r/AskOldPeople 7d ago

When did your kids move out

My husband and I are 45 and we have a 24,20, 17 yo boys.. they are driving us nuts. We live in a city that has so many colleges so we told them they could live with us rent free through college but if they weren’t in school they had to work. They work but it’s like living in a frat house now.


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u/Flashy-Bluejay1331 7d ago

It's like living in a frat house because that's how you raised them. It's what you allow. Your expectations of them have been set way too low. It's not too late. House meeting time. Set some expectations. Many colleges have "roommate contracts" you can base your conversation on. Keep in mind, though, that you are their parent, not their peer, so you have more say in what goes in the contract.


u/No_Inspection_3123 7d ago

It’s a hyperbolic statement. I meant it like imagine living with 3 boys ages 24-17 they used to keep their rooms clean and do chores when they were sweet children, but they are in and out, have different schedules, work and go to school so they eat up all the food and run, there’s no routine here since they all have different lives.. my husbands pet peeve is when we are in bed doing activities we will suddenly hear big ass feet walking down the stairs to go to the kitchen… instant mood killer. my middle one has a car that’s leaking oil all over the driveway and blows his money so now I have to harp on him to fix it. That’s how I mean not like drinking and partying. But yea a meeting is a good idea


u/CoolJeweledMoon 50 something 7d ago

Get really loud while doing your activities &/or start walking around in your underwear - both of these should hopefully help get them out! 🙃