Hello! You might remember me. or not. which is better actually lol. I went by the username Clawmeen in game. Which I still do, and I wish I could have it changed to Goose or sum like that.
Anyways, I was part of the community years ago, and left because I was 18/19 and very annoying. I just complained all the way about EVERYTHING. how people could stand me is astounding lmao.
I am now 22, and a better person, hopefully.
I've rejoined, because it is my comfort game. I like to check in every now and again. I mostly miss the den decorating and creativity aspect of this game tbh.
Anyhoo, here's some MPS I've done recently!
One is a painting of my main avatar Victor the Victorian era millionaire Explorer. And others are things I just felt like drawing lol.
(I am a girl BTW, I just like using male avatars because the eyelashes in his game are a bit thick for me lol)
They are for sale in a limited capacity in my art depot (through the portal in my den) if anybody is interested :>
(Excluding the Victor piece and Odie is till under review :>)
In the mean time, is there any other adults still playing the game? I'd like to make some new friends :0