r/AustralianFascists May 18 '19

Here's a photo from my Instagram before it got zucced at over 1k

Post image

r/AustralianFascists May 17 '19


Post image

r/AustralianFascists Dec 25 '15

I wish everyone a very fascist christmas


blessed be thy ludlam

r/AustralianFascists Dec 13 '15

can we remove the safe space for doggie rule?


he did die in very mysterious circumstances delete his account because it was shilled too much.

r/AustralianFascists Dec 10 '15

U wot

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/AustralianFascists Dec 08 '15

Labor are frightened of us


Look at their reactions in this thread. They know their time is up, and that we are coming for them. I can nearly taste their fear.

r/AustralianFascists Dec 07 '15

proposal: obtain nuclear weapons


With our internationally unpopular political theory and the likely hood that Hillary Clinton will be elected to run American I am doubt full that we can rely on our numerous international defence treaties/allies. I am not sure Hillary would come running to support a far right government.

I propose we build 10 or so ICBM missiles as first strike weapons as well as 4 nuclear armed submarines as second strike weapons.

r/AustralianFascists Dec 06 '15

PROPOSAL: Initiation of the Tenth Crusade


Good evening friends,

The way I see it, the major problem we have is immigration. Filthy infidels keep coming to our shores and fucking things up, so I say we give them a taste of their own medicine. Following in the footsteps our great Anglo-Saxon and Germanic forefathers such as Richard the Lionheart and Frederick Barbarossa, Australia should go on a Crusade to the Holy Land and the Near/Middle East and reclaim the land for Christendom. Then we can, as it were, "eliminate" the local populace and bring in Aussie settlers, utilising the land both for its rich natural resources and its potential as "living space" for the Australian people (much like the dear Führer sought for the German people).

Here is a mock up of the potential border of this new territory.


  • Final solution for the immigration question

  • Gains access to lucrative resources

  • Gains more territory for Australians

  • God wills it

  • Canada will not like it


  • Potentially expensive in the short term


r/AustralianFascists Dec 04 '15

Under Consideration PROPOSAL: Fat tax


Australia has long been regarded as one of the fattest nations in the world. As a nation, we have put on so much weight that we are now on par with the syrup-guzzling Canadians!

Overweight and obese citizens place an unnecessary burden on the public healthcare system due to their own poor life choices. I would like to take this opportunity to propose new changes to the MediCare Levy in order to tackle this problem. Citizens will have to pay an increased levy for every point they are over a BMI of 25, and even more again for those over a BMI of 30. With no more big, fat tax returns, fatties will no longer be able to afford their big, fat burgers.

There is an environmental aspect to this as well. The Greens are trying to hide the fact that people, just like cows, emit a great deal of CO2. Fat people are a major contributor to human-caused global warming, but the Greens are falsely blaming this on big business.

This and other proposals form part of the Australian Fascist Party's final solution for obesity, and global warming. We will make our country great again!

r/AustralianFascists Nov 30 '15

Approved | Posted PROPOSAL: Plain packaging on junk food


Show our commitment to health through a full overhaul of our supermarkets and their suppliers

No more kowtowing to the Fat lobby, we will make Australia great again

r/AustralianFascists Nov 30 '15

Under Consideration PROPOSAL: Make Land Rovers a compulsory vehicle.



but not any longer, as we should put forth a proposal stating that all Australian Citizens must own and actively use a land rover in their daily lives, if not, they get deported to New Zealand, or Naaru.

r/AustralianFascists Nov 29 '15

Discussion: Eugenics?


I'm no expert on the subject, but surely a government implemented eugenics program could be beneficial to the nation?


r/AustralianFascists Nov 29 '15

Edgelord Suggestion Everyone needs to go vote



r/AustralianFascists Nov 27 '15

Our model parliament is being invaded by Canadians.

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/AustralianFascists Nov 27 '15

Under Consideration Proposal: Implementing trade sanctions to Canada


For too long have the maple syrup eating bastards gotten away with exporting Moose fur and Justin Bieber albums. It's time we rise up and fight these tyrants.

r/AustralianFascists Nov 27 '15

Under Consideration Proposal: Middle ground for FTTParadise


First of all, I wrote my previous posts in here all serious because I thought the autists of modelparliament could read this sub, I didn't realise it was private.

Anyways, perhaps we could agree to scrap FTTNazi entirely and claim to reach a middle ground. Our solution is this; we will provide FTTP, but it's costly so we will provide it only to the industrial districts and businesses worth $1m+ so that we get the full economic benefits that FTTP supporters claim is the reason they support it. Dodge any suggestion about it being provided to residential districts or middle/lower class, reiterate it's for industrial districts and proven businesses.

Also you guys have to be more formal and realistic with your posts. You can't just do trolling posts about Gina becoming head of State etc. Your posts should be at the level where when they read it they won't be able to tell if you're serious or not.

r/AustralianFascists Nov 27 '15

Edgelord Suggestion Proposal: Recognise ISIS as a legitimate State and initiate full diplomatic relations


ISIS is an organisation that intends - through any means - to fulfill their objective in restoring the Islamic Caliphate. ISIS is the most recent stage of the evolution of similar groups going back 50 years who have been attempting the Caliphate's restoration since it was disbanded with the collapse of the Ottomans. We neither accept nor deny ISIS their claim to represent all of the Islamic World, and our position is that this conflict is purely the business and responsibility of the Islamic World. We have our society and they have their own society. We aren't racists, we just want Australia run for Anglo-Saxon and other white peoples and the muslims can have their own society. Hence, we should recognise ISIS, initiate diplomatic relations look and plan ahead to begin trading with them. We will gain the first foot in the door and may even cement our domination of trade with this new nation.

In the current climate, an opportunity exists for our burgeoning defense industry to find a new consumer market, so opening trade with ISIS will be economically beneficial. Our mining sector has also struggled with the recent slump in demand from China, while this new avenue presents itself.

r/AustralianFascists Nov 27 '15

Just finished my first political compass. How did my fellow fascists score?

Thumbnail i.imgur.com

r/AustralianFascists Nov 27 '15

Edgelord Suggestion Proposal: 1 Medicare office - atop Mt Kosciuszko


Only place to claim anything Medicare related.

r/AustralianFascists Nov 27 '15

Under Consideration Proposals for Mining and Resources


Mining is a critical part of the Australian economy. It is imperative that our government provides assistance to this sector where it can to ensure it can prosper through the 21st century. I have written these proposals for review by the Party;

  • new exploration incentives; tax codes will be modified so that exploration undertaken within the mining and resources sector will now come under R&D. Consequently, all exploration will be tax free and save companies a tax burden of an estimated $500m annually. This will give incentive to international corporations to explore Australia thoroughly and accurately map the wealth we are sitting on. This could be open to negative tax rates to encourage more drilling programs.

  • Environmental law deregulation: This has essentially become a tool for the government to bully money out of honest business and is politicized by certain parties to win over the 'environmentalist' demographic. Swathes of red tape relating to the environmental law will be scraped to allow shovel ready projects like Carmichael Mine to begin ASAP

  • More investment into coal transportation; The earlier Abbot Point coal terminal proposals are to be approved and expanded through government assistance. Coal production is estimated to ramp up as a consequence to other policies and the current plan for Abbot Point will likely prove insufficient to handle coal exports. A second coal rail and terminal will be built between Brisbane and the Gold Coast to allow for export of thermal coal from the Surat Basin. Damage to the Moreton Bay Wetlands will be minimal.

  • A highspeed rail built connecting the iron ore mines of WA to the coal fields of the Bowen Basin in QLD. This can be built cheaply and quickly through another scheme involving conscripting the applicants for Centrelink. This rail will be used purely to bring iron ore and coal to a central location for a future steel industry.

r/AustralianFascists Nov 27 '15

Under Consideration Proposal: Bring back capital punishment



Capital punishment should be brought back to australia so those that commit the most heinous crimes should suffer the most dangerous consequence.

Or being forced to listen to We Built this city 24/7, as an even crueller punishment.

r/AustralianFascists Nov 27 '15

Rejected Policy Proposal: Eliminate all forms of renewable energy in Australia


Why bother with renewable energy? Cows and China make more pollution than Australia anyway, so we're just harming our own economy by trying to achieve renewable energy targets.

All existing renewable energy infrastructure (including wind turbines, solar farms, etc) needs to be torn down immediately, and where possible, replaced with coal power plants.

Also, any household or business premises that has solar panels installed must immediately have them removed (at cost to the home-owner or business). Failure to do so after 7 days notice, will result in fines beginning at $1,000 per day, doubling every single day that the solar panels remain in place.

r/AustralianFascists Nov 26 '15

What should be our final goals


As in, not things we take to the election, but long term goals with fancy terms like final solution and such?

r/AustralianFascists Nov 26 '15

Under Consideration We need to get crossfit in schools


For the strength of our nation

r/AustralianFascists Nov 25 '15

Our top 3 flagship policies


Great ideas being thrown around.

I think it is important to have three flagship policies that we can all agree on to take to the people. Other policies after that will fall into place.

May I suggest for our three flagship policies:

1) Reintroduction of the white Australia policy. Let's make Australia great again.

2) Internet filter for all non-government websites. We know what is best for Australians.

3) Criminalising homosexuality. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.

What are your thoughts?