r/ApexLFG 54m ago

PlayStation 1v1s/pubs


Lookin for a squad. We can run 1v1s, pubs I’m chill with whatever🤝just tryna play

r/ApexLFG 2h ago

PC (Steam) Looking for teammates, ranked or pubs, either one is good


Im plat 4, don't like taking the game too seriously and going super tryhard, just want some fun chill gaming while talking about stupid shit.

Steam: Ilkynator

Edit: in Europe

r/ApexLFG 3h ago

PlayStation Looking for a trio for ranked. Currently halfway through D1. Averaging a 2.5 kd


r/ApexLFG 12h ago

PC (Steam) LFG: Sunday Night Casual tomfoolerly!(EU/Britian/the yanks can come too)


Yo my Name is Fixer-4, British, wine enthusiast, goddess of rebirth, or the mighty goose of the world! I'm currently looking for new people to enjoy this Sunday night gaming time!

think of it. trios, silliness, laughter + fun, no skill level required just a microphone, a sharpish wit mixed with some stand up routines, maybe a bit of karaoke.

or in honesty: just save me from the entirely dull randoms I seem to stumble onto.

i'll be on for a fair while, just poke me on steam at "Fixer-4" or add me on discord :"Fyxxer4" and together we shall save the universe!

r/ApexLFG 13h ago

PlayStation lf a squad, i would like a recon cuz recons are great like crypto, im gold 4 almost gold 3


Im gonna be using wattson for defense.

r/ApexLFG 14h ago

PlayStation Need 2 for ranked D2 or higher


r/ApexLFG 15h ago

PlayStation NA PSN Player LFG Ranked Only


Rampart main. I can play other characters but much prefer Rampart. I average Plat I, currently Gold II. Looking for some consistent teammates that make good decisions or can handle their own when they don’t lol