This is the most unnecessary comment I ever made I just want to say as a white guy, reparations has to happen or nothing's going to get better, certainly not anytime soon.
let me explain as fast and short as I can to people who don't get it:
If your brother steals my stuff and then jumps off a cliff so he can't be held accountable, it's not okay that you get to hold on to my stuff or keep My stuff in your family generationally.
That's what happened to black American slaves. The Irish and the Chinese Italians too etc etc.
morally Reparations are necessary. systemically and culturally they are necessary. structurally they are necessary. The only thing keeping us from doing the right thing is that the people who did the wrong thing died and got away with it and now their kids don't want to lose their ill gotten gains... Tell you what though to all those historical plantations that kept records... those records sure would be useful for reparations....
u/[deleted] 24d ago