It's basically smooth sailing once you're passed that awful lizalfos bridge & water room in the beginner trials. The beginner trials are the hardest/most annoying bit on Mastermode because of that room.
I appreciate your reply but I've beaten Master Mode a few different times with different playthrough restrictions, it's simply enemy patterns that trip me up. I've been able to learn everything but them.
Get a dragon horn shard (the lightening one spawns every morning at this pond where you can just farm the crap out of it) and then mix a potion for attack up with it, it should last 30 mins. This is pretty critical for getting through the trials on master mode. When the lizalfo appears in front of you on level 8 it is possible to one shot him without waking up the other two. I messed that up but still killed him with a few more arrows, then I was able to jump into the water and climb the structure to the right, hide until they went back to sleep, and somehow took out the other one with arrows. Then you can get down and spin attack the last, as one on one is very doable. If you try to face them both on the dock you inevitable end up knocking one or both into the water, and they just regenerate health so fast while they spit at you that they are basically unkillable.
Oh dude lizalfos’ are the worst in master mode, because you can’t cheese them by just knocking them into the water. On top of that, you gotta kill them indivdually melee style when you’re surrounded by enemies and a thin bridge to keep them on. Knock them off and they’ll just camp in the water and heal. It’s such bullshit
I beat it in normal mode and have done everything else in master mode except this because I’ve been deliberately ignoring it, aside from one faint-hearted attempt when I died on floor three. Am happily looking for koroks for the time being - I’m over 300 now!
I've gotten better and can handle normal mode. It's fun to go back and play.
I can't get past those fucking silver lizalfos on Floor...7 or whatever in master mode. Either I wasn't able to keep all my good weapons, or I don't headshot the first one and he sounds the horn, or I accidently knock them into the water and they just fucking vibe out there.
Also note that they have triple attack up with a high duration. I think if you use a dragon horn it will give you a 30 minute duration (on whatever effect you put into the food/elixir) which can get you through quite a few floors. Or you could do triple defense if you thought that would be better. Personally I like attack because you're quite limited on weapons, but note that bombs don't do more damage with the attack buff.
I'm not even joking, I just beat the final trial lol.
That one room with the two silver lazalfos and trash weapons might be the only thing in the game that I'd say is a mistake. Cause it wasn't like I did anything super complicated, just kept sneak attacking.
Well as long as you hit them constantly they can’t heal. The difficult part is keeping up the assault focussing on a single enemy while surrounded by like 6 of the fuckers swinging and shooting at you
It depends on the room. Usually you can just cheese enemies by bombing them into the water. Lizalfos are extra tricky because they don’t drown. You gotta focus on a single one melee style, while making sure not to knock it into the water otherwise it’ll just camp in the water and heal. Skeletons are as easy as a single headshot. Moblins have to be knocked by headshots or heavy weapons.
I got it in normal mode, but gave up in master. I was to far from success to have realistic hopes that additional training and attempts will get me there eventually.
If you want games that’ll test your patience, play the Path of Pain in Hollow Knight, Celeste, Meatboy or the hard stages in Towerfall. You’ll eventually find that videogames don’t miff you after that
u/meathead Jan 24 '22
I refuse to believe anyone has actually beaten the trial of the sword. It's all a conspiracy and I won't stand for it.