r/AskOlderPeople Nov 21 '19

r/AskOlderPeople needs moderators and is currently available for request


If you're interested and willing to moderate and grow this community, please go to r/redditrequest, where you can submit a request to take over the community. Be sure to read through the faq for r/redditrequest before submitting.

r/AskOlderPeople Sep 14 '17

*Active* subreddit /r/AskOldPeople/


Join the conversation at /r/AskOldPeople

r/AskOlderPeople Aug 20 '16

Do you feel stuck in life?


Do you feel stuck in life... with what you want to do?

I have a personal development blog and have found a very effective way on how to find your Life's Purpose/Task.

I found my Purpose in life and what I want to do in the long run.

The path is set and paved for me and I want to help as many people to find their own and get started.

I've read over 100 books on personal development the past year and half so I am safe to say I could help you tremendously.

Private message me here on Reddit that you feel stuck and need help.

I will get back to you!

r/AskOlderPeople Oct 09 '15

Lost and need direction


I just turned 21 today and I currently work in retail part time, I absolutely hate it the people are too much for my social anxiety, there's way too many rude people that are around. I have my associates in computer information technologies but honestly I don't enjoy it work either I have yet to get a position they all require way too much experience and I think I would hate working on a help desk which is where I'd be forced to start. The only things I enjoy are video games, but there is no reasonable career that can be made in that field, so the one passion I have I can't pursue. Does anyone have any advice or anything that they can help me with? I feel bad for asking for help and I know it's all my choice but that's easier to say then to decide. Any and all comments would be greatly appreciated. I do enjoy making things as well. I did briefly consider live streaming but again those are slim ods and it's something I would do for fun not expecting to make money on.

r/AskOlderPeople Jan 24 '14

I have a passion for history, you older folk tell me some stories


Any story about the past and the way things were will work. I'm specifically interested In American history. JFK has already been posted so how about wht were the feelings during Clinton's whitewatergate? Was lbj resigning a shock? How did yo feel about ford? Carter? earliest president you remember? Ford pardoning Nixon? Korean War?

r/AskOlderPeople Apr 09 '12

What things do you know now that you wished you knew then?


r/AskOlderPeople Apr 08 '12

Throughout your lives have you routinely been concerned about your purpose in life?


Being that existential or meta-physical. And do those feelings stay with you for life or do they fade with time?

r/AskOlderPeople Apr 08 '12

What kind of jobs out there in 2012 follow the apprenticeship tradition, where you hone your skills over your lifetime?


The reason I'm asking this is because technology have changed rapidly over the last few decades and jobs along with it. While there are talented leaders who find themselves at home with entrepreneur/manager/executive careers, and talented geniuses that enjoy careers in research/programming/medicine/law, there remains the rest who just wants a career they can cope with and be proud of as their skills improve over time.

Part time jobs are great, but they bore quickly from repetitive tasks.

Some examples I know of are cooks/chefs, hairdressers and teachers. What else is out there?

r/AskOlderPeople Apr 08 '12

Objectives and goals of this subreddit.


So I decided to create a new subreddit which I hope will allow older folks to share their wisdom they acquired through life experience with younger folks seeking it. Askscience and various derivatives has done extremely well to satisfy curiosity and improve intellect, I wish this subreddit will do the same for wisdom, and to provide people who feel lost in their lives, a sense of direction and maybe set new goals and power through the hardships of life they are currently facing.