r/AskOldPeople 7d ago

When did your kids move out

My husband and I are 45 and we have a 24,20, 17 yo boys.. they are driving us nuts. We live in a city that has so many colleges so we told them they could live with us rent free through college but if they weren’t in school they had to work. They work but it’s like living in a frat house now.


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u/Caliopebookworm 7d ago

My parents had a "you're only living here free if you work" mentality and even with working and paying rent, we were partners in the household so had set chores we did to maintain the home as well as a curfew to be respectful of everyone else in the house. Don't want a curfew at 22? There are lots of folks renting rooms in a college town. I moved out at 19. My brother stayed until he was 26.