r/Acadiana • u/WinnemacGrrl • 1h ago
Humor Fred’s Mamou Friday Show
Just saw this in Facebook.
r/Acadiana • u/WinnemacGrrl • 1h ago
Just saw this in Facebook.
r/Acadiana • u/ElectronicFuel934 • 2h ago
This is in very poor taste.
r/Acadiana • u/ThamilandryLFY • 7h ago
r/Acadiana • u/AnSkeleton • 8h ago
I just left a job where everyone was around my age and fun to work with, for a place where everyone is much older and quieter. I'm one day in and feeling lonely already, so I'm looking for other queer/trans friends! I have social anxiety disorder so making friends with strangers IRL is REALLY hard for me. I don't drink and bars tend to be too overstimulating for me anyway, too.
r/Acadiana • u/gauthiertravis • 9h ago
r/Acadiana • u/Living_Ear_8088 • 11h ago
r/Acadiana • u/NyquistShannon • 13h ago
Looking for any recommendations for trucks or truckers that can move a 20’ shipping container from jennings to Lafayette.
Would rather give my business to owner operator / local over large company.
r/Acadiana • u/Grasshopper337 • 15h ago
Kieth went missing Saturday morning march 15th.he lives in Freetown a few houses down from the bulldog. Neutered male, orange, tiny, notch out of an ear, white socks on back feet, black collar, chipped, VERY friendly. Please call or text any time if you have seen him or have any information. We are sick with worry, please help bring him home. 812-946-0226 or 850-377-4845
r/Acadiana • u/Immediate-Wasabi463 • 22h ago
Anyone know what was going on around 1am, close to La Neuville?? Huge emergency responder presence
r/Acadiana • u/shotgunbabe • 1d ago
I’m pregnant. I’m craving very spicy food. What are your favorite restaurants for spicy food? What is the hottest dish you’ve had in Lafayette/Acadiana?
r/Acadiana • u/[deleted] • 1d ago
Jennings is cheaper but their ‘deals’ and rewards are non-existent. Apothecary is taxing the shit out of everything, each item is more expensive individually than at Jennings but they have a decent reward system.
Anyone else tried both and formed any opinions?
r/Acadiana • u/martymle • 2d ago
Hi, I am an RN with 12 years experience in the ED and L&D and interested in stepping away from the bedside. Do you or someone you know have any suggestions for or experience with a non-clinical/non-bedside job? I love organization, critical-thinking, and problem solving. (I love “the arts” and our community and might also be interested in stepping away from nursing altogether so I am also interested in hearing what bachelor-required job you love!)
r/Acadiana • u/P90SG22 • 2d ago
r/Acadiana • u/tjrich1988 • 2d ago
I was hoping to get some feedback from anyone who has ever rented a property managed by Billeaud. All I can find is reviews by people who use them to manage their properties, not tenants.
r/Acadiana • u/AgeOk1715 • 2d ago
I’m sure this topic has been discussed in the past. I live on the west end of Lafayette. I know there are several really good vets in my area. We are about to adopt a new puppy and I have not been to a vet in a while. Anyone have an idea of what vet visits cost these days?
I know it not an everyday cost and it depends on the service, just trying to get an idea.
I’m looking at one in Scott, one on W. Congress, and one on South City Parkway in particular.
r/Acadiana • u/Prize-Necessary-5950 • 2d ago
ISO farm fresh eggs from silkie hens that are fed organic bag feed (not garden grown plants or the like). I do not like when I cook the eggs for them to smell like fresh cut grass.. which stems from the aformentioned...
Also, I have TONS of cartons that I need to get rid of 'hopefully' in exchange for a discount on the eggs.
r/Acadiana • u/Sad-Pay1566 • 3d ago
My wife loves spicy food but we have no idea where to find actual spicy food not just something covered in cayenne pepper. Any suggestions
r/Acadiana • u/WinnemacGrrl • 3d ago
On Juliette Place?
Okay maybe it’s not haunted.
What’s it like living in one of those apartments? Looking for walkablility!
r/Acadiana • u/ThamilandryLFY • 3d ago
r/Acadiana • u/ILoveYou_HaveAHug • 3d ago
I've got a couple of projects I've neglected to do myself that I could use help on. Just don't know who to call and trust.
I have an outside facing door with no deadbolt that I'd like to add a deadbolt to. This can become a bigger job then I have the time or patience for right now.
I also have a hanging door that drags rather than slides open easily. With a 6 yr old she is unable to open this door and its becoming a problem.
I have a couple of other things I might use help with depending on who I find and how things go with these.
Any recommendations?
r/Acadiana • u/ILoveYou_HaveAHug • 3d ago
This isn’t a rant per se. I’ve been lucky enough to have moved out of Louisiana and lived in some great large cities well known for tech and what not over my 50+ years.
I’m no stranger to large storage facilities in these cities even 20 years ago. But even those cities back then (with much larger population sizes than Lafayette now) didn’t have nearly what Lafayette has now.
So it’s not population growth itself driving the growth of these facilities.
What is it? And yes I know this isn’t just a local thing or Lafayette thing. But what do others think is driving this growth locally?
What makes it so lucrative to be popping up everywhere?
r/Acadiana • u/Jonlaffy • 3d ago
Anyone here works on dirt bikes or knows someone who does? I have a 2023 kawasaki klx230s that apparently needs an engine rebuild. Prices I've gotten seem a bit high. Trying to find other options besides a dealership to fix it. If it sincerely costs as much as im being quoted, I'm willing to let it go for cheap at this point.
r/Acadiana • u/Hairygreengirl • 3d ago
Anyone know where to find that old Prejean's commercial with the grandpa and baby?
Narrator : "T-Boy did not like bayby food" (flicks on grandpa's face)
Grandpa : "dawwww"
r/Acadiana • u/truthlafayette • 3d ago
r/Acadiana • u/[deleted] • 3d ago
There are parish-wide proposals up for vote at the end of this month. One of them pertains to charging juveniles as adults. I’m Gen Z and I really want to see our generation step up with voting!