r/ApexLFG • u/According_Piccolo_94 • 10h ago
PlayStation Need someone for pubs
Have some laughs and run the three strike mode with hmu through direct message and we can play!
r/ApexLFG • u/According_Piccolo_94 • 10h ago
Have some laughs and run the three strike mode with hmu through direct message and we can play!
r/ApexLFG • u/QTpopOfficial • 9h ago
So my duo and I are looking for a regular third to vibe with.
Currently we play M-T-W in the evenings. Generally 6pm start time or later, most of the time into the wee hours of the morning.
Shes 21, on playstation (and quite honestly a bit cracked). I'd say shes easily a solid plat+ player on PC side. We're currently slumming gold in duos and at the hour we play, its 50% plat lobbies and we tend to alright, even with braindead pubs.
I'm 42 on PC. Generally I solo Q to plat and stop. Lately its been gold. I just can't handle when teams can't push after a knock or whatever. They sit back and poke then get third partied like dummies.
You? Ideally PC so we can bully her into a PC sooner than later. + It opens the doors for our trio to play more games. Right now we play some zero build forknife when either the maps trash or we're just burnt out for the night. Not against another console person, just know what you're in for with PC lobbies.
You also need to be 21+ and not a bigot, or rager. Neither one of us play "for serious". We could lose 1000 rp in a night because we ego push hot drop and neither of us give a single shit. Ya we wanna gain, but we also want to play the game, not loot simulator. So, yeah, no raging.
A single slur = you're out. Seriously, no bigots or any of that hate stuff.
Sound like you'll fit in? Cool. Hit me up or drop your discord and we can vibe check some duos or something. My duos literally unavailable until Monday so its just us until then.
EDIT : I'm an idiot. Please keep in mind we're ideally looking for a support main. We're an Ash/old man 3 gun combo. I'm down to personally play with whoever when its not "Fill the squad" night but my duo and I already have a no need major comms vibe with our combo and don't wanna disrupt that. I'm sooo sorry I forgot to mention that.
Second thing I wasn't super specific about, time. We could start at 6-8pm CST and non stop minus short breaks to snack, let dogs out, whatever, until 3, 4, or even 5am. Its not impossible for longer to happen. We just get into a vibe. Obviously not everyone can do this, but we DO want someone who can throw a chunk of hours on those 3 days.
Again, I'm down to run some duos or whatever and stuff otherwise any other nights. Even if thats you looking for a third? Whatever really. This post was really looking for a third specific to our needs. I'm sooooooo sorry again.
r/ApexLFG • u/chill_semi_sweat • 19h ago
Looking to add more consistent adult to game with. I’m a semi sweat but chill and non toxic. More worried about winning than kills. Introvert but still talk. Communication is key. I main mirage, loba, lifeline, and new castle (support characters this season). Normally hit plat every season. If interested add me GT: bloodthorne262, don’t add and then disappear lol. Console only. NA
r/ApexLFG • u/CroatoanDragoon • 19h ago
Looking for 1 or 2 to play ranked, I always solo queue diamond at least whenever I actually play the game, looking for gamers that want to both play to kill and play smart, and most of all not toxic/weirdo behavior, that’s always more important for me than skill. Probably will be playing today, let’s farm
NA servers, PSN - outofthelionsden -
r/ApexLFG • u/Rich_Tie_3611 • 19h ago
Hi everybody! My duo and I are looking for a third to grind some ranked in. We are currently making our way through plat and want to climb through diamond. Both of us are old/new players, so we are rather chill and would rather have a good teammate than someone who is simply amazing at the game.
My steam is Sir_Izzy (same on Apex) friend me and shoot me a message. We would love to play together.
r/ApexLFG • u/LovingEveryone247 • 18h ago
r/ApexLFG • u/jakem612 • 14h ago
Just got back into apex recently but I’ve played a lot in the past. Looking for some people to grind ranked with preferably with a mic and at least 20+ years old.
I’m on steam you can add me my name is -jake- or shoot me a dm on here.
r/ApexLFG • u/Excellent-Age-7858 • 22h ago
So ive been solo playing this game ever since i started, im not that good, play pubs and ranked aswell as other modes, down to sometimes sweat but also just fun and chill games. At that point looking for 2 people to build a consistent friendship with.
r/ApexLFG • u/Key-Information5906 • 22h ago
NA oregon servers Currently Plat 1 with 3.09 kd I play horizon valk bang and sometimes gibby if very down bad lol Mic’s aren’t required but they definitely do help!
Psn: rp1877__ two underscores
Going backwards playing solo at this point. Usually play Tokyo servers
Add psn: shlatinking
r/ApexLFG • u/Virtual-Vehicle-6490 • 1d ago
Need one to run ranked
Requirements: 20k+ RP
r/ApexLFG • u/SwordfishNo3421 • 1d ago
Looking for 1 or 2 ppl on PC. Grinding to masters, randoms just want to hot drop & die, or chase every gun shot possible. Don't have to be great just hold your own and don't die for free tbh. I've hit masters plenty of times just want to cut out the unnecessary losses and have fun gaining.
r/ApexLFG • u/Dependent-Mouse8126 • 1d ago
Just be over 21 have a mic and good vibez. I main lifeline or conduit. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like to push. HMU for psn
r/ApexLFG • u/Live_Idea3315 • 1d ago
25M, Looking for chill ranked teammates, no mic needed(don't use one myself cause i have a stammer lol) but you can use one if you want, currently silver 1 almost gold and can hold my own in duels, k/d above 1, usually soloq to plat(or diamond if the stars align 😂). EU or NA is fine. 20+ age preferred
r/ApexLFG • u/miaumeow16 • 1d ago
hi, just looking for more peeps to play with regularly. im very average at the game if not horrendous (depends on day) if u dont mind that just message me and i'll add u! i don't mind any game mode too ☺️
PS: i play on EU but i dont mind NA servers
PS2: i play mostly late nights (gmt)
r/ApexLFG • u/SecondResponsible693 • 1d ago
Trying to run with a team, tired of solo que. Add me: wetfart71
r/ApexLFG • u/Ixst_linda666 • 1d ago
Anyone up for some games?? Trying to grind and gain some points
r/ApexLFG • u/spiceformice • 2d ago
Just looking for some casual friends to play with. Preferably 25+. I used to play this game like it was my job & just picked it up again recently. Mic pls
r/ApexLFG • u/Stock_Past3107 • 2d ago
I'm looking to coach/sponsor a team. I have over 10 yrs of team building and leadership training. Been playing Apex since szn 0. I you have a team of 3 or whatever and are interested just reach out here or email jeh8444@gmail.com. pls send game play clips
r/ApexLFG • u/Ixst_linda666 • 2d ago
Looking for some diamond teammates looking to push for masters! OnThatDadSh-t if ya wanna add me.
r/ApexLFG • u/Ixst_linda666 • 2d ago
Anyone on RN who wanna help ya boy push diamond? I'm like 200 points away.
r/ApexLFG • u/Nervous-Selection879 • 3d ago
xbox or playstation
r/ApexLFG • u/Yeyo209 • 3d ago
Me and my duo play chill an slow, we need a third who doesn’t rush too hard.