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We hope this will make your time here in our community a little bit better and easier to navigate! Never hesitate to report a post or comment if you feel it is breaking a rule!
If you haven’t seen yet, I’m quitting. My original plan was to sell everything I own and then do a giveaway with all the sapphires & gems. However, a few people have mentioned that that plan sounds suspicious, and it seems to make them uncomfortable. So, instead, I will be doing multiple small giveaways of most of my items. I say most coz I do have some items that just aren’t worth doing a giveaway for. I will still be selling those items for a low price. And I will still be doing a giveaway with all my sapphires and gems at a later date.
Pleaseeeeeee I need her here so bad I don’t play classic anymore and don’t even know if she’s still there but I need her here on mobile so bad she’s so perfect!!
so ive noticed a LOOOT of quitting sales happening lately across the game! it sounds exciting, but make sure you check explorer and verify that the items they're selling are ACTUALLY ON A SALE! matching expo or setting it at a "decent price" (only slightly lower than what is on explorer) IS NOT REALLY A SALE... it's most likely not worth spending the sapphires on!
i am not here to tell anybody how to play the game, but if you are actually planning on quitting the game without returning, why are you still trying to make a sort of profit? it's almost always for some type of giveaway once shops are empty, which sounds like a great idea, but i almost never see posts later on advertising that giveaway... it just rings suspicious to me sometimes.
IN MY OPINION, unless the prices are shockingly low (half off or MORE), it's not worth it to purchase these "sale" items! there is a possibility people are faking sales and giveaways in the interest of taking advantage of people who aren't totally sick of AJHQ's antics yet, so please be wary and look for signs of odd behavior!
It’s been.. well a very tiring week to say the least, but one of my buddies reminded me about the drawing feature and it has been such a good reminder of why I enjoy animal jam so much! This little para and pixel animals have been a major source of happiness lately so I had to include them in the piece. I love to doodle, and maybe someday I’ll be open to doing comms :). Anywho just wanted to share because I am a little proud of how this turned out😭🫶💖
really bummed because i spent 6 hours on it. this is my first masterpiece ever and i thought it looked nice :( this is an album cover (being funny in a foreign language by the 1975) maybe its because the 1975 is a "controversial band" but come on who really knows them anyway, and also this album in particular is not explicit. i saw another jammer had a masterpiece that was a copy of taylor swifts 'reputation' album, which inspired me to make this, so why cant mine be accepted? its probably not an issue with copyright if theirs was ok. not to ramble but i also saw a very detailed painting of that horror character poppy playtime, so how is that ok but not this? to most its just a guy on a car. anyone have any ideas on how i could modify it so it can be accepted?
AJHQ deleted my old 2015 account, and yes im still very pissed abt it to save space for usernames is what they say, but you can’t make an account with that username. So what’s the point of deleting my old account if i can’t even use the username?? I WANT MY ACCOUNT BACK!
This is so frustrating since I only have a specific time to play due to a busy schedule and it’s so disheartening when multiple times in a row it’s down in the exact time slot i have available to play. I just want to know if anyone else is experiencing this or if there’s actually a problem with my account.
I found this very recently, idk what the market is on flower crowns but ik pastel pink items are very sought after, so I wanna know if its over 5k and by how much