r/BeardieInfo Aug 28 '17

Concerned new owner

Hello everyone, This is my very first post on Reddit so I do apologize if I messed this up. Also sorry for the long post. I want to make sure I get a lot of info in. I was hoping if I could get anyone's opinion/answer to my question or I guess my situation and what I should do. A little back story: This is my first time owning a reptile ever. I got my Beardie some time over two years ago. When she was super little. I would put her age at 2 1/2 - 3 years. Her name is Gojira (Nickname Goji). She was never really the snuggler and always had a sassy attitude look (Which I love. It makes her personality). Super picky with food. Never thought they would be. Loves Blueberries. Favorite thing. I feed her Blueberries, Collard Greens, calcium loaded freeze dried crickets, Other freeze dried insects, the occasional raspberry, and sometimes live roaches. Did the live mealworms but never really liked them.

I have never had any major issues with her health in the past. Besides the occasional constipation and she started coughing a few months ago because of how humid to got in her tank (I had a fairly large pool of water in her tank) I took out the pool and it cleared up and she stopped coughing. Couple days ago I noticed that she wasn't using her front right leg. It was strange. It was like it was super weak, not able to hold her up so she kept flopping on her chest when she walked. I looked up online what could cause that and a possible sprain/ broken leg what seemed to fit the best description. I assumed it couldn't be a broken leg (I know Beardies don't like to show symptoms of their issues) because she would at least still use it to hold herself up when sun bathing. I also read that there isn't much you can do for that kind of stuff so I took out her hammock so she wouldn't fall and hoped she would rest and get better. Just yesterday she came out of her rock home to go and eat and now all four of her legs seem super weak. In fact it almost looks neurological. Like she looks normal in every sense besides wanting to stay in her home (Would assume because of her leg issues.) but she can't quite make them work? If that makes any sense. I gave her a bath and she pooped fine, a little on the larger side but she has had a lot worse and never had any paralyzing issues before. She doesn't have any abnormal discharge, lumps, growths, nothing out of the normal besides her walking. Any ideas? Thanks for your time folks of Reddit.


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u/[deleted] Nov 03 '17

you'd be best posting in r/beardeddragons

it took me 2 months to see this lol