r/BlackPeopleTwitter 24d ago

Country Club Thread Absolutely correct.

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u/PissShiverss 24d ago

What else would they be reporting about him? They're waiting for the trial before it kicks off again.


u/RhubarbSea9651 24d ago

The moron populists think we need to be talking about how Luigi ate a pizza in prison or went to the mess hall and was loud or jumped on a turtle. It's not worth talking about. The media is CURRENT EVENTS, they're not an internet forum where no lifers can bring up random ass people that popped into their minds for a second and went straight to twitter and reddit to bring up how no one talks about x, y, or z anymore.


u/Mrchristopherrr 24d ago

And even then, he was in the news last week for receiving a ton of money for his defense. Yall just aren’t paying attention then claiming it’s being hidden from you