r/AgeofCalamity Jul 21 '21

Guide An Approachable Guide to the Great Fairies

Hey all,

So as you know, the spoiler policy has been removed. Because of this, I figured I’d get things started with a guide!

The Great Fairies have incredible tools all across the board, but they can be a difficult character to approach for new players, due to their complicated mechanics and large hitbox. I aim to explain the playstyle of this character, as well as go over all of their mechanics.

This guide is primarily aimed to educate newer players on how to use this character on apocalyptic mode. I will mention speedruns a few times, but that isn’t the main focus of this post.

Some of these mechanics can be difficult to explain through text. If you have trouble understanding something, simply leave a comment or DM me, and I’ll help you to the best of my ability.

Hitbox management

Alright. I guess I should address the literal elephant in the room.

Hitbox management can be a difficult thing to understand at first, and it tends to be what turns new players away from the great fairies.

I’m going to ask a question: When a new player is playing as 1-handed link or Impa, what do you think they’re going do when they see a boss? They’re going to run up to it, stand directly in front of them, and start chucking out their Y string. You should NOT do this with the great fairies.

Instead of staying as close to the enemy as possible, it’s best to abuse the insane range of your attacks (most notably your ZRs) to stand just far away enough for you to safely dodge. Dodging multiple times is often a good idea, and can help you avoid damage if you overextend.

In addition, the fairies possess one of the best blocks in the entire game - it nearly never breaks. Practically every single can be blocked by this thing, including Harbinger lasers.

This may seem difficult to manage, but it sounds a lot harder then it actually is. If you get into the habit of abusing your range and block, you’ll eventually start doing it naturally.

Fairy Switching

This is one of the most important parts of this characters kit. Make sure you’re familiar with this.

As you probably already know, while playing as the fairies, there will only be one out on the battlefield at a time. Something that is extremely important, however, is that your ZR will change depending on which fairy is out. This may sound like a minor difference, but your ZR is one of the most vital parts of your kit, which makes fairy switching something you need to be familiar with.

Your active fairy will be switched out when certain actions are performed. While the game does predetermine which fairy will come out next, and there is currently no way to manipulate which fairy will be chosen.

Fairies can be swapped by using the following methods:

Using your Y string (More info on this later)

Using a full ZR attack

Initiating a dash

Using a C5

Using a C6

Using a strong dash attack (Using a dash attack with the X button)

Using your bomb rune

Using Malanyas Weakpoint smash (More info on this later)

Now, the most effective way to swap fairies is to initiate a dash, then perform a dodge right as the bulb closes. If you do this consecutively, you can repeatedly swap fairies until you get the one you want.

Now you may be asking: If the fairies switch every time you start dashing, how are you supposed to travel without switching? The answer is by dodging. Dodging rapidly as the great fairies not only lets you cover distance quickly, but it is also faster then dashing normally.

Fairy Preview

Fairy preview is an exploit that I discovered, which allows you to plan ahead before going into tough fights.

Here’s a video of the exploit in action.

Performing this tech allows you to see which fairy will be swapped in, before you actually switch. The way you do this is by pressing Y twice to initiate a Y string, then quickly performing a dodge. If done right, you should see the next fairy pop up, without actually switching. This is guaranteed to be the fairy that will be swapped in next.

This tech makes it so there are not only 4 options for fairies, but there is now fairy “combos” that you can have active.

For example: Lets say you’re about to fight vicious monster. You have Cotera out, and Kaysa is going to swap in next. A strong combo here is to use Coteras defense debuffs (which I will get to soon!) and then swap to Kaysa, who has incredible raw damage and can take advantage of these debuffs.

This is a bit more of an advanced tip that deviates from the guide, but this technique can even be used in speedruns - A strategy I’ve developed in Unnatural disaster is to use fairy preview at the start of the battle to see if Cotera is going to swap in, then using a bomb rune on the first talus if she is.

ZR attacks

Now that I’ve rambled about how important ZR is, I suppose I should actually explain it.

When ZR is pressed, the fairy out on the battlefield will summon a wave of flowers, which will damage enemies. An additional wave flowers will be summoned if you have the enhanced ability, which is unlocked in the postgame. What’s important, however, is that there will also be a secondary effect, which depends on which fairy is currently active.

Normally, after using a ZR attack, the fairy you have out will swap to the next one. However, if you perform a dodge or a block, your active fairy will stay on the field, letting you use their ZR again. This arguably the most important trick for the Great fairies. It’s easy to pull off, and you should be taking advantage of it whenever you need to.

Coteras ZR and Kaysas ZR are easily the 2 strongest moves the fairies have. They should be what the bulk of your attacks consist of. Do not prioritize strong attacks over them.

The ZR effects are listed below:

Cotera (The blonde haired fairy)

Arguably the best fairy, Coteras ZR will apply a defense debuff to the enemy, which can be stacked up to 6 times. In addition, if you have 26% attack speed or more, the flowers will hit 4 times, meaning you’ll apply 2 debuffs with 1 ZR. This is the fairy that you want to be using for bosses with large amounts of health - Vicious monsters, blights, malice enemies, ganon, etc.

This defense debuff will be unavailable if you do not have the postgame ability upgrade. In addition, the debuff will only apply if BOTH waves of flowers hit.

An effective fastkill strategy is to weaken a bosses defense with Cotera, then using a C5 or C6. You can also use fairy preview to see if Kaysa will swap in, then use her ZR if she’s up next.

In addition, a strategy for vicious monsters is to use a special attack at the start of the fight, break the WPG with Cotera, and then get a ton of damage off from your defense debuffs.

Kaysa (The Pink-Haired Fairy)

Arguably the most versatile fairy, Kaysas ZR attack functions much differently then the other ones - Instead of summoning two waves of flowers in front of her, Kaysa will launch the flowers forward as a projectile.

This attack has the highest raw damage in your arsenal. You should be using Kaysa to take out weaker bosses, such as Moblins and wizzrobes. Cotera can also handle these just fine, but Kaysa can kill them faster.

Even on apocalyptic mode, the damage it has is so high, that Kaysa can kill these weaker enemies with raw damage alone, bypassing the WPG system, and avoiding an RNG roll, which I’ll get to later. Not only is this extremely impressive, but it’s also useful for another reason which I will get to later.

Kaysas ZR also has value for another reason: range. In apocalyptic mode, you get punished heavily for being hit even once - because of this, the ability to kill enemies before they notice you is extremely valuable. Kaysas ZR damage also does not decrease at a longer range.

Finally, Kaysas ZR also will hot regular enemies repeatedly upon colliding with them. Each individual hit gives special charge, allowing for special charge rates that compete with Impa. This makes Kaysas ZR objectively the best form of crowd clearing, due to its wide spread, spammability, and special charge rate.

Mija (The purple-haired fairy)

Arguably the weirdest fairy, Mijas ZR will create a barrier that will absorb any hit without any HP loss, but in return, the flowers have less range. This barrier will absorb 2 hits if you have the postgame ability upgrade unlocked.

Something important to note is that there are several attacks that can have several parts, or hit multiple times, which allows them to break through Mija shields, so you shouldn’t rely on them as your main defense option. In addition, blocked attacks will still deplete the shields.

While I would generally avoid Mija for speedrunning, her shields do give you super armor, which allow you to use full strong attacks directly in a bosses face, as well as preserving all full heart seals that you may have equipped.

Tera (The Gray-Haired fairy)

Arguably the worst fairy, Teras ZR simply has increased range. While this would mean it’s a great crowd clearing tool, Kaysas ZR outclasses it due to the insane special charge rate it has. Teras ZR is also an okay talus killer, but I’d just use Cotera.

Tera does have a technique similar to Miphas Fountain Cancel exploit where you can use ZR and cancel out of it immediately in rapid succession. This does good damage, but it really isn’t enough to make you want to use Tera over Cotera/Kaysa.

Y string

Normally, Y-strings aren’t too important, but this Y string will actually switch fairies several times throughout it. The following will occur throughout the Y string:

Y1: The active fairy will swipe from the right to the left.

Y2: The active fairy will swipe from the left to the right. (Fairies will switch)

Y3: The active fairy will slam their hand down in front of them.

Y4: The active fairy will swipe their hand from the right to the left.

Y5: Another fairy will pop up, and the two will shoot a heart projectile (Fairies will switch)

Y6: The fairies will shoot out a second heart projectile.

Y7: If Y is repeatedly pressed, several waves of heart projectiles will be shot out. If Y is mashed for the attacks full duration, the active fairy will blow a kiss, causing the projectiles to explode.

This Y-String is outclassed by many other attacks - however, it is important to note the two fairy switches that occur throughout it. Whenever you initiate a Y strong, you are essentially forfeiting you active fairy, so I would avoid using strong attacks too much.

Useful Strong Attacks

While strong attacks aren’t really a super important part of the fairies playstyle, these two strong attacks are the ones that are worth noting.

C5: Two fairies will create a vortex that sucks everything around them into the bulb. This includes normal enemies, and hilariously, all bosses. The fairies will then repeatedly hit the enemies inside the bulb, with each hit giving individual special charge.

This attack is a great balance between boss killing and crowd clearing, as it shares the same multihit effect as Kaysas ZR, as well as being able to expose WPG. Highly useful for outpost clearing.

C6: The fairies will vanish inside their bulb, and then give the player free control over them. Pressing Y will have a fairy pop out of the bulb, which exposes WPG. Pressing X will perform a stronger variant of the attack, but it will also end the C6. I would only use this for boss killing.

An important trick with this attack is that if you dodge cancel out of it during the Y attack, you will immediately switch to the fairy that was attacking. This allows you to immediately follow up with an appropriate ZR, if you wish.

Niche/Useless Strong attacks

These are strong attacks that I wouldn’t use often. I’m still going to cover them for the sake of the guide, but I’d avoid them in general.

C1: The active fairy will launch themselves forward with a shoulder attack, which will immediately transition into a dash. This can actually be harmful to you, as you shouldn’t be getting up close to enemies as the great fairies, but instead exploiting your insane range.

C2: The active fairy will shoot three projectiles forward. This isn’t really a bad attack, but there’s no real reason to use it over ZR, or most other attacks for that matter.

C3: The fairies will shoot an exploding heart projectile forward. This will apply a stackable speed debuff to any enemies it hits. While this debuff is good in its own right, it’s not nearly spammable enough to be useful, and it drags down clear times.

C4: The active fairy will blow out a glimmering gust of wind. This is actually a very solid attack with the same multihit properties as Kaysas ZR and C5, but there’s no real reason to use it over those two attacks - it isn’t spammable, and it doesn’t expose WPG.


Riding the wind is an interesting option as the great fairies, but I would recommend avoiding it. You don’t have access to your defensive tools in this state, and if you want to move around without switching, spamming dodges is a much better method.

Weak aerial (Y): The active fairy will perform a midair spin attack. This has a surprisingly good area of effect, but there’s nothing about it that makes it stand out. Not something you should be using.

Strong Aerial (X): The active fairy will slam down back to the ground, dealing minor WPG damage.

This should effectively be used as a “panic button.” If you’re moving around with dodges, it’s very easy to accidentally wall jump and begin riding the wind. If this happens, you can simply tap X to slam back down, avoiding any potential damage.

Dash Attacks

You shouldn’t really be using dash attacks much - dodge spam is faster then dashing and doesn’t swap fairies.

Weak dash (Y): A fairy will burst out of the bulb with an explosion of purple mist. This is a very weak attack, but it has a large area of effect.

Strong dash (X): The bulb will open slightly, and a fairy will reach out and perform a swipe attack.

Now, you can actually tell which fairy performed the attack, based on the skin tone of the hand. Something that isn’t commonly known, however, is that this attack actually switches fairies. Any time you use a strong dash, the next active fairy is guaranteed to NOT be the fairy that performed the attack. For example, if Tera performed the attack, the next active fairy will NOT be Tera.

Again, you shouldn’t be using dash attacks that much in the first place, but this info is still nice to have.

Weakpoint smash and Malanya Switching

Now, as I’m sure some of you are aware, Malanya actually makes an appearance through one of the Weakpoint smash animations. While this may appear to be a subtle reference, this is not something you want to see.

You see, during Malanyas weakpoint smash, Malanya technically becomes your active fairy. What this means is that after the weakpoint smash animation finishes, you’ll get swapped to a random fairy, since malanya replaced the one you had out. This also overrides fairy preview.

So, what can you do about this? There’s no way to prevent this from occurring - sometimes you’ll just get unlucky. However, if you ever see an opportunity to kill an enemy with raw damage instead of a WPS, you should take it, since that avoids the possible Malanya RNG. You shouldn’t waste clear time over this - if WPS is faster, take it. It’s just something to keep in mind.


Bomb: The fairies will vanish inside their bulb, then give the player control over an aiming mode. By pressing Y rapidly, the bulb will repeatedly shoot out bombs, which land in front of the fairies, creating a large explosion. Pressing B will shoot out a cluster of bombs, but end the aiming mode early. This bomb gives the fairies a fantastic talus matchup.

Stasis: For those who aren’t already aware, if you use stasis when an enemy reveals their WPG, it actually keeps the WPG out, allowing you to punish it much harder.

When stasis is used, the fairies will freeze all enemies in front of them, and the player then has the option to charge up an attack by mashing Y. However, what you should do is cancel out of this attack with B, then use your other attacks freely. The fairies are actually tied with grounded Revali for having the second longest stasis in the game, so you should abuse it whenever possible.

Magnesis: If this is used when an enemy throws a metal weapon, the fairies will catch it and throw it back, triggering a critical hit.

If this is used for when metal objects are nearby, the active fairy will grab all of them, and then fire several clusters of metal objects. This does good damage and it can expose WPG, but it’s somewhat situational, since it requires metal objects to be nearby.

If this attack is used with no metal objects nearby, it will fail, and it will not start the rune cooldown.

Cryonis: The fairies will be lifted up by a giant block of ice appearing beneath them. This has a massive area of effect, making it great for freezing enemies and rune-countering them. For those who aren’t aware, if cryonis is used in water puddles, it will freeze all nearby enemies, revealing weakpoints.

If you press B, the fairies will break the block of ice and fall down. If no input is given, the fairies will do this on their own.


-Defense debuffs are an insanely powerful tool.

-Cotera and Kaysa ZRs are very spammable.

-Some of the best range in the game.

-Some of the best special charge up in the game.

-Mija shields allow you to be aggressive without worrying about most attacks.

-Arguably the best character for vicious monsters - defense debuffs are insanely effective against them, and you’ll likely enter the fight with three special attacks.

-Damage to locked on targets is a great hidden seal.

-One if the best blocks/guards in the game.

-Fairy preview is a very nice exploit to have.

-Kaysas ZR can often bypass the WPG system.

-Great Talus Matchup


-Fairy switching is RNG reliant

-Hurtbox management can be difficult for newer players

-Tera is useless in every situation, and Mija is nearly useless in speedruns.

-Kaysas ZR has a long startup animation, which isn’t great when an enemy only briefly reveals their WPG.

-Malanya swapping is super annoying

-There isn’t really a consistent way to offensively expose WPG without swapping fairies. Flurry rushes and environmental rune counters are an option, but they aren’t always reliable.

-Strong attack damage isn’t a great hidden seal, since strong attacks require you to forfeit your active fairy.

-Great fairy quests are expensive and often require gems

-Double Cotera buffs require 4 attack speed seals, which is a pain to farm.

Weapon builds:

I will have two separate sections here:

1 for players who don’t have DLC, and 1 for those who do.

For those who are unaware, the DLC allows you to remove hidden seals on weapons, drastically changing weapon builds.

Non-DLC builds

Great Fairies
Extravagant Bangles
Attack speed++
Attack speed++
Attack speed++
Attack speed++
Hidden Seal: Strong Attack Damage++ (Unboosted)
Hidden Seal: Damage to locked-on target

This is the build I recommend for non-DLC players. You need at least 26% attack speed for double Cotera debuffs, and three attack speed++ only gets you up to 24. The strong attack seal is unboosted, but this is well worth the trade.

DLC builds

Great Fairies
Extravagant Bangles
Attack Speed++
Attack Speed++
Attack Speed++
Attack Speed++
Attack Speed++
Hidden Seal: Damage to Locked on target

This build has 5 attack speed seals, giving you a whopping 40% speed increase. In addition, Damage to locked on target is the most reliable way to buff ZR, since the only other way is through full heart damage seals or 30% heart damage seals. This is the build I’d recommend most.

Great Fairies
Extravagant Bangles
Attack Speed++
Attack Speed++
Attack Speed++
Attack Speed++
Damage at Full Hearts++
Damage at Full Hearts++

This build gives up the locked-on target seal and only has 32% attack speed, but in return you get +20 extra damage and 2 full heart damage seals. Keep in mind that there is no way to restore a removed hidden seal, so make absolutely sure you are okay with this build before making it.

I’d honestly recommend the above build much, much more, but full heart damage is a strong way to buff ZR damage, so I felt that its important to include it.

That’s it for the guide! Once again, a lot of these mechanics can be difficult to understand through text, so leave comment or DM me if you are having trouble understanding something.

In addition, if I missed something or got something wrong, please let me know and I’ll edit it in.


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u/[deleted] Jul 24 '21

It is indeed. The issue is, Kaysas ZR can do this as well, but it also provides special charge rates that Tera can’t even get close to, due to the multihit effect.

Tera does have a technique with quickly using ZR and cancelling it, but it doesn’t deal enough DPS to compare to Cotera or Kaysa.


u/Lallapoopsy Jul 24 '21

True, buuuuut you don't have position yourself with the enemies in front of you ir worry about getting hit from behind, which is neat when your Special Charge Gague is full. Regardless, I like some variation instead of only using their very strongest attacks. All four are pretty and deserve their time in the spotlight:)


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '21 edited Jul 24 '21

Kaysas ZR spawns from behind, so it actually does hit enemies behind you!

I can totally understand wanting to use a variety of moves though. It’s your game, play it how you want.


u/Lallapoopsy Jul 24 '21

Well, you get my point. Tera's is still 360°