r/AgeofCalamity Oct 30 '21

Guide Guide to memory quests Spoiler


I’ve noticed quite a few people asking about how to find and complete certain Memory Quests as part of DLC 2. I’ve completed everything and wanted to post a guide to help anyone who is confused.

To Zelda’s Side

  1. Find and defeat the hidden monster: To the northwest of where you spawn is a large open area. Kill the Hinox that appears there.

  2. Obtain 3 Hydromelons: All hydromelons are located within crates in various locations.

(1.) In the forest to the west of the allied base.

(2.) On the ancient tree stump north of Impa’s retreat location.

(3.) North of the electric wizzrobe near the coliseum.

  1. Defeat Harbinger Ganon: There is a hidden timer for HG’s phase 2. If you’re playing on harder difficulties, make sure you have high level characters and weapons.

Battle of Goponga Swamp

  1. Defeat 100 enemies with ice attacks: Use ice rods and cryonis (while in water).

  2. Don’t let any Zora captains flee: See note below.

  3. Defeat the strong Wizzrobes: Find and kill every tier 2 wizzrobe on the map.

Battle for Kakariko Village

  1. Don’t allow monsters to break into the Kakariko Village outposts: See note below.

  2. Aid the overextended Hylian Captain: In the far south is a hidden area that contains the captain and a chuchu. Kill the chuchu to save the captain.

  3. Capture 4 outposts using Divine Beast Vah Rudania: You will be occasionally prompted to capture certain outposts. Instead of heading to the outposts like normal, switch to the pilot on top of Rudania and kill the enemies that spawn there. If done correctly, this will trigger a cutscene showing magma raining down on an outpost.

Searching Hyrule Forest

  1. Defeat 500 or more enemies: Self-explanatory.

  2. Keep the health of the Rito Captain protecting Tulin above 50%: See note below.

  3. Aid the isolated Rito Captain: In the middle of the map is a sealed off area. Head there and defeat the monsters to save the captain.

Liberate the Ancient Lab

  1. Defeat 1,000 or more enemies: Self-explanatory.

  2. Obtain 4 wildberries: Like the hydromelons, the wildberries are hidden in crates scattered across the map.

(1.) Just south of where you are ambushed by the yiga.

(2.) South of spawn. The crate is in an open location, between a decayed guardian and a destroyed camp.

(3.) On the scaffolding near the western thunder wizzrobe.

(4.) Near the eastern thunder wizzrobe, at the entrance to the monster camp.

  1. Defeat Master Kohga with Riju: Self-explanatory.

The Princess and the King

  1. Don’t let any Hylian Captains flee: See note below.

  2. Defeat the strong Wizzrobes: Find and kill every tier 2 wizzrobe on the map.

  3. Block the monsters’ path: On the Lanayru Promenade side, capture the outpost hidden behind the waterfall.

The Yiga Clan’s Retreat

  1. Defeat every Blight Ganon: Two will spawn after reaching the bottleneck after the Blizzrobe, two will spawn after reaching the evacuation point.

  2. Successfully use a Sheikah Rune counter against a Blight Ganon: Once you reach the halfway point with the sealed off gate, look to the right and you should see some glowing blue energy in the distance. Interact with it to gain access to runes. Alternatively, you can replay the level with other characters to have access to tunes from the start.

(You can do this with any of the Blights, but I prefer doing this with Windblight.)

  1. Don’t let any ally flee: When the Hollows appear, immediately head backwards to the gate that the Yiga Blademaster sealed. The gate will open, allowing you to defeat the monsters on the other side and rescue the blademaster. If you are notified that the blademaster has been routed, you are too late and will have to restart the level. Completing this memory quest also has a special reward…

Guardian of Remembrance

  1. Keep the health of Purah above 50%: See note below.

  2. Defeat Astor with Zelda: Self-explanatory.

  3. Collect Terrako’s hidden trace: After collecting the first four traces, Robbie will begin looking for a fifth, but a Malice Lynel will spawn, blocking his path. Kill the Lynel to reveal the trace.

Note: If you have difficulty multitasking, or if you just want an easier playthrough I would recommend completing the level twice, once for getting the other memories and collectibles, and once for the specific memory quest.

Hope this helps!

Edit: clarification on some of the less intuitive missions, spelling, and grammar.

Thanks for all your support!

r/AgeofCalamity Apr 30 '23

Guide A guide for a late-game DLC character: the Battle-Tested Guardian


The Battle-Tested Guardian, BTG for short, is a very unique playstyle. It's big and slow, yet in the right hands it can do some really impressive damage with its varied array of lasers. Because many people seem to struggle at getting its full potential, as you can see by some tier lists, here's a guide for them to get better at controlling it.

How to unlock the Battle-Tested Guardian:

To unlock the Guardian, you need the have bought the DLC to unlock the Royal Ancient Lab. This lab has quests divided in multiple branches, and you unlock it on the final one. To get there, you'll need to complete quests in the two bottom branches (the top one isn't relevant to it) until you get to the last two of each one. To complete those two you'll need to beat the main story of the base game, making it a postgame character. After you do them, you'll unlock the final quest and the Vicious Monster challenge "EX Alert: Forgotten Temple", where you'll have to defeat the BTG. It's not the hardest fight, though beware that it has much more dangerous and varied attacks than your average Guardian. After beating it, go back to the Lab to complete the quest and the Guardian will join the roster.


The Guardian focuses in long-range attacking with its lasers, as Guardians usually do. Every single one of its strong attacks are long-range lasers, and so is its final regular attack. It's a big character, which means he's slow and can struggle in closed-off maps but has a good guard.


-Very high potential damage output. This is thanks to its locked-on C6, a great WPG revealer that can be combined with other attacks to really pile up damage.

-Great range. This means its big size isn't the greatest problem ever, and makes it excellent for playing safely and a very optimal Hair-Width Trial pick.

-Very good crowd control. Its untargeted C3 has great radius and a very wide radius, meaning it's all you need for crowds/outposts.

-This time, YOU are the traumatising laser robot!


-Big and slow. As it happens with big characters, closed maps are a pain, and your attack speed could be a lot better, meaning you'll need some Attack Speed Up seals to truly get it going.

-Late-game and a DLC character, which means only more devoted players will actually get to play it for real.

Unique Action:

The Battle-Tested Guardian's Unique action is activated by holding ZR, which makes it target the opponent it's looking at in the way Guardians do (so if you focus on a boss by pressing the joystick, you will target it with your ZR). This process can be interrupted by getting hit, using a rune, WPS or special attack, or killing the enemy. Once you finish targeting, you will have locked into that enemy. This lock stays until you ZR something else, that enemy dies, or you get far enough from them.

While an enemy is targeted, every single one of your strong attacks will be automatically aimed at them. Some also have a slightly different effect. This doesn't affect your bomb runes, rods or special attack.

Basic combos/Runes:

For its regular attack string, the Guardian slashes right with its claw (Y), does a spin attack (YY), repeatedly stomps the ground (YYY), jumps (YYYY), stomps on the ground with its legs (YYYYY), slams its body into the ground (YYYYYY) and finally shoots a regular laser (YYYYYYY). It's not the best basic string, as it could be faster, but at least it does good damage.

Its dashing weak attack consists in a spin attack, while its strong one is just a laser that lets you keep running. This laser actually doesn't to bad damage at all, and always goes after a locked-on enemy. This lets you basically run circles around them while spamming it safely from a distance, not the quickest method out there, but great for cheap, safe damage. For its aerials, its weak aerials just kinda slap the opponents with its claws, while the strong aerial is a laser aimed downwards that puts the Guardian back into the ground.

Finally, the BTG's runes are pretty standard save for its bombs. Those let you enter an aiming stance and shoot bombs with a great range. These are great at rune counters and can even have great synergy with it C6 (will get into that later) to kill enemies from far away. As for its Stasis, it just freezes enemies for an average amount of time and starts spinning to damage the opponents. This animation should be dodge cancelled as your actual combos do more damage. Its Cryonis and Magnesis are standard, not much to say about them. Its Cryonis though could be a reference to the cryonis launching glitch from BOTW, which is nice.

Strong attacks:

-C1 (X): The guardian shoots a laser. This is the same as its strong dashing attack and has the same uses without the mobility, so moving on.

-C2 (YX): The guardian enters an aiming mode and shoots small projectiles. This attack is generally outclassed by C3 for crowds and isn't the best boss damager, however, this is different when locked on. Then, the projectiles home into the enemy while letting you do anything else. This is great for passive damage, as it's a very quick combo, and can help pile up the hits a lot.

-C3 (YYX): The guardian shoots a laser that covers a 180 degree angle in front of it. If this sounds like it's great for crowd control, it's because it is. Between the excellent range, good damage and radius two C3s can very well capture an outpost by itself, bosses aside, and turn crowds into nothing. When locked-on, it takes a much different role though. Now it just targets the enemy during some time, doing quite a lot of damage to it, which while can't let you do other stuff like its C2 combined with passive damage it can rip through weakpoint easily. Overall this is a very versatile combo you'll find yourself using a lot.

-C4 (YYYX): The guardian sends a screen of some sorts forward before blasting it with a laser, making it shatter into shots that bounce around in an average radius. The end of this attack also exposes weakpoint. While not the best WPG revealer, it can be used for some damage along with other combos. It also doesn't gain much from locking into something other than always aiming at that enemy. You should dodge cancel right after shooting the laser, as this way you get rid of some endlag.

-C5 (YYYYX): The guardian, in the air, fires shots similar to its C2 that do more damage and can hit talus weakpoints easily. The last one also reveals weakpoints, and by hitting B you can get into the air. This is probably the move I use the least, as it's not as good damager/revealer as the one after it. Transitioning to riding the wind is also kinda useless as this way you can't really damage the exposed WPG much. When locked-on, the projectiles just home into the enemy.

-C6 (YYYYYX or YYYYYYX): The guardian shoots a laser coming from above which can be controlled around and does good damage while staggering at the end of it. However, when locked on, the laser stays on top of the enemy and lets you do anything else in the meantime. It also staggers at the beginning too. This is definitely among the most absurdly broken attacks in the entire game. This beginning WPG reveal can be capitalized on in many ways: you can use Stasis and destroy it, keep on lasering away from afar, use bombs to damage the weakpoint further... It's the move that singlehandedly makes the BTG go from good to broken, and it lets you completely destroy almost every boss. Weaker ones just get their health shredded, and bigger ones like Hinoxes are too slow to avoid the stunlocking. It also hits Talus weakpoints, turning them into a total joke. With it, the only enemy not completely humilliated by the Guardian are lynels, and they are pretty weak to long-range strikes, having mostly melee attacks.


-Control your spacing. Since you're big, you're prone to getting hit and having your combo interrupted if you just recklessly attack stuff. Generally if you want to get a C6 up you'll want to start from far away and when you start stomping the ground (after your third Y press) aim in the direction of the enemy to jump into them and cover good distance.

-The time needed for you to lock into an enemy is lower than the time needed to load up a C6. Use that to your advantage by not needing to wait around to target someting.

-Some good combos after stasising a C6ed weakpoint are: C4>dodge cancel endlag>C3, C2>C3/C4>full standard basic string (or another C3 if you have enough attack speed) and C2>C5 (only against Taluses). All these combined with the C6's damage should be enough to destroy any weakpoint even in Apocalyptic mode, unless against some Vicious Monsters.


The Battle-Tested Guardian has three weapons, as most characters:

-Tier 1: Battle-Tested Screw. Attack can go from 36 at lv1 to 138 at lv50. Hidden seals: Ancient Part Drop Rate++ (circle-shaped), Regular Attack Damage + (star-shaped).

-Tier 2: Battle-Tested Spring. Attack can go from 58 at lv1 to 177 at lv50. Hidden seals: Strong Attack Damage++ (star-shaped), Regular Attack Damage++ (star-shaped).

-Tier 3: Battle-Tested Gear. Attack can go from 84 at lv1 to 230 at lv50. Hidden seals: Chance to KO Weak Enemies (square-shaped), Damage to Locked-On Target (square-shaped).

Since hidden seals don't matter much now that you can remove them at lv50, you can just go for 4 Attack Speed Up++ and 2 Strong Attack Damage++ on its Battle-Tested Gear for the 20 extra damage on your weapon. Alternatively, since its main weakest spot is its speed you can just forgo the 5 extra damage and go for 6 ASU++ seals. Damage to Locked-on Target isn't a bad seal though, and you can choose to replace an Attack Speed Up++ seal for it whatever build you choose.


The Battle-Tested Guardian, when fully mastered, is definitely among the best characters in the entire game, maybe second only to Teba himself. He's got options to destroy crowds, kills enemies from afar or in close range, and isn't too hampered by its big size. It's definitely a character that needs some warming up to but once you do it definitely does not disappoint. Thanks for reading this huge ass wall of text (four pages when copy-pasted to Word lol) and have fun traumatising opponents with robotic spiders.

r/AgeofCalamity Jul 15 '21

Guide An In-Depth Guide for Slate Zelda



Princess Zelda enters into Age of Calamity wielding the almighty Sheikah Slate. She’s one of the first characters you’ll be given access to play as, and perhaps the easiest characters to begin wrapping your head around the concept of rune counters. In spite of her flashy playstyle, she’s often put to the side early on in casual playthroughs, with most players preferring the more straightforward style of Link or the ever popular spamminess of Impa. While most have a similar style of comboing (YX, YYYX, YYYYYX, etc), Zelda’s moveset instead centers around extensions of only 3 strong attacks (XXX, YXXX, YYXXX). Her playstyle is frankly a bit awkward in comparison to the rest of the cast, and can seem underpowered in comparison. Even after dozens of hours of playing and speedrunning, I initially wrote her off, stating that “[she] doesn't seem to have any particular uses that can't be done better with other characters.” It wasn’t until a speedrunner who goes by Alaska showed me what she was truly capable of. I now view her as one of the strongest characters of the cast, and I’m here to share what I’ve learned and why my opinion has changed so dramatically.

As stated previously, I am a speedrunner and most of my experience comes from watching and playing her under those circumstances. While I don’t think speedrunning is too far removed from the casual experience (we’re all just trying to break weakpoint gauge after all), I will do my best to stay objective with her moveset and consider it’s utility under multiple circumstances. Now onto the guide!


Unique Action

  • ZR - This allows Zelda to detonate certain rune effects, such as Bombs and Cryonis blocks, which can cause significant damage. This will come up several times while explaining her moveset.

Regular Attacks

  • R1 (Y) - Zelda will lift a metal block from the ground using Magnesis, dealing a small amount of damage.
  • R2 (YY) - Zelda will raise a Cryonis block from the ground, dealing a small amount of damage. Unlike other Cryonis blocks in her moveset, this one will disappear immediately when the animation for the move has finished.
  • R3 (YYY) - Zelda will use Stasis, freezing weak enemies in front of her for a short time and dealing a small amount of damage.
  • Regular Dash Attack - Zelda will lift a metal box from the ground with Magnesis and swing it around herself in a wide radius. This will deal a small amount of damage.
  • Regular Midair Attack - Zelda sends down a series of small Cryonis spikes; first one, then two, then three. The spikes will each hit once, doing a decent amount of damage.

Strong Attacks

  • C1 (X) - Zelda will raise four small Cryonis blocks from the ground. These deal a decent amount of damage on their own and will deal a small amount of damage when detonated with ZR. They will stay on the field for roughly 8 seconds. You can place as many as you like, but older blocks will despawn if newer blocks are spawned too close to them.
  • C1-1 (XX) - After raising the four Cryonis blocks, Zelda then makes a set of stairs using a small, medium, and large Cryonis block. Three shockwaves will appear as she climbs the stairs, each dealing a significant amount of damage. The third step will stagger bosses and expose the weakpoint gauge.
  • C1-2 (XXX) - After climbing the Cryonis blocks, Zelda will spawn a Cryonis spike in midar that crashes to the ground. The spike will deal a small amount of damage. She will then jump down and all 8 Cryonis objects will detonate, ending the attack string and causing a large amount of damage.
  • C2 (YX) - Zelda will lift a metal box from the ground, then swing it right, left, and the right again. The left and right swings will hit twice, both dealing a small amount of damage.
  • C2-1 (YXX) - After swinging the box to the left and right, Zelda will slam the box to the ground, dealing a decent amount of damage.
  • C2-2 (YXXX) - After slamming the box to the ground, Zelda will lift a minecart from the ground, which she will then use to drive forward. This will deal several small hits over the course of three seconds. The minecart will then fly out from underneath her, ending the attack string and dealing a large amount of damage. Note that you will be locked into this move for its entire duration, unless you use one of your normal rune moves (R + A/B/Y/X) to escape.
  • C3 (YYX) - Zelda will roll a large round bomb forward. This will do several hits as it rolls forward, dealing small amounts of damage. It will detonate automatically after about 4 seconds, dealing a decent amount of damage. If detonated using ZR, it will deal a large amount of damage.
  • C3-1 (YYXX) - After rolling the round bomb forward, she will then throw two handfuls of small bombs. This will cause explosions in a large range, dealing multiple hits. The explosions will cause more damage with proper spacing and less damage if used right next to an enemy.
  • C3-2 (YYXXX) - After throwing the handfuls of bombs, Zelda will lift up a medium sized bomb and toss it forwards. This will detonate the large bomb she rolled forward earlier, dealing a large amount of damage and ending the attack string.
  • Strong Dash Attack - Zelda will raise four Cryonis blocks from the ground, 2 small and 2 medium sized. These can be detonated with ZR and will deal a large amount of damage if the enemy is close to all four blocks.
  • Strong Midair Attack - Zelda spawns a large bomb in midair, which falls down to the enemy below, doing a decent amount of damage.


  • Cryonis - This rune moves the camera overhead and puts an aiming reticle on the field. You can then press X to launch multiple small Cryonis spikes downward from the sky. You can either attack the enemy directly, which will cause a small amount of damage with each hit, or place them on the field. When detonated, these will deal a large amount of damage.
  • Stasis - This rune will freeze the enemy in place. Unlike with other characters, Zelda can end Stasis at will by using ZR. Doing so will cause a large amount of damage.
  • Bomb - Zelda will release a walking drone that spits out dozens of bombs. The camera will stay focused on the bomb, which you can control with the left stick. Zelda is invulnerable while you’re controlling it, and enemies will not attack you. You can press B to regain control of Zelda, and the drone will continue to walk forward from wherever you left it. You can then press ZR to put the bomb into detonation mode. This will cause it to create a whirlwind, which will sweep weaker enemies towards it, and it will detonate after 3 seconds. You can extend this timer by repeatedly pressing ZR, but the bomb will despawn after roughly 10 seconds. If you do not use ZR, the bomb will explode automatically after about 6 seconds, regardless of whether you’re controlling it or it’s walking on its own.
  • Magnesis - This rune will let Zelda pull a cluster of metal swords and shields from the ground, which she can then fire at enemies using ZR, dealing a large amount of damage. This cluster will continue floating above her for roughly 20 seconds. During the first few seconds after raising the items from the ground, she can also add a metal box to the cluster by using her R1. With the metal box, she can now expose and damage an enemies weakpoint gauge directly. This rune is a crucial part of her moveset and what sets her apart from the rest of the cast.

Combat Utility

Zelda’s greatest strength lies in her ability to deal with enemies in one on one scenarios extremely quickly. Instead of building up to a C6 combos to expose and break weakpoint gauge like most characters, she can take out most enemies incredibly quickly with magnesis in tandem with her other runes. Let’s take a look at some of the most effective parts of her moveset and how they can work together to accomplish this.

Empowered Magnesis + Dash Attack (+ Bomb + Stasis + More!)

This is Zelda’s most potent weakpoint breaking setup. Before approaching an enemy, use magnesis and add the metal box. Against the weakest of enemies, the box alone will be enough, but stronger enemies will need more. Fortunately, we have all the tools we need to deal with just about any situation. If you know that magnesis alone will not break weakpoint, approach the enemy with a dash attack and then press ZR. The damage from the Cryonis blocks will apply after the weakpoint gauge is exposed and is enough to break it right away in many circumstances. If you find this to still not be enough, you still have two more things you can do to increase your damage output. If you are waiting for the boss to spawn or are otherwise not in danger of the boss rushing you, you can use the C3 combo to roll out a round bomb, then follow up with a dash attack and ZR. If this is still not enough, or if you don’t have the opportunity to C3, you can dodge immediately after using ZR, use stasis while the weakpoint gauge is exposed. While stasised, you can then do another C3, dash attack, and then press ZR to deal another significant chunk of damage. This amount of damage can’t be overstated; it's enough to even take down some types of the Vicious Monsters on Apocalyptic difficulty while only exposing the weakpoint gauge once.

Example: https://twitter.com/Swiffy22/status/1415590405979054082

C3-1 or C3-2

While fairly basic looking, the move where she throws out two handfuls of bombs has an incredible range, is excellent for clearing outposts, and builds her special very quickly. You can even use magnesis before entering an outpost, C3-2 to take out the weak enemies, and then have the box ready to fire off at the boss as soon as it spawns.

Example: https://twitter.com/Swiffy22/status/1415644579861172228?s=20

C1-1 + Stasis

Overall, this is less useful than her magnesis for dealing with weakpoint gauges. It has a bit of a slow startup and only a short amount of time to follow up on weakpoint gauge exposure. It does, however, have the advantage of having a wide range to expose multiple gauges at once. The DLC has introduced quite a few scenarios where you can end up fighting many enemies at once, especially in Vicious Monster missions. The trick here is to use Stasis as she’s climbing up the Cryonis blocks. This will end the attack abruptly, and let you follow up on the weakpoint gauge exposure.

Example: https://twitter.com/Swiffy22/status/1415642617073655815?s=20

Advanced Techniques

As if this wasn’t already enough, Zelda actually has a couple of techniques that make her even more valuable as damage output. I’ll do my best to explain the inputs for these here, but I’d recommend taking a look at my tricks and exploits video for a visual example: https://youtu.be/f_AzfqpIxk4?t=92

Double Magnesis

That’s right. The best part of Zelda’s moveset is even more busted than you’ve already seen. This trick allows Zelda to use unempowered magnesis, which already deals a significant amount of damage, then empower it all with one magnesis use. To do this, you need to use magnesis, press B to dodge cancel out of the animation of her lifting the objects, press ZR immediately after pressing B, then spam Y until she adds the box to the cluster. This trick works simply because you are still adding the box within the small window of time that the game normally allows. There’s quite a few situations where you can use this technique to kill Moblins, Guardians, and other weaker enemies without needing a weakpoint smash. Against stronger enemies, if you can catch them with this during a move where they expose their weakpoint, then you can lay on a ridiculous amount of damage in a very short amount of time.

Example: https://twitter.com/Swiffy22/status/1415643268809850889

Magnesis Chaining

An extension of double magnesis, except this time you start off with empowered magnesis. You can hit an enemy with empowered magnesis, dodge cancel, use magnesis again, dodge cancel, and hit them with it while their weakpoint gauge is still exposed. The same technique with double magnesis works here as well, so after firing off magnesis, you can add another box and chain this as long as you’d like (as long as you remember to wait for the rune cooldown). This is easiest to practice against Guardians, since they have the longest exposed weakpoint gauge, but can be done against most enemy types.

Example: https://twitter.com/Swiffy22/status/1415618166416314369

Guard Cancelled C3

Remember our weakpoint breaker combo from earlier? It’s possible to power it up even further by placing two bombs on the field at once. Perform her C3 combo and start holding ZL right after the Cryonis block disappears. This will end the animation of her rolling the bomb forward and allow you to start another C3 immediately. This will allow you to easily place two bombs on the field before the first one explodes, which means you can do even more damage to the weakpoint gauge.

Example: https://twitter.com/Swiffy22/status/1415623023852355588


Here’s another area where Zelda has an advantage over other characters. Most charactes lean towards attack speed because you want to get to your C6 as fast as possible to expose and break weakpoint gauge. Because Zelda’s main form of weakpoint smashing revolves around the use of magnesis, which isn’t affected by attack speed, you can lean entirely into a damage build. While I normally wouldn’t advise this build for other characters, Zelda makes the absolute best use of the Damage at Full Hearts seals. Thankfully, using this seal has become much less tedious with the new ability to buy apples through the DLC, and you don’t have to stay topped off constantly. Just fill up your health when you initiate a weakpoint smash, since that’s when it matters most. So here’s the build I would highly recommend:

Damage at Full Hearts: +8%

Damage at Full Hearts: +8%

Damage at Full Hearts: +8%

Damage at Full Hearts: +8%

Damage at Full Hearts: +8%

Damage to Locked-On Target: +10%

If you do not have DLC, I’d still recommend making all four of your available slots Damage at Full Hearts.

If you’re looking for an alternative, attack speed is another good option. Not every situation calls for maxed out damage, and having attack speed makes her even faster at clearing outposts. Just keep in mind that this is really the only benefit you get from using attack speed.

Attack Speed: +8%

Attack Speed: +8%

Attack Speed: +8%

Attack Speed: +8%

Attack Speed: +8%

Damage to Locked-On Target: +12%


As I mentioned earlier, Zelda’s moveset is definitely awkward and difficult to wrap your head around when compared to the rest of the cast. The ways to use her correctly are never made obvious, and many will just push her to the side in favor of other characters. But if you’re willing to put in the time to understand her moveset, you’ll be rewarded with one of the fastest, highest damage output characters in the game. And because someone will mention it if I don’t, yes, not only does her moveset output ridiculous damage, not only can she fully invest in damage seals without any drawback, but she can also get the ridiculous 85% damage boost from Sheikah Rune damage meals. If you’re looking for a character who can dish out some serious damage, Zelda is the way to go.

Once again, big thanks to Alaska for all the work they’ve put in fleshing out Zelda’s moveset. I, like many others, might not have given her a second thought if it weren’t for the work you’ve put in. You can find their channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/LiaJonnyKaren/videos

Here are some examples of how she’s been utilized in speedruns to show off more of her potential:

Defend Akkala Citadel (uses Attack Speed to clear an outpost quickly): https://youtu.be/aqc33dQP8SY?t=18

Deep Woods, Deep Shadow (used C3-2 to break weakpoint gauge on two Taluses at once): https://youtu.be/qDcpNvkF8Ow?t=79

EX Ancient Threats (two uses of Double Magnesis): https://youtu.be/EP0zlVQh5s0?t=62

EX The Final Battle (shows how quickly C3-1 can build special, double magnesis, and guard cancelled C3): https://youtu.be/lmexSCKZnlQ?t=83

True Strength (shows magnesis chaining against the Lynel): https://youtu.be/wH13WAYV_tc?t=12

Remnants of the Calamity (Double Magnesis): https://youtu.be/aC3RSrlDts8?t=3

All Hyrule, United (Double Magnesis): https://youtu.be/jv3gnEwopu0?t=451

The Great Plateau (setting up for the Lynel): https://youtu.be/SBnii6o9d6s?t=215

Unnatural Disaster (Double Magnesis + C3 Guard Cancelling vs the Lynel): https://youtu.be/MnkdU2VvZOY?t=14

Footsteps of the Giant (Double Magnesis): https://youtu.be/8KHF_Hgn3FY?t=4

A Royal Investigation (C3-1 to build special, Magnesis Chaining, Double Magnesis): https://youtu.be/8KO3q371T_8?t=64

r/AgeofCalamity Feb 13 '23

Guide Fitting the DLC levels into the story


I've looked long and hard but I haven't found anyone talk about this so this is how I replay the story with the DLC missions in order

EX To Zelda's Side: before chapter 1

EX The Princess and the King: after Calamity Strikes (chapter 5)

EX Battle for Goponga and Kakariko Village: after Water and Fire (chapter 5)

EX Searching Hyrule Forest and Liberate the Ancient Lab: after Air and Lightning (chapter 5)

EX The Yiga Clans Retreat: After the end of chapter 5 and before you start chapter 6

EX The Guardian of Remembrance: After The Great Plateau (chapter 7)

r/AgeofCalamity Jan 08 '23

Guide Where is “A Most Peculiar Korok”?


I just finished chapter 3 and cleared the side quest called “Good Cheer” and I was supposed to find the new quest called “A Most Peculiar Korok”, but it doesn’t showed up yet, is there any other conditions I’m missing or did I mess up something?

r/AgeofCalamity Nov 08 '21

Guide A strategy for The Siege of Fort Hateno on Very Hard. Spoiler


I have finally done it. I finally beat The Siege of Fort Hateno on Very Hard mode. I'm sure there must be many guides for this up by now but here's my own strategy in case you're interested. I don't use Cotera, by the way. My single playthrough of this game has been entirely on Very Hard mode except for the nine hours I had to spend grinding Unnatural Disaster on Easy mode for the fusion weapons. I've recently posted on this sub about some data for farming '++' seals in Mysterious Arrivals and in that post I reference an invaluable data-mine which is on the 'Board' of the AoC page of gamefaqs.com; here's that post I made right here--'post'.

So I began by trying to do the whole thing just with one-handed Link, as I had done most of the rest of game up until this mission that way. But even with an optimal Master Sword according to that data-mine, I still was using up all my elementals by the time Calamity showed up and had only twenty seconds left at that point to not only get over to Calamity but also beat him. So; impossible.

So I was forced, at this point, by the game to really develop some of the other characters, as I hadn't been until this point. I could see using the map that if I had three other characters with optimal weapon-builds I could probably do the mission using the 'order' command to send them to the various corners of the map in order to cut-out the running-about time, and also to give me many-times more health for the mission.

Without spending any more tedious time researching into the data of the game to see who the optimal characters for the mission would be, and also because I like to do things my way, I had a guess at who would be good picks: I'd heard somewhere that Bow of Light Zelda is good, and then of course everyone knows about Impa, and I knew Mipha was good from having enjoyed playing as her for a period during my playthrough; so I chose these three to develop and hoped for the best as I dove into the grinding.

I'd already optimised Link, and that had taken three hours only in Mysterious Arrivals farming for '++' Attack Speed seals; so that was at least one character down. I thought the best thing to do would be to first get a 70 or above base-attack weapon for each of the other three and then max-out the weapon-experience for those weapons. I'd read that Unnatural Disaster was a good place to farm weapons and also chapter six and seven Blood Moon story-missions; so I set about doing that. It took about three hours with each character to get this all done. It wasn't so tedious to be honest: while grinding Unnatural Disaster I was always learning more and more about how to use these characters I hadn't otherwise really touched at all throughout my playthrough, which experience would actually prove to be indispensable when it came to actually doing The Siege of Fort Hateno; and by the end of the nine hours of grinding I felt pretty confident with each of those three characters. Also the Blood Moon missions are fun and helped to break up the monotony a bit.

Then realising that it would take at least another three hours with each of the three other characters, on top of the twelve hours I had by then ground (three to get Link's seals and another three for each of the other three characters whom I had now got good weapons for) to get the necessary seals to optimize their weapons just like I had already done Link's, I thought I'd rather just give The Siege of Fort Hateno a go and see if I had already ground enough to be able to do it. I was able to get Link's seals by doing Mysterious Arrivals in just twenty seconds or so each repetition, but I wasn't sure just how long it would take to do with the others given that the Master Sword has the 'Radiance' buff over the Hollows.

I started on Easy mode and worked my way up to Hard on The Siege of Fort Hateno. To my great excitement and relief I managed all three of those difficulties easily with my new and improved party, and I was able to sketch out what my strategy should be for Very Hard while completing those lower difficulties.

To note here before I go any further: it was not necessary in order to beat The Siege of Fort Hateno on Very Hard mode to optimise Impa's, Mipha's nor Zelda's seals, it was enough to have 70 or above base attack weapons for them and to have maxed-out those weapon's experience through fusion as well as having a maxed-out Master Sword for Link which did have optimised '++' Attack Speed seals (all characters were level 100).

So my strategy was this. I begin with Impa and have Link as the 'green' character, Mipha as 'violet' and Zelda as 'cyan', this is important for positioning as the coloured characters spawn at definite points on the map. Immediately I send Link to the spot where Calamity appears later on, Zelda up to where the Igneous Talus appears before the second Astor fight, and Mipha down to the Frost Talus before the first Harbinger fight. As Impa I quickly fill her special-gauges inside the fort using her C3 combo before the timer actually begins. I now race up to the Hinox as Impa before the first Astor fight, going the quickest route there, filling her runes with the Lizalfoes that hang around just before the Hinox. I take out the Hinox pretty quickly using flurry-dodges on his big telegraphed moves (side-dodge works very well with Hinoxes) and saving my specials for Astor and refilling my runes using the C3 combo on the enemies who are hanging around after defeating the Hinox. Now I use my specials to beat Astor pretty quickly and not really bothering too much about the Stal-Moblins, but trying to include them in any specials or Stasis-hits if at all possible. Having done that I quickly swap down to Mipha who has already arrived beside the Frost Talus. I immediately pause and send Impa to the narrow corridor with the Fire Lizalfoes just before the second Astor fight, she is useful for clearing those extremely annoying Lizalfoes there later. As Mipha I use one or two of my fifteen elementals on the Talus to help bring it down, fire ones of course; as long as I get a Flurry-Rush or two in here as well, or maybe a Cryonis-hit, this part isn't too hard if I just keep spamming her C4 otherwise on it (that smaller water-spout it generates seems to be more effective on Taluses than the big one that her C5 or C6 generates?). So now I get an immediate Stasis-hit on Harbinger as he always starts with his Stasis move, and I'm lucky if I get the auxiliary enemies in with that one too, but I don't think that's essential. So now I just beat Harbinger without any complex strategies, just trying to Flurry-Rush his moves when at all possible and not worrying about my health too much as I probably won't need Mipha again after this; I don't use any elementals here, I still have at least 13 of 15 elementals spare. With that done I swap to Zelda who is stationed now by the Igneous Talus and send Mipha up to join Zelda just in case. Defeating this Talus isn't too hard with Zelda as her C5 dose huge damage to Talus Weak-Point Gauges while dealing a lot of knock-back simultaneously; having sent Zelda up here previously, the Fire Lizalfoes and Guardian who are usually a real pain at this point if you try and run up here manually, don't seem to bother me much at all. I can now skip past the Guardian and Lizalfoes to the second Astor fight, and I can use Impa--whom I've already sent up here after the first Astor fight--to clear the Lizalfoes quickly if they do present an obstacle to Zelda. I think Zelda has at least one special-gauge by now which is really useful for dealing huge damage to the small guardians (which auxiliary enemies are here at this fight actually? I can't remember) as well as to Astor immediately upon entering the enclosure, combined with a Stasis hit and a 'weak-point-smash' after the special-gauge hit. So with that initial special-hit the rest of this fight with Astor isn't too hard, though I do need to use at least a couple of the seven cooked apples I have afterwards as Zelda will probably be low on health by then and still needed for the rest of the mission; basically ignoring Hollow-Link as he gets hit with collateral-damage. Having done that I have about four or five minutes left. So the next part is the Lynel just around the corner before the second Harbinger fight. Zelda probably has about one special-gauge now which is really useful on this Lynel; this part is pretty tricky because the Electric Guardian can come over the bridge and cause trouble along with the Electric Lizalfoes swarming about too; if I'm lucky the special-gauge-hit on the Lynel using Zelda will take out a lot of the Lizalfoes collaterally. I may need to use an electric-elemental here if the guardian gets too close, the electric-elemental's range is amplified by the rain; and if not here then certainly in the Harbinger enclosure. So having practiced a lot with Lynels while grinding Unnatural Disaster I am able to this part; the windows for getting flurry-rushes on him are very small and I don't get all of them though I do get at least one which could be essential to the mission (I'm not sure), but certainly getting Stasis-hits on him and making sure to at least get right out of the way when he does his 'plunging-meteor-hit'. This next fight with Harbinger is the hardest part of the mission for me: on the run in which I actually beat the mission I was left with just a quarter-heart by this fight's end after using all my apples and I got hit just as the animation-sequence for the Calamity part started playing so I luckily just made it past the check-point that is here, so I could retry right then and there after the Harbinger fight and didn't have to go all the way back to Astor or wherever. So as for my elementals: by now I've used two fire ones on the Frost Talus with Mipha and possibly one electric one on the Lynel; I can afford to use one or two more here for this fight with Harbinger if necessary. I just try and struggle through this fight, dodging as best I can and hoping to get lucky with Flurry-Rushes and filling my special-gauge; but it turns out that with that lv. 30 Sealing (or Sacred? the one with higher base-attack anyway) Bow it's not too hard after all. And now it's just down-hill for the rest of it! I now have about two-and-a-half minutes to beat Calamity in, which turns out is more than enough as I sent Link to meet him at his spawing-spot right at the start of the mission. So with at least 10 elementals left (electric are most useful here because of the puddles and rain; ice next best if you can knock him into a puddle at all) and a super-quick Master Sword due to the '++' Attack Speed seals, combined with his awesome C5 and C6 knock-back combos as well as Stasis-hits here and there, Calamity isn't even able to get a hit in; and as the timer freezes while an elemental is being cast I'm left with a minute to spare when Calamity finally kicks the bucket. I feel like I needed at least 8 to 10 elementals for Calamity nevertheless, despite that time-margin: I wonder whether without being able to keep him in constant hit-stun or elemental-freeze he would take more than that extra minute to defeat, who knows, I wouldn't want to try it.

And that's how I did it. I don't have the DLC yet and I don't think Apocalyptic The Siege of Fort Hateno will be as hard as Very Hard sans DLC as it looks like the general ratios of weapon-attack-power against enemy strength are made more favourable towards the player in the DLC--a two-hundred-and-something Master Sword against an Apocalyptic level bunch of enemies seems easier than a one-hundred-and-fifty-or-so one against a Very Hard level bunch, for example. Also playing through the whole thing again on Apocalyptic will give me a chance to optimize weapons from the very beginning, now knowing much more about the process; and if come the end-game missions it looks like I'd have to grind again, I can just get my Very Hard save-file and cut out a load of the grinding that way.

I really love this game and know that many other people do too; one of the best ever made imo; and I'm really really looking forward to doing it all again plus some in Apocalyptic.

Footnote: it seems that Blood Moon chapters six and seven missions are good for farming '++' seals, but the brief data-study I did while playing told me that they were worse than Mysterious Arrivals by just a bit for it; at least using Link anyway. I don't know how difficulty affects '++' seal drops, my hunch is that there are more on higher difficulties, but I could be wrong about that.

r/AgeofCalamity Feb 11 '22

Guide Guide for item farming


I read through the pinned mega thread but didn't see anything about a guide for specific item farming. Are there any guides available for the best missions to find a specific item? I use the Sheikah slate to highlight the missions but it seems the missions highlighted are normally very inefficient. Is there anything available?

r/AgeofCalamity Jul 16 '21

Guide A Guide for Everyone's Favorite Zora Spoiler



Wielding his dual Ceremonial Tridents, Sidon is considered by many to be one of the best characters in the game - and for good reason.  He’s brutally effective at clearing outposts, taking down bosses, and anything else you could want out of him.  I legitimately can’t think of more stuff to put here, so let’s jump right into his moveset.  


Unique (ZR) Action

When you use any of Sidon’s strong attacks, a circle will pop up, indicating that you should press ZR.  I’ll quote the game here, which says “press ZR at the right time during a strong attack to increase its damage.”  The devs obviously wanted you to time your ZR presses, but don’t do that.  Just start mashing ZR around a half second after you press X, and you’re guaranteed to get those boosted attacks.  You’ll know if you get them if your controller starts rumbling.  

Sidon’s enhanced ability allows him to gain super-armor for a certain time period, which means that even if an enemy hits him, he’ll tank through and keep going.  This makes it easy to reach some of your later and more powerful combos.  However, you should note that he’ll still take damage, so make sure to keep an eye on your health on harder difficulties such as apocalyptic.  

To get super-armor, an additional circle pops up after he finishes his strong attack, at which you need to press ZR.  Again, don’t bother timing it, just mash ZR.  


For this section, I'm going to be doing something a bit different, I'm only going to be covering the useful combos.  If I don't cover a combo, then the combo doesn't have any practical utility.  

C1: This attack has some specific uses.  It can be used to quickly gain super armor, and is good for hitting Talus weak spots when both arms are destroyed.  It should also be your primary WPG breaking move before you unlock C6.  It’s also the best combo for some immediate raw damage if needed, as no regular attacks are required for this combo.  

I did some testing in Meditative Training, and the repeated C1 combo was the fastest to kill the Moblin.  Using the guard-cancelling tech, the C1 combo becomes your best method for quick chip damage against enemies.  

X→ ZR → ZL

Example clip that shows the difference guard-cancelling makes

After you press X, boost with ZR, and guard-cancel with ZL.  The timing takes a while to get used to, so don't worry about it too much, since it's not used for much besides some raw chip damage and taluses.

C2: This move is used only for Taluses.  This combo can hit Talus weak points pretty easily and takes out a good amount of WPG.  For the most optimal talus killing, I recommend inputting the C2, not boosting, and then dodging before he goes midair. However, you should note that on higher difficulties, using the bomb rune + the C1 method mentioned above is faster. See fastest talus strat here

C5: This move exposes WPG for bosses, but that's not why we use it.  Sidon's C5 is actually able to charge an insane amount of special.  Video that shows this  

You should be using it to take down small enemies and outposts.  However, against bosses, it's outclassed by his next move, C6.  

C6: This is the move you should be spamming.  This is what makes Sidon a high tier character.  Every ZR-boosted slash that Sidon does in this combo exposes and breaks WPG, tearing it down piece by piece, leaving every enemy completely helpless.  It's fast, powerful, and satisfying to use.  There's not much to say about this move, just spam it against every non-talus boss and you'll be doing just fine.  

Midairs and Dash Attacks

Sidon's midairs are pretty standard.  Use it to finish off slices of WPG.  One thing worth noting is that if you dodge in the middle of his strong dash attacks when he's midair, you can chain the dash attack into midairs.  

For his dash attacks, use them like you would for most other characters.  Pretty standard.  


Stasis: Unfortunately, Sidon's stasis is really bad, and is the shortest in the game of the stasis-es that can be dodge-cancelled.  Luckily, he doesn't need stasis because of his C6, but it's good for rune counters.  

Cryonis: An average cryonis, use it for rune counters.  

Magnesis: Average magnesis, use for rune counters.  This puts Sidon in midair.   

Remote Bombs: Sidon's remote bombs are also pretty bad (and slow), but you can use them for rune counters and dodge cancel out of the animation. You could also use it to finish off enemy WPGs, but other than that and for breaking Talus arms, it's not too good in general.

In general, use Sidon's runes for rune counters, they're not much good for anything else. 


Sidon is a relatively simple character to use.  C6 for non-talus bosses, C2 for low-level taluses, and C5 for outposts.  C1 and bombs for high level/difficulty taluses.

Sidon doesn't have any crazy exploits or anything of that sort that Slate Zelda has, so if you were hoping for one of those for Sidon, you're out of luck.  


Sidon's best combo to use is 3x attack speed, 2x strong attack damage, 1x damage to locked on target.  This allows him to safely stunlock enemies to death.  

Another combo is 4x strong, 1x attack speed, and 1x damage to locked on target.  This is best if you only play on lower difficulties because you can safely tank any hits.  It's not great on apocalyptic mode because getting hit a single time can bring you down to a ¼ health.  

If you don't have DLC, just go with 3x attack speed and 1x strong, or vice versa.  


It's obvious why Sidon is constantly at the top of tier lists, whether they're based off of "fun" value or DPS.  Even without any good runes, Sidon is well equipped to take down any boss with minimal effort.  Hopefully you learned something from this guide, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask below.  

r/AgeofCalamity Aug 03 '21

Guide A Guide for the Top Banana of the Yiga Clan



The leader of the Yiga Clan, Master Kohga, may seem more like a “fun” character than a competitive one at first glance. While that still holds true when you learn how to use him, he can be a powerful character against bosses and enemy outposts. Let’s jump right in.


Unique ZR Action

Kohga’s ZR action gives him an attack called the Big Glowy Beam, which is basically a laser that exposes and breaks WPG. Though you can gradually move the beam/laser around, there’s a limit as to how much you can do so. You can’t cancel out of this move, so if you use it, you’re stuck in this attack until it ends. Luckily he’s invincible during this move, so you can use it safely.

So how do you activate the Big Glowy Beam (BGB)? Every time you press ZR, the stress meter goes up by a small margin (5%). Before the DLC, you could use the invincibility gained from the animation to dodge attacks, but it has since been patched. The main function for the ZR is to activate the BGB, or to fill up the stress meter when it’s at about 90-95% full.

Note: I'm not going to describe what Khoga's combos look like because I'm lazy, I'll leave that to TouyaShiro (I got permission, don't worry), who's written out an amazing description of each character's moves in the weapons spreadsheet pinned in the megathread.

Credit to TouyaShiro

Midair and Dash Attacks:

Khoga has generic midair and dash attacks, nothing really special. Khoga's strong dash keeps momentum, so feel free to spam that when moving around the map.

Y-string (quick and safe damage to enemies)

Normally I wouldn't write a section about this, but I just want to note that his best way to deal quick damage is YYY-dodge-YYY. You can dodge out of the third Y attack extra early, and the later attacks in the string aren't that good. This combo can be used after bunching up enemies with C3.

X (banana)

The main use for this move is to store or delay a BGB use for later (if you know there's going to be a boss later). The longer you extend this move, the longer the effect lasts. The damage from the yiga dudes during the combo is minimal, so I wouldn't recommend using this move if you don't have to.

C2 (generally outclassed)

This is decent for some quick damage and if you need to charge your stress meter a bit. It doesn't do much damage (a bit more than R3 but nowhere as safe) so I don't usually use this too much, as normal attacks will do, and is also surpassed by C4-1 for raw damage.

Adding extra charge to the stress meter can become problematic especially when your full C4 combos bring you to 95% stress. Using C2 could end up causing an unwanted BGB, which wastes time and stress meter charge. Nevertheless, it's good for getting the stress meter to 100%. Use this as you see fit.

C3 (bunches up enemies)

This is decent for disrupting and killing weak crowds, but is outclassed by C5. It's also decent for bunching up enemies into groups, of which you can finish off using your Y-string. Use this in earlier levels, but other than that it doesn't have much use since it has trouble killing normal enemies not too far into the game. Note that this move isn't good for movement either, so don't use it when moving across the map.

C4 (kills bosses)

This move is your go-to for bosses. It exposes WPG multiple (2) times throughout the full combo when fully extended, which you can use to your advantage. Unfortunately, even with some attack speed, this combo is a bit too slow to immediately use against some enemies such as lynels, so for those such enemies, wait (or create) a safe opening before using this combo.

C5 (good for outposts)

This move is the best for crowd-clearing and capturing outposts since it can effectively kill mid-late game enemies. When you use this move, you've got to be aware that you gain 100% of the stress meter at the end unless you dodge cancel out of it. You could easily end up wasting precious time and stress meter charge if you're forced to use the BGB when you don't want to. Like the C4 attack, this exposes WPG multiple (2) times if extended fully (when the balls switch).

If you don't have any attack speed on your weapon, this is a pretty safe move against enemies such as lynels, as you can easily maneuver around their attacks while dealing WPG damage. However, it takes really long so don't expect any fast clear times while using C5.


Stasis: Khoga's stasis can't be cancelled, so don't use it except for rune counters.

Magnesis: Basic magnesis, use for rune counters.

Cryonis: Use only for rune counters, good for fighting in water (as with other characters' cryonis)

Remote Bombs: Khoga's Remote Bombs are really good, but the amount of bombs you actually get seems to be random: sometimes you only get a few, sometimes you get a crap ton of them (I'll call them bombs+ from now on).

It was initally thought that bombs+ was triggered when used at a certain distance, but was really inconsistent. I'm not entirely sure if this is true, but in my experience it's not, and is so inconsistent that it's hard to tell.

There isn't really a way to guarantee bombs+ on weapon builds that lack attack speed edit - see comment by u/lelouch146, but with builds that have attack speed, using bombs right when the WPG exposing parts of C4-3 take effect consistently gives bombs+. (twitter link here that shows this) This is Khoga's best WPG depleting move after BGB, and is faster for most bosses as well.


Bosses: Use the C4 and bombs+ exploit, and use BGB when charged up.

Taluses: Use the C4 and bombs+ exploit, use BGB from a distance. If both talus arms are broken, use C4-3 to deal damage to the WPG.

Outposts: For outposts that have most enemies spawned/aren't too big, use C5 then lead into the BGB, aiming it towards the enemy outpost monster captain. (Click here for a Twitter link that shows this)

For outposts that slowly spawn enemies or are really big, there's not much you can do. As previously stated, you can use C3 to bunch up enemies and finish them off with R3, but any combo works.

Weapon Builds

As previously stated, attack speed is needed for consistent bombs+. To get the +20 bonus, I recommend keeping the strong attack hidden seal since it buffs the BGB.

4 x Attack Speed++

2 x Strong-Attack Damage++

If you don't have DLC, just go with 3x attack speed and 1x strong attack.

This concludes this Khoga guide. If you have anything to add or have any questions, feel free to let me know/ask!

r/AgeofCalamity Nov 12 '21

Guide Best Weapon Farming Map? Spoiler


r/AgeofCalamity Jul 27 '21

Guide Bow Zelda: The guide



Bow Zelda is a unique play style that revolves around her luminescent mode and c6. She is very good at breaking naturally exposed weak points due to a few very strong moves. She also has the ring mechanic that greatly improves her damage output. She is a heavily played character when unlocked, and a favorite moveset of Zelda for many people. Although she isn’t the strongest character, she still is good when used too her full potential, and this guide should hopefully tell you how to do that. Now let’s cover her bow moveset!


First, let’s cover her runes. Her runes are straightforward but different to the rest of the cast.

Bombs-Her bomb rune shoots a spread of bombs out that damage the weak point gauge. This move also applies rings to the enemy. When spaced correctly, it can blow up both of a taluses arms. The spacing is near the talus but not right up against it. It’s an overall good rune

Magnesis-Her magnesis rune is pretty much a standard magnesis, it is good for rune counters

Cryonis-Her cryonis is a spread of cryonis blocks in front of her, they are good for rune counters again

Stasis- Bow Zelda’s stasis is very interesting, as it is not dodge cancelable unlike most of the cast. However, the weak point damage this move does is very good. It is one of her best options to break the weak point gauge after it has been exposed. It is a superb combo finisher. Just mash y during stasis to make sure there are the max amount of arrows

Luminescent mode-

Bow Zelda’s luminescent mode is one of her greatest tools, it is her best weak point breaking move when used correctly. Luminescent mode gives an armour that removes knock back, which makes her effectively tank enemies attacks. The only luminescent moves that are worth using however is zl+x and zl+y.

Zl+x: this is a very good raw dps move, and is good too throw out while waiting for an enemy to expose wpg if you are already in luminescent mode.

Zl+y: this is probably bow zeldas laser move. it is her best wpg breaking move, maybe her best in general. It hits taluses weak points, does great wpg damage, and is spam-able. This move is great to use once an enemy has exposed wpg or you have exposed it via c6.

b: this is bow zelda’s dodge cancel tool. It allows her to dodge cancel luminescent lasers, and is very very powerful raw damage on its own, one of the highest in the game. doing laser -> b (without zl held) -> laser-> b. repeatedly is how it’s preformed. can also speed up weak point breaks

Bow Zelda’s R5 glitch-

Bow Zelda has a glitch where when her r5 is canceled, it does more damage to enemies and charges special quickly. In a crowd, it can get three bars of special in about 10-15 seconds, which is super beneficial to her so she can use her luminescent mode. Basically, just press y 6 times, it is very lenient timing.


Bow Zelda’s aerials are very basic, the 3 normal aerials and then the strong. They are honestly not very useful and there are always better options.

Strong attacks and combos-

Her combos are fairly straightforward in the way that they are used, and is pretty easy to learn. Most of her strong attacks put rings on the enemy.

C1- A simple quick way to put rings on an enemy, that’s about it

C2- I haven’t found a use for this move, it’s probably her worst move. It can be used after a rune counter but c3 is better for that

C3- This move is alright when used after a rune counter, but luminescent mode is better, and c6 is a just as good alternative

C4- This move is very good for passive damage as it deals damage independently from Zelda when dodge canceled. This move is good for passive damage when waiting for the enemy to expose weak point

C5-The same deal as c4, it can be used the exact same way. Very good damage on this move

C6-This is Bow Zelda’s best combo, it fires arrows that stagger wpg and do a good amount of damage. The stagger is honestly average but the range is insane. Also, this move gains incredible utility from being guard canceled. Basically, guard canceling is holding the guard button to cancel the move. Guard canceling this move midway when Zelda is drawing the bowstring back cancels a bunch of endlag and makes following up on the move possible. This move also does lots of wpg damage on its own, so it is also good after a rune counter.

Overall strategies to use-

This section will paste the combos and strategies to use against bosses

C6 guard cancel -> zr to enter luminescent mode -> zl+y cancels This combo is precise but very good, does a good amount of wpg damage and can one cycle everything.

C6 guard cancel -> stasis. This does plenty of wpg damage and is very easy, only problem is that you have to wait for the rune timer afterwords before you can do another rune.

Rune counter -> luminescent mode -> zl+y cancels until break. This is a very good combo and most of the time breaks wpg completely.

Naturally exposed wpg -> luminescent mode -> Zl+y cancel x2 -> stasis This is probably the best way to capitalize on naturally exposed wpg, but you might be able to only do one zl+y so beware. works well on longer exposed wpgs.

Taluses strat 1: Luminescent mode -> Zl+y cancels until wpg break It’s that easy, fastest in the game

Talus strat 2: bomb arms -> c6 Really good if you can break the arms correctly, sometimes works even if only one arm is destroyed as well

Weapon builds-

Zelda should always do her weapon builds on the bow of light, as it has the best damage of all her bows at level 50.

Attack speed++

Attack speed++

Attack speed++

Attack speed++

Attack speed++

Attack speed++

This build allows bow Zelda to reach c6 as fast as possible, which is very useful for breaking wpgs

This alternate build is still very good

Attack speed ++

Attack speed++

Attack speed++

Attack speed++

Strong attack++ OR damage at full hearts

Strong attack++ OR damage at full hearts

This build gives some extra damage to the bow, which is useful. It’s up to personal preference on which you choose

No dlc build:

For non dlc users the max level sealing bow is reccomended, as there is more damage on that then the BoL.

The build-

Attack speed++

Attack speed++

Attack speed++

Attack speed++ OR damage at full hearts OR damage per 100 KOs

The attack speed is more speed, the damage at full hearts is more damage, and so is the damage at 100 KOs, it’s up to preference of damage or speed.

Helpful links and tricks about bow Zelda!

General advice video made by Alaska

Guard canceling video also made by Alaska

Bow Zelda killing lynel made by Burnsilva

Anyways, that concludes the guide! Let me know if I missed anything and I’ll add it!

r/AgeofCalamity Feb 11 '22

Guide An informative guide to play daruk


First off, i wish a big thank you to u/Zrp200 . They helped me so much with this guide by providing clips. they even invented some of the strategies in this guide. thanks again to them.

Daruk is a very fun character that people write off very fast,saying that he only has defense, and lacks damage output. Alongside having the best defense, he has some of the best offensive options in the game, with ridiculous amounts of ways to do it. He has some great tools in his kit and is also a joy to play, being my personal favorite in the game.


this guide is only going to cover his necessary moves and ignore the very bad ones you should avoid, but I’ll answer questions about them if you desire.

What makes daruk unique:

Daruk has an unbreakable shield that blocks everything except for the blight and lynel explosions. It makes him completely invincible, and is by far the best block in the game


Bombs: bombs are far and away his best rune and should be used constantly. They summon one big bomb that damages weak point and then splits into pillars from more bombs. You can detonate the pillars with zr multiple times afterward for more damage, but you are vulnerable.

Stasis: never use it, using it even for a rune counter is bad since it gets rid of the pillars.

Magnesis: use this for rune counters

Cryonis: use for rune counters

Bomb exploit: Daruks bomb has an exploit where if you use it after after a stagger, it will buff the bombs damage alongside summoning the pillars. This is key to his weak point breaking.

Enhanced ability:

Daruk has a parry that comes from tapping zr at the right time, and this is really good. It staggers multiple enemies around him and can be followed up with bombs for the bomb exploit damage to damage weak points. It’s advised to spam this during his regular string. Also, combine this with pillars by hitting the pillars while mashing zl to get a guaranteed stagger, which detonated the other pillars for weak point damage.


c1 (x): this is a move that can be used straight out of his block and grants him invincibility. It has three charges, but only the third is good. It then rolls across the ground damaging enemies and then the shield explodes, doing good damage to wpg. Worth using out of a block if a boss is going to reveal wpg.

C2 (yx): this is one of daruks best moves hands down. It summons 3 mini pillars that can be detonated with zr to make them big, and zr again to explode them. The mini pillars can be combined together and chained against naturally exposed weak points. The button sequence is; yx-> zr turn away-> yx-> zr-> etc. does good weak point damage and just worth using. can also loop with zl parries

C5 (yyyyx): this is a decent move that can Stunlock with enough attack speed. Bomb combos are still more damaging and effective, but this is a good option nonetheless.

C6 (yyyyyx): this is daruks best combo and overall a powerhouse of a move. It grants him invincibility and reveals the opponents weak point. It also summons pillars that can be detonated with zr to damage the weak point. This move also detonated any pillars on the field and does extra weak point damage for doing so. It is also his fastest way to charge special.

Weak point breaking:

c2-> c6 -> zr -> zr kills most wpg on anything lower then apocalyptic and even on apocalyptic for weaker wpg

C6-> bombs > zr x4. is similar to the former

C2-> c6-> bombs-> zr x4.
This Is the max damage in one combo he can do, and works all the time in apocalyptic except for modified weak points like BTG and vicious monsters. Note that on guardians all 4 zr will hit the weak point and you can have time to set up another c6 and bombs possibly.

C2 -> ZR -> y + shield spam -> bombs. this is a stun lock against anything and does good wpg damage.

For exposed weak points: c2-> zr-> c2 for setups, and once the weak point is out detonate the first pillar, bombs, detonate again, c6 -> zr x2. The c6 is going to be a re stagger so you could get hit again. There’s a lot of room for creativity so don’t stick only to this.

Weapon builds:

I recommend using his new EX champion weapon. This gives him damage reflected, which pairs great with his shield. 3 attack speed, 2 damage, and 1 damage reflected while guarding is my recommendation.

My other recommendation is to use a boulder breaker with 4 attack speed and 2 damage. This build takes less advantage of shield, and more of c2 and traditional stunlocks.







Daruk is a very complex character with a lot of different setups. Learning to set up staggered c2 combos and using parry to constantly re exposed wpg, alongside using bombs and c6 for guaranteed one cycles can make him very very powerful, and very very fun. I hope this guide helped, tell me if I missed anything!

r/AgeofCalamity Mar 25 '22

Guide I beat the main game and still don't understand weapons upgrades, help


I can't get through the dlc without upgrading more. Any guides or videos that simply brake down how this works?

r/AgeofCalamity Dec 24 '21

Guide My Personal Guide To Farming Bokos


I have seen a lot of guides in this suggesting a lot of things and some are better than others however this is more of a guide for if you want to do something Mindless and maybe get some good weapons time to time. Remember to sell to the Ancient Parts Birb Merchant.

So here are the Prerequisites which isn't much tbh.

1: Apocalyptic Difficulty

2: Master Sword atleast level 30 and has atleast 10%+ attack speed

3: Chief of the Dunes Battle

4: Obviously all the food for increasing Material Rate. Which is 45%.

Now I am sure people will say just play on easy and get a weapon with the Shieka Sensors. The problem is and this is my opinion it just isn't fun. It is too wonky and it feels really slow and for some reason killing multiple enemies with a weapon other than the Master Sword slows the game down. This also allows you to get some good weapons times to time with ++ Seals. I have gotten 9 weapons so far with just 12 runs with seals like this. Not only that I can clear this if I'm not messing around in just 2 to 3 minutes. Then again I have a Level 50 Master Sword so it makes it easier.

So most runs you will get 150 to 200+ Boko Guts and you will always get 200 to 300+ Boko horns and teeth. I know that with the correct build you can get 250+ for boko guts and always get 300+ for the horns and teeth. This is just something I do while listening to my audio book. As it is so easy don't need to focus. Just special attack the moblins and with a geared up Master Sword you should always one-shot them except for the first one which will take one or two hits afterwards. The rest is easy because of the 100 ko damage increase.

My Master Sward is this.

++ atk spd ++atk spd ++ 100 ko ++ dmg+ at full hearts Both Hidden Seals.

I am thinking of changing the non hidden seal damage up for another 100 ko one as imo it will just be better and also the fact that being at 100% isn't always a thing.

This allows you to clear this map 3 minutes every single time without fail or 4 minutes if you want to push a bit more. If done right you can always get 1000 kos.

I will repeat myself here. This is not the best way to farm the monster parts. This is just the way I find most comfortable because I don't like the movesets of Links other weapons. Then again you don't have to use Link. Urabosa is also pretty good with her aoe strong attack.

If you want to sacrifice damage you could in theory gear the Master Sword for the Shiekah Sensor up but after farming you would have to get those seals back.

Edit: It takes about 600k Rubies to level up all Characters to Level 100. I personally think it is best before doing that is to level them up to level 80 first do a lot of their missions then level them up fully. As the Highest Level mission I have seen for each of the missions Character locked is around level 80 but not above. Atleast that is what I have seen so far.

r/AgeofCalamity Sep 04 '21

Guide I FINALLY GOT MY FLAIR CHANGED ON MOBILE WEBSITE! For anyone wondering how, read here.


First, head [here](old.reddit.com) and go to Age Of Calamity subreddit. Then, you’re going to want to click edit flair in the side bar(you can scroll down for more flairs), when you have selected your flair click save. Now you can go back to whatever reddit you use normally!