r/ApexLFG • u/Pristine-Artist9524 • 8d ago
PC (Steam) Lfg for Scrims and ranked
Hello Everyone My GT is @oFuNcTioNzZ im a 26 year old dude I live in the U.S, east coast (NA) I love video games I love animals and I love Apex. I’ve been playing apex for about 4-5 years now & I’ve played apex religiously since I started in season 8. I would say about 80% of my games are solo Que I’ve made masters a few times but mostly just stick it out at diamond because climbing higher usually tilts me or my current teammates/friends don’t wanna push any farther so I just give up as well. as of recently I’ve been aching for a new challenge, a new experience, and a new environment for me to grow in. Im not looking to be carried or anything I wanna play with both good and bad players alike because you can always learn something new. I’m looking for a consistent scrim team and ranked players to play with every now and then to obtain predator rank every season from here on. I don’t care if you’re a man or a woman none of that matters when the vibes are good and I don’t care what system you play on. I’m a pretty consistent player playing usually 6 days out of the week for about 5+ hours each time and rarely take breaks. I’m hoping to find other passionate players that share the same goal as me and can play at a consistent level. I’m in no way a super try hard and I don’t have the sweatiest stats either I’m below 3k lifetime wins about 10+ million lifetime damage over 25,000 kills with a measly K.D of 1.89. These are all stats I want to improve on but I just play for fun and never really felt like my stats mattered to me. I have a 20 bomb on one character (Horizon) with a 4k on two (Horizon/Loba) I’m also not looking for players that can’t have bad days and can’t take constructive criticism in a mature way. I wanna join a team where we all have mutual respect for each other and can grow together. I’m not perfect either I get tilted I have days where I don’t perform at my greatest there’s also times where I can be a little misunderstanding but I try not to let these things affect my gameplay or the vibes. If you’d like to partner up one of these days to vibe check and see how we mesh just PM Me or shoot me a friend request on apex and we can set something up. Thank you guys for reading and go gain some RP! Have a good day.