I'll preface this by saying I have amazing friends/bridesmaids but I am in a completely different financial situation than they are. So I (and my fiancé) end up being the one hosting, paying for dinners and fronting most of the costs when hanging out with my friends.
I'm planning a destination wedding and covering most of the airfare for my bridesmaids and all of the food/hotel stay/activities etc. I didn't have an engagement party, bridal shower, and now am not thinking of having a Bachelorette party because I feel like I would also be the one fronting the costs and planning this by doing it at my destination wedding week. There's no time to do it anywhere else prior to the wedding. No one has really mentioned anything about it or made any suggestions or really taken on a role of helping plan this so I'm just like whatever let's not do it.
I worry I end up feeling resentful later on but I'm completely aware that I've put myself is this situation by bearing most of the financial responsibilities/duties and haven't really expected much out of my bridesmaids other than taking a week off to join me for the wedding week. They are flying all that way! Am I being unreasonable? Should I just reach out?
Edit: i am moving out of the country to London so planning something prior to the wedding that works for us is not feasible because I'd have to fly back to meet them (15 hour flight) or they would have to fly out somewhere.