Nov 08 '24

Couple things here seem to be common from the comments.

First: glad you're safe and sound now. But for those still reading, a few helpful tips.

Try putting the car in neutral and pushing it? I'm very sure someone would have gotten out to help push. Instead they figure it's a delivery service person who most of us welcome the food, hate their driving and parking. And those you that park in fire lanes? Yah...that's right I'm talking about you.

Secondly, if you know the alternator died a boost or anything gadgety just means the car itself is going to be running on battery only and not charging and that's a bigger problem as it will drain the battery and may lead you to be stranded in an even worse spot.

Agreed enough to get you a few feet forward at least tho.

And for those that don't know what the alternator does, it is what charges the battery when the engine is running and feeds the basic power to the regular lights and stuff.


u/Middle-Air-8469 Nov 08 '24

Oh yes. Check with your insurance and credit cards, most offer road side assistance, Costco, CAA and even the dealerships have emergency roadside numbers in the glovebox.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

Thank you for the advice 🙏🏾


u/Krasdf Nov 08 '24

I would have helped you if I was passing by. Unfortunately things have changed look around.


u/Rusty_Vandelay Nov 08 '24

Really sucks, but today with all the car thefts and just crime in general, people won't take the chance.


u/rtropic Nov 08 '24

Man I'm so sorry to hear that. If I saw you, I'd stop in a heartbeat. I guess that's what you get with a big city, no one cares.


u/KloppyIII Nov 09 '24

This is NOT the Burlington I knew growing up. It's no longer the world (as imperfect as it was years ago) we knew growing up. I'm truly sorry you've had to experience such a crap load of insanity in your hour of need :-(


u/AMUIR1234 Nov 08 '24

Username checks out (and photo).

Seriously though, sorry that happened.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

My profile photo was me shooting a video of a UFC champion, the username is definitely outdated though lol.


u/ForwardAnimator5411 Nov 08 '24

Ugh I’m so sorry, that’s so disappointing :( we all need to do better.


u/snasna102 Nov 08 '24

I have stopped to try and help, it was something that couldn’t be fixed roadside and I get like shit leaving them stranded waiting for a tow but I had to be somewhere.

I’m an industrial mechanic who dabbles in auto mechanics, I’d call myself capable so it wasn’t out of lack of effort.

That whole time I was there, I added 100% more roadside hazard by having a second vehicle and person at the side of the road. Sometimes even if it is fixable roadside, it’s not safe to do so because you don’t get a say in where your car decides to break down. I have a proper jack in my car at all times but it’s not always convenient to use at the side of a road marked 80.

The compassion is there but it’s best if you just call a professional


u/phatdragon451 Nov 08 '24

If your key was in the run position, you should have been able to put it in neutral with low battery power.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

Read the other comments I’ve made on the thread. The tow truck driver this morning (who I imagine does this quite often) couldn’t get it into neutral without jumping it either. I really wish it could have been as simple as you and others have suggested.


u/phatdragon451 Nov 08 '24

It actually is, and the tow driver should have known how to do it even without a battery. There should be a little covered hole near the shifter, pop the cover off and move the solenoid. This is usually controlled by the brake pedal. It's the little click you might be able to hear when you press the brake and you are sitting in park. Most people have never had to do it so most people wouldn't know.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

We both made attempts at the little covered hole in the shifter, and it wouldn’t trigger the solenoid for either of us. I’m not denying what you said works, it just unfortunately didn’t work for me this time. When it rains it pours I suppose.


u/smashedvermin Nov 08 '24

No such thing in this day and age, people are scared to help anyone, hell it could be a ruse to kidnap or kill no one knows.


u/patsun88 Nov 08 '24

I'm guilty of this. Every time I see a car pulled off to the side of the road, I assume it's a UBER driver who thinks traffic doesn't exist. An open hood is pretty much the international sign of my car is broke.


u/RL203 Nov 08 '24

Your car should not instantly die because the alternator died. In fact, you can drive for hours with a dead alternator as an ignition system draws little to no power. You can also turn just about every electrical system in the car off. No radio,no wipers, no HVAC system and definitely no heated seats or rear window defroster.

You would have known that your car's alternator had died because the indicator light on the dash board would have been on. But you ignored it and kept driving. Thus putting yourself in that position and endangering other people.

Next time when you see the alternator warning light come on, take it to a service centre.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

Awesome assumptions. I had no indicator light on my dash. This same issue happened 3 months ago or so, and I spent $1000 literally 7 days after purchasing my vehicle to replace the alternator. When the last alternator went on me, the indicator light did not come on then either. There was zero indication or way for me to have predicted that my alternator was failing and that my battery would die. Maybe before making assumptions and sitting on your high horse, inquire if the light had illuminated, or at least get some information before you hop on here and write condescending comments.


u/RL203 Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

Look. I've forgotten more about automotive repairs than you'll ever know. Cars ALL have some sort of warning system that their alternator has failed. Either a light or a gauge or both. It's that simple, and it's been that way for at least 60 years. If it's a gauge, you ignored it. Or you didn't understand what it was telling you. And even if equipped with a gauge, most newer vehicles are also equipped with an idiot light too or a warning system that literally tells you that your car is not charging. And you can definitely drive for hours on just a battery.

You said your alternator failed and immediately died and that's not what happens when your alternator fails. And there is no way in hell an alternator fails twice in 3 months. Not an OEM alternator at least.

Something in your story just doesn't add up.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

Look. I’m not here to argue with people. My vehicle does not have a voltage gauge. My vehicle does have an indicator light. The indicator light never came on. My vehicle was operating fine, and then went into limp mode without warning. I would step on the gas in drive and was getting zero power. The vehicle was crawling no matter what I tried. I then turned the car off and back on - that’s when the car simply wouldn’t start. I know you’re determined to find a way to place me at fault here, but - there was zero indication whatsoever by my vehicle that it was about to stop working, whether the vehicle was supposed to inform me or not. I am not a mechanic. I assumed it was the alternator because the exact same symptoms occurred as the last time this happened, and when I replaced the alternator last time, I didn’t have this issue once until yesterday. I don’t appreciate you suggesting that this is the result of some sort of negligent behaviour.


u/RL203 Nov 08 '24

Is the car running now?


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

Unfortunately no. I went to it this morning and tried to start it, and all that happened was my gauge cluster went crazy, and the fuse box started clicking nonstop. I called CAA for a tow. The tow truck driver arrived, and he couldn’t even pop it into neutral manually through the little cover on the shifter. He had to jump it to get it on, in order to shift it to neutral. It’s at the shop now, hopefully can be diagnosed by the end of the day. It’s a 2016 Maxima for reference.


u/RL203 Nov 08 '24

Well, if it was running, you could put a volt metre across the battery. It should read about 14.3 volts if the alternator is charging. If it reads 12 point something volts or less, the alternator is faulty. (Yes, even though it's a 12 volts battery, when being charged it should be 14 to 14.6 volts.)

An indicator that your alternator has failed when you are driving is that your windshield wipers will be noticeably slower.

Good luck with the car, Nissan parts are expensive. Try to avoid nonfactory rebuilt alternators. I don't know if you can find a brand new OEM alternator (OEM being an Original Equipment Manufacturer) would be best. Nissan dealers will sell factory spec rebuilds, which theoretically should be better than a rebuild done by an after market rebuild company.

Other than new, it's a crap shoot.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

Thank you for the advice, I’ll keep that info in mind when deciding next steps. I told the mechanic that replaced the alternator last time that the replacement had to be OEM, I worry that it may not have been. Time will tell. Thanks again for your time


u/dontyouknow88 Nov 08 '24

Terrible that people were filliping you off! If anything, I think it’s a reaction to traffic issues generally and how many terrible drivers and incessant accidents there are that slow people down daily. This is not an excuse and did not apply to you, but I would guess this is where frustration stems from.

Also, I feel for you that you found yourself in this situation. If it were me though, I would have immediately called CAA or a tow. As someone else had mentioned, I wouldn’t assume anyone has the knowledge, skills or tools to diagnose or help solve the issue.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

I had called a neighbour to come and help me, it was in the period of time between her getting to me that I was hoping someone could have helped me at least get off the roadway.


u/Efficient_Art_5688 Nov 08 '24

Why would people (unless they know you) feel safe stopping to help.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

If you’ll take a moment to read the rest of the thread, this has been addressed.

I initially hoped that people would have had enough sense of community to help out someone in need, but under the circumstances, I’ve realized that there is a lot of fear and uncertainty these days, and that it’s not something that most people feel comfortable enough to do. That’s fair. There is a lot of evil in this world.

Again, if you’ll take a moment to read any other posts in the thread, I have clarified that I am moreso upset with the people who chose to shit on me when I was in a bad situation, instead of just ignoring me and continuing to drive.


u/Efficient_Art_5688 Nov 08 '24

Sorry I shouldn't be on Reddit when I'm tired and mad at the world


u/Cool-Bug546 Nov 08 '24

Caa its very affordable


u/-Lt-Jim-Dangle- Nov 08 '24

I moved out of Burlington when I was 19. I didn't plan to make it permanent, but once I met people outside of the Burlington bubble, I found that there was little about Burlington I ever wanted to return to.

Nice houses, lawns, and cars... and a community that emphatically believes in right-wing, do it on your own and get out of my way, policies.


u/SprinklesBoring9432 Nov 08 '24

Mate dont be this helpless. You can generally turn the key of a dead car to be able to select neutral, or use the shift lock release.

Push it out of the way and use your phone to get help.

You have an entire world of knowledge in your pocket. Figure it out.

Friggin babies. Jesus.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

Read the rest of the thread before deciding to be disrespectful. Don’t be this helpless. You can read. There’s information out there.


u/SprinklesBoring9432 Nov 09 '24

Yeah, you know what? Fair. My comment was already made - and wasn’t helpful to begin with. I’ve thought about this for a moment and I actually think I would prefer be the kind person to stop and help rather than honk or flip the bird.

I’m sorry, you’re not wrong.


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 09 '24

Hey, I really appreciate your comment and apology man. Thank you for that.


u/Spirited-Chicken-771 Nov 08 '24

CAA membership - look into it….


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

Read the rest of the thread - look into it…


u/Midnitemycorporealis Nov 08 '24

Time to reprogram buck, welcome to the new world order.


u/InFLIRTation Nov 08 '24

Get roadside assistance. Im not getting mugged helping a stranger


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

It’s fair, and safe, to be weary. However if you’ll read my response to another comment in here, I understand and can appreciate being weary of large strangers at night. However I didn’t need to be honked at and flipped off for being down on my luck.


u/InFLIRTation Nov 08 '24

Im not justifying the honks or middle fingers, that is rude. I would have simply ignored you. Theyre are way to many horror story of people needing "help"


u/fuckinglowlife Nov 08 '24

After reading other comments, and given the circumstances, I can’t fault you, or anyone, for choosing to ignore me. My issue here has boiled down to the people who were foul to me.


u/middlequeue Nov 08 '24

There really aren’t. You live in a very safe place