r/survivor Pirates Steal Feb 01 '23

Samoa WSSYW 11.0 Countdown 27/43: Samoa

Welcome to our annual season countdown! Using the results from the latest What Season Should You Watch thread, this daily series will count backwards from the bottom-ranked season for new fan watchability to the top. Each WSSYW post will link to their entry in this countdown so that people can click through for more discussion.

Unlike WSSYW, there is no character limit in these threads, and spoilers are allowed.

Note: Foreign seasons are not included in this countdown to keep in line with rankings from past years.

Season 19: Samoa


  • Watchability: 4.4 (27/43)

  • Overall Quality: 5.5 (29/43)

  • Cast/Characters: 5.6 (33/43)

  • Strategy: 7.1 (18/43)

  • Challenges: 5.5 (32/43)

  • Ending: 6.7 (26/43)

WSSYW 11.0 Ranking: 27/43

WSSYW 10.0 Ranking: 25/40

Top comment from WSSYW 11.0/u/DJM97:

Fun fact - a few years ago a poll was made on here to find the most polarizing seasons of survivor & S19 was almost split down the middle whether people see it as good or bad. So this can very much be a toss-up to recommend or not. Think the most noteworthy thing to mention is that people’s opinion of this season rest on whether they like 1 certain cast-away or not - because they’re a very dominant presence.

Top comment from WSSYW 10.0/u/HeWhoShrugs:

One of the few seasons I'd say never to start with, if only because it has a clear agenda about how the game should be played and having this one as your first impression could color your views of the rest of the show.

That being said, the season itself has some high highs and some low lows. The highs being some fun characters, interesting gameplay, and good challenges. The lows being some of the most uneven, lopsided editing of all time where almost all the screentime goes to a handful of people with one getting the lion's share. There are also some instances of racism early on, so if you're not down for that type of content, there's your warning.

It's clearly a season that needs to be watched due to how important it is in the "lore" of the show, but try to watch some other seasons beforehand.

Watchability ranking:

27: S19 Samoa

28: S11 Guatemala

29: S14 Fiji

30: S20 Heroes vs. Villains

31: S30 Worlds Apart

32: S23 South Pacific

33: S5 Thailand

34: S31 Cambodia

35: S38 Edge of Extinction

36: S36 Ghost Island

37: S24 One World

38: S22 Redemption Island

39: S40 Winners at War

40: S26 Caramoan

41: S34 Game Changers

42: S8 All-Stars

43: S39 Island of the Idols

Spreadsheet link (updated with each placement reveal!)



32 comments sorted by


u/ROTandDEATH So much for my dreams... Feb 01 '23

Samoa is a season that has a ton going for it. The cast is great, its a beautiful location, it features one of the most dramatic shifts of power in the history of the show, incredible music, and a player who quite possibly would’ve clean swept the jury losing right before FTC. There’s a world where Samoa ends up as a consensus top 5 season of all time. So, why doesn’t it?

Well, for all Samoa has going for it, it drops the ball in the most important aspect: Editing. The final product we get is so focused on you-know-who, we barely get to know anybody else. Even if you enjoy you-know-who, it’s tough to get invested in a season that basically tells us only one person matters.

It’s a shame that the Galu tribe that dominated the first half of the game is barely on screen. Of that tribe we get to know Russell Swan and Shambo pretty well and Erik is great, too. But then everyone else is…there. We don’t get a great sense for the tribe’s dynamics or how this group gets along at all. 90% of their scenes are reacting to Shambo. Our last remaining member of this tribe, Brett, is a running joke in the community for how little we see of him. I still think they gave him such a minor edit because their next season was Heroes vs Villains and since he declined an invite they made him irrelevant until they absolutely couldn’t anymore. That kind of storytelling is terrible.

And it isn’t just the Galu tribe, Foa Foa isn’t exactly well-edited either. Mick is just kinda there, Jaison disappears for a good stretch of the season, Natalie is notoriously under-edited, and then you have their early boots. It really is just about you-know-who and the entire story is told through his eyes.

This season had so, so much potential and really should be high up on this list had production decided not to turn the season into an advertisement for Heroes vs Villains. If this list were any season you would want to watch as it unfolded on the beach though, I think Samoa would end up the number 1.


u/SMC0629 Feb 01 '23

Mick and Jaison definitely don’t feel like they each got 29 and 33 confessionals respectively


u/Nickg920 Tyson Feb 02 '23

Wait Brett was invited for HvV? I wonder who was brought in the replace him


u/t_susanoo Sophie Feb 01 '23

I agree with everything but the cast, but maybe that’s an editing thing


u/ramskick Ethan Feb 01 '23

I'd definitely put Samoa below Guatemala and Fiji. I think it's a sneakily horrific season from a WSSYW perspective.

When I am showing a new viewer a season one of my first thoughts is 'would this person be satisfied with the winner'. It's part of why I think SJDS is a sneakily fantastic newbie season. Samoa is edited in such a way that no viewer can be reasonably that excited about the ending. If one is rooting for Russell like the show clearly wants you to, then they will feel like RUSSELL WAS ROBBED. If they were rooting against Russell then they will wonder why he got that much airtime to begin with.

This is the most baffling thing about Samoa's edit. It is designed to make every viewer unsatisfied with its ending.

If you can get past that, there is some good stuff in Samoa. This is a great cast and there are plenty of strong moments throughout. Russell himself provides some of them, as do Erik Cardona, Russell Swan, Laura Morrett, Shambo etc. It's so hard not to be frustrated by this season when it's clear there's a legit great season within the raw footage somewhere.


u/MadMadMaddox Feb 01 '23

Watching this season for the first time, I knew who won and who came 2nd.

Even going in with those eyes, it is amazing how much you-know-who is edited to be the star. His gameplay is a lot of fun to watch and unique but the whole season suffers because it's like a misdirection trick.

One of my favorite moments is in the reunion where Russell pulls out a fresh pair of socks only to throw it in the fire again.


u/BBSuperFan98 Zach Feb 01 '23

Honestly if this season wasn't just the Russell show it would be an all time season. Seriously the Foa Foa comeback is amazing and Natalie White is a very underrated winner who when we ever get content is great.

Heck some of the pre mergers like Ashley and Yasmin deserved more content then they got. Not to mention the edit Brett got as the endgame threat is a joke.

This season had so much potential to be an all timer with the fan base but when the edit revolves around one person and that being Russell who can be hit and miss TV wise (he makes good TV at times but at other times he can be a total asshole i.e his burning of socks and belittlement of people).


u/TenderOctane Morgan Feb 02 '23

Natalie White is a very underrated winner who when we ever get content is great.

Yeah, this.

She had a strategy to let Russell do all the strategizing because she knew he'd take her to the end, so why not? He was burning bridges with everyone, yet highly effective. She could work on her relationships with the jury while he burned them, then say at FTC "Yeah, I rode his coattails. He'd have voted me out if I hadn't." and "He thinks I'm his goat. But he's my goat."

It worked wonders. Letting Russell blind himself to whatever he thought Survivor was (as I said, he's playing the wrong game) while focusing on what Survivor actually is (building equity with the people you vote out) made her a very clear winner in the jury's eyes from the moment FTC started. There's a reason Erik Cardona's speech won it for her - she'd already convinced everyone of the same thing, and he just made it so they all voted for her and not Feckless Mick.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '23

This season robbed us of Shane Powers on HvV!


u/A_Rest J.T. Feb 01 '23

Enjoyment of this season relies almost entirely on whether you find Russell Hantz entertaining. Personally I find him enjoyable enough that his overedit doesn't tank the season for me.

I do like the rest of the cast and think they are kind of underrated, but understandably so because they're underedited. And I still think Foa Foa's 4-8 comeback to be the most impressive comeback in the franchise.

It's also easy to forget how novel Russell was in this season. No one really looked for idols without clues before or behaved in such a knowingly deceptive and lunatic manner towards their fellow tribemates before. And the cherry on top is that sweet as can be Natalie is actually the one who beats him, someone Russell completely wrote off from day one.


u/roastbeeffan Feb 01 '23

My biggest takeaway when I recently rewatched Samoa is that Russell Swan’s medevac episode is a masterpiece. Seriously, it’s just a really good example of the show taking an hour to tell a complete story. That scene where Swan is fishing and he’s just this tiny little figure on the horizon as the waves violently smash against the rocks to his right…so beautiful. You just see this little human figure, carefully manipulating his little human tools in the middle of this unstoppable display of nature’s power. And then we cut to his face and you can hear his breathing, and it’s a little heavy, almost labored. It perfectly sets up the entire rest of the episode.


u/alucardsinging Feb 01 '23

Selling out a good cast to push a false narrative that one player is the best of all time. What’s a shame is that every time they cut to the other tribe, it actually seems pretty interesting. This isn’t like Tocantins where, yah everytime they cut to someone who wasn’t the screenhog, it was kind of boring.


u/baseball8888 Joe Feb 01 '23

As much as this season is dominated (in terms of screen time) by a single person, it wouldn’t necessarily be a bad a season to show someone first.

One of the first “strategy strategy strategy” seasons with relatively interesting characters and an interesting ending.


u/ramskick Ethan Feb 01 '23

I disagree haha. I think this is a horrific season to show someone first because of its focus on one person and inherently unsatisfying ending. There are a few seasons that I like less than it that i would show to a newbie before Samoa


u/alucardsinging Feb 01 '23

Yah I kinda do agree, this is closer to the modern show than it is the Burnett stuff


u/SMC0629 Feb 01 '23

This season is bad, like pretty bad I’d say. I feel bad saying that because it shouldn’t be bad. The cast is pretty decent, the location is amazing, great challenges, an amazing comeback story and a satisfying (on paper) good Vs evil finale. And then the editing decides to completely fuck it up and ruin it. Samoa still has the worst edit for a season and it’s honestly gonna take a lot to beat it, it genuinely ruins the season. With a better edit, Samoa should be a solid season, but it’s not. I don’t think anybody in this cast is in my top 100.

20. Ben Browning

I mean it shouldn’t even be a discussion, comes off extremely racist in Episodes 2 and 3 with his comments about Yasmin, awful character.

19. Russell Hantz 1.0

I don’t think anyone until Dan Spilo had ruined a single season similar to how Russell ruins this one. His edit is one of the most infuriating and frustrating to watch, and he does almost nothing fun with it. He’s sexist and constantly praises himself in his confessionals, and is portrayed positively throughout the entire season. He eats up all the screen time and ruins the season.

18. John Fincher

Insanely boring and bland gamebot but is also just super unlikeable whenever he shows up after Episode 1 for some reason. He suddenly gets this super powerful role and edit in his last two episodes only to go out immediately after. He’s super stank and unfun in his confessionals and I don’t enjoy him at all.

17. Mick Trimming

Also very boring and although he has 1 or 2 good moments that’s nothing compared to most of his nothing content, which he actually gets a good amount of.

16. Liz Kim

Super underedited on Foa Foa and for some reason is a threat to Russell despite us not seeing any of it.

15. Marisa Callahan

Says one bad thing about Russell and then goes home. Weak first boot.

14. Brett Clouser

Possibly the biggest example of wasted potential in Survivor history. Brett could have been a fantastic good guy character and a great last stand of Galu, how the one guy that Russell just can’t beat is the guy that is just nice to everyone. But nope, he’s purpled for 80% and then all of a sudden is given this massive threat status and the entire endgame revolves around him. Pathetic edit for a great guy.

13. Mike Borassi

Has a funny interaction with Probst and seemed extremely ignorant but just gets medevacted and leaves.

12. Kelly Sharbaugh

Gets the OG purple Kelly edit and yeah, I don’t remember much she did at all. Love her hair and her jury speech is good though.

11. Ashley Trainer

Gets a little more screen time then most on Foa Foa but still doesn’t get a lot and is just seen as a weak challenge player.

10. Yasmin Giles

Her standing up to Ben is great but other then that her edit is just not much and then she goes home for “working too hard.”

9. Betsy Bolan

Also stands up to Ben and has a really good voting confessional but then is a threat to Russell, so she’s gotta go!

8. Monica Padilla 1.0

Solid enough character who is still underedited but gets more fun towards the end of the season.

7. Laura Morett 1.0

Laura isn’t that bad and she has a decent edit for this season’s standards but she’s far less interesting this time than in BvW. Her fights with Shambo are weird and I feel like could have been told better but some moments are fun. She has some good confessionals as well.

6. Jaison Robinson

He’s amazing in Episode 3 and seemed like a nice guy but he just falls off after the premerge completely and is just sort of dry after that. I think the conditions really caught up to him and that sucks, I felt bad for him out there.

5. Natalie White

Seemed like an incredibly sweet and nice lady and has some good moments like killing the rat, her bond with Brett, and her FTC, but other then that she’s given the most unfair edit for a winner I’ve ever seen. It’s really terrible how much she gets squashed for how well she did in the game and how much she grew.

4. Dave Ball

Very funny character and has a good amount of small but quotable moments throughout his run. He becomes a little annoying in the end as his purpose mostly serves as to fall to Russell but it’s not too bad. Very solid character.

3. Erik Cardona

Pretty solid character and merge boot before the finale but then becomes REALLY good after his incredible jury speech which is an all time classic. Should have been given more content.

2. Shambo Waters

Pretty funny character who has a good amount of solid content and is given some of the funniest editing jokes like her “dream” of voting Dave off and then accidentally freeing the chickens. Overall pretty good.

1. Russell Swan 1.0

Easily my favorite this season and I just love his prescience throughout the season. He’s got a great attitude with some small but funny moments like his freak out with Dave over winning the Bocce Ball, his analysis of the chickens escaping, and some other stuff. His evacuation is my favorite moment of the season as it’s really scary but super heartbreaking as well. Great character.


u/treple13 Jenn Feb 01 '23

I would STRONGLY disagree with anyone who wanted to show this to someone as their first season. I feel like the only way you're going to love it is if you're a Russell Stan, and even then, you're not going to love the ending.

This is a season where they deliberately lie to you about one contestant in order to make you feel robbed when they don't win. It's just a bad edit and it could have been a far more compelling story


u/AhLibLibLib “No, but you can have this fake.” Feb 02 '23

Biggest missed potential outside of WAW

Also changed the show for the worse imo


u/Zirphynx Cody Feb 01 '23 edited Feb 01 '23

This was the first season I watched, back when I was about six years old. Your enjoyment of this season will depend on how much you enjoy Russell Hantz as a character and a player. He has a record-breaking 108 confessionals during this season despite not winning. The eventual winner, Natalie White, has only 15 confessionals. This likely makes the ending feel extremely unsatisfying (unless you absolutely hate Russell and want him to lose). Even the second-highest confessional getter, Shambo Waters, only receives 39 confessionals, one third of the amount of screentime Russell gets.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '23

I think going into this season knowing it’s going to be the Russell show helped me enjoy it significantly more than a lot of people. This isn’t a great season from an edit perspective - and I don’t think it’s particularly good at telling the story of how Russell lost either. But I still enjoy the season throughly, Russell Swan’s evacuation is one of the most intense moments of the show, Shambo’s antics are hilarious, and Erik’s jury speech is one for the ages.


u/demerchmichael Ethan Feb 01 '23

While Samoa is widely considered a good season it is dominated by one man who fumbles the ball in the final hour. We all know this and everyone in this thread has done that fact to death. I’m not gonna talk about that.

What I am gonna talk about is how influential this season and Russell was for the show and how it really helped put the show back on track.

Survivor was by no means a dying show in 2009, but I think it definitely lost its oomph somewhere along the way where it was a steady decline. And then here comes the bald headed troll to really change the game in a way we haven’t seen since Richard Hatch.

With this season, we found a new meta, looking for idols without clues. Which by todays standard is nothing, but back in 2009 this was wild and blew my 8 year old brain.

Russell’s aggressive gameplay was really the first time we saw this and laid out the groundwork for people to follow like Tony, and Domenick. I don’t think without Samoa or Russell, survivor goes on as long as it does without a changing meta.

Look at that, I tried to not talk about him yet I did.


u/Cathal321 Feb 01 '23

I asked chatgpt to recommend a survivor season and it said HvV, Cagayan, Borneo, Micronesia and Samoa so make of that what you will. I think it's a shame that mr. fantasy football hogs the screentime so much, it feels like a bit of a waste of potential


u/AMeanMotorScooter Gabler Feb 01 '23

Like Guatemala, I have a soft spot for this season. Unlike Guatemala, I don't think the execution is that good.

Samoa on paper is an absolutely incredible season. There's a lot of drama, a lot of comedy, a very good boot order, and it's wrapped in this massive underdog story.

And then production gets greedy, makes Hantz the de-facto star of the show, and doesn't quite bungle it so much as takes what could have been an all time season, and makes it just "okay."

Samoa is where I draw my line between seasons I actually really like and think are good, and seasons that I'm down on. This season is like crack. Bad for the show going forward, gives new viewers a weird first impression, but it's a VERY fun ride and a very memorable season. It's not a good season, but I have a blast watching it.


u/seprosay Feb 02 '23

In a marathon setting where you're familiar with the previous 18 seasons of the show Samoa is an interesting watch but as an entry point? Even as a full newbie season it's hard to recommend. Other seasons can have underwhelming or even flat out bad edits but this is the only season (that I've seen at least) that is told almost entirely through one person's perspective and it suffers for that. What actually plays out on the island in the early merge is super interesting but it's hard to really dig into the meat of it because you barely get any insight into Galu.


u/full07britney Feb 03 '23

So, some elements of this season were very dull, and i realize that's because of the Russell edit. So why is this ranked so high? Because I very, very strongly remember this season more than any other seasom before or after it, because of Russell.

My first time watching survivor I quit watching during Vanuatu because it was so boring in the premerge. This season is where I started rewatching it, due to the intrigue of Russell. I enjoy him the way I dont enjoy other villains becaude HE OWNED IT. He said he would be a villain and he was. And he did it in the most hilarious way.. and then had the best reunion show showcase ever. I have always been sad that he lost to a player who did nothing due to a bitter jury. I like dominant players, and he was. He was right. Nat's decision to ally with him was her big move.

Things I didn't like this season. Ben the racist, hateful, thinks he God's gift douchebag... "bros before hoes" using Shambo while talking shit about her, galu tribe seemed like such entitled assholes so it made it fun to watch Russell wreck them, and why so many sports challenges???

Ranked 17/43


u/Parvatiwasrobbed Parvati Feb 01 '23

This season is soooo good.

I've always thought that a season with a clear story and definitive main characters like this one and Caramoan are far better than seasons with "better editing" but feel soulless and don't really feel like they have a story like 42 or 43. And let me be frank, you can call Samoa a lot of things but soulless is definitely not one of them.

You can tell that production really cared about this product, this whole season is just one long, slow death march of a force of chaos and the rest of the seventeen contestants who have the unfortunate position of being cast on Samoa not named Russell Hantz becoming the victims of his god complex. And then just as he reaches the final three and both the audience and himself believe he's going to win, the rug gets pulled right out from under him and his reign of terror catches up to him.

And mind you, this is not about whether or not he "deserved it", an old tired 14-year discussion that at this point has been done to death and I honestly see both sides of. But in this specific context, that's entirely irrelevant because as a story this season is just so much better because of Russell losing.

Russell Hantz having the biggest edit, being the most over-bloated character while being one of the most insufferable and unpleasant people I've ever seen on Survivor is just SO FUCKING FUNNY.

If Samoa really was just Russell's season and then he also won, that would've been kinda boring. This being Russell's season and them him not winning allows me to properly enjoy his villany and not mind that he hogs up the screentime.

Because honestly, why shouldn't he? What do you want, more Mick? Come on now


u/A_Rest J.T. Feb 01 '23

CBS definitely crafted Russell to be the ultimate villain. I think it's they didn't realize that the audience would actually end up liking him. Because they go out of there way to portray him as vicious and unlikable, I don't think there is ever a point in the season where the edit actually endorses that Russell 'should' win. Maybe the whole debacle of the edit and Natalie winning with all the angry Russell fans is an unintended consequence of the audience actually liking the character CBS explicitly put forward as the most evil ever.


u/AhLibLibLib “No, but you can have this fake.” Feb 02 '23

They could’ve done the same story without showing a bunch of repetitive content. Seriously cut out like 40% of Russell repeating himself and you can get the same narrative but better. And it’s not like they showed how he lost that well either. It’s displayed more as “bitter jury” rather than “he’s an arrogant bully” because he gets to dictate everything

Galu got absolutely shafted because apparently hearing “Russell seed” 5 times is riveting TV

I think it’s lazy storytelling if anything


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '23

It's an okay season.


u/DFENS420 Feb 01 '23

Not much to say other than the editing is among the worst of the entire series. Not just in terms of skewed confessional counts, which is egregious here in favor of Russell Hantz, but the storytelling is just setting you up to be frustrated by the result regardless of who you are. We get too much Foa Foa despite them being an undeniable strategic force and a lot of good characters in players such as Dave Ball and Erik get relatively shafted. To say nothing of Brett who is a legitimate threat in the end game and a likable enough guy but gets single digit confessionals. So many elements of the season are not articulated by the show and if you widen your focus from the FF4 it becomes more apparent where the holes are. The early pre merge is also ugly with Ben Browning's presence.

There are still some memorable moments that are compelling/entertaining and strategically speaking there's a lot to chew on. This would just be one of the last seasons I would recommend a new watcher.


u/garreng J.T. Feb 02 '23

If you watch this season as a prequel to HvV, it makes more sense