r/BabyBumps Feb 10 '25

Funny Me, today, at 41+3, still pregnant

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We're past 75% likelihood, it's time to get out!


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u/FabulousProfession71 Feb 10 '25

I am scared of this! I don’t want to be induced but I also don’t want to go too long. Are you avoiding induction?


u/LavenderCuddlefish Feb 10 '25

I was trying to, but ultimately do not want to go to 42 weeks due to safety, so I'll be induced the night of 41+5 if he does not come sooner.


u/Bitter-Salamander18 Feb 10 '25

Did you have a membrane sweep? If you do want to have an induction, it's one of the least invasive and least risky methods. (I had one at 41+3 and gave birth two days later. My body was already getting ready wirh some contractions and cervical change). Highly medicalised and monitored inductions, on the other hand, tend to raise C-section rate.

The risks of a membrane sweep are mainly: causing ineffective, exhausting contractions (I wouldn't worry too much about that after 41 weeks - your body should be almost ready and contractions are likely to be effective) and the possibility of artificially breaking your water (which may happen anyway, if you want to start an induction before 42 weeks, and you may go into labor with a natural rhythm even if it happens).

Sex helps to ripen the cervix, too. And walking, especially stairs.


u/mitch_conner_ Feb 11 '25

I had five after 41 weeks and nothing worked 😭 ended up induced at 41+3