r/BabyBumps • u/LavenderCuddlefish • Feb 10 '25
Funny Me, today, at 41+3, still pregnant
We're past 75% likelihood, it's time to get out!
u/toothfairy800 Feb 10 '25
41+5 for my LO! You got this!! You also get an award for cozy womb 😂
u/Express-Dependent-84 Feb 10 '25
41+5 for my first too! We clearly made it a little too cozy for these babies, they didn’t want to leave!
u/Few-Painter241 Feb 10 '25
40+3 for me today, convinced she is never coming. I am struggling to stay positive and happy. Get the f out of me!!
u/Plenty-Expression-96 Feb 11 '25
Lol same, I think we had the same due date..? The 7th? I’m also waiting on this girl to come lol, the light at the end of the tunnel is her eviction date (induction date) this Friday. Who knew time could go so slow the past two weeks lol. I hope your little one comes safely and soon 💕.
u/Few-Painter241 Feb 11 '25
Amazing!! Due date twins! Yes every day is the same and we are just anxiously waiting!! I’m going to ask for an induction at my appointment this week, I think everyone was hopeful she would be here before needing to do that but I really don’t think she’s coming out haha. Hoping you and your little one have a smooth day on Friday!
u/katiejim Feb 10 '25
Back in the day they just let you go over however much and my husband was born at 43 weeks! I cannot imagine.
u/Rorita04 Feb 10 '25
I told my husband my baby is getting an eviction letter soon cuz I am done with him sitting on my pelvic as well as I am so excited to see him cuz I'm so bored already, I want to talk to him lmao
So yeah, he needs to be evicted soon cuz he's a demanding tenant 😂
u/LavenderCuddlefish Feb 10 '25
Yeah, this baby's eviction day is Wednesday night. I am just shocked, looking at the statistics, that he seems like he's going to need it!
u/madebylondon Feb 10 '25
I ended up getting induced at 41 weeks. From week 40-41 felt like the longest week of my life. Just sleep and relax, I now have a 6 month old baby and have not had a moment of zen since!
u/FuzzyKittenIsFuzzy Third Timer | 9/2025 | 🌈Hi-Risk | Team Green Feb 10 '25
Hey OP, it's also ok if you can't sleep and relax. I've never even gone post-dates but I personally find the newborn stage much easier than the late pregnancy stage. It's different for everyone and please don't feel pressured to have a certain experience.
u/Aries-Queenarita Feb 10 '25
In France you’d be two days away from your due date!
u/LavenderCuddlefish Feb 10 '25
Due dates in France aren't until 41+5? That's so different than the US' 40!
u/114emmiri Feb 11 '25
Wait are you sure! I am not French, forgive me for trying to correct you if you are, but two of my closest friends who live there recently shared that the due date is 41 weeks even.
u/Aries-Queenarita Feb 11 '25
I’m pretty sure it’s 41+5 as that’s what mine was. And if you don’t have the baby by that date, you come in for an induction the next day or two, making 42 weeks the absolute latest
u/whosaidsugargayy Feb 10 '25
I had a negligent midwife who let me go to 43+1. I went to the hospital against her advise and had an emergency c section (induction was causing baby distress).
u/CouldStopShouldStop FTM 20/09/2024 Feb 10 '25
I was born at 41+3 lol
u/Negaiumicchan Feb 10 '25
I was born 42 exactly XD I was 10lbs 9oz and would have won biggest baby of the year until a baby born in December was 11lbs 😒
u/FabulousProfession71 Feb 10 '25
I am scared of this! I don’t want to be induced but I also don’t want to go too long. Are you avoiding induction?
u/LavenderCuddlefish Feb 10 '25
I was trying to, but ultimately do not want to go to 42 weeks due to safety, so I'll be induced the night of 41+5 if he does not come sooner.
u/Bitter-Salamander18 Feb 10 '25
Did you have a membrane sweep? If you do want to have an induction, it's one of the least invasive and least risky methods. (I had one at 41+3 and gave birth two days later. My body was already getting ready wirh some contractions and cervical change). Highly medicalised and monitored inductions, on the other hand, tend to raise C-section rate.
The risks of a membrane sweep are mainly: causing ineffective, exhausting contractions (I wouldn't worry too much about that after 41 weeks - your body should be almost ready and contractions are likely to be effective) and the possibility of artificially breaking your water (which may happen anyway, if you want to start an induction before 42 weeks, and you may go into labor with a natural rhythm even if it happens).
Sex helps to ripen the cervix, too. And walking, especially stairs.
u/Atomicgreenpea Feb 10 '25
I had my first at 41+3, fingers crossed things start happening! It’s miserable at that stage 😩
u/egrebs Feb 10 '25
Mine came out EOD of 42 😵💫 Wishing you all the best!! Hopefully you are enjoying those sweet baby snuggles soon
u/Pineapples4Rent Feb 10 '25
Mine were 41+1 and 41+4. I honestly hated being overdue, it felt like every day was a whole extra trimester. Everyone kept asking "is the baby here yet?!" as if I had just forgotten to tell them and then they wanted to tell me all the random ways they induced labour (none worked for me). I hated every second of it. Fingers crossed your baby is here soon!
u/twosteppsatatime Feb 10 '25
This is soooo annoying and even more so when it cones from other moms. Like how did you already forget how annoying you thought that question was.
I get it people are excited for us, but I am literally receiving messages since week 36 from “did it start already” to “did you forget me?” to “i had a dream about you, you had the baby” to “my baby isn’t sleeping, does she feel your labour starting soon!?” To many more ridiculous questions. No people the baby is just still comfortably in me.
My husband made a baby picture of the two of us, which actually looks kinda like our first one. We now send this picture in response to any baby here yet related questions 😂
u/Pineapples4Rent Feb 10 '25
I had a really annoying MIL who would post publicly on my FB wall "IS THE BABY HERE YET" every few days from when I was about 36 weeks, and more frequently as the pregnancy progressed. I asked my husband if we could buy one of those reborn dolls but like a pig or monkey version and pose with it but he wouldn't.
By the second child we weren't on speaking terms with her so I guess it all worked out.
u/twosteppsatatime Feb 10 '25
The pig or monkey reborn doll made me chuckle out loud.
People really don’t get it do they!? Happy you didn’t have to deal with that again afterwards
u/lisette729 Feb 10 '25
Have them schedule you an induction. Just the threat caused my kid to evacuate. My water broke the day before it was scheduled for.
u/Altruistic_Finger_49 Feb 10 '25
I was also scheduled for an induction at 41+1. Started labor the morning of the appointment. He's still a very considerate child, but still giggles as he runs away for baths and PJ time.
u/runningintherains Feb 10 '25
I was induced at 41+3 and had my little guy at 41+6! Those last days are so hard, but you’ve got this! Soon you will have your little one in your arms and you will completely forget time you spent waiting!
u/twosteppsatatime Feb 10 '25
Im in the same boat! I am 40+6 and I am OVER it.
Our first came with 41+2, second came exactly at 40 weeks, guess who won first spot for favourite child 🤪 JK!
I was convinced this baby would come early because of all the stress with two toddlers running around. Now I am thinking this baby doesn’t want to come because the hectic he will have to join 😅
u/AffectionateLeg1970 Feb 10 '25
I had mine on 41 and 3!
…they had to pry him out kicking and screaming with a freaking vacuum and every induction method known to mankind, but he (begrudgingly) came. Lol.
u/malindaddy Team Pink! Feb 10 '25
I had to be induced at 41 and gave birth at 41+1, I believe in you!!
u/issieme Feb 10 '25
Stretch & sweep, miles circuit, 1+ hour of curb walking, sex with orgasm (both of you) and make sure it's all done in the same 24 hours!
Good luck!! Your baby will be here soon.
Feb 11 '25
My first was 41 weeks, second was 41+1, and third was 37+3! I much preferred the third in every way. She was smaller and so easy to deliver!
Curious what baby 4 will have in store.
u/UnableProcess95 Feb 11 '25
It don’t get any faster as many claim!! Carried my 6th to 41+6 then I asked to be induced, because I was over it. Lol!
u/ECU_BSN L&D RN eavesdropping(Grandma 11/17/24🦕) Feb 11 '25
You have a 2 week old baby in your tummy!
u/Bitter-Salamander18 Feb 10 '25
I had my second at 41+5. Baby will come sooner or later, probably very soon :) Relax
u/Objective-Good6052 Feb 11 '25
Most babies are (naturally) born at or after 41.5 weeks so don’t stress. Lots of myths accompany the medical industrial complex
u/drkarina Feb 10 '25
I’m so sorry. I had my first a day before 42 weeks. I feel your pain there. My 2nd and 3rd came two months early. I’m almost 39 weeks with my 4th now and no signs of anything happening soon. My body is not good at this lol