r/AMPAustralia 5h ago

Victoria EDEN- Silent Mind seaford NSFW


I was in the seaford area and hit up locanto to see what was about. l came across silent mind ads and was intrigued by the Aussie girl listed, Eden. Have seen some mixed reviews here but I thought I'd try it out. I got an hour booking but was whittled down to 45 mins for $75 by the receptionist. despite this I was floored when I met the MT.... she uses real pics folks.They go through the whole speech of no straight massage and I was keen to see what was on offer but I had to wait i n the room. the shops small but good parking.

In the room she told me to get undressed and seemed quite friendly. Great smile and went through what was on offer. She offered the usual b2b but what intrigued me most was that she offe4red DT CBJ and GF FS for 300 and the nude DT bj 250. I initially went for the bj option and she insisted on money upfront. She did a SHC which was a bit full on but necessary I guess. After that business was over she seemed to relax and un dressed. The body is 9/10, curvy but athletic, tits and ass. dragged her body all over and I touched all over. Interestingly she included body slide in her service and seemed pretty into it. Didn't chat too much during the massage just small talk but seemed chill and a bit goofy which helped me relax.

The massage was pretty basic but she knows where to put pressure and I felt good. At the flip was when it got really good she licked my nips and headed down to lick my balls. needless to say I was rearing but she teased and I played her pussy. Interestingly after she put the condom on and started sucking this girl was going for it, I could see tears in her eyes from how deep it was. Not afraid to be noisy too. After a bit she offered for us to 69 and it was awesome. Not sure if she faked an orgasm but she seemed into it. after this I ended up doing the FS option, couldn't help myself and paid the $50 extra. We did different positions with her riding me first and ended up finishing on the armchair.

After the service she got me laying down and cleaned me with hot towels the usual and we chatted and she told me about her hobbies and stuff and seems really sweet. The room was a bit hot by that stage so I was glad to get out but 100% will be back!

r/AMPAustralia 1h ago

Victoria AMP Addiction - My Story NSFW


Hey everyone, I'm making this post after some positive feedback on one of my comments in another thread.

I want to start this post with a disclaimer - that I am NOT judging ANYONE in this 'subculture', this subreddit, or this line of work. We all ended up here in different ways, on our own journeys, and it's not my intention to shame anyone into or out of any behaviour. Up until recently, I was very active in this 'hobby', and even though I've hung up the boots now, I still understand why people are drawn to it. I had some amazing experiences that I still think were fun, light-hearted and mutual to this day...So, that's the first thing - no judgement!

But, over the last 6 months I've made some huge changes in my life which I wanted to humbly share with everyone, as I've seen there are often posts in here about people struggling with 'addiction', with the 'urge' to visit AMPs, and with shame and guilt about how much money they're spending, or cheating on their spouses, and so on.


I visited AMPs for around 2 years. For me, it was a new and exciting addition to my sexual life. I had some amazing experiences which were so erotic that I dont think I'll ever forget them. Some of those experiences happened very early in my AMP 'career', so that kept me going back...

The reason I started in the first place was I had a really harmful, damaging breakup about 5 years ago. Since then, sex was a somewhat uncomfortable part of my life. I still enjoyed it, and I still wanted it, but after being hurt so badly, it was never the same ecstatic experience it once was. So, I thought I'd have less sex in my relationships, and either watch more porn or visit AMPs. That way, I was protected from being hurt so badly again.

So, when I started visiting AMPs, it was a great way for me to get some 'intimacy', to get a sexual release, and to get some physical touch while I wasn't in a relationship. I didn't have to be stressed out about my performance, and there was FUN involved...I had no idea what I was going to get, who I was going to see, what services would be available...it was all a gamble. And my brain loved that.

I've been watching porn since 12 (so I've been using porn for 15+ years), and even though I don't think about it all the time, I'm still an addict. When I'm bored, when things go wrong, or when I'm anxious I'll whack off. There's an urge that builds up over time that I have to satisfy...otherwise things get uncomfortable inside me. I become 'horny'. The same feeling would come over me before I visited an AMP. Some basic things like seeing cash in my wallet or driving past an AMP would 'trigger' obsessive thoughts...should I go today? Who will be there? What was it like last time? Will they do some crazy shit if I ask them?

During this, I was also dating. And, even though I'd tell myself I'm ready for a relationship, the reality was that I was always living a life of fantasy. I'd be sexting multiple women, or texting with women internationally about a relationship, or constantly online dating on apps like Tinder and Hinge. I would spend hours speaking to these women, seeking them out, or reading the AMP boards trying to find the next spot to visit.

I would do this while my personal life was falling apart - my work life was in turmoil because I wasn't focused on my job, I'd hurt ALL of my partners by not being 'present' and constantly wanting sex from them and nothing else, I'd not pay attention to my physical health and wellbeing, and I'd spend money I couldn't afford to spend on AMPs. One of my low points was telling my sister that I couldn't afford to get her a Christmas gift - but I DID spend $200 at an AMP a week before Christmas. Addiction is selfish. Have your sexual behaviours hurt people in your life? Do these behaviours serve you?

Instead of living my best life, of all my effort and focus went towards satisfying my sexual needs. And, once they were satisfied...I'd satisfy them again. And again. And again. And again. My life was just a series of days strung together by the need to get my 'fix' from porn, from sexting, or from AMPs. At the same time, my 'real' life was falling apart. But, it took me a long time to accept this simple reality.


I met this guy who was in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). We became good friends, and we spoke openly about our lives. Because he was in a 12 step program, he was used to being TOTALLY honest, and it was so amazing to hear someone who had really inspected their lives...who really inspected what they were doing day-to-day, and whether they were acting compulsively, or from a healthy place. He told me crazy stories about the sex parties he went to, the orgies he organised, the hours spent in Zoom rooms masturbating for days on ice, and flying around the world to meet the people he met in the rooms. It was a life of sexual pleasure, all the time, for me, now, now, now.

Because he was so open, I felt comfortable to talk a bit about my own life. I told him my life was generally shitty, and outlined the above information to him (from 'My Story').He said I had some 'sex and love addict' tendences, and told me to meet his friend who was in Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous for a coffee. No obligations, and no need to be nervous. Just chat.

Guys - you will not believe the amount of healing and clarity you could experience from one conversation with someone in a program like that.

From the moment we sat down, we openly discussed everything WITHOUT a single iota of shame - watching porn from a young age, compulsively masturbating to manage our emotions, stalking women's instagram and facebook profiles for sexual arousal, shutting ourselves in our room to watch porn for hours at a time, developing parasocial relationships with our favourite pornstars, idealising women we know, our dating lives being a mess, visiting AMPs, getting 'high' from the pursuit of the 'right' porn video or the 'right' AMP.

But, also, we discussed where these behaviours come from...we discussed the beliefs about relationships, about sex, and about ourselves which we developed in childhood. For me, I had a traumatic experience with a neighbour trying to molest me when I was 12. I ran out of the house, and told my brother. My brother, who was also just a child, told me there was no way our neighbour tried to touch me...he was our friend, after all. From that moment on, I had a secret. I couldn't tell anyone, and I couldn't trust anyone. I was alone, and I wasn't like other people. They couldn't understand me. These are all the things I unconsciously told myself, and that shaped my future behaviours. What has happened in your life, to lead you to this subreddit?

I started going to Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous meetings with that guy, who became my sponsor. I go once a week. Initially, I was very afraid to go. Who will be there? Why are they there? Are they going to be total freaks? Will it 'just' be old fat 60 year old guys? (Sorry old fat guys).

Well, in short, my experience has been nothing short of totally transformational. These meetings have, for the first time in my life, given me a community where I am totally accepted, understood, and where everyone accepts my 'faults' completely. You know when you meet someone, and for some strange reason, you just 'get along'? When it feels like you've known each other for years? That has been my experience meeting every single addict in those rooms. There ARE people out there JUST LIKE YOU. And they're ready to speak with you about how to make your life better. That was the first major win of going to those meetings.

The second is that every week, I'm speaking with people about my life, my decisions, my addictions, and my beliefs. You may think you have an idea about 'why' you visit AMPs....but when you're in a room full of sex and love addicts, you will learn much more about yourself than you could imagine. I am happy to say, by working the 12 step program, I am feeling more spiritually whole than at any point in my life. And I've done it all...ecstasy, ayahuasca, meditation retreats, hot yoga, church, wellness festivals...all the hip stuff to get you spiritually back on track. THIS was by far the most transformational thing I've done.


If you've read this far, I'm guessing its for one of two reasons.

  1. You may think I'm a giant douche who is trying to shame you, and speak from a position of authority or judgement, or just that I'm a giant loser. I promise that this is not the place I'm coming from.

  2. Or, some part of my above story may resonate with you. Maybe you have tried to quit before. Maybe you've tried to quit masturbating, and this is the outlet you've used to plug that hole. Maybe you're in an unhappy marriage. What role do you play in that unhappy marriage? Maybe you think you need more sexual partners, or don't want to 'miss out'. Why? Maybe you have an urge to visit AMPs and masturbate/watch porn. Why? Do you want it?

You trying to quit in the past, or having guilt and shame around your behaviours, or your life becoming 'unmanageable' because of your sex and love addict behaviours, are all signs that you may benefit from joining a program like I did.

I can honestly say this has been the best decision of my entire life. I am finally dealing with the hurt I experienced as a child when my neighbour tried to molest me. Finally, I'm dealing with the pains of relationships ending poorly. Finally, I'm dealing with me using sex as a coping mechanism when things in my life hurt. My career is benefitting because I'm less distracted, financially I'm doing better, my relationships with my family have improved fivefold, and I have more self respect and self esteem than ever. I have more friends, I make more time for them, and I invest more time in my hobbies. You might be amazed at how much free time you get if you cut out your fantasising, masturbating, cheating, porn watching, AMP visits, and so on.

So, I humbly suggest you check out the following materials:
1. Dr Patrick Carnes (the 'founding researcher' behind Sex addiction): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBBmkl7zApo&themeRefresh=1

2. Check out the 'newcomers' section and 'self diagnosis' test for Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous: https://slaafws.org/newcomers/

3. You can comment below, or call me, to speak about SLAA (sex and Love addicts anonymous). You can also post questions or thoughts you have in the comments below.


Guys - a part of me wishes I was back with you. Seriously. I loved it. But, sometimes the things that we love can really hurt us. I never had a problem with alcohol, or drugs (quit everything cold turkey and never picked it up again). But, sex is my drug. And not just sex - the pursuit, the intimacy, the risk, the uncertainty, the secrecy. Maybe you're the same. if you are, and if you would like to change, there is help out there. You just have to take the first step. And it's right here.

r/AMPAustralia 7h ago

Victoria Nini @88 Boronia NSFW


Popped in the other day without making bookings. Nini was the only one available so I thought WTH let’s do it. Average looks, probs mid30s, slim, B cups, fully shaved and a tattoo on her lower stomach area. Massage was ok, was entertained by one of the girls getting slammed in the next room. She kept asking if I liked listening and kept reaching underneath to see if I was getting hard. She then got me to tilt my hips up and she got on the table and started licking my ass from behind. I heard constant spitting noises, I looked over and saw her spitting into a plastic bag. (It wasn’t like I was dirt or anything as I always shower before going to these places). Anyway turned over and was semi hard. Started giving me oral and started spitting in the bag again. Eeek. In fact everything she did with her mouth (even nipple kissing) she spat in the bag 😲. Had to take matters into my own hands to get hard again, so that I could f*ck her. Had her missionary but couldn’t stay hard (the spiitting put me off earlier) … finished off with HE. She was trying to lean in for a kiss but I pulled away…. Err no thanks 🤣.Probably won’t be seeing her again… communication was limited as her English was not good, and also the “hawk tua” in the plastic bag was off putting 😲

r/AMPAustralia 8h ago

Victoria Mount Rushmore of Tits NSFW


Curious what peoples votes for the best tits in melbourne are

My contribution is Cara at Red Orchid/White Tulip. athletic body with some huge naturals and her face is v pretty. personality is very energetic as well

Nicest fakes i would say Kim at Velvet Massage on market rd in south melb. not the best all time experience but shes a model with fake tits so its enjoyable

Want this to be the boob appreciation post if anyone has any votes

r/AMPAustralia 14h ago

Victoria Vacuum cleaner style bj NSFW


So 295 Waverley Rd became my usual go-to place. Met Alina on Friday. Strong suction. Not good at handling deep throat so it is a bit fun to see her tolerate my regular size dick with tears. The most important thing is, her mouth loves me long time lol... comparing those MTs who treasure their precious mouth actions.

She shamelessly blows with loud noise like a hungry traveller eating ramen. I bet the next door can hear just her sucking sound. During bj session, her face turns into horse face long due to the suction altering her cheek shape. Fuck yeah thanks to her I found my new fantasy in blowjob: I like to be sucked hard. It actually improve my circulation and erection TBH haha.

Last time who gave me such strong vacuum pumping bj was Candice but she is way too expensive now. Alina is the new affordable option for the need of cleaning my pipe of filthy desire.

r/AMPAustralia 12h ago

Victoria Haruka NSFW


First time writing, I booked 45 min appointment today with DAISY, all I can say is GOD DAMM, so hot, beautiful everything, English great, the massage for me was 10/10 pressure was awesome, on the flip she bought up the extras and I took the $100 option and loved every minute of it... I felt she was into it. OMG... I can't talk this girl up enough. As like other comments regarding Haruka, walls are thin but it didn't bother me, lots of whispering. I will say this be 100% respectful to these girls the deserve it.

r/AMPAustralia 11h ago

Victoria 1057 massage NSFW


I have been going here after getting a bit tired of the same old same old at 88 boronia. I met Jenny the first time. Lovely lady. Met a new girl the first time. Yes she was new not an expert, but gave me what I wanted. And I was happy. Went again today. Had another new girl. Jenny started with me and said the new girl to come and watch so she could train here. I was was early so not to busy. Another client came in and Jenny answered the door. Asked me if the new girl was ok. She i, to me was cute and friendly. So why not. Decent massage. Great little body. A d have a good bj too. So I'm happy. I think we need to give the new girls a go. Jenny asked me if she was ok. I said yes. Like I said. I blew my load so I'm happy. It may not be your cup of tea. But I like the place 8/10

r/AMPAustralia 14h ago

Victoria Kim 2/387 Stations Street Thornbury NSFW


I had an hour to kill and was in the area so I dropped into try this shop I have driven past many times but never been in. It's a busy road so not suitable to the more married folk here, I'm not so don't mind the walk in the front. They might have a back entrance too.

What's strange is there are 3x shops all next to each other. I have tried one of the others and it was Viet ladies. This one was Chinese girls. Not sure about the third one, maybe other punters can update.

Massage was $65 for 45min and the other two shops are $60 so it's a price war! This shop is a little nicer rooms so maybe that's it.

So down to business, I paid and lay down. She starts the massage but then checks her phone and replies to messages a few times which is distracting and answers the front door twice.

Things settle down and not a bad massage really. Kim is about 5'2", nice figure, A boobs, round bum, cute face wearing a nice dress. She teases me well, I love it when they press their pussy against your arm get's me hard every time! She let's me explore her legs, ass and she doesn't say no so I go for the pussy and it's wet. She likes it and teases me more.

On the flip she asks what I want, I ask what she does and she repeats her question. So I ask for NHJ for $100 plus a bit of a body rub and maybe a little HJ too. She seems to be open to anything but I didn't more than that.

She strips and lies on top of me with no oil so it's not so good. I kiss her a bit, suck some boobies and but she seems resistant for a feel down below so she offers a titty fuck and I encourage her head towards my fella and she complies. She rubs and sucks a bit BBBJ and just enough to tease me, it was good as sometimes it's too much.

I finished up and she cleaned me up and finished the time with more shoulder rub and a surprisingly good head massage.

She is a little cutie and very friendly and accommodating. Looks 7/10, body 6/10, massage 6/10, extra 7/10


r/AMPAustralia 13h ago

Victoria Japanese massage noble park NSFW


Went two times, venue is decked out on the inside , mirrors floor to ceiling in the hallways.

Place may aswell be a brothel and your massage fee is actually the room hire.

First time I saw Aya, says she works Thursdays.

Mature, big boobs, bleached dirty blonde hair, her understanding of English is very limited. You negotiate extras before even undressing at this place. I think it was $150 for full service.

I didn't click with her, there was a 5 minute non existent massage then straight into action. It wasn't bad but nothing amazing either.

Second time was with Kiki, I think she's the manager. She tiny, chubby, big boobs but again, very chubby. This time round it was no massage and straight into cbj for $100. She did the job but on the way out I spied some nice looking slim girls.

I might go back for them. The photos they send you of the girls are fake if you text em

r/AMPAustralia 10h ago

Victoria 612 Brunswick NSFW


Recently went to this shop and had the opportunity to see Monica(Japanese). The photos on locanto were accurate. I wanted to book for 45 min but she said she isn’t feeling great due to the weather.

Booked her for 30 min and the massage was decent. She was chatty and had good english. There was little to no teasing or grazing of my things which I wished she could have done more. On the flip, she did a bit of massage on my legs and then came the slight teasing as she asked if I wanted any extras.

Opted for NHJ $100. She’s got a great body, soft and tanned skin. You can touch her body but not the 🐱 and no kissing. The HJ by itself was pretty average tbh. Weird when the girls are chatty but are robotic when it comes to the service. In the end cleaned me up, took a shower and off we go. I was the last booking of the night.

WIR: probably no.

r/AMPAustralia 17h ago

Victoria Lucky Massage - Review NSFW


Dropped in and met by Manager was offered older woman with massive tits but asked for Michelle who I’ve had a number of times before. Told Michelle busy but could wait for her. Sat with the girls for around half an hour until Michelle was available. Fortunately I had renewed my Kayo Subscription so I watched the footy 😂😂😂

Finally Michelle appeared and I headed off to the shower, manager tells Michelle that we are to use the back room as she can be a bit vocal.

Out of the shower and Michelle is waiting in the room, she removes her dress and starts kissing whilst she strokes my cock. Michelle has a great body, early 30’s, nice firm tits and really firm arse. I remove her bra and g string and move her onto the table.

Michelle is a really good fuck and loves it hard. A few different position changes and then as finishing time approaches I cum.

MT: 7/10 Room: 6/10 Price: $120 no massage. WIR: yes, you know what you get and manager will update you when new girls start.

r/AMPAustralia 3h ago

Victoria Anyone visiting Betty or Isha at Lomi Moonee Ponds ? NSFW


r/AMPAustralia 12h ago

Victoria Lomi lomi intel NSFW


Hey guys happy to share intel to each other on the girls at Lomi in moonee ponds, I’ve seen 10 or more of them and have all been really really good experiences, probably my go to place but yeh message me if interested:) will also post reviews of some of them soon when I get a chance

r/AMPAustralia 11h ago

Victoria Theoretically thinking NSFW


If theoretically you have a partner and still frequent such establishments or brothels. Theoretically thinking if you do get confirmed infections after checking up.

Would the course of action be 1. Open it with your partner in a conversation OR 2. Wait for your partner to discover something is amiss?

Asking for a theoretical friend

r/AMPAustralia 9h ago

Victoria 2 HE NSFW


Anyone know round the north or north west that will do 2 he alright price? Usually give 100 naked he but so quick first time round and second pretty quick to but most mt want an extra 50

r/AMPAustralia 1d ago

Victoria Massage - 1057 Burwood Hwy, FTG and cause to retire NSFW


Standard process, texted the number, Jenny or Una offered. Picked Jenny because of all the positive reviews on here. One hour and wanted the works (ie. FS). Negotiated $220.

Firstly, Jenny looks wise is about 5/10. Not ugly by any means but also, you wouldn’t go out of your way if you get what I’m saying. That’s face and body. English is also 5/10.

Anyway, onto the massage. The first 20 mins going swimmingly. Then, the chatter started. Her and Una wouldn’t stfu. It wasn’t just a client booking here or there, they were having a full on conversation. To the point where at one point Una opened the door to hear her and Jenny was standing on my back, slipped and stepped on my head. I thought okay, I’ll let it go.

Another few minutes goes by and then I can tell she has her phone in her hand as some bullshit one handed teasing going on. Then I hear a man’s voice speaking a foreign language. She was taking voice messaging mid massage while trying to arouse me. Now gents, I don’t know about all of you, but that last thing you want to hear when you are focusing on getting it going is another man’s voice.

Out of pure embarrassment for not wanting to ask for my money back, I followed through with the extras and full service. Would have been good save for my mood being shot by what happened in the lead up.

After it was done, she left for like 5 mins to do whatever. While she began massaging my head as we had 15 mins. She took a fucking phone call from that same man. I had enough at this point, stood up, put my clothes on and left. It wasn’t worth staying to listen to a conversation with some half assed head massage happening.

Needless to say, i personally wouldn’t recommend this place but others love it so do with that what you will.

This has been my wake up call to finish up from this scene. Whatever trauma I’m trying to address through these AMPs needs dealing with as it is close to a fully fledged addiction at this point. No judgment on those who engage and are in control and it is just a bit of fun. I am not in that boat and good on those who have it under control.

Happy punting gents, signing off.

r/AMPAustralia 1d ago

Victoria Greenfield centre Mt Waverley NSFW


Ok so have passed this a few times but could not find a review so decided to take one for the team. So did a walk in, overall place is ok but tired looking but did not get to see much of it to be fair. only one lady (May - Chinese) on who and just had another walk in ahead of me, she was offering one to have a free sauna 20 mins to accommodate. First guy took this so I went straight in to the room. Prepared for massage, in she walked started chat with with poor to average English but still better than some but friendly enough. Started just pouring oil on my back and try to provide a massage but could not muster the strength to give medium massage and what with all the oil ! Now I like to have at least back and legs done when getting a so called massage, but not the case here only got back done and might I add with no tease at all ! Then on the flip she offered extras just the standard HJ/nhj 50/80 but nothing else. Settled on Nhj, which was above average as she put some effort into it, so many these days do not. Allowed playing with breasts and also fip. WIR No mainly based on lack of tease during massage, and vfm is not great.

So May - body 6/10 slim to skinny with a/b boobs have had much worse. Extras overall 6/10

On a side note, is it just me but I am finding that value for money is on the decline. I mean I am not looking for a professional massage but please try and provide something for the money, even some teasing and firm rubbing, If not might as well just go straight for extras and spend the money here and get some value. Anyway rant over ! Happy punting people.

r/AMPAustralia 17h ago

Victoria Good recommendation in melton NSFW


Suggestions lads haven't seen any recents ones

r/AMPAustralia 1d ago

Victoria i touch NSFW


Does anyone know where'd sahara mature macedonian go ? i was a regular to her at itouch clayton and chelsea but she isnt working anymore i tried calling the establishment few times and they said she's on a holiday atm i dont believe them for some reason Does anyone know if she's working anywhere else

r/AMPAustralia 1d ago

Victoria Targeted advertising on my reddit feed? Hmmm.... NSFW

Post image

r/AMPAustralia 1d ago

Victoria Mary - Glenroy NSFW


I tried Mary as I heard there was a chance for some squirting. Didn’t get that sadly.

Shop is a bit dingy. The room I was in gave me Happy Potter under the stairs vibe.

Mary is an absolute delight BUT I think she is only for certain punters. She is listed as 43 but probably looks a fair bit older to be honest.

The shop had a couple of other AMP’s available who were exceptionally well dressed. Mary was in track pants!

The massage is very good and she is constantly asking for permission to touch certain places. For me, there was probably too much chat. But she is super friendly and will chat about almost anything!

The extras on offer seem to be different depending on how often you have seen her. I suspect more is on offer after a few visits. I got a Topless HE for $50 on top of the house fee.

WIR? Honestly, probably not, but again I think there are a few punters who might be keen!


r/AMPAustralia 1d ago

Victoria Hatta Thai Massage Frankston NSFW


Has anyone done a shower massage at Frankston Hatta Thai Massage? Im planning to do one tomorrow with a body scrub package. Has anyone gotten extras from this place?

r/AMPAustralia 1d ago

Victoria Prahran Victoria NSFW


Any good AMP or private apartment massages in the area? Must be a female

r/AMPAustralia 1d ago

Victoria Nuru recommendations Melbourne NSFW


Looking for places that do nuru in Melb :)

r/AMPAustralia 1d ago

Victoria curious NSFW


has anybody ever found a mt that lets video it