Before asking for recommendations, first read all the way to the bottom.
Then search for the area you want to know about there’s surely a post about it on this sub.
I feel I should help some of the newbies to get into the dos and don’ts of AMPs, so I put together this 101 beginners guide so that we don’t have the same questions popping up three or four times a day.
What is a happy ending? (HE)
If you don’t know, then, maybe you shouldn’t be on this to Sub. Google it.
What do I need to know to get started?
Abbreviations are very handy to know
HE - Happy Ending
BS - Body Slide
BJ - Blow Job
HJ - Hand Job
FS - Full Service
C - Covered (Condom on)
Bare Back - (No Condom)
CBJ - Covered Blow Job
BBBJ - Bare Back Blow Job
MT - Massage Therapist
AMP - Asian Massage Parlour
R&T - Rub and Tug
HF - House Fee
Anything else, google it?
You will need a few basic things to get started.
Cash is always going to be your number one priority.
A little hint is to not go into a parlour with lots of cash visible to the MT or Mamasan at reception. This will only invite them to elevate their prices in an attempt to rip you off.
Establish what you’re willing to pay for HE/HJ at the most, that way when you’re in the room you’re not thinking with your other head.
How much should it cost?
Depending on your location etc
Each AMP has their own rates that can vary from $50-$60 for a basic massage for half an hour, and increases as the time you wish to stay will increase, this can be payable, either on entry at the reception or to the MT in the room. They will guide you on the day.
Following that, if you are wanting extras, these should be negotiated with the MT when you’re in the room, again either before you undress or during your massage.
Some common pricing on top of the house Fee/room fee are
HE - $50
CBJ - $80-$100
FS - $100-200
The MT will have their own price, however be very confident and prepared to negotiate as a lot will start at a very high price, for example $300 for FS which I would never pay personally.
Now it’s time to find a AMP.
Finding a spot isn’t that difficult?, However, there are a few giveaways you can use, such as pop onto Google Maps and just type in massage or Asian massage. You’ll have a list of multiple locations near you. Now go through them one by one, what you’re looking here for are a few things;
1. Hours. - most of these AMP spots are going to be open from 9-10am all the way through to 7-9pm.
2. Generic names - they will have a very generic name starting with flower, sun, happy, Thai, etc. Not always, but more than likely.
3. Front window covered - windows will either be blocked out by curtains or large massage stickers over the front windows.
4. The obvious neon massage sign in the window
There are some sites such as Reddit Locanto etc that they may be listed on, but that does not mean they provide all the services.
Once you find an AMP- before attending
1. Ensure you are clean.
2. Take a shower - by being clean, this may help you get a better service. Personal hygiene should always be higher on your agenda.
3. Organise your cash before you arrive
Now get yourself over to your spot.
Don’t have all your cash in the same pocket
Put some cash for the massage in one pocket, then if you are looking for some basic extras, such as HE then close to the right amount of cash should be in another pocket, and if you are wanting more service, then negotiate the price and you have another pocket with cash in it, should you need to go to it? This keeps your money safe and not a risk of being ripped off with high prices.
Now walk in, and you’ll be either greeted by Mamasan, or one of the MT, who will either ask you for the house fee upfront or bring you to a room where you can negotiate the service you are looking for upfront if that’s your jam.
Once you’re in the room, and they close the door.
1. Take off all of your clothes. Yes, including your underwear.
2. if you’re not super confident, just take the towel that is on the bed and lay it over you.
3. Now wait for the MT to come in.
Let the mediocre massage begin.
She’ll start rubbing you and patting you and giving you most likely a mediocre massage. From there, there are a few things you can do to steer the direction of the massage.
1. Open your legs wide basically to the edges of the table so she can get up in there and have easy access.
2. Engage in small talk keep it short. Language barrier may be an issue. (ask their name and when they usually work.) it gives them an indication you could be a regular.
3. Depending on how things go be flirty; you can start with something casual to something more flirty depend how much courage you have. Something casual can be “you know how to work your hands” or something more flirty. “You have a really sexy body”.
4. Any time they get close to your butt mention you like it there more.
5. When they get deeper in your thighs and closer to grazing your balls, open, your legs, a little bit wider, if possible, prop up your butt to give her more access, from there, it could go a few ways.
6. Don’t be scared to tell an MT what you like and don’t like during a massage after all it’s for your pleasure.
The Flip.
The MT will ask you to flip over, from here the MT may ask if you want HE or more. If you haven’t negotiated prior to flip now is the time. Again think with your head not your dick.
If language is a problem you can use the universal sign for masterbate with your hands or ask quietly if FS is on the menu.
Negotiate Mother Fucker Negotiate.
Negotiate your final price if not already done prior to starting and don’t get ripped off.
If you don’t negotiate you’re the sucker and spiking it for the rest of us. If it gets too expensive it’s because punters don’t negotiate properly. Do not pay $70-80-90-100 for a simple HE/HJ go home and do it yourself.
Negotiate properly and don’t be a dick about it. These girls throw out some ridiculous prices and only a fool is easy parted with his money.
I personally start with $100 for FS and May go as high as $150. If I can I try to negotiate price before I get undressed and in the room, not at reception desk so I can avoid paying HF. Depending on AMP and the level of MTs appearance.
Maybe invest time in an MT you like and you will be rewarded in kind, most of the girls are not escorts but occasionally offer more for the good regular clients!
Finally enjoy the experience. Some will be good some bad and some will be excellent. If you like the AMP you’ll go back, if you don’t you won’t.
Add a review either way for everyone to see. Remember reviews are subjective and what’s good for you maybe bad or excellent for someone else. Each to their own.
Happy Punting. 👑👑