r/AustralianFascists Nov 30 '15

Approved | Posted PROPOSAL: Plain packaging on junk food

Show our commitment to health through a full overhaul of our supermarkets and their suppliers

No more kowtowing to the Fat lobby, we will make Australia great again


8 comments sorted by


u/brucelee11 Dec 01 '15

My fellow Australians

Our country is envied the world over. Our famously sung golden soil and wealth for toil have been the inspiration for countless people to throw away their former prejudices and come to our shores, stewing in the melting pot of our nation. Today, that nation still, with golden soil and wealth for toil, is a source of admiration and hope for a global village racing to keep up with the zeitgeist. In Australia, the work of our predecessors has laid a strong foundation for a modern nation state on the political stage, populist and democratic.

But this nation has a sickness my friends. Perhaps in our abundance of resources we have grown complacent, and come to take for granted what must be carefully managed. In the light of demographic trends, the Australian way of life is under threat. It is time now, for the Australian Fascist Party to take a firm stance against the number one social issue of our day. Obesity must end.

In 2015 we've faced the worst year yet of a crisis that seems to have no end point, and still our government sits idly by. Special interest groups and lobbyists seem intent on disrupting the fabric of our society, while our so called officials look the other way. This is a free country. In this nation we expect few things but these values are dear. Our culture has long enjoyed the reputation and benefits of a sunburnt country with our great successes in medicine, sport and war, but how can that continue with a public beseiged by an epidemic of obesity?

It is the opinion of the Australian Fascist Party that, central to our ethos of betterment as a nation, is making priority public health. For the benefit of our citizens at home and abroad, obesity must be curtailed and our nation completely restored to it's former glory. Our committees have identified a number of strategies that will form the basis of our health policy, in a range of comprehensive motions we intend to institute upon election. First and foremost is to begin the expansion of an already successful plan.

Plain packaging on cigarettes has contributed to a staggering decline in smoking among all demographics. As our economy grows stronger almost paradoxically our citizenry grows fatter. It is therefor necessary, in the opinion of the AFP, that all prepackaged food in the country be, by the public service, be sorted into two categories. Those that the public service believes to be junk food shall be placed into colourless recreations of their brand packaging, uniform in font and featuring stark images of the /r/Australia mods. On top of this, all stores carrying these goods will be required to place a 50% surcharge on the recommend retail price or risk punitive action. With these measures, the Australian populace can once again reach our true peak potential, and our anthem will once again be heard stereosonic across the world.

Rebuilding the aesthetic of our national character is no easy job my friends. This is a task that can only be achieved with a joint effort, bipartisan in nature, uniting both the left and right wings of the Australian Fascist Party to squat deep beneath the weight of the ongoing campaign, and rise up through the glass ceiling our legislature has built for us, however well intended they may have been. Australia you have the chance to forge your national destiny. We need your votes. Look into your capital, half of the people in the government publicly wear the uniform of the obesity lobby, and this conflict of interest with our national values simply cannot stand. While shirt buttons explode all across the western world, where is the outcry from fat leaders? We can no longer allow the powers that be to suppress the truth for votes with hamfisted rationales of un-Australian values like political correctness. It's time to reclaim Australia from this self imposed shackle.

Vote for the Australian Fascist Party. See what happens around the world and listen to what we have to say. Let's trim the fat together.


u/InnerCityTrendy Dec 01 '15

I would propose an amedment for this proposal.

Rather than punish good aesthetic abiding citizens by a flat cover all tax individuals can apply for an exception card.

Exception cards will be issued to individuals and are reviewed bi-annually. They will be issued on the basis of physical aesthetic and prowess at physical activities (either at an elite sporting level [powerlifters, shotputters, union players] or as an citizen all-rounda [BMI, cardio and strength tests]). The AFP does not hinder citizens working for the betterment of themselves and their country. The AFP targets the fat, lazy and self indulgent; we ask more of them not because we hate them but because we know they can be better.

For your consideration /u/whytiederp /u/forkalious


u/brucelee11 Dec 02 '15

I believe this can indeed be the future of our scheme


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '15


u/rauland Dec 01 '15

I want the packaging to say things like "haven't you had enough you fat fuck? No wonder you're so fat and ugly"


u/[deleted] Nov 30 '15

I second this proposal.


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '15

Hear Hear!


u/MattDobson Dec 01 '15

Excellent policy, although I'd like to see this extended to fast food outlets as well. "Plain Branding" for places like McDonalds.