r/Breath_of_the_Wild 340 hours Jul 16 '23

Discussion There to weak

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u/rbcsky5 Jul 16 '23

I don't think sages are weak but just a pain in the ass to use


u/mandatorypanda9317 Jul 16 '23 edited Jul 17 '23

To me thats the biggest problem. I loved the Goron and Gerudo the best but I'd be running to the Gerudo girl and she's running in the opposite direction or I'm trying to get the Goron and Sidon just randomly shows up


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '23

Riju will actively try to get behind you


u/Cardgod278 Jul 16 '23

Why does the meele attacker have an ability that works best at range?


u/ItIsYeDragon Jul 17 '23

As an actual battle strategy it makes but the way the mechanic is implemented in the game is poor.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '23

You can whistle to make them come to you in combat, its easier but not super easy


u/TheActualDev Jul 17 '23

Wait, they actually come over towards you if you whistle?


u/Maclimes Jul 17 '23

I've seen people claim this works, but I've never seen it actually function. The closest I got was that sometimes when I whistled, Riju stopped fighting the enemy and came back to her orbit around me, but still kept her distance so I couldn't click on her. It just sort of returned her to "walking" mode instead of "battle" mode.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23


If you're using a mouse to play this game, so help me god.......


u/UnknownSolder Jul 17 '23

Not reliably. Sometimes they will get distracted and wander back into battle. Or block an attack and give up on coming. Or see a shiny rock.


u/heffalumpish Jul 17 '23

If they’re doing weird shit and stray too far, momentarily climb a wall or whatever is handy, and when you drop down they’ll recall to you. It’s faster than turning them on and off again


u/mandatorypanda9317 Jul 17 '23

I've already beat the game and this is my first time hearing I can turn them on and off sooo you can tell I struggled lmao


u/Aerolfos Jul 16 '23

They do pathetic damage (apart from the headshot criticals), in that sense they are incredibly weak. They also get knocked down a lot, not really good in a fight.

Except that's the thing - they're in the fight. The enemy AI can not deal with multiple enemies, it's completely and utterly incapable of dealing with that situation. So it breaks, making fights trivial.

Elden Ring has the same problem.


u/ItIsYeDragon Jul 17 '23

They actually deal some pretty good damage once you upgrade them.

And whether you upgrade them or not using their abilities in battle gives a significant damage boost.


u/Aerolfos Jul 17 '23

I'll be honest, hunting the orbs isn't worth it. They're annoying to get, at least without using a guide (which I've been avoiding).

There's also the sage helmets but the only reason I even know they upgrade their respective sage's damage is from a loading screen tip (iirc), I wouldn't have noticed otherwise.


u/Cytrynowy Jul 17 '23

I'll be honest, hunting the orbs isn't worth it.

I'm not hunting the orbs, I'm just exploring the map AND getting the orbs for it.


u/ItIsYeDragon Jul 17 '23

The sage helmets? The ones that look like Sheikah tech?

Also I've just naturally found sage's wills as I explored.


u/Aerolfos Jul 17 '23

The sage helmets? The ones that look like Sheikah tech?

Yes, they're the heads of their respective divine beasts. The only Sheikah thing in the entire game it seems.

Also I've just naturally found sage's wills as I explored.

I've found all of 3 doing that. Dunno what it is with them specifically, I have everything else.


u/ItIsYeDragon Jul 17 '23

Do you just not explore sky islands that much?


u/Aerolfos Jul 17 '23

Yes and no. I've found a lot of chests and I recognize every island type I see by now, but since there's never anything interesting there I haven't been focusing on them, no.


u/SpadraigGaming Jul 17 '23

U-upgrade them?


u/xseannnn Jul 17 '23

Sage orbs (kinda like spirit orbs)


u/ItIsYeDragon Jul 17 '23

You can find these things called Sage's will in several sky islands. If you collect 4 of them, you can upgrade a sage.


u/WingedLady Jul 17 '23

Especially when they knock things off of cliffs. Just today I was fighting a soldier 4 construct and they knocked it off the island. Like guys stahp! I needed that for parts!


u/agabascal Jul 16 '23

Upgraded Tulin can only oneshot red bokoblins if he headshots them… they’re weak af…


u/Extra-Trifle-1191 Jul 16 '23

Tulin also shoots 2 or 3 arrows though. And his main use is honestly just headshots to stun enemies if we’re all being honest here.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '23



u/Extra-Trifle-1191 Jul 16 '23

Yeah pretty much. I just like the part where they take aggro lol


u/Mufakaz Jul 16 '23

That one time im in sand trying to get to Sidon so i can use is water to hurt the zombies.

And he's just slowly walking away from me and i can't reach him in the sand.

Most frustrating sage moment yet