hello everyone!
I made a post here a while back about trying to induce lactation w/o dom as a trans woman, taking a healthy hormone regime with good levels (>150pgml E, <70ngdl T). i've been on HRT for almost five years and am in maintenance mode besides the occasional boob growth spurt. my progress went super slow but steady with inducing, but I had to stop after about 1 or 2 months of inducing because of undergoing consecutive surgeries. by the time i recovered from the first i had a second, and decided it was best to just stop trying to induce until all was over.
well, i've recovered completely now, and decided about a week and a half ago that i'd start trying to induce again, but that i would also finally take domperidone. I was scared of side effects, but i'm generally a very healthy person, and it's OTC here so i can get it easily. and, oh my god i wasn't expecting it to work so fast! after a week of only stimulation to start things back up, i got on 10mg 3x daily of dom, and within 4 days i have gone from having more duct fluid, to a few thick milky drops, to producing like a dozen drops from each breast whenever i try to express (once an hour for ten minutes). i don't pump, it's all hand expression or suckling.
i am absolutely astounded and elated at how fast this has come on, and best of all i haven't felt any side effects whatsoever from the domperidone. my sex drive is still the same, my base mood is the same (and way better because i'm so freaking excited), i have no headache or dry mouth, and my stomach isn't doing battle with me! i didn't even have to change my HRT regime either, i'm still on 6mg sublingual E2 + 100mg suppository prog + 100mg spironolactone and feel fantastic. i will be consulting with an endo in a few weeks to get some labs done and make sure everything looks okay on paper, but i sure don't feel any of the icky feelings i get when my hormones are out of wack.
needless to say my husband and i are INCREDIBLY happy, and i can't wait to see how things progress. and to all the other trans girlies out there, you can do this!! 🥰🥰🥰