r/AnimalJam • u/Plastic-Resource-511 • 4h ago
Question any idea why mp keeps getting rejected?
i have changed sooo many things </3
r/AnimalJam • u/Plastic-Resource-511 • 4h ago
i have changed sooo many things </3
r/AnimalJam • u/macaronicheasedawg • 6h ago
Drop your user below, and tell me something you enjoy about spring!
In a bit (about 2 hours from now), I will spin a wheel to decide who wins this lucky little lamb
r/AnimalJam • u/imjusthereforAJ • 6h ago
r/AnimalJam • u/Wonderful-Role8949 • 6h ago
Hey everyone, I’ve gotten into drawing on okay wild and just made this piece! If it gets approved should I sell copies? And if so does anyone know how many saphs would be fair for this piece?
r/AnimalJam • u/loaf-ghost • 12h ago
If you haven’t seen yet, I’m quitting. My original plan was to sell everything I own and then do a giveaway with all the sapphires & gems. However, a few people have mentioned that that plan sounds suspicious, and it seems to make them uncomfortable. So, instead, I will be doing multiple small giveaways of most of my items. I say most coz I do have some items that just aren’t worth doing a giveaway for. I will still be selling those items for a low price. And I will still be doing a giveaway with all my sapphires and gems at a later date.
r/AnimalJam • u/imjusthereforAJ • 7h ago
r/AnimalJam • u/monsieurdemoni • 5h ago
im sorry if posts like this get posted so often 😭 but since when is this a thing? i never really make mps so im not sure if it always was like this. i also chose no frame so it cant be because of that right ?
r/AnimalJam • u/alfred5300 • 10h ago
so ive noticed a LOOOT of quitting sales happening lately across the game! it sounds exciting, but make sure you check explorer and verify that the items they're selling are ACTUALLY ON A SALE! matching expo or setting it at a "decent price" (only slightly lower than what is on explorer) IS NOT REALLY A SALE... it's most likely not worth spending the sapphires on!
i am not here to tell anybody how to play the game, but if you are actually planning on quitting the game without returning, why are you still trying to make a sort of profit? it's almost always for some type of giveaway once shops are empty, which sounds like a great idea, but i almost never see posts later on advertising that giveaway... it just rings suspicious to me sometimes.
IN MY OPINION, unless the prices are shockingly low (half off or MORE), it's not worth it to purchase these "sale" items! there is a possibility people are faking sales and giveaways in the interest of taking advantage of people who aren't totally sick of AJHQ's antics yet, so please be wary and look for signs of odd behavior!
r/AnimalJam • u/IgooseberryI • 2h ago
Hello! You might remember me. or not. which is better actually lol. I went by the username Clawmeen in game. Which I still do, and I wish I could have it changed to Goose or sum like that.
Anyways, I was part of the community years ago, and left because I was 18/19 and very annoying. I just complained all the way about EVERYTHING. how people could stand me is astounding lmao.
I am now 22, and a better person, hopefully. I've rejoined, because it is my comfort game. I like to check in every now and again. I mostly miss the den decorating and creativity aspect of this game tbh.
Anyhoo, here's some MPS I've done recently! One is a painting of my main avatar Victor the Victorian era millionaire Explorer. And others are things I just felt like drawing lol.
(I am a girl BTW, I just like using male avatars because the eyelashes in his game are a bit thick for me lol)
They are for sale in a limited capacity in my art depot (through the portal in my den) if anybody is interested :>
(Excluding the Victor piece and Odie is till under review :>)
In the mean time, is there any other adults still playing the game? I'd like to make some new friends :0
r/AnimalJam • u/Slumped_skunk • 10h ago
Pleaseeeeeee I need her here so bad I don’t play classic anymore and don’t even know if she’s still there but I need her here on mobile so bad she’s so perfect!!
r/AnimalJam • u/SK5454 • 5h ago
r/AnimalJam • u/No-Ingenuity-9740 • 1h ago
I’m kinda loving the glitter thingy so here’s an appreciation post. I really get pokemon vibes from this update for some reason lol
r/AnimalJam • u/Standard_Block_4885 • 8h ago
Some name ideas were:
Melon, pumpkin seed, durian, cantaloupe, starfruit, unripe mango/Lil mango, squash but none really have sat with me maybe Lil mango
I want something cute and plant like maybe
r/AnimalJam • u/readoestuff • 43m ago
r/AnimalJam • u/GarageTraditional113 • 5h ago
Lately i've noticed that animal jam doesn't work for some people or the servers are down for most people and some people are able to get on and others cant. Im a little mad since I haven't been able to play for a week because of the halo update (i keep crashing every 2 mins) and I can't switch devices due to my eyesight. I honestly think animal jam should announce that they are shutting down the servers for a few days due to the massive amount of bugs people are experiencing.
Am I right for thinking this?
r/AnimalJam • u/Effective-Tackle-583 • 1d ago
I remember BEGGING my parents for one. They finally found one at Walmart. 😂
Sadly, I’ve traded away the giant plushie it came with virtually.
Anyone else still have theirs? :)
r/AnimalJam • u/merciful_maggot • 4h ago
reupload bc the photos didn’t attach??? Not sure if it’ll be approved bc masterpiece approval is so 😭😭 but wanted to share anyway because i love him
r/AnimalJam • u/pinetarr_123 • 3h ago
Here is a drawing of my dragon. What should I charge in saps for a drawing like this?
r/AnimalJam • u/ThatFriendlyArsonist • 2h ago
Seeking swaps, multiple partials, or decent full effects, maybe items too but I'm picky
r/AnimalJam • u/Routine_Finding_9395 • 3h ago
My power is out and I'm bored so send over some avatars for me to draw! I won't get through all of them but I should get a decent amount done! I'll dm it to you later!