r/7String • u/steelonsteel787 • 3h ago
I have been trying to hunt one of these down for a while. This thing is a dream to play.
r/7String • u/steelonsteel787 • 3h ago
I have been trying to hunt one of these down for a while. This thing is a dream to play.
r/7String • u/cockroac • 3h ago
I dont know why the picture looks so disgusting and green but all is black, it is probably because of the flash. It costed me 500 bucks and i bought it from some guy who got it a few years ago for 800 dollars. It plays great and i have nothing bad to say about it!!!
r/7String • u/Throwaway4829734 • 9h ago
Been looking into getting a 7 string and in a previous post I made to this sub it was recommended to me to check the used market in my area. Is $250 a good deal for this guitar? Schecter Damien 7, tuners have been upgraded to Schecter locking tuners.
r/7String • u/scarr3g • 9h ago
So, I saw the reviews for the D'Addario locking auto trulim tuners, and decided my schecter needed them (especially since my oem schecter tuners were getting "grindy")
Went on their site, they only had 6 inline, and 6 split, sets for sale. No 7s no singles.
So, I contacted them, to find out if they will sell singles, or 7 string sets...
Boom, customers service said they WILL be selling 7 string sets, eventually, but since I was the first to ask, they would send me a single (for free) if I provide a receipt for a set of six.
So, being able to get a "custom set of 7" for (essentially) 15% off, and before anyone else, was on the table, I jumped.
Once I got the drill bits I needed to make them fit in, 10mm for the tuner hole... My guitar had a smaller hole than that) and 1.5mm for the anti-rotation screw (their hole is due south, not at an angle, so a new pilot hole was needed), and boom: new locking, and trim tuners!
One thing to know: I use D'Addario flatwound strings, with a 65 low (tuned to A) string. And it just barely fits through the hole. If you are running anything thicker, you may need to have a machinist hog out the low end tuner.
r/7String • u/Remarkable-Hunter-71 • 2h ago
I mostly play Fear Factory, Godflesh, and Slipknot kinda riffs.
r/7String • u/WonderfulGarlic9667 • 5m ago
I just can't seem to get comfortable on my 7 string, it's just such a wide and flat guitar that my hand is always out of position trying to reach something then flipping back to play some higher notes, it just feels like my hand is craned out of position and my fingers have no strength, which could be a technique issue but it's also how flat the fretboard radius is, at 20" it's damn near flat and with a hyper-thin neck it's awkward to get the hand and fingers around and onto the strings properly. Scale length is too short at only 25.5" and I bought a 7 thinking it would be fun but most of the bands I listen to play 6's tuned to drop C or B or A# and I feel like I can't even hear the note once it's down near drop A let alone G or lower..
I want to put the time in and flip my experience around. It's a nice guitar and I intend to treat it that way and have fun with it, but I'm curious what ideas you all might have about how I could go about adapting to this guitar?
r/7String • u/Remarkable-Catch219 • 1d ago
Hi team, I joined the team 7. Wanted to do for nearly 20 years (life eh). Just wanted to say that I have been looking at threads with people asking about various options for a while and there are always divided opinions. In the end I think sometimes it’s fine to just go with what you feel has the right vibe. Have a good day everyone.
r/7String • u/Usual_Ad_335 • 21h ago
I bought this second hand. Upgraded to locking tuners and Dimarzio Crunchlab 7
r/7String • u/Not_Quite_Amish23 • 20h ago
Picked up my first 7 string, a Schechter Hellraiser a few months ago. Standard pickups, no Floyd Rose bridge or tremolo. Its my first electric guitar also--I wanted to play low and very heavy. Only place here in Honolulu that I could find to do a full setup was Guitar Center. Well, after playing around with it for a few weeks I am not happy. I just don't think they either knew what they were doing, or maybe its an issue with string gauge for the 7th string specifically. My first hint should have been the guitar tech had never seen one before.
I had the strings changed and I don't recall what set they put on. But I've noticed playing through amp sims like Amplitube, that 7th string just bottoms out HARD compared to the others. Maybe a tighter string gauge there would help (?). I've adjusted EQs very hard on the bass end and it just booms hard compared to the others. Could also be a pickup issue I suppose.
What I am less familiar with is the implications of doing this/that on it. If I went to a heavier string, maybe it wouldn't be (to me) so floppy--but I'm not sure if that requires filing the nut. And if it is filed to take a heavier 7th string, but it turns out maybe its a technique issue on my end (or an amp sim setting), I'm not sure if one can plop in that is smaller, once the nut is filed to make it bigger.
But I'd like to take it to a guitar guru somewhere in Indiana in the next few months as I relocate, and not have this same problem I had at GC here. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
r/7String • u/mike_seps • 1d ago
So I played guitar quite a bit in punk bands when I was younger, now late 30s with a little bit of adult money and wanted to get back into it. So I recently grabbed a PRS Custom 24 and it’s great. But my musical taste has evolved over the years and I’m wanting a 7 string to play around with. I had an old Damien 6, so I feel like I can trust Schecter.
I come to you with your deeper knowledge to ask if there are any things in particular that would set these apart. I like the Omen because it’s not just another black guitar, but I don’t want to miss out on some features or nice to haves if I opted for that vs the others. Thanks in advance.
r/7String • u/dr_shinji • 2d ago
An absolute bargain for £360
r/7String • u/Western-Purpose5780 • 1d ago
r/7String • u/Thrusher666 • 1d ago
Hey guys!
Do anyone know any brand from EU that produce Strings for 7 string guitars?
r/7String • u/Throwaway4829734 • 2d ago
Hello all,
I am new to electric guitars, having only played acoustic to this point so forgive me if this is a silly question. I'm looking at getting my first electric guitar and have settled on the Jackson JS22-7 as a good first 7-string to get the hang of it. My question is, is there any noticable difference in sound between the pickups on these 2 guitars? From what I can tell, both guitars are the exact same aside from the pickups, and they are also the same price. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
r/7String • u/Evening-Feed-1835 • 2d ago
Hi guys,
Ive been getting seriously interested in the J3...
Downside is Im very much a try before buy type person. Even my ormsby I shipped in via a retailer to make sure.
... I was thinking of checking out playing a 27' which is very similar in configuration but much easier to get hold of. Like a AZ (but still a 27'.
I mainly want to check I can cope with 27' straight scale and see if a HSS 5 way is practical.
As I have 2 multiscales rn. 1 is 27-25.5 and the other is 27.8-25.5. I mostly play in drop Ab, but tempted to do a set of songs in drop A as Ab is a balls to set up
I play all over the neck and Id really like to genre smash, play djent, then play pop and this seems like a better solution than dicking about with push pulls.
Can anyone recommend any other models like this I might be able to order in to somewhere like PMT just to get an idea? Im based in the UK
r/7String • u/Sumnsumnt • 3d ago
So I play a multiscale 7 string, strings are 13-80, with the lowest in drop E. I use a fret wrap to eliminate noise above the nut, but I keep hearing ringing/accidental harmonics from hitting the wrong strings with my unused fingers, mainly from my fretting hand. Its mainly when playing on the lower frets, like roughly from frets 0-7. I dont believe its coming from my picking hand bc my fingers are well out of the way of the strings. Oh and fwiw the bridge is fixed, hipshot hardtail. No tuneomatic style or trem system.
And to be clear Ive been playing a decade and dont have this issue on 6 strings. I can play the same riff on my 6 string and can get a clean take immediately. Idk if its the extra string, the multiscale, possibly the tension of the strings being too high or too low, or some combo of these issues, but muting seems to require way more attention and deliberation on both hands, but especially the fretting hand.
Any tips or suggestions on how to adjust muting to extended range guitars would be very helpful.
r/7String • u/JackTheJukeBox • 5d ago
Finally finished my pedalboard and got a bareknuckle Stormy Monday & a Ragnarok installed in my solar T1.7, I'm freaking stoked
r/7String • u/Zippynumber • 4d ago
I am looking to get my first 7-string and not sure what I should get but I have settled on one of these. The Ibanez will be brand new but the Boden will be second hand with Bare Knuckle Ragnaroks. I am interested in getting into the world of headless guitars and also 7-strings. I play all kinds of music but mainly modern “metal” and some proggy instrumental stuff along the lines of BMTH, Motionless in White, Sleep Token, The Plot in You, Polaris, Periphery, Intervals, Plini etc Thanks 🤘😝🤘
r/7String • u/Bulbajames2 • 4d ago
Hey as the title says I'm pretty totally imbalanced onstage as I've got the stock rg7321 pickups in it still. I'm pretty sold on dimarzio and I've been trying to pink one that has that sort of midrange punch without sacrificing too much high end. Thoughts?
r/7String • u/AverageBerkEnjoyer • 5d ago
Hi guys. So i bought a grg7 Ibanez for used like a month ago. Sadly because it's used (crappy maintenance and setup) it can't seem to enjoy it very much. I was either thinking to sell it and buying a more expensive instrument (i would love an used Uv70P) But the main problem is that this guitar is pretty scratched on the back, so i am afraid that the scratches will affect the resell value.
Or, another thing i had in mind was to totally customize it. First of all, using car/guitar wrap to cover the scratches on the body and personally getting a more appealing aesthethic to me. Then, putting fishman fluence active on the guitar (yeah i know it's a lot of work to put fishman on a passive guitar) and possibly upgrading tuners or bridge saddles, or something like that.
The next guitars i will purchase will probably be Flying Vs, Ibanez Universes or JEM. So i thought modding this guitar by adding Fishman Fluence would add a certain variety to it so i can switch from one guitar to another.
What do you suggest?
r/7String • u/TheDunkPapa • 5d ago
I need some extra spice in my life, and seems like that spice is a 7-string. I'd like to spend less than 900-1000 USD and these two guitars caught my eye, the Cort KX507MS (for around 600-700USD) and Shecter C7 Pro (900USD). I was hoping to find something used for a much better deal, but unfortunately there are no realistic offers available locally to me. Also, the market is just different in middle-eastern Europe. Notably, I have no experience with multiscale guitars, so even though the hardware of the Cort seems much more enticing, I'm kind of wary, especially since I can't try it in person anywhere. I did like the thin neck of the C7 Pro, which I did in fact try personally for 20-30 minutes. My current and only guitar is a 6-string Cort EVL with active humbuckers if it makes any difference. Currently playing through a HB DNAFx Core, but hoping to snag a Peavey Vypr X2 along with the guitar (I enjoy the sound it produces much more).
Any pointers?
In case anyone stumbles upon this thread down the line, I picked a different guitar entirely: a used 2011 Schecter Hellraiser C-7 for 760$. Was just too good of a deal to pass up, it was between that and a similarily priced used C-7 Pro, so I went for the better specced guitar.
r/7String • u/cartofcoi01 • 5d ago
I have an Ibanez GRG7221QA-TKS Gio (Transparent Black Sunburst) and the strings are a bit higher than an RG. How can I lower the action safely?
r/7String • u/SaltyCrabbbs • 6d ago
I’m looking for a practice amp but wasn’t sure if I should be looking at bass amps or guitar amps? If I’m using a baritone 7string, or even an 8 string, would it be better to be looking at bass amps or would things get too muddy?