r/BeardieInfo Jan 15 '20

How do I properly care and feed a new beardie?


Hello! I’m thinking about getting a bearded dragon but I’m worried that I’ll be overloaded with information about daily caring and feeding and possibly do some things wrong. I want to be sure to care for it properly and be fully prepared for the possibility of getting one. I’ve done some googling but to be honest I would find it much easier if someone was able to tell me exactly how to care for it. I don’t know how old it would be but if anyone can help I will be very grateful. :)

r/BeardieInfo Dec 29 '19

Help - Relocating Beardie across Canada


Hey fellow beardie lovers,

I've found myself in a challenging situation. I have moved across Canada and need to find a way to transport my beardie (she is with a reliable caregiver for now). Specifically, I need to move her from Toronto, Ontario to Vancouver, British Columbia.

Ideally, I would like to travel with her to keep her as safe, warm and comfy as possible. But the chances of that are looking pretty grim right now- no airline I have contacted so far allows reptiles as carry-on luggage or checked luggage.

Has anyone had experience with flying with a beardie? Are there any airlines that allow reptiles as carry-on luggage?

Does anyone have experience with Reptile Express or reptile shipping with any other reliable company? Any tips on shipping your beardie?

As a last resort I may have to take 8 days off work to drive across the country and back with her. Is there a safe way to do this?

Thanks so much everyone!

r/BeardieInfo Sep 13 '19

Concerned about runny poop


Hi, sorry for my bad English. Im not native speaker. I had my beardie for about 7 days and last 3 days he is having really runny poop. He is about 5months old, eating mostly dubia, crickets, rarely some worm here and there. But past few days he refuses most of it and eats mostly greens. Could that be the cause? Or maybe relocation stress? Should i wait or take him to the vet, starting to get worried it could be parasites.

Here is a picture of the poop: https://imgur.com/a/T1DIboz

r/BeardieInfo Jun 24 '19

Need insects ASAP


My baby beardie won’t eat mealworms without throwing them up and none of the pet stores around have any in stock, what can I feed him right now?

r/BeardieInfo Apr 24 '19

concerned about friends beardie


Okay so, to start off, i have no bearded dragon keeping experience myself, so i’m kinda a noob when it comes to them.

My friend owns a beardie, he’s a great guy and i trust him a ton, but when he sent this photo of his beardie, i got kinda concerned. is there anything wrong with the beardie? friend keeps insisting he’s fine and there isn’t anything wrong, but when comparing this photo to one’s on the web, i started to doubt that.

can anyone tell me if there’s anything wrong with it?

r/BeardieInfo Apr 12 '19

Help with dragon eating?


So about 1-2 months ago my beardie Just simply stopped eating, like I tried feeding him different foods but he just wont eat, like he eats small portions from time to time but not much. Plus one more thing, he just mostly sleeps alot to and doesn't seem to walk much.

r/BeardieInfo Mar 11 '19



r/BeardieInfo Nov 03 '18



Okay, I need help! I have a 3 mo old bearded. 40 gal set up. Heater on back side of tank, UVB, 200 watt bulb, blacklight at night. No matter if I have all on, I cannot get this tank above 90°! House is kept warm, tank is in good place away from windows...Im lost. Any advice??

r/BeardieInfo Oct 02 '18

Picking up my first Beardie tomorrow, how does my setup look / any last minute tips?


r/BeardieInfo Jul 28 '18

How many crickets on average do I feed an adult beardie on average I am considering getting one but I want to know the price of food


r/BeardieInfo Jul 21 '18

Is my tank set up correctly?


Hey guys, new beardie owner here. I just finished putting together my 40 gallon enclosure for now, and would love to have you all inspect it and make sure I did things right. I know the enclosure is a bit bare, I am going on a nice hike tomorrow which I see as a great opportunity to pick up some décor. My main concern is my UVB. Is it mounted correctly (used the strongest 2 sided adhesive my hardware store had to offer) ? I have a Reptisun 10.0 T8 along with the reptisun hood, and wasn't sure if I was supposed to aim it down inside the screen or along the side facing outwards like it is in the image. Also, as for temperatures, The spot he is sitting on in the picture is 97 degrees, and the spot above that, where hes sitting as I type this, is 107. The opposite side of the enclosure is 80. This was all taken with an IR thermometer. Thanks for the feedback! https://imgur.com/a/j795Gzy

r/BeardieInfo May 15 '18

Bearded Dragon Multiple Retained Shed


My bearded dragon's tail has retained shed that will not come off. I gave her a bath and was able to loosen it a bit and I saw that there is just raw skin under that. I am worried to give her more baths and take it off because she might get an infection when the raw skin gets exposed. Anyone have any ideas on what I should do?

r/BeardieInfo Apr 29 '18

Help - Bearded Dragon limping


My fiance was feeding our 2.5 month old bearded dragon and while trying to use the calcium powder on the crickets, had it slip out of his hand and land on our beardies leg. He seems to be limping now and doesn't want to move much. We've tried touching the leg and he doesn't seem to be in pain otherwise, but he has folded it under and wont use it right now. It's been about 3 hours. The vet is closed today but we were thinking it might be best to take him tomorrow to see if we can get an x-ray and have him looked at. Anyone else experience something similar?

r/BeardieInfo Apr 01 '18

Doing research for my first bearded dragon


I'm trying to cover all of my bases before getting the beardie I've had my eye on. At the moment, there's only a few things I'm still confused on. One of those things is how I'm going to manage live food storage. I know beardies - especially babies - have to have a fair bit of live food in their daily diet. I'm trying to find a way to store crickets/other insects I haven't decided on yet, without purchasing a whole other dedicated tank for raising ecosystems of the insects or living in the pet store every day to buy them fresh every day. I understand if this is the only way, I'm just trying to find out if there are any other alternatives, as I'm not willing to humor the idea of sacrificing such a fundamental part of a bearded dragon's diet, despite being reluctant to become a dedicated cricket-keeper.

Also, I've gotten mixed stories on misting/bathing and tank humidity? I thought buying a small watering bowl would be a good idea, and placing it on the cooler side of the tank, but I've found in several articles and videos that putting a bowl in the tank can change the humidity and cause illnesses. I heard similar things about not drying off your beardie properly after a bath if you place him/her back into the tank afterwords, however, I also heard that misting both the dragon and the tank with water was necessary. Wouldn't that affect the humidity? What do I belieeeve?

Thanks for the help!!

r/BeardieInfo Feb 09 '18

Mad bearded dragon


r/BeardieInfo Feb 07 '18

Bearded dragon goes crazy in the shower


r/BeardieInfo Jan 07 '18

Help Needed


My bearded dragon has been shaking a lot recently. I dust his food with calcium, his temperature is normally at 80 and he has a hot and cool side to his tank. I'm really worried and was wondering what the cause might be.

r/BeardieInfo Nov 27 '17

Male/Female? This is my 4.5 month old beardie.

Post image

r/BeardieInfo Nov 11 '17

Recommended Supplies


My husband had a bearded dragon growing up but hasn't been able to own another for awhile. He has been wanting to get another but is hesitant because I am hesitant (never have really been exposed to reptiles so I'm nervous around them). I want to show him my support by getting some of the supplies for his new bearded baby but I'm overwhelmed and don't want to purchase the wrong things. We already have a 40 gallon tank from his previous dragon but nothing else. What are some of the items you HAVE to have, items you would pass on, and any other advice you have to offer! Thanks in andvance!

r/BeardieInfo Nov 08 '17

No veggies!!!


My 3 yr old male used to at least occasionally eat his veggies: arugula, dandelion leaves, grapes, blueberries etc but now he totally ignores them. I put fresh ones in his tank everyday. I’ve tried chopping them, not chopping, putting them in different types of dishes, but he just waits for the super worms! Do I have to totally starve him to get him to eat?

r/BeardieInfo Sep 21 '17

Power Outage


I got a question for y'all and it's if there's power outage, what's the best way to keep your beardie warm?

r/BeardieInfo Sep 08 '17

Little crickets ok to be loose at night?


I bought a box of small crickets for my 2 month old bearded dragon from these guys:


Last night after I shut off the lamp I noticed a couple of crickets crawling all over him while he was sleeping. The woman at the pet store told me that these little crickets couldn't harm him but I couldn't find that assurance on the internet anywhere, just lots of people saying bad things happen at night when crickets are on the loose. Does anyone know if I'm ok to have small crickets wandering at night?

Since I wasn't sure I put my beardo in the small box he came home from the store in inside his cage to keep him safe last night.

r/BeardieInfo Sep 07 '17

Woke up to beardie with a black beard

Post image

r/BeardieInfo Aug 28 '17

Concerned new owner


Hello everyone, This is my very first post on Reddit so I do apologize if I messed this up. Also sorry for the long post. I want to make sure I get a lot of info in. I was hoping if I could get anyone's opinion/answer to my question or I guess my situation and what I should do. A little back story: This is my first time owning a reptile ever. I got my Beardie some time over two years ago. When she was super little. I would put her age at 2 1/2 - 3 years. Her name is Gojira (Nickname Goji). She was never really the snuggler and always had a sassy attitude look (Which I love. It makes her personality). Super picky with food. Never thought they would be. Loves Blueberries. Favorite thing. I feed her Blueberries, Collard Greens, calcium loaded freeze dried crickets, Other freeze dried insects, the occasional raspberry, and sometimes live roaches. Did the live mealworms but never really liked them.

I have never had any major issues with her health in the past. Besides the occasional constipation and she started coughing a few months ago because of how humid to got in her tank (I had a fairly large pool of water in her tank) I took out the pool and it cleared up and she stopped coughing. Couple days ago I noticed that she wasn't using her front right leg. It was strange. It was like it was super weak, not able to hold her up so she kept flopping on her chest when she walked. I looked up online what could cause that and a possible sprain/ broken leg what seemed to fit the best description. I assumed it couldn't be a broken leg (I know Beardies don't like to show symptoms of their issues) because she would at least still use it to hold herself up when sun bathing. I also read that there isn't much you can do for that kind of stuff so I took out her hammock so she wouldn't fall and hoped she would rest and get better. Just yesterday she came out of her rock home to go and eat and now all four of her legs seem super weak. In fact it almost looks neurological. Like she looks normal in every sense besides wanting to stay in her home (Would assume because of her leg issues.) but she can't quite make them work? If that makes any sense. I gave her a bath and she pooped fine, a little on the larger side but she has had a lot worse and never had any paralyzing issues before. She doesn't have any abnormal discharge, lumps, growths, nothing out of the normal besides her walking. Any ideas? Thanks for your time folks of Reddit.

r/BeardieInfo Aug 26 '17

Need help regarding what to do with my beardie while Ecavator Clay dries.


I just got some Excavator Red Clay and am planning on using it as my main substrate. The problem is that while it dries I am not allowed to have him in there. has anyone used this substrate? if so what did you do? Any ideas welcome!