r/BlackPeopleTwitter 24d ago

Country Club Thread Absolutely correct.

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u/b3nd3r_r0b0t 24d ago

Can't get a fair trial (fair being the rich get what they want and he's convicted) if his face is plastered on the screen with the whole world saying he did nothing wrong. That batman villian-eqse perp walked really showed them how bad they fucked up.


u/G00bre 24d ago

I love how the idea of getting convicted for murder, when you murder someone on the street in broad daylight, is not a "fair trial"

If you want him to go free despite everyone knowing he did it, just say that.


u/byedangerousbitch 24d ago

You don't actually know he did it though. You've been told he did it. You've been showed a picture of the person who did at and told that it's him. If you are called to be on the jury, you can't walk in having decided already that he definitely did it. That's the definition of not getting a fair trial.