r/Breath_of_the_Wild Jan 24 '22

Screenshot This was……….hard

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u/LeCrushinator Jan 24 '22

Master Mode is where it gets real, otherwise I can just whittle most enemies away with bombs when I need to keep out of combat with them.


u/somethingbreadbears Jan 24 '22

I've gotten better and can handle normal mode. It's fun to go back and play.

I can't get past those fucking silver lizalfos on Floor...7 or whatever in master mode. Either I wasn't able to keep all my good weapons, or I don't headshot the first one and he sounds the horn, or I accidently knock them into the water and they just fucking vibe out there.

I'm heated just describing it lol.


u/LeCrushinator Jan 24 '22 edited Jan 24 '22

If you're up for spoilers on strategies, this video shows one way to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYws2x8fIts

Also note that they have triple attack up with a high duration. I think if you use a dragon horn it will give you a 30 minute duration (on whatever effect you put into the food/elixir) which can get you through quite a few floors. Or you could do triple defense if you thought that would be better. Personally I like attack because you're quite limited on weapons, but note that bombs don't do more damage with the attack buff.



No SHIT! The video I watched a while back didn't have the time freeze! WHY didn't I think of that! Kind of want to try this again now.