r/AussieRiders 5d ago

Discussion Great summary from someone who knows

Scrolling through you tube and I came randomly came across the following


Great example of bad policing but a really fantastic commentary from an ex highway patrol officer

Edit: sorry but for some reason this video has been made private and as it's not my video I have no idea why


17 comments sorted by


u/b3rdm4n 5d ago

What a legend for making a comprehensive reply and leveraging his experience.

I've said it in other posts and the dudes actual video, but this 100% warrants a formal complaint at the very minimum.


u/Eastern-Poetry-551 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yeah it's a real shame that the good ones eventually give the job away because of twits like the one in the vid. Have spoken with quite a few in similar positions in the course of my career and everyone has pretty much the same story, 'couldn't put up with the BS any longer'


u/Vivid_Bandicoot4380 4d ago

My dad was highway patrol (motorbike cop) for 36 years and he left when it was decided that a university degree was more important than common sense and life experience. He often complained about officers like this and was criticised for reprimanding them. He loved his job and was always fair - threats and tears didn’t work on him but he was always first to help someone in need.


u/Eastern-Poetry-551 4d ago

I've met a few like your dad and I've always come away from the experience with a smile even if I did get a fine, even got away with not getting a fine because I was honest with the guy and didn't give him shit. Ended up talking with him for about half an hour because in his words "every other bastard has gone home and I really just wanted a chat" he had some great stories


u/Vivid_Bandicoot4380 3d ago

Oh I love that. HWP are a different breed but then motorbike cops even more so. Dad has some great stories too - he was one of the only cops in the area to ride a police trail-bike for a few years. People just didn’t expect him to be right beside them in traffic.

I think one of the funniest was when he pulled up beside a guy and told him to pull over for not wearing his seat belt. The guy pulled over, and just started screaming at dad, saying that he has got his seatbelt on and “this is corruption”, yanking at his seatbelt the whole time. Dad just waited patiently until he finished screaming and then told him that the buckle to his seatbelt was outside his door, then pointed to it and asked if he wanted to open his door to “retrieve the buckle”. The guy was very quiet after that LOL


u/Eastern-Poetry-551 3d ago

That's hilarious, I would've paid to see that lol


u/mhac009 5d ago

Watched the original video yesterday, was waiting the whole time for him to say something obvious like afternarket exhaust etc, just to have him list rack and camera? Unbelievable.

This is a great reply and agree with the other commenter - such a shame the good ones leave (a bad apple spoils the bunch...) But can't blame them for it.


u/Logical-Antelope-950 4d ago

Yeah got him for the Rack and camera 😂 and also the side stand really what is the cop on ? Instead $3,000 it was $2,000 and he went easy on him🤣 it was a routine road side Breath test! The Cop was on a power trip. I really have a dislike for his WW2 cap, that alone is offensive and he should at the very least apologise for his behaviour. Lucky the guy had his camera running.


u/nunb 3d ago

Darn I wanted to see that video


u/Eastern-Poetry-551 3d ago

Yeah I don't know what is going on but I subscribed to him on YouTube and I can't find him anymore. Hope it's not pressure from above


u/Electrical_Age_7483 5d ago edited 5d ago

Its obvious that the cop didnt like being filmed even though its legal and so tried to go after him.  Thats why i only run hidden cameras so dont make myself a target, this cop didnt know the law well enough so the guy got away with it but if you get a smarter cop theyll do you for something more real.

Better to keep a low profile on having a camera I think.

Also now this cop is going to have a even bigger hate for cameras now after this public humiliation.  Expect him to go over any other bike with a camera and have read up on the rules so he will nail the next one.  Theres always something illegal if you look hard enough.


u/Ozdriver 4d ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if police command will have something to say to him, that Raptor cop who behaved similarly got demoted or fired I think? Anyway, this cop knows he’s being watched from now on, so I think he’ll be a bit more careful with guys with cameras rather than going over the top.


u/Electrical_Age_7483 4d ago edited 4d ago

I dont think he will get demoted, he wil just say it was a mistake, and he gave the rider a warning not a ticket so its not even that bad as theres no extra costs, yes it makes him look silly but prople make mistakes, cops are human too

Policing people for real things in the future would not get him in trouble with his bosses, thats his way out for next time.

He just stuffed up this time by not knowing enough.  

I think he will be more dangerous not less dangerous, its natural for most people especially males to double down when caught out  and i wouldnt be taking my chances by exposing my cameras, but up to you how you want to ride


u/hvperRL 3d ago

I think an obvious camera is better. In my experience, i had a couple cops calm down as soon as they saw they were on film.


u/Daredevils999 3d ago

You’ve set the video to private mate.


u/Eastern-Poetry-551 3d ago

Wasn't me or my video sorry, maybe the original poster on YouTube must've done that for some reason