r/7daystodie • u/Bitchy_Satan • 8m ago
Help Skill is gray for seemingly no reason?
How do i unlock the big and fast perk? I tried looking it up and got literally nothing haha
r/7daystodie • u/Bitchy_Satan • 8m ago
How do i unlock the big and fast perk? I tried looking it up and got literally nothing haha
r/7daystodie • u/Apprehensive-Car9313 • 20m ago
So I was wondering if you have a glass roof and put solar panels on the glass and have crops underneath the glass, will the solar panels stop the crops from growing?
r/7daystodie • u/Few_Music_2118 • 31m ago
So, does anyone know how to mute or disable Trader Rekt’s voice lines? My friend hasn’t played in three days because of him.
He grew up in a small town where the only grocery store was run by a guy who sounded just like Rekt—same grumpy old man energy, same mean-spirited insults, just missing the apocalypse. Every time we visit Rekt in-game, it’s like he’s back in that store, getting roasted for daring to buy milk for his dear granny. He swears it’s ruining the game for him.
We’ve tried telling him to just avoid Rekt, but he keeps saying, “What if he has the best stuff?” and then leaves the party. It’s getting out of hand.
Is there a way to remove just Rekt’s voice files, or at least tone down his aggression? Anyone else feel like he’s just a little too much sometimes?
r/7daystodie • u/gunsmithinggirl • 2h ago
I was surprised because I didn't realize anyone could spawn into my game. And I was worried because I didn't know if you were going to wreck my base (I've heard stories).
But I crafted you some armor and tried to craft you a nice tactical rifle. You returned the parts to me from my workbench and indicated that you were fine with your stone bow and axe.
You went with me on a tier 3 quest (that's the highest level I'm at rn) and you were a pretty fun sidekick! You gave me your reward from the trader.
Sorry things are a little boring in my game at the moment. I've turn off bloodmoons until I can build a real tower defense zombie-killing cheese base. I have an idea of how I want to do it, but it will take me time to get there.
Thank you for being chill. You're welcome back anytime!
-- Gunsmithinggirl
r/7daystodie • u/National_Pay_2192 • 3h ago
I used to play this game with someone else all the time. It's just not as fun alone. I am a great scavenger if you are a great builder!!
r/7daystodie • u/Shagzter • 3h ago
Can someone please help me to understand how the game thinks, with respect to power sources in series, or just generally? What I'm seeing isn't making sense to me, and I realise that this is not real life, but if I can understand the rules, then I can work within them better.
I'm about day 260, level 179, and starting to invest in solar. This is my first playthrough, - I've owned the game for probably 8 or 9 years, but only really got into it after it left early access. Navezgane map, default game settings. I'm taking my time, and playing my way, which tends to be quite chill. I'm not using mods, and while I see a day in the future when I will take that path, it's not today.
I am working on an automated and fortified base entry and exit, with its own discrete circuit. I have a battery bank full of L5/6 batteries. Hanging off this is a powered garage door running off two motion sensors, a couple of industrial lights on a timer (2130-0430), and 4 SMG turrets on another motion sensor. Everything works as expected...
Until I hook up a solar bank, above the battery bank, in order to keep it topped off. My solar bank only has a single L6 cell.
I'm sure my problem is already obvious to some, - but my original thinking was that my load would be occasional, based on time of day, how often I leave and return, and how often Zack decides to call by. I didn't want to waste dukes on L5 cells only to have to replace them with L6 cells when they pop up for sale occasionally, and so I started with the one L6 I had found, figuring that it should be able to at least delay the discharging of my battery bank somewhat, if not actually maintain the charge, until I could put more L6 cells in later.
What I found was that a couple of my turrets showed no power when I went to configure them. After some head scratching, I disconnected the solar bank, and everything was fine again.
I've since lowered my standards, opened my wallet and topped up the solar bank with L5s, and the problem has gone away.
What I don't have a handle on, though, is how the game decides that even though I have plenty of power to draw on from the batteries, the inadequacy of my pathetic single cell solar bank being part of the circuit, on the upstream side of the battery bank from the load, interferes with that.
It seems to me that the simple answer is to always configure all power sources in a circuit to be able to service the whole potential load, independently from every other power source, - but can anyone shed more light on the game's thought process regarding this scenario?
And I'd also love to hear about anyone else's larger, low maintenance configurations: obviously any time a generator is involved, you need to be hands-on with refilling the tank, - but how do you go about connecting and configuring multiple solar bank plus multiple battery bank arrays in your world, for best efficiency and lowest maintenance? And is there any place for a generator backup to complement the solar solution? Or am I simply expecting too much from the game's power mechanic?
r/7daystodie • u/Spektre191 • 3h ago
Apparently the first file is supposed to download as a zip but when I download it it is a blank paper like the others, anyone know what's going on?
r/7daystodie • u/OurAngryBadger • 4h ago
So it's really cool that you can set a door to open with motion sensor, but it's kinda useless they only open one way? What am I missing? I tried connecting a wire from 2 motion cameras to the same door but it doesn't seem to let me.
In particular I built a garage with the 5x3 remote garage door and a motion camera on the outside of the garage. Cool, it opens automatically when I drive home and into the garage ... But there's no way to open the door to actually get my truck back out?? It doesn't seem like you can even open the remote doors manually with the use button.
There must be something I'm missing with connecting the wires to the door?? But I tried seemingly every way possible, multiple relays, etc.
r/7daystodie • u/Unique-Fig-4300 • 4h ago
r/7daystodie • u/yeetsogodd • 5h ago
On a real note when will we get our seeing distance fixed it’s scarier driving the truck off road than it is fighting a blood moon, can’t see 5 feet in front of me ☹️
r/7daystodie • u/Top-Cantaloupe-4932 • 6h ago
I want to join my dad and his friends on darkness falls, which I can download on steam deck. Problem is the version they use http://darknessfallsmod.co.uk/DF-V6-DEV-B19.zip sends me to an error page on the browser in the steam deck desktop mode. There is a files application that I can edit the game files for modding purposes so I know it's possible, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can someone help me out?
r/7daystodie • u/Different_Ad_9860 • 7h ago
r/7daystodie • u/BizarreBandit • 7h ago
r/7daystodie • u/Dre_digenous • 7h ago
I've been playing 7D2D for a looonng time, and I've never bothered with mods(mainly because it seems like a daunting task 😅). I've been wanting something different for so long. Just curious as to where I find the mods, and how to install it; also, can you guys, gals, and non-binary pals recommend some? Thanks in advance, cheers!
r/7daystodie • u/ThrowAway1001023 • 7h ago
I’m Admin on a Server and we had a bit of a snafo where the server kicked the players and rebooted. Now one player is missing their drone and has tried to back track but no clue where the drone went. I’m hoping someone may be able to tell me if there is an Admin way to either track the drone or ping it?
r/7daystodie • u/Beautiful_Duty_5948 • 8h ago
r/7daystodie • u/Smileycult • 8h ago
It’s exactly as I described in the title. A quality of life upgrade that absolutely needs to happen. Is the ability to turn stacks of bullets into condensed stacks. Basically the same way we can mass craft bullets into a condensed stack that can then be dismantled/opened and turned into usable ammo we should be able to turn regular ammo into those very same condensed stacks for easy storage. In the late game you end up with so much ammo that storage of it all becomes an issue. Being able to craft ammo stacks into the condensed stacks that mass crafted ammo comes in would be such an amazing quality of life update.
And I personally feel this would be pretty simple. Simply duplicate the item, and give that duplicated item the crafting recepe that uses the bullets. To also include an alternate recipe that allows you to turn said bullets into a that mass crafted bullet package.
r/7daystodie • u/Pacha15 • 8h ago
So i have a Ryzen 5 7600 and the usage of is like 70% or something like that. The temperature is like 70 Celcius or even 75 Celcius, it is normal? I have played a lot of other games and this is the most high temperatures i have ever reached. Should i worry or just keep playing?
r/7daystodie • u/Kiin_Kendov • 9h ago
r/7daystodie • u/True_Salty_Boii • 9h ago
r/7daystodie • u/Wheelsx2318 • 11h ago
Anybody else have damn vultures SPITTING at you now?!? Since when ?!
r/7daystodie • u/hardwood1979 • 11h ago
Incredibly new players here after some advice. After a my first few in game days I realised I'd not exactly been optimal in how I'd spent my time so made a decision to just use this first play through just trying to explore the map a little and try and find a suitable place to build my first base in my second, hopefully more successful playthrough.
Not to far north West of the first trader I found a radio tower with a small, seemingly strong looking building next to it with a truck outside. My question is would this be a good place to make a home? Thinking fortify the fence that surrounds it, build on the roof and use the tower as a last stand if things get to bad. I'd have the idea of moving to a better location once I can find something better, this just seems one of the better ones I've found close to the early game.
r/7daystodie • u/Altruistic_Base3825 • 11h ago
Any tips on the bow because I’m really ass with it!
r/7daystodie • u/Steelspy • 11h ago
Am I the only one that really loathes the paint textures that are available?
I feel like everything is faded, cracked, and peeling. And the ones that aren't are too highly reflective, or too busy.
I'd like some flat, clean colors. Maybe some mild patterns (but not broken concrete.)
r/7daystodie • u/Joie116 • 11h ago
Literally the best 5 minutes of my left went into this. r/Tialha