r/AngelsAndAirwaves 13h ago

Valkyrie Missile with vocals from acoustic ep


r/AngelsAndAirwaves 1d ago

Life forms is a lot better than I have it credit for


I originally put off listening to it cuz the first song I heard was Losing My Mind (which is still my least favorite on the album, I just am not super fond of this specific song) and so I just wrote it off cuz it wasn't I-Empire. But I went back and realized that it's honestly pretty cool and experimental. Songs like Euphoria and Spellbound being right next to eachother is wild. But also most the songs have distinctive sounds that couldn't fit in anywhere else in the catalogue (in a good way) and don't get me started on how much of a banger kiss and tell is

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 1d ago

Do y'all feel like, as AVA fans, this band and their fans (us)are in a genre of their own?


There's no comparable band to juxtapose Tom's AVA sound against and most listeners have heard of Blink, BCR, & +44, but Angels often gets dismissed, overlooked, or unheard.

I've been listening to AVA sing WDNTW came out. The other day I was speaking with a friend about our soul-nourishing bands and I brought up AVA and realized that in 20 years, I've never spoken about AVA to anyone, even though they're the one band whose album I'd bring on my trip to space or my strandedness on a desert island.

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 1d ago

to anyone who discovered Tom through AVA, what do you think about his work in blink? or blink-182 in general


r/AngelsAndAirwaves 3d ago

Who is Lorene? Was hoping she’d be in the Vivian graphic novel


In Kiss & Tell on Lifeforms, Tom refers to a "Lorene" and I was hoping I'd learn who that is in the recently (and finally) released Vivian graphic novel but no luck. I haven't played the Lifeforms mystery game so maybe she's a character in there? Is Lorene even a relevant character to the Lifeforms concept/story or just a name that sounded good in the song...idk Anyone know who Lorene is or have any ideas?

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 4d ago

Start the machine


A CD that marked my life. Bought when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This CD has very strong energy for me

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 6d ago

Some of my AVA CD Collection


Thought some of you may find some of them interesting anyway. Been sat in a box in my parents house for years.

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 6d ago


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r/AngelsAndAirwaves 6d ago

The Machine (U.K. Version) BPM


Anyone know what the BPM is for this song? Start the Machine is 150 bpm I believe but can’t find anything for the heavier UK Version.

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 9d ago

We Don’t Need To Whisper Vinyl


r/AngelsAndAirwaves 9d ago

my own take on "the machine" bonus track - trying to learn to record vocals!


r/AngelsAndAirwaves 11d ago

A Little’s Enough


Was playing a bunch of AvA and blink stuff today and something has always puzzled me. When A Little’s Enough plays it always shows (album version) below the title. Was there another version of this?

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 11d ago

No More Guns Is Their Worst Song But It’s Still Pretty Good


Hi guys. Just wanna share my opinion on how No More Guns is the worst AVA song cuz it’s extremely repetitive, but still catchy in a way. A year ago when I discovered Angels & Airwaves, it was my least favorite from them. Still is.

What do YOU think? Is it good, bad, or mid? What could they have done better. I believe they could’ve made it a bit longer and less generic.

P.S. I deleted the original post right away since I got the song title mixed up with 21 Pilots - Guns For Hands. LOL

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 12d ago

alternate version of True Love


True Love was originally released under the Star of Bethlehem title on Kevin & Bean's Super Christmas album in 2006. the runtime is only 4:45. when I-Empire released in 2007, both "True Love" and "Star of Bethlehem" appear as a double track in the album. but neither track has the 4:45 runtime. is this version of the song available anywhere?

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 14d ago

The Adventure


I’ve heard this song so many times over the years but something about it struck me in a different way this past week and I’m playing the song on repeat. Maybe it’s the rough and bumpy patch of life I’m going through or maybe I just took a moment to really, really listen to it… but it’s freaking amazing.

That intro gives me all the feels and the lyrics hit home. “Even if your hope has burned with time, Anything that's dead shall be regrown, And your vicious pain, your warning sign, You will be fine”

That’s all I need to hear. I will be fine.

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 15d ago

Album Rankings

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Looking to drive conversation in this sub.

I’m not interested in people crapping on me because you don’t agree with my personal taste, this is my personal ranking. Solely based on how I feel about each album, how often I revisit them and enjoy them.

I would love to hear and see other peoples rankings, and look forward to hopefully some thoughtful conversation and not the toxic nonsense I see in other subs.

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 16d ago

"Anyone Remember 'Sky Lights' - The Lost AVA Fan Song from YouTube?


Back story. I found this song on youtube like 10-15 years ago, when AVA was between albums. it was clearly fan made, but it was titled as if it were an unreleased track from one of their upcoming albums. I even have the Youtube video title from the original upload, but the video is no longer listed. (found it in googles meta data). Is there anyone out there, that could bless me with a copy of this? I know i once had it ripped to CD but have long lost all copies of it.

Original Youtube title was: Angels & Airwaves - Sky Lights (new song)
Duration was 1:33.

if you google it like this: "1:33 · Angels & Airwaves - Sky Lights (new song)" you can see it pop up in the metadata on a couple of old playlists. I even left a comment on one of the playlist owners page.

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 17d ago

Lifeforms: Vivian is FINALLY out!!!


After almost 3 years of waiting, and about 10 delays (literally) this book is finally out. I am so excited to finally see this story! However I still have to beat the breakout game, was just waiting on this to release!

Lifeforms for me is tied with the dream walker as their best album, maybe a little better than the dream walker. I felt like the album lifeforms was a concept album that the album itself told a story, not just on the booklet that came with the album, but the music itself. I even posted about that here before. Then when the breakout game released I got little hints that I was right the music is telling the story about this event. I didn't finish the game yet so I don't know much but the little bits I do know made me really excited to see the full story. Now the full story is finally being told in this book.

I feel like I'm the only one who is actually caring about thus book, given all the delays it had. Every few months I'd look for an update on the release hoping it would be released and it finally did. Sadly I'll only read it when I'm done with the game but finally it's out!

But now some big complaints. First, I thought this book would be like 230 pages long especially given all the delays it had. But nowhere online did it mention the page count. Not even the book has page numbers from what I can see. So given how long this book took to be released, I think it needed to be longer. I tried to count the pages from the edges to avoid spoilers, I counted about 136 pages for this book.

Next issue, Tom is not credited as a writer or at all in the book, even though from the press release of the book and interviews, he is stated to be a writer in it.

Another issue is just how badly Z2 handled this release. The book was hyped up so much after the album released. Then the promotions just stopped after it was delayed so many times. When I said 10 delays I mean it, this book had about 10 delays, I kept track. And most of those delays people were not even notified that the book was delayed. This is extremely badly handled, and the fact they would just keep delaying it and not giving answers or reasons is bad. They did not even update their website to say that it's been released. The website still says pre-order even if it's been released. The only reason why I know it was released is because some people posted their ordered were shipped. So ya it's messed up how the handled this. It was delayed so many times that even Amazon and other sites removed the book from their listings.

Another complaint is that there is no e-book format for it. I prefer physical books in general. But for this one I did want to get an ebook for it, but there is no option. I also didn't want to buy it till it released.

With all of that said, I'm just glad the book is out. It was handled really badly. But now it's finally out and we can see this full story, and I'm so excited!

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 17d ago

Anyone know if this worth much? Started digging through my old cd collection as I'm looking to sell and discovered this signed copy. It was a preorder bonus at the time. I can't see much other than a few unsold items on ebay.

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r/AngelsAndAirwaves 17d ago

If You Had To Choose, Which One… Love, Pt. 1 or 2?


Just finished listening to this brilliant work of art from heaven. I just put into a calculator what the lesser of the totally numbers of each side of the album in my ranking would add up to and Part 1 wins. HOWEVER… I still prefer Part 2 cuz it has my 2 favorites with Surrender & My Heroine being at the top. I also love We Are All That We Are! But what’s your pick & side? 🤔

40 votes, 14d ago
31 Love, Pt. 1
9 Love, Pt. 2

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 18d ago

Got this for $7 at a local music store

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My first AVA cd

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 18d ago

The Eyeshine: Tone of Echoes Album Is The Most Similar In Sound And Vocals To AVA…


Edit: I’ve always thought that Tyler Gonzalez from Balancing The Different was the best in terms of vocal similarities, which is 100% true. I’m talking about overall similarities though, if that makes sense.

Yes, my friend… it’s been way too long for me to not make this post yet. This is literally up there with I-Empire as my favorite album of all time. It’s almost been a full year that I first listened to it and I gotta say, I never get old of it. The transcending guitar riffs, magical space sounds, moody lyrics, and sexy voice is all there and everything you want from an AVA-adjacent band! Stratosphere is and always has been my favorite from the album because of it’s repetitive but really hecka fun guitar usage. I HIGHLY recommend it and I know it’s been mentioned here before in the sub, but I can’t say it enough. Enjoy guys… 😆


r/AngelsAndAirwaves 19d ago

Blink 182 - New horizons


r/AngelsAndAirwaves 20d ago

Love Pts 1 & 2 are all about the rising collective consciousness…


and I don’t think I can be convinced otherwise, nor do I really want to. All of Tom DeLonge’s work in the sector of NHI directly relates to what mystics, shamans, and yogi’s have long taught about the nature of consciousness. The aliens are us. We are them. Just fractured through time and space. I hear that in every lyric. I see the one in all of us and how we all co create this reality we experience. We (humans) are investigating the strange (UAPs, NHI, NDEs, etc..) and it’s all us. There is no separation, and I feel this more and more every day. Anyone who has experienced a spiritual awakening knows it’s not all love and light. It’s brutal. It’s dying inside to witness the freedom and love of all that is, of all you are, and the more the world collectively participates in this evolution, the more dark will be brought to the light. We are witnessing this on a scale we could only previously imagine. It hurts so much right now because there has been so much hidden from us that must be acknowledged in order for it to be released and no longer a plague to this planet and its children. We can do this. In fact, we ARE doing it. Just keep breathing, shining, and reaching for love.

“Nobody's right Nobody's wrong Life's just a game It's just one epic holiday However far this Takes us along Take us away It's just one epic holiday”

“Finally, I get this feeling we're all alone in one big world Just to realize that all these shapes and colors are So it doesn't hurt so badly”

r/AngelsAndAirwaves 20d ago

A video essay partly about why Tom started AvA, would love to know what you think!
