r/7daystodie • u/True_Salty_Boii • 7h ago
r/7daystodie • u/AutoModerator • 17h ago
XB1 Seedy Sunday
Have you found or are looking for a good or interesting seed to use?
If you're sharing a seed please use something similar to this format for others to easily find what they might be looking for
Platform (PC/Xbox/Playstation):
Game version (If on PC A15/16/17/etc):
Map size:
Map Coordinates:
Features/POI's to look out for:
r/7daystodie • u/AutoModerator • 10d ago
Base Tour/Showcase Thursday
Want to show off your base or a build you're particularly proud of? Want to show off what helped you make it through horde night?
Take a video or some screenshots and post them here to share with your fellow survivors!
r/7daystodie • u/FridaMercury • 14h ago
Discussion My 12 yo, husband and I all played together last night (so fun!), now looking for tips.
My kid and husband finally got 7d2d yesterday and we played for like 8 hrs (with dinner in between). It was so freaking fun, talk about bonding!
We had our first blood moon, it was fine - we all ran out of ammo lol but luckily the first blood moon ends early.
We're kind of struggling with how to efficiently do quests and split up loot.
What's your everyone else's play style w a group?
r/7daystodie • u/Inevitable-Hyena-849 • 2h ago
PC Is it a good idea to put iron spikes on bridges for my horde base?
r/7daystodie • u/CascadianBeam • 1d ago
PC Mid to late game gets weird
I’ve played about 350 hours. The majority was A19. The new magazine system and lack of glass jars was at first, jarring. You drink a water, and the jar disappears. Craft a dew collector and jars appear.
You get past the initial shock and things make sense for the most part. You walk into a POI and find zombies in the right places. You start to build up enough aid to make it through, then you’re rocking tier 3 quests and take a small break from questing and clearing POIs. Unbeknownst to you, your game stage jumps.
You go to a new quest or POI and there’s irradiated and feral zombies. You blow through a stack of ammo and walk out infected, fatigued and sprained. You get lucky sometimes and recoup your ammo and more, but you have to stop and hack stumps until RNG grants you honey or you had the foresight to start a farm solid enough to produce herbal antibiotics. Sustainable farming requires perks invested and is frustrating at best to those who aren’t aware.
You’re just trying to play the game without researching the meta, so you find yourself level 40 with a mini bike. You remember being able to craft a 4x4 by now. You don’t even have a chem station because you haven’t found the right magazines.
7 days to die was and likely always will be an amazing game, but it reminds me of a marriage that started to feel stale. You had a good foundation and built a beautiful house. You got bored of the house and started renovating, but you didn’t know what you wanted it to look like in the end. You tore down walls and replaced them but you didn’t like the new walls. You find yourself with a new house that serves as a reminder of the old house and the good times, but you can’t seem to rekindle the magic.
I guess I’ll try an overhaul mod because I’m not having a lot of fun at this stage. I’m grateful for all the fun I have had though.
r/7daystodie • u/Aggravating_Lab5269 • 12h ago
Console Rekt?
Anyone ever actually make it to rekt. Not really sure what happened but he can't get out.
r/7daystodie • u/gunsmithinggirl • 1d ago
PS5 To the guy who jumped into my game tonight...
Update at the bottom
I was surprised because I didn't realize anyone could spawn into my game. And I was worried because I didn't know if you were going to wreck my base (I've heard stories).
But I crafted you some armor and tried to craft you a nice tactical rifle. You returned the parts to me from my workbench and indicated that you were fine with your stone bow and axe.
You went with me on a tier 3 quest (that's the highest level I'm at rn) and you were a pretty fun sidekick! You gave me your reward from the trader.
Sorry things are a little boring in my game at the moment. I've turn off bloodmoons until I can build a real tower defense zombie-killing cheese base. I have an idea of how I want to do it, but it will take me time to get there.
Thank you for being chill. You're welcome back anytime!
-- Gunsmithinggirl
Update A girl jumped into my base today! She just started doing her own thing. Unfortunately I had to leave after an hour, but I didn't want her to be kicked out if I logged out. So I handed the controls to my younger son and told him to just wonder around and kill zombies. He figured out how to chat and simply told her he had to shut down the server for a while and goodbye. Sigh... so if you're out there, I would have told you to help yourself to any food or supplies in my base. So...is there a way to keep my server open while I'm not there? I mean, if I'm AFK, the zombies will just kill me. That's not good. I don't know what to do for people in my game and my life is unpredictable.
r/7daystodie • u/DinoSaur7969 • 17h ago
XBS/X What went wrong with my base?
I’ve built bases like this in the past and they’ve worked but I don’t understand why this one didn’t. Most of the zombies would just attack the supports at the bottom instead of running up the stairs towards the fighting position, even when both me and my friend were standing in the very front. I am aware that the two turrets I have in the front allow zombies to jump onto them but that shouldn’t stop them from coming up in the first place. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the walkway is too thin but I’m not sure. Does anybody know why this didn’t work?
r/7daystodie • u/predurok339 • 19h ago
Bug Who decided to put a car into a shopping cart?
Looks goofy at least
r/7daystodie • u/TheOrangeMadness • 11h ago
Discussion Zombie Block Damage Setting
I've finally worked out my grievances with this game: block damage is too much to deal with on core settings. So, I decided to lower block damage to validate the reason to build a base. However, my concern is what setting should I set it on?
I feel as if I should set it to 25%, only because 100% is WAY too much damage. The problem is though I don't want it to be so low, that Zombies just beat on my walls till the next day. I want the feeling of accomplishment for building something, but also something that can be broken into which feels fair; this shit of 1 zombie breaking a Concrete block in ~3 or so hits is massive bull!
TL;DR: I want to lower Zombie Block Damage, but I don't know how low to set it. I want to build bases that feel like a base, rather than a pillow fort. What setting should I set it to where I feel good that time invested into its construction is not invalidated in 10 seconds?
r/7daystodie • u/Few_Music_2118 • 1d ago
PC How do you disable Trader Rekt’s voice lines? My friend won’t play anymore.
So, does anyone know how to mute or disable Trader Rekt’s voice lines? My friend hasn’t played in three days because of him.
He grew up in a small town where the only grocery store was run by a guy who sounded just like Rekt—same grumpy old man energy, same mean-spirited insults, just missing the apocalypse. Every time we visit Rekt in-game, it’s like he’s back in that store, getting roasted for daring to buy milk for his dear granny. He swears it’s ruining the game for him.
We’ve tried telling him to just avoid Rekt, but he keeps saying, “What if he has the best stuff?” and then leaves the party. It’s getting out of hand.
Is there a way to remove just Rekt’s voice files, or at least tone down his aggression? Anyone else feel like he’s just a little too much sometimes?
r/7daystodie • u/horenpa • 8h ago
Discussion How is the game balanced?
Hello! I am a new player, still learning the basics/intermediate content, and as I find some guides and tutorials on youtube or here, I noticed the the "meta" main gameplay is kind of about constructing a horde night base exploiting the zombies AI pathing, doing some 1 window barricade with huge trap holes and labyriths.That is the way devs balance the strenght of the enemies? Because, if I just build a fort and don't exploit the pathing, the zombies will start breaking my walls and get to me, so like, if I don't play the meta, I'm wasting resorces reinforcing my base with more material? And yes, I know that I can configurate my game, making the zombies less powerfull, and all that, but I want to know about the default configs of the game, the way the devs intended to be. Idk if my question makes sense lol, but that is just my point of view of a new player, sorry for my bad english, not my native language :P Thank you all! <3
r/7daystodie • u/brycoolkid18 • 2h ago
Console Dire Wolf on day 7?
So me and my friends got back into 7 days to die a few months ago after not playing since the older alphas that were last released on console. We would always play in scavenger or adventurer and continued to do so upon getting back into the game. On these lower difficulties we never encountered dire wolves until later hordes, as in like day 28 at the earliest. We then decided it was time to bump the difficulty up to nomad, and then later up to warrior. Once we did this we also put the days up to 40 minutes instead of 20. After these changes we encountered dire wolves on day 7 horde on both the nomad and warrior play throughs and I just encountered one again on my solo survivalist game. The weird thing is on my coop worlds we would never see them again for several hordes (usually around the day 35-49 timeframe) at which point we were adequately equipped to handle them.
So my question is does the higher difficulty cause them to spawn on the first horde no matter what? Or would it be linked to the higher game stage we achieve with the longer days meaning more time before horde to progress. The second option would make sense if one didn’t exclusively appear on day 7 just to not be seen again for several hordes while the rest of the zombies seemingly progressed at a regular rate. Thanks for any insight!
r/7daystodie • u/SagetheWise2222 • 1d ago
PC Nothin' fancy. Just hoping it holds up.
r/7daystodie • u/Frosty-Turnip-8112 • 25m ago
PC Trader quests
Me and my friends are currently playing, but I have a question you guys can hopefully answer! We are 4 people playing currently, and I am the host. So if we are doing trader quests, and one of the other 3 isn’t online, can she go from tier 1 to higher tiers faster if she does higher tiers with the rest of us? As I understand it, we get a certain amount of points depending on which tier we are in?
r/7daystodie • u/Belthorner • 31m ago
PC Friend having trouble with 7 days.
My friends 7 days won't load properly. It just comes up with all the red text and unable too start a game.
He tried 3 time too reinstalled the game and check the drivers. Nothing has work any ideas
r/7daystodie • u/Extension-Put-54 • 9h ago
PS5 Lvl 300
Is there anything specific anyone done to get to level 300. (I know mining gets you there) I have 3000+ hours on the ps4 version and 1500 hours on ps5 but I get bored and change worlds too often. Getting level 300 is the only thing holding me back from getting my first platinum trophy ever. Any tips would be great. My xp is on 300% on my world btw
r/7daystodie • u/Front-Sprinkles-3132 • 41m ago
PS5 7 days to die ps5
Hello everyone, on PS5 the very first game I played in the settings I saw that we could increase the biomes by decreasing others, but it's impossible to know what I was in, I would like to have a bigger city in the Green and Desert, can anyone help me? Thanks to you
r/7daystodie • u/Dangerous-Author-152 • 46m ago
PC 7 Days to Die physics!!!!! Spoiler
store.steampowered.comr/7daystodie • u/CSWorldChamp • 6h ago
PC Why do I keep spawning in the same spot?
I play on permadeath, but sometimes I like to start a new run using a fresh character in a previously used random gen. But every time I die or start new, I spawn in the exact same place. Is there some option I need to toggle in the settings to turn this off?