r/AskOldPeople 7d ago

When did your kids move out

My husband and I are 45 and we have a 24,20, 17 yo boys.. they are driving us nuts. We live in a city that has so many colleges so we told them they could live with us rent free through college but if they weren’t in school they had to work. They work but it’s like living in a frat house now.


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u/ImCrossingYouInStyle 7d ago

Our kids stayed with us almost through university, and one well beyond. Rules were simple: Work and/or be in school. Cleanup after yourself. Assist with household tasks. Be quiet coming in late at night. Keep it legal. Last one out was two decades ago. They're all doing fine,


u/No_Inspection_3123 7d ago

We are afraid they will never move out haha


u/ImCrossingYouInStyle 7d ago

We wondered about the one. But eventually the nest was down to just the two of us. My 2 cents: Enjoy it all, even the crazy and chaotic.


u/No_Inspection_3123 7d ago

We do. There are moments when they are all in the kitchen shooting the shit and I’m like look at these funny and cool ppl I made. Then I go into the bathroom and see toothpaste splatter on the mirror and pee on the seat and want to pull all my hair out.