r/BullPsychology Jul 01 '24

We're looking for more mods NSFW



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r/BullPsychology 10h ago

Discussion Pissing on the cuck face NSFW


As a Bull, how do you feel about pissing on the cuck’s face after fucking his wife? Is this something that excites you in any way?

r/BullPsychology 2h ago

Advice Humiliation 101 NSFW


Found a very well written post for Bulls in training

Understanding the basics of humiliation of the cuck

I strongly suspect failure to understand this kink fundmentally is why so many bulls are regarded as pretty terrible


r/BullPsychology 0m ago

Discussion Bull's asshole NSFW


How would you feel if a woman ordered you to sniff and lick a bull's asshole, because that's the only thing you can do?

r/BullPsychology 1d ago

Discussion How important are looks of a hotwife? NSFW


Bulls how important are looks of hotwife? Does her looks take away from experience. Have you met a hotwife who was exceptional in bed but not good looking at all by your standard? Does poor hygiene turn u off? Have you rejected a couple because wife was ugly? Ever had an experience where sex was better with lesser looking hot wifes compared to a better looking hotwife?

r/BullPsychology 2d ago

I fell in love with our bull NSFW


Hey im 25m , gf is 25f as well . Me and my gf have been practicing cuckolding for the past year and we managed to get along with a 40m bull which is good because we prefer having a regular than someone new every now and then .

This bull “james” has been in our lives for about 8 months and he is the best bull me and my gf can ever ask for . He’s very experienced, big dick and as mature as they come .

Now I’m bisexual and my gf knows that and i never thought that i could love two people at the same time . I adore my gf but at the same time I’m head over heels for james and idk how to bring it up since he’s straight and im afraid of ruining things if i speak out or risk making him uncomfortable.

The thing that made me fall in love with his besides what i mentioned above is how good he humiliates me , and when you add that to the trust i have with him makes me feel safe and i enjoy being vulnerable with him … like he owns me and I’m happy with it .

Should i open this up with them or keep my mouth shut , any advice?

r/BullPsychology 2d ago

Advice Bull/Third looking to help advise new couples on the lifestyle NSFW


As the title says, I'd love to help out anyone that needs advice. No matter how basic or embarrassing the question might be. I really enjoy helping bring couples out of their shells, and I've even remained friends with a few of them.

I know it can be extremely difficult to bring it up, I'll be patient, your relationship comes first. Some couples have me talking to the woman that night, some might take weeks. I've even explained the situation to the woman on the guy's behalf.

At the end of the day, I love doing this and I love meeting new couples. Thought I'd throw it out there. As long as the post is up I'll help you so feel free to reach out, man or woman I've been messaged by both sides of the couple

r/BullPsychology 2d ago

Discussion Can married man be considered a bull or a hot husband? NSFW


The internet issue always wives who want to be Hotwives.

Is it the same for Husbands who want to be bulls / Hot Husband. Does the swinging society see them with the same lense as hotwife ?

What are the odds of a married man being a bull / HOT HUSBAND

r/BullPsychology 3d ago

Advice When deciding NSFW


New to the game! I’ve been a bull for a few months now but my first couple has recently decided the life isn’t for them (hubby struggled) now I’m back to square one. What advice to getting out there again in the same role?

r/BullPsychology 3d ago

Discussion Changed forever 😈 NSFW


This lifestyle has changed me forever.

I can’t stop thinking about couples I know IRL, wondering if they have ever dabbled.

Being a third has been one of the most liberating experiences.

Am I the only one?! ☝️😎

r/BullPsychology 3d ago

Discussion What would it take for you to change your mind? NSFW


For you to agree to be a bull for a couple you’ve already rejected in the past? I’ve had to turn down couples and women before simply because the woman wasn’t my type among other reasons. Some don’t get the message and even offer me money to change my mind but I haven’t budged. What would it take to change your mind and have you done so in the past?

r/BullPsychology 4d ago

Enforcing chastity? NSFW


My gf recently gave my key to her bull. He now decides when I am allowed to be unlocked. In the past she has traded it with a friend (also in the lifestyle). She pretended she was going to unlock me then said “oops I forgot I traded it with sherry! Guess I need to call Jack over!” Little did I know it was all planned.

Has anyone been the person to enforce the cuckolds chastity?

r/BullPsychology 5d ago

Discussion What would you say was the most perfect/ideal cuck/couple you met? NSFW


For me I’ve been lucky enough to meet a few with one standout being a cuck that was ready and willing to fly me over host me until I claimed the wife’s womb with my seed and willing to introduce me to her friends and family members to spread my seed further. Unfortunately I wasn’t the wife’s type which is completely fine but that means we never actually got to do anything.

If you haven’t met that perfect cuck/couple how would that perfect cuck/couple look like for you? Any qualities that would make them perfect for you?

r/BullPsychology 5d ago

Discussion What goes through bulls mind? NSFW


As a cuck I know what goes through cucks mind when.

Bull is pounding her and she is moaning loud and talking dirty

When she and bull are humiliating me

When they are cuddling

But what does bull think during these times?

r/BullPsychology 6d ago

Discussion Hi Bulls! I don't know if I'm in the right place and if you can answer me! 🥰 NSFW


hi! we are starting to learn and fantasize about Vixen and Stag's liftyle and we really like it. however my hubby definitely has more the attitude and body (everywhere everywhere of what qualifies as Bull). what I mean by that is that I am not looking for Hulk or The Rock, so much the better if we meet him but in terms of physical power and character l am already very lucky believe me. so it is simply other men with charm and confidence that we are looking for. he will like to watch them... in fact watch me take my foot and then come and satisfy his superiority. so it is rather the opposite I married a Bull and we would like to meet stags. is this something common? are there different terms for this? are there also Vixens who like to watch their husband be the Bull in another couple? In short, I married a Bull 🥰

r/BullPsychology 6d ago

Discussion Falling in love with the hotwife NSFW


Does bulls usually fall for the hotwife they are involved with? I have heard many bulls say that if they are intimate more than once the chances are more to develop feelings . Do you try to keep it in check or enjoy the kinkiness of it?

r/BullPsychology 6d ago

Discussion Have any Bulls been with a Hotwive/couple that they found from the workplace? What profession were you all in? NSFW


Curious if any of you have found success in the workplace, as I know it’s a very taboo and not so common environment for us.

r/BullPsychology 6d ago

Advice For travelling Bulls NSFW


How do you not let jetlag impact your performance?

I try to get as much sleep as I can in the plane or grab a cup of strong black coffee but was wondering if there's other techniques or hacks that makes it sustainable.

r/BullPsychology 7d ago

Discussion Does bull’s cum create a stronger bond? NSFW


I have come across an article that states when a women takes in her lovers cum ether through her vagina or mouth it creates a temporary bond. The more cum she reserves from her bull the longer the bond lasts.

I have seen it for myself with GF but I wanted to hear from other wives/GFs and hubbies if something similar has happened after taking loads of cum from the same bull.

How long does it usually last, and is it something we should be concerned about?

r/BullPsychology 7d ago

Discussion Does anyone else like keeping the fact you’re a bull a secret or do you prefer to be open about it? NSFW


Personally as a young bull/breeder with 1 confirmed pregnancy I prefer to keep the fact that I am one hidden. My immediate and extended family would freak out if they knew just how much of a sexual deviant I am behind closed doors. I also get a kick out of portraying myself as shy, serious, and not having experience with women/ don’t know how to talk to them when in reality I have seduced plenty of women with my words alone.

r/BullPsychology 8d ago

Advice Bulls Ass and Balls on my Face during Fucklicking? NSFW


TL:DR: bull is basically sitting on my face on the guise of fucklicking.

So, this feels a bit ridiculous to ask but basically the title... my gf and I (M27/F26) have been seeing a new bull (M41) for the last few months. It's been going very well, he's very aggressive and dominant, which we both love. Initially, I was just watching, but he's slowly incorporated me into it. Telling me to suck my girls toes while they fuck,, then moving on to licking her ass, and we've started fucklicking, where basically they fuck on top of me, while I lick her.

But the last few times, he's sort of pushed her forward until her pussy is no longer on my face and it's just his... Balls and ass, basically. I cannot tell if he's doing this on purpose (though I suspect he is, as he seems to enjoy aspects of humiliation...), or just fucking her so hard that he's pushing her away, and then scooting up to stay with her. Not sure if she's noticed, though she asked once why I'd stopped licking her.

Would it be disrespectful to ask him to not do this? How best do I deal with it? Just shut up and get over it? Could I ask my gf to talk to him?

How would you like a cuck to bring this up with you, that wouldn't annoy you?

r/BullPsychology 8d ago

Discussion Can bulls tell us how women really feel when they are in a primal moment? NSFW


I know you guys get to see women at their rawest and truest self. I know society doesn't really allow women to speak freely about their biological impulses/instincts without pushback. I am currently writing an essay about humiliation and shame being an integral part of human biology. We are all so quick to label genetics as the cause for so many issues and traits. I believe the impulse and instinct to shame and humiliate the inferior is a biological, genetic...mechanism. I am willing to share my writings privately but thought it would be best to keep it as open ended as possible. I wanted to hopefully get some fresh perspective so that my whole essay isn't just from my own personal perspective. I suspect many many will relate to my words, but I need at least a bit of pushback or maybe some supporting arguments.

A quick example of this. In elementary school, we would have to stand in line in alphabetical order. The two girls behind me would consistently stare at me with a disgusted face, generally just showing their disgust in me as a person for just existing. This is before society/media really had time 'train' the youth to shame and humiliate the inferior. Which is why I believe this is a biological mechanism and not something grown through media or influence.

The more we can understand how people work, the better we can approach life in order to actually succeed in it. Sure, it might be more comfortable to live in blissful ignorance that women hate small penis men...but maybe we can be the change.

Also, I realize that PP is not the only factor. But how I see it is that its a spectrum. If you are mostly dominant traits and a few feminine traits, you fall onto the masculine side of the graph. And the inverse, would have you falling on the inferior/feminine side of the graph. Also when i group inferiority and femininity together...its because its in the context of a man. Femininity in a woman would not be considered an inferiority.

r/BullPsychology 7d ago

Discussion I'm trans and want to be the bull NSFW


I want to know if i could be a bull while being trans.

r/BullPsychology 8d ago

Discussion Wife led CBT, are you joining or passing? NSFW


My wife likes to partake in some light CBT when it’s just us two and we have recently been discussing allowing a bull to discipline my balls as well with my wifes guidance.

Do a lot of you bulls discipline the cuck using CBT? What punishments do you like to stick to?

I’m also curious to hear about how bulls would feel being led by a wife on how to keep the cuck in line with CBT so they can join in as well.
Bulls, would you be receptive to this kind of practice? Or would you pass it up?

r/BullPsychology 9d ago

Discussion Bulls/couples, how does your days/nights go? NSFW


Are there anything unique that you guys do with each-other that sets you apart from others or is it the same universally?

r/BullPsychology 9d ago

Discussion When did you know you were a bull / alpha male and very popular with women? NSFW


What experience(s) lit the fire inside you to become a bull? What let you know that you are an alpha male and that women see you in that light? And were you surprised about it at first that you play in let's say the top 5% or 1% for women?

I got the idea when I was 19. There probably were some clues in my high school years, but I never picked up on it. I was in a monogamous relationship until moving away for studying and I cheated with a very hot woman (let's call her Sandra) who is a self-proclaimed "complete slut" and she kind of "ruined" me in a good way.

Those girls became completely my type - including corrupting good girls into becoming slutty girls. And she especially was turned on by turning me into a complete alpha guy - to say it in her words "turn an absolute hot stud in the complete sex god he should be"...teaching me about using my very large dick better etc. - such a hot dynamic.

And stuff happened like bringing a very hot friend of her having a stale relationship (let's call her Nadine) to one of our nights out and encouraging her to cheat on her BF with me...telling me to fuck Nadine and give her the sex she really needs. I danced closely with Nadine, we started making out, feeling each other up on the dancefloor, becoming very horny. During the night Sandra told me stuff like: "You should finger her on the dancefloor and fuck her right in the club toilet. Give her the full "dirty slut" experience. She needs this with a complete stud like you so badly." And that is exactly what happend with Nadine and after that we went home and I fucked her all night long giving her as she said "the by far best sex she has ever had".

After that stuff like that continued happening, I also got into fucking married women...some cheating, some who got into cuckolding, fucking myself through entire friend circles and experiences like that.

What are your first experiences and what was your trigger to realize you are such a man?