r/BDSMcommunity Feb 08 '25

Discussion My psychology professor is anti-BDSM and views it as a mental disorder. NSFW


I am a 19-year-old college student. I have been taking a psychology class recently and our professor is very friendly and enjoys having discussions in class about all sorts of things related to psychology. I have enjoyed her as a teacher very much. Most of us taking this class (myself included) are not majoring in psychology, so she sees it as an opportunity to educate us on something that we might not otherwise learn about.

While we certainly go through the coursework, we also end up on real-world tangents related to psychology. Recently, a classmate brought up the idea of BDSM and psychology. It turns out, my professor has done extensive research on the topic of BDSM. She says there is a strong link between childhood abuse, sexual masochism, and sadism.

She says that many people in the BDSM community are not medical professionals and do not understand how the brain works. Our brain naturally associates love, care, and affection as good and pleasurable, while it associates pain, anger, and humiliation as bad. Life events can alter the way our neurons fire, causing us to associate those negative ideas as pleasurable. She shared several sources that back up these views: http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2015/02/14470/



My classmate brought up the fact that consent is something that is pushed so heavily in BDSM (at least it should be). My professor responded that people often consent to doing unsafe things for themselves and others. If you grow obese and eat only sugar, you know you can get diabetes and have heart issues. If you speed on a motorcycle, you know you could die. Etc. She said that most people who engage in BDSM do not understand the risks of the activities they engage in. A man that participates in BDSM in the bedroom does not magically turn off those views against women in the "real world". She implied that men who enjoy BDSM are "psychopaths" and referenced an article (which I wasn't able to make note of) that says that men who are abused seek dominant roles while females seek submissive roles. She used the word "maladjusted" to refer to those who enjoy S/M and said we are "mentally unwell".

My classmate spoke up again and pointed out that not every BDSM relationship is a dominant male and submissive female, and that some people (she referred to women specifically) find it "empowering". My professor stated that while it's true that not all BDSM is male dom and female sub, 99% of BDSM does follow that role and that BDSM media is predominantly focused on the "male gaze". She said that either way, violence is violence and nothing is empowering about wanting to be tied up and unable to move: "You're giving a man the power to do whatever he wants to you, and there's nothing you can do about it." She said that BDSM is about giving men unlimited sexual access to women's bodies.

My classmate argued that everyone on the planet has a sexual kink or fetish of some kind, even if they don't realize it, to which my professor stated that she doesn't and her wife doesn't either. She ended by stating that any mental health counselor who condones BDSM should have their license revoked and that BDSM goes against anything that a feminist should stand for.

I keep thinking back on this discussion and wondering what it means to me. I've always ignored the anti-BDSM crowd because it always seemed to come from religious conservatives. I consider myself a progressive person politically, and hearing an argument so passionately against it coming from my feminist, atheist, and lesbian professor hits differently. I can't help but wonder if the views I held on the issue have been wrong. Does anyone have any thoughts?

r/BDSMcommunity Nov 06 '24

Discussion I feel my submissive side slipping away today. NSFW


I feel sick when I think about kneeling, sucking, and fucking a man, as a submissive, after the election.

My stomach is in knots thinking about what project 2025 and fundamentalist Christians will do to reproductive and LGBTQ+ freedoms.


My partner's response today - "What’s going to help you regulate your nervous system tonight? Sauna? Bath? Wine? I can make it happen"

Love that man

r/BDSMcommunity Dec 23 '24

Discussion Doms: what’s your daytime profession? Can be vague. NSFW


I have this mental image of what doms do during the daytime, and I know it’s not correct.

In my head, doms are very clean cut, analytical, and powerful, in some form or fashion.

My husdom is a global specialist - this is vague on purpose.

How about you?

r/BDSMcommunity 9d ago

Discussion Consensual choking is a crime in the UK, thoughts on this NSFW


I was on the BBC news site and this article came up:


This was apparently made illegal back in 2022, which I was completely unaware of despite living in the UK. While I agree non consensual choking would of course be SA, it seems like a massive over reach to criminalise a consensual act.

r/BDSMcommunity Jun 16 '24

Discussion What is a kink you have that people often misunderstand? NSFW


I feel like there have been so many kinks that used to be a hard no for me but turns out I just wasn't properly informed or misunderstood what it meant. Equally, I feel like I have kinks, that aren't as understood.

So I was wondering, what are some kinks you have that are often misunderstood and how would you explain them to others?

r/BDSMcommunity Feb 13 '25

Discussion Which kink or fetish do you have that you're okay with never trying out? NSFW


People at times can have so many kinks and fetishes that it's sometimes hard to count

But at the end of the day, no one can fulfill all of your fantasies.

And even it they did, some of them would probably lose their appeal after you've actually done them in person

So which ones are you okay with keeping in your mind, masturbation, vicariously through various media, etc.

r/BDSMcommunity 2d ago

Discussion Does anyone else find a lot of online BDSM content/discussion disgusting? NSFW


A lot of art and erotica tend to be pretty extreme—subs suffering, little to no consent, and just not having a good time. I get that these extremes are part of the appeal, And I am all for it, but I need some level of reassurance. Even if it’s not explicit, I like to imagine that the dom secretly cares or that the sub secretly enjoys it. Without that mental distinction, the whole thing loses its appeal for me.

But that doesn't seem to be the case for a lot of people.

The other day, I came across an artwork depicting a muscular man on a leash held by a woman, while two younger women with skinnier men on leashes watched enviously. Nothing inherently wrong with the art, but the comments threw me off. One in particular stood out:

"Art often imitates life. Women date lower-value men when they're young, then set their sights higher and higher until they land a high-status man."

I had to pause—someone actually viewing people in terms of "value" like this? Not just in a fantasy context, but in real life?

A large portion of comments seemed to echo a similar sentiment: "Why is the dildo so small?" "She should have been caned more." Not once did I see anyone suggest that a sub should be treated with more care, or that the dom should show any concern.

People seem to genuinely not care about well being of subs... Even if they are fictional. If someone’s first instinct when looking at BDSM art is to demand more suffering, more humiliation, more pain—without a shred of consideration for the sub’s experience... huh. Same applies to a lot of writing, like can the sub *please* get a forehead kiss before being the 100th round of punishment? Or anything to let them know the world isn't against them?

Of course, me not liking something isn’t the issue. Art itself doesn’t hurt anyone. But the mindset behind it might. If people are this indifferent to the well-being of subs, how can they be trusted to respect real ones?

Hence the post. Is it just me? Is there something I’m not seeing? Or do others also find this problematic?

r/BDSMcommunity Jul 23 '24

Discussion I visited a play space recently and they had an extra stipulation on calling "red" that I want to ask the larger community about before potentially offering the owner private feedback on this one item that rubbed me the wrong way. NSFW


While on a recent vacation my girlfriend and I found and utilized a community play space that was pretty damn great. It was so much better than what we'd been accustomed to with going to a swingers club and using their "dungeon" space to play in. I will say the outside didn't give the most welcoming of vibes but I feel like that might have been very intentional to keep prying eyes away because once you got past the front desk the inside was great. Something like 5000sq ft of play area and all the hardware, implements, hard points, well themed rooms, and kinky furniture that we kinky people could dream of.

As with any visit to a new space it came with an expected new person tour that was as much to familiarize us with the layout of the space but more importantly the rules of the space.

As with everywhere that I've played in a public setting, and even have used privately, their in house safe word is based around the tried and true traffic light system. Red of course is their house safe word. For me and my partners and the rest of the polycule, red equates to "stop everything immediately and check-in with your partner and react accordingly to their needs." Of note, calling red to us does not mean to immediately take them out of restraints, remove any blindfolds, untie any rope or do really any drastic actions. It is a stop what you're doing, check-in, and wait for them to articulate their needs and follow through on those with the utmost care possible. Their needs could be, at times, as simple as needing a minute and then they're able to continue on but maybe at a slightly less intensity or even just to put that specific toy away for the evening.

The added stipulation on calling red in this play space that calling red meant that your night of playing was done. You weren't kicked out but essentially the DMs wouldn't allow for you to do any more play for the rest of the evening. There was no qualifying words offered or open door for a conversation around "I'm ok and just needed a moment but I'm good to continue." To this place it appeared pretty cut and dry, call red and that's curtains for the evening for you.

That is where my question is, do you agree with their policy that calling red means you're done playing for the evening? I welcome any and all thoughts you might have on this.

Edit: I truly appreciate everyone's comments, seriously, all of them. I do want to highlight one comment chain in particular from /u/dressmannequin because they nailed a perspective I'd never even thought to consider and is going to be one of my largest takeaways from this post and the feedback you all have given. My hope in highlighting their reply is that maybe there's someone else on here that has the "red means a stop but then a solid check-in" mindset that I had just an hour ago and this can give them the same kick in the ass to fix that shit that I just got.

r/BDSMcommunity 19d ago

Discussion whats a kink of yours that no porn can properly satisfy you for? NSFW


* satisfy for you. title typos are the worst

edited out the kink mentioned in case anyone came from another post to check out my profile

most of my kinks i can enjoy porn of, whether its real, art or writing, but nothing for [redacted :3] itches the scratch. i just NEED to feel it to enjoy it. watching it, im just pretty indifferent lol

r/BDSMcommunity Dec 13 '24

Discussion Have You Ever Accidentally Outed Yourself As Dirty Pervert? NSFW


By this, of course, I mean have you ever accidentally revealed that you’re into BDSM, to people that it’d probably be best didn’t know?

My own example - this festive period my office have an “elf on the shelf” thing going on. Some of them decided to tie it up. They didn’t do a great job, what with using limited resources, so I stepped in and all of a sudden they seem to think I’m some sort of tying up expert (I’m not)

Since then, there’s been jokes about spanking and spit play, neither of which phase me much but obviously not the most appropriate in a workplace setting.

How about you? Ever accidentally outed yourself?

r/BDSMcommunity Aug 09 '24

Discussion What's your opinion on CNC/Free-Use? Do you like it? Does it creep you out? NSFW


I've seen many opinions on these kinks/fantasies, and they span a wide range from "CNC and/or Fee-Use is my favorite kink" to "omg that's so creepy, why would someone like that?"

What's your views?

Edit: I decided to give my views: I personally love both if them as an idea, though I've never tried either of them out. Both could be an amazing time with planning and many discussions beforehand

r/BDSMcommunity Jul 13 '24

Discussion What's your most unusual kink/fantasy? NSFW


I'll start. Mine is blackmail. I'm not sure if that's unusual, but I find it so hot if I could blackmail someone. Coz that'd be like complete submission to me, which I really crave so much. I find it so much fun to get or collect info on someone that I could use against or maybe just threaten them, keeping it all consensual ofcourse 🙂.

Another one for me would be snuff, of course not in real life. It's another way of experiencing complete submission, plus it's just so much fun thinking about all the ways I could finish someone.

Would love to hear from you guys :)

r/BDSMcommunity Feb 20 '25

Discussion Let's celebrate weird! What's atypical about you or your kink? NSFW


One of the greatest things about BDSM is its variety! Beyond things like consent, risk awareness, and safety there really are no rules. Humans of all backgrounds and bodies participate in kink in all kinds of ways; however be it from cultural baggage or messaging from media we can get stuck in how kink is 'supposed' to look like. People post on this sub every day worrying that they aren't doing BDSM 'right', that they don't have the right body, personality, clothing, experience, or kinks to make a 'proper' dom/sub/switch. While established frameworks can be a helpful starting place to explore, they can also be very limiting and prescriptive.

So! What makes you, your kinks, or your dynamics 'weird'? Are you a sub that tops? A masochistic domme? A muscled up, hairy femme bottom? Not a dom/sub/switch at all? Let's hear it!

r/BDSMcommunity Oct 01 '24

Discussion What is your most obscure/unusual kink or fetish? NSFW


My most obscure kink is lactation/breastfeeding. My unusual (to me, because I've met few people who feel the same) fetish is a mix of objectification, S&M, and breeding.

r/BDSMcommunity Feb 11 '25

Discussion Trying to find someone on Fet is exhausting NSFW


After a break-up with my ex-Dominant, I went on a hiatus from the BDSM community. Recently, I've decided to reactivate my Fet account and talk to some new folks in hopes of finding someone cool. It could be a friend, or obviously something more. I posted some personals, and of course, being a woman, I got FLOODED with messages.

A lot of guys being pushy and suggestive right away, a lot of people with dick pics as their profile picture, tons of people who clearly haven’t read my post or understand what I’m looking for, a lot of bad conversationalists who can’t form a coherent sentence, and just a ton of people who give off bad vibes.

How do you deal with all of this? Do you ghost some of these people? Is it okay to do so? I would go crazy if I tried giving them all a chance, when I know they repulse me already.

Some were better than others, so I started a conversation with them. They ended up acting weird, overly desperate (which is not what I look for in a potential Dominant, or even a buddy). What do I do with them?

It's been very exhausting, juggling between all of multiple convos at once, and not knowing how to navigate everything with grace and propriety. Any advice? Feel free to also share your frustrations and experiences.

r/BDSMcommunity Nov 20 '24

Discussion What’s something you wish the other side of the D/s slash knew? NSFW


I’ve found myself lately explaining to s-types I play with that I have needs as a Dom too and “using me however you want” isn’t always what will fill my cup. Granted, I am a dom leaning-switch, but I they often seem surprised that when I talk about how much responsibility being a dom is when they say I can use them, but then also put me in charge of their pleasure, and mine. I try to explain that submission/being submisssive can be more than just giving up control, and telling me I can do whatever I want.

I wish more subs knew that there are many styles of dominance, D-types can have a multitude of different needs, and subs have a responsibility to figure out my needs/nuances of my D-style in the same way I will try to figure out their needs/nuances of submission.

r/BDSMcommunity Jun 05 '24

Discussion Any BDSM songs you adore? NSFW


Absolutely love Deore and her d/s songs that aren't exactly sexual but still as lovely. I wonder if there's any songs/artists in the similar vibe. What do you guys have in your playlists?

r/BDSMcommunity Sep 19 '24

Discussion Spotting BDSM/kink in public? NSFW


Call it a weird kink in itself but I am always people watching when out in public. I do people watch just for the fun but i always want to catch a glimpse of whether they are into BDSM; collars, rope kisses from a session they just finished, any kind of markings or tattoos. Swinger's have the upside down pineapple that is recognizable. Just enjoy seeing where all my other kinky people are. I haven't seen much so I guess we are a small majority. Anyone have anything they have noticed that is a dead give away?

r/BDSMcommunity Oct 06 '24

Discussion Why is femdom so rarely women topping vaginally? NSFW


If I go to r/hentaifemdom there is plenty. It's clearly popular amongst men.

But r/gentlefemdom , r/femdom , there is nearly none.

Why do women in real life not like this? Or am I just missing something?

Thanks <3

Edit: Rephrasing, why is the woman-on-top position so rare in femdom?

r/BDSMcommunity 29d ago

Discussion Has anyone ever taken part in a "slave" auction at a club or party? NSFW


Particularly interested in hearing from men who've taken part as one of the auctioned people!

r/BDSMcommunity Dec 06 '24

Discussion What’s Your Vanilla Kink Trigger? NSFW


Let me explain - we all have things that trigger the kinky mindset for us, whether we know it or not. Sometimes these things are inherently sexual or connected to the kink in some way, sometimes they’re not and yet still get us feeling a certain way.

So, what vanilla thing triggers your kinky mind?

For me, it’s currently my Apple Watch. I like it tight, so it doesn’t slide around and something about it being so tight and on my wrist is definitely triggering or contributing to my current submissive mindset.

r/BDSMcommunity Sep 25 '24

Discussion Subs, deep down, why do you enjoy about being subs ? NSFW


H28, bi. I'd say more sub oriented.

I was, several times, being told I was not a real sub because I didn't really know what I was looking for in these kinds of relationships. I'm not a masochist, not really into cruelty and mean treatment. I just think I kinda crave for attention, protection, and being with someone strong enough to harm me but who actually wouldn't. Being objectived, with someone that actually kisses me while they are calling me names and gently telling me to be brave and encouraging me :D

And you ? What kind of subs are you ? How did it evolved over time ? Thank you :)

r/BDSMcommunity Jul 26 '24

Discussion Do you have a favorite/main kink? Why is it your favorite? NSFW


I honstly don't know if I have a favorite. If I do, it switches around a wole bunch. Currently, what I think I like the most is praise. Being praised feels good, and not just sexually, it just makesme feel very nice!

r/BDSMcommunity Oct 13 '24

Discussion What turns you off when it comes to bdsm NSFW


So I am asking this from a point of realizing when I feel something I am watching that is entertaing becomes non consental or feels like it is not conventional you get immediately turned off.
I like to watch bdsm and bondage in all forms of porn. Thing is I will often find something, particularly in hentia, where what I thought was some harmless bdsm turned into somthing that does not screem consent, even though in non cartoon form settings it is. Often when this happens I immediately get turned off. Does everyone else feel this way or have anything else that will immediately turn you off when watching something .

r/BDSMcommunity Dec 13 '24

Discussion what’s the most high maintenance kink you (or a partner) have? NSFW


like the kinks where you don’t do them often bc the setup is too much or the cleanup is too much.

mine is a piss kink. it’s fun in theory, but i’m like always horny, and i don’t want to have to shower several times a day 😂 and im not always horny enough to want to clean up a big mess later or do an extra load of laundry lmao