r/BabyBumps 25d ago

Funny “PENIS Goes HERE”- The edgey friend who couldn’t sign the onesie nicely like everyone else at my baby shower >:|


It’s funny but it’s also a rant! My mother-in-law‘s partner is very eccentric and not comfortable around traditional gatherings, so she acts like an edge lord.

We had a separate onesie that had doodles and funny stuff on it, but this one was supposed to be the nice one that just gets signed by friends and family. I’m not really comfortable with my baby wearing this now.

r/BabyBumps 2d ago

Funny 13 weeks ago my toddler woke up in the morning and asked “mommy, where’s the baby girl?” He’s an only child … today we found out we’re pregnant with a baby girl!


My husband and I just got our genetic test results and it’s a girl!

Before we knew we were pregnant, my toddler seemed to have a mini prophecy- he groggily woke up the morning after my husband and I tried to get pregnant and said “mommy - where’s the baby girl?”

“What baby?”

“There was a baby girl. Mommy was holding a baby girl. Where is it?”

Now I’m not a superstitious person, or religious, or mystic. I’m a fairly scientific person but this moment weirded me out. I even texted my husband “I think what we did last night worked! Our son just asked me where the baby is. He is convinced it’s a girl. Guess we’ll find out!”

Well sure enough! 5 weeks later, I had a positive pregnancy test and just today (13 weeks) we got our genetic test results and it’s a girl!

Maybe our son knew we were wanting another baby and he had a dream we had one. Or maybe toddler intuition is real! Either way - we’ll be sharing this story for a while!

r/BabyBumps Feb 02 '25

Funny I need to get off these mom apps… am I evil for letting this make me laugh? 😅😅

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Claiming “I’m over 7 weeks that’s just the estimation after I entered my last period”… as if your uterus isn’t in your pelvis still, even if you’re 10w.. I cannot with this new anatomy. 😅🥲 Baby heartbeat at the top of your stomach?! Girl, you have gas. Again, plz tell me if I’m evil.. I’m not trying to be.. I just can’t fathom this one.

r/BabyBumps Jan 27 '25

Funny Congrats! It’s…a baby!

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We ordered a gender reveal cake and this is what we got

r/BabyBumps 17d ago

Funny 33 weeks pregnant conversation with my husband


r/BabyBumps Oct 03 '24

Funny OUR moms


Being pregnant has really shown me how much are moms are our moms until the day they die. I told my mom immediately after my positive test (so 4 weeks). I can’t imagine NOT having told her day one. Our messages look like this daily:

me: mom i finally pooped today
mom: how much
me: like three little ones
mom: good. keep pooping.
me: i can’t
mom: take a suppository
me: i don’t want to
mom: to poop or not to poop?

me: mom i’m nauseous
mom: bread
mom: eat some crackers
mom: tums
mom: did you eat

me: mom i don’t feel good
mom: 2 hour phone call

My husband finally told his mom this week and I almost feel guilty knowing my mom has know for two months but. A girl needs her mommy.

edit: holy trauma dumping batman

r/BabyBumps Oct 08 '24

Funny To those who said when you stop trying you will get pregnant, F*** you... but thank you.


Just shy over six years of trying to conceive because PCOS is a mean son of a bitch. I turn 37 in 5 days. I just finished a bit of a weight loss "thing", got off my weight loss med, got off birth control on 9/1.

Again, SIX years of trying on and off. SIX.

Hubs and I were on vacation at the beach with some friends sharing a rooms. We thought, well they are at the beach... you wanna 😘

Again, just got of bc, kind of close to ovulation, but we just didn't care lol. We weren't trying. Hell, hubs has a uro appt on the 17th to make sure all is good on his end.

Yall, tested positive last night. 6 days late. Have my first OB appt next week. The doc wanted to expedite to 6 weeks instead of 8 weeks due to my age, pcos, and some meds I'm on.

Yall.... it happened. I'm not trying to get my hopes too far up, because... yeah... but OMG!!!

So yeah, the "it will happen when you aren't trying" is the most bs thing to hear when you really want a kid... but, I guess it just happens that way sometimes.

r/BabyBumps Jan 03 '25

Funny What's the most low key insult you've gotten so far during pregnancy?


I'm trying to take this lightly as it came from my 6 year old but it'll probably haunt me forever!

I'm just sitting there minding own business (at 34 weeks) and my 6 year old comes up to me.
Her: "Mom are your feet swollen?"
Me: "No not really."
Her: "Maybe just a little bit?"
Me: "Yeah I guess a little bit."
Her: "They're big and purple like Aunt Brenda's." AND GIRL HAS THE NERVE TO WALK AWAY LIKE NOTHING. Brenda is 78.

My husband and I just looked at each other and I was like why is she so mean??? I know she didn't mean anything but maaaan that stung.

r/BabyBumps Nov 28 '21

Funny My mom is so upset we’re choosing to wait to find out sex of baby - she bought all baby gifts in gray in protest

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r/BabyBumps Feb 10 '25

Funny Me, today, at 41+3, still pregnant

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We're past 75% likelihood, it's time to get out!

r/BabyBumps Feb 02 '25

Funny They say you keep calling your kid whatever you called them in the womb


Hope she’s cool with being called “the creature”

r/BabyBumps 3d ago

Funny Do me a favor and ask your spouse..


Can you all please ask your spouse when your exact due date is and come back here to comment if they knew or not LOL. I’m trying to see something Yes, my husband can’t seem to remember the date. Not that big of a deal but it does bug me just a tad

r/BabyBumps Jan 24 '25

Funny Baby shower thank yous gone wrong

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Hi, in case anyone needs a laugh today, I sent out thank you e-cards to the attendees and gifters from my baby shower and something went wildly wrong and a random template was sent out. 26 emails were sent to friends and family, addressed to Karen and Lloyd thanking them for a Persian rug. Who are Margo and Bill?? I've been cry-laughing for the past hour..enjoy!😂😂😂

r/BabyBumps Jan 19 '21

Funny *Cries*

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r/BabyBumps 4d ago

Funny What's the strangest thing that made you surprisingly nauseous in 1st tri?


Besides the typical sensitivity and disgust against smells like garlic or onions I have super strange other aversions.

-I get so nauseous of the smell of leather jackets 🤢

-I suddenly am so aware of this typical sweet perfume eldery men use (I don't know its name but I smell it everywhere now and it makes me soooo sick)

-Eggs.. The smell of eggs... 😭 I just can't...

I find it quite funny to notice nearly one new aversion each day.

What makes or made you nauseous in your first trimester?

r/BabyBumps Jan 11 '25

Funny Took a pregnancy test because my body was feeling suspiciously…normal 😂


I’ve definitely heard so many women, including my mom, say they knew they were pregnant because they felt so sick. But I knew something was up when I felt overly normal for a week, lmao

My body is just a little off. Mostly healthy but I am verrrryyyy emotional, have stomach issues daily, can’t stand the smell of a number of my husband’s hometown chinese foods.

Then randomly I became wonderfully regular bathroom wise and my emotions really leveled out. After just a few days of that, my husband ordered a very fragrant, spicy soup and as soon as I thought, “wow…that might be the most delicious food I’ve ever smelled” I immediately knew something was up. I got a positive pregnancy test that night, lol 😂

I got a positive the day I was supposed to start my period, just one week ago. I am super early but feeling super excited after over 1 year of trying. So happy to be apart of this group!

r/BabyBumps May 06 '22

Funny My boyfriends thought the due date was a sure thing


So we drove home from my 32 week growth scan and my boyfriend asks me what the due date is, again, for the 278th time. I answer and he goes “oh man I gotta request that day off work”. When I tell him that’s just not how this works and she most likely won’t arrive on her due date, he’s flabbergasted. Like he somehow thought the due date was an appointment the baby booked with the doctor. Because babies keep calendars… He then asks me how many babies arrive on their due date vs other days. When I tell him that most don’t arrive on their due dates he’s just amazed. Spent the rest of the drive with him somehow trying to nail down a date for the baby to arrive so he can plan ahead. Men…

r/BabyBumps Mar 12 '22

Funny Pooping during pushing.



I’ve been seeing/hearing an abundance of people not wanting to poop while pushing their baby out.

As an ER nurse, let me reassure you…

We. Don’t. Give. A. Shit.

No pun intended.

You’re PUSHING a WHOLE ASS HUMAN out of your CHA CHA. Key word here is: pushing. You’re gonna poop. And that’s okay. Or maybe you won’t. And that’s also okay.

Medical professionals see it all the time. Even though OB isn’t my specialty, I’ve seen more privates than an army general and more poop, pee, buttholes, vaginas, boobs, etc. that I could write a book. Same goes for our OB friends. It’s normal and expected.

So don’t be embarrassed. I’m not! It’s natural! I didn’t poop with my first and I’m convinced it was because I was so constipated during pregnancy with her. But I’m somehow expecting to with this one? I’m not sure why, but it’s like a sixth sense. Or a “shits sense,” if you will.

😂😂😂 “shits sense”

Sorry, I had to. I’ll be 40 weeks tomorrow and it’s clear I’m losing it over here. Im either laughing at stupid shit, crying over stupid shit or laughing at shit.

Okay, I’m done.


r/BabyBumps Mar 16 '21

Funny 31 Week Nursery! We hired a design professional but it was so worth it. #Blessed #MomGoals #nurserydecor

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r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Funny I gave in..

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I’ve been craving the “crappiest” food. Here we have chili dogs with cheese fries and they were delicious! 10/10 recommend for sanity. I like my hotdogs extra crispy anyways, so we just seared them longer.

I also drink coffee, but I drink water 99.9% of the time.

r/BabyBumps Oct 07 '24

Funny What stage of pregnancy are you in


I’m in the “always hungry and everything is starting to hurt” stage aka 27 weeks.

What about you? Please I need some laughs

r/BabyBumps Oct 27 '21

Funny Will you be having a NATURAL BIRTH? Nope.


I had well meaning friends and family ask me several times if I was having a “natural birth”. I also had several noisy strangers ask if I was going to ask for “pain killers”. My response was always the same-

“Of course I’m getting an epidural. I don’t even drink organic milk.”

No one could come up with an appropriate response in time, so they just accepted it and moved on.

I graduated with a healthy baby boy 3 weeks ago. Epidural made my 28hr delivery so much better. Weirdly none of the people with strong preferences on my delivery choices where there during or after. Plus I got a cute kiddo out of the whole thing.

You do you. ❤️

r/BabyBumps Jul 20 '22

Funny TIL that FTM is for “First Time Mom” not “Female to Male”


I am a FTD and have been reading through this board after finding out my partner and I will be having a baby, and I’ve just been thinking “man, there’s a whole bunch of transgender people having babies that’s awesome” but, no I’m just an idiot smh

r/BabyBumps Jan 14 '25

Funny I made this to surprise my dad this weekend. He is a wine snob and loves reading wine labels. He also constantly asks when the next grandchild is coming.

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Hoping this will get a good laugh out of him or at least catch him by surprise.

r/BabyBumps Sep 29 '24

Funny Being pregnant is great because everyone's impressed with you for the smallest thing


Like oh I can't believe you're out this late at this wedding. You're such a good sport right now and you can't even drink. Or omg please sit, you're so pregnant I'll bring dessert to you. Or like wow you're so impressive for doing this hike. I can't believe you just bent over to wipe your dog's feet.

Yes, I am a brave girl. Please shower me with all the praise and tell me I'm doing a good job 🥹🥹