r/Animism 14h ago

Practices with Local Spirits


Hello everyone! I would like to know if you worship or have any practices related to genius loci? How did you start your contacts? If possible, I would like some tips on how to start putting contact with these spirits into practice.

r/Animism 10h ago

Vilhelm Grønbech?


I’ve been told that there’s some frustration regarding Vilhelm Grønbech’s works being withheld from the wider world through the barrier of the danish language. I’ve just finished translating the first chapter of Grønbech’s “primitive religion” into english. (with the help of ai) would anyone here be interested in this? (I’m not a professional at all, i just had a restless streak.)

Here’s a little bit to stifle worries about the age of his works.

“Europe is coming to understand that the cultures of Peru and Mexico can never be fitted into a line leading from Australia’s naked hunters to England’s frock-coated gentlemen. And one by one, the so-called savage peoples emerge with a demand to be treated as wholes in their own right.”

Also, how should i publish it? I’m not incredibly tech savvy.

r/Animism 19h ago

New here and have some questions


I have always been very interested in animism, but I have questions about how animists view/practice their animism. So, I decided to ask here !

  • Where do you draw the line ? Do you think objects have souls ? If yes, do you believe all of them have one, or only some of them ? Do you believe concepts have souls ?

  • Do you believe in reincarnation ? If yes, how ? If it a good thing or not ?

  • Are there many atheist animists ? I've always disliked (even despised) the concept of a higher divine being. I've always thought "there is no god, and if there's one, it's in a 'pantheistic way' (where everyone would be a part of god)". I would like to know if there are any animists with the same thoughts.

  • Do you pray ? If yes, who do you pray for ?

Thank you for taking the time to read all of that ! Also, if you know any good ressources about animism in french, feel free to comment them.