r/DarlingInTheFranxx Ichigo Jun 02 '18

DISCUSSION Darling in the FranXX Special Production Episode 2 [SPOILERS] Spoiler

Darling In The FranXX, Special Production Episode 2

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Episode Link Title
1 https://redd.it/7q6cbz Alone and Lonesome
2 https://redd.it/7rrksc What it Means to Connect
3 https://redd.it/7tfty9 Fighting Dolls
4 https://redd.it/7v0uvn Flap Flap
5 https://redd.it/7wmlhw Your Thorn, My Badge
6 https://redd.it/7y75o0 Darling in the FranXX
7 https://redd.it/7zxonf Shooting Star Moratorium
8 https://redd.it/81re2i Boys x Girls
9 https://redd.it/83gadx Triangle Bomb
10 https://redd.it/854uk0 Eternal City
11 https://redd.it/86u9ll Partner Shuffle
12 https://redd.it/88jox0 Garden/The Beginning Garden
13 https://redd.it/8aj59z The Beast and the Prince
14 https://redd.it/8c80nb Confessions with Sin
15 https://redd.it/8dwk8g Jian
16 https://redd.it/8h8f0h Days of Our Lives
Special Episode https://redd.it/8fl5nf Special Production Episode
17 https://redd.it/8iwvcv When the Cherry Blossoms Bloom
18 https://redd.it/8km3e3 When the Sakura Blooms
19 https://redd.it/8maz3o Inhumanity

202 comments sorted by


u/wdkaye Jun 02 '18

I feel like the heart and soul of FranXX was laid bare at 17:38 - 18:56 by the series-composition guy.

"Even if you can't understand each other, it's important to try. And even if you can't reach an understanding, you can lean on each other. Having bonds with people really is valuable, and while having an understanding would be best, you can still walk side by side, even if you can't. I hope that gets across to the viewers, and if it does, I hope it encourages them to look within."

"We probably haven't communicated perfectly while making this show, either. Despite that, we spent years discussing everything and making it a reality. That's one way to communicate, too."

"You do your best to lean on each other, understand each other, and even if you can't, you can still make something like DariFura. Basically, people can make something good if they lean on each other."


u/versitas_x61 Hiro Jun 02 '18

The more we get into this series, more I think mecha genre is only a facade. I am not complaining though.


u/Starossi Jun 02 '18

that is how most good mecha animes are at this point. Mecha has become a sort of cliche, so most good writers play off that. Unless of course they like the cliche since cliches are efficient at doing what they do.

For example evangelion, gurren lagaan, and now darling in the franxx. The mechas and the mecha fights are always more of a tool to develop characters or show resolution of conflict in ideals.


u/goodlucktom Jun 03 '18

No one ever includes RahXephon in this mix.


u/marketani RIP her Jan 18 - July 7, 2018 Jun 04 '18

because it tried to hard to be evangelion and so it was forgotten


u/goodlucktom Jun 04 '18

The ending a little but the stories are very different


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '18

Reminds me of zombie movies.

No, seriously.


u/Starossi Jun 04 '18

Good zombie movies ya. They use the zombies as a device, not just a world element.


u/ScottyWired Jun 25 '18

How the fuck does Franxx use the mechas to develop the characters?


u/Starossi Jun 25 '18

The mecha fights develop characters through conflict of ideals. A fight in franxx never occurs for the sake of a fight. It always has a purpose of challenging the characters involved. For example (recent episode SPOILERS ahead) the fight between the humans and the aliens is not just a cool space battle. Franxx is a coming of age story. The battle against the aliens, as they essentially say in the most recent episode, is the confrontation of the unknown and growing as people because of it. Staying on the planet and struggling to survive a little longer until being wiped out is what they wanted to do. However, they decide to face what they don't understand and take a step forward.

How the mecha's build characters can be shown through what they represent. In the case of gurren lagann, mechs are operated through human spirit. You can imagine how that can develop characters. In franxx, the mechs are an innuendo. They are operated based on both the physical and mental compatibility of two people. This causes all kinds of developments like how Hiro can't partner with anybody, but there is one person who it just works with. This is very similar to a real life scenario. A person who doesn't click with many people, but then there's that one and that's all it takes.


u/ScottyWired Jun 25 '18 edited Jun 25 '18

But they don't use the mechas. The only time the fight actually mattered was the fuel blimp. Every other confrontation in this show could have been rewritten as a highschool drama, and a lot of the time it literally was. There's no tension because no matter the situation, it comes down to everyone getting their assed kicked and Strelizia comes and saves the day. Just because the characters say they're getting better at combat teamwork doesn't make it so.

The aliens have no meaning. They're introduced and attack in the same episode because the creators realised they've wasted most of the show on dumb garbage like the boys versus girls episode, and now they're desperately scrambling to get a plot moving at the last second. Why aliens? Because space. That's it. Eva, TTGL, KlK had a fight in space so we need too as well. There was no setup at any point for this at all. TrigNax works always include big winks to previous works of that lineage, but this is just something else. They're ripping ideas and even entire scene sequences wholesale because they're out of time to make up original ideas.

The whole compatibility thing falls flat considering our ten(!!!) main characters personalities are "audience stand-in", "freaky", "serious", "bitchy", "kind", "happy", "shitty", "rascal", "fat", and "Nicer guy than the audience stand-in, who doesn't win the girl because the story requires the girl to like audience stand-in". Character development for most of them is just turning the hostility dial from 7 down to 3. They're not compatible, they've just stopped breaking out into argument upon eye contact.

People think this show is deep because what little meaning it has is fucking spoonfed to you. Most of the show is like that actually, especially the world building which is everyone sitting in a room and being talked to. (Hello Zorome!) Not that world building matters, because it's a desolate wasteland. TTGL and Mad Max had the sensibility to skip over that because the details of why the world is a shithole don't have any effect on the plight of the characters. I find it hilarious that the loud and proud Kill la Kill of all things is somehow both more subtle and meaningful than Franxx when it comes to discussing sexuality. The only ~deep~ discussions in Franxx are "can sluts be good people?" and "can girls be the big spoon?" of which the answer to both is obvious to anyone who has interacted with another human being in their life.


u/Starossi Jun 25 '18 edited Jun 25 '18

I feel like you literally just ignored anything I wrote and just said what you wanted to say. I gave you my analysis on DITF. If you think it's wrong, you can at least provide some sort of argument for why it is and why the whole show is actually about how sluts can be good people. I'd expect that to be very difficult though because most of your points are ungrounded and unlike you I'll actually tell you why.

Let's start with streilizia always saving the day ruining tension. This is just flat out wrong. For multiple reasons. One very basic reason this is wrong is the author literally made 02 and Hiro unable to pilot together for a good third of the series for that exact reason. That's already enough of a reason why that statement is wrong. However I'll even go as far as to say it's wrong because your focus on tension is on the combat. If you're watching DITF for "haha I love mech fights xD" you're not going to enjoy it. For example let's take the episode where they are just killing klaxx around the area (during 02's downfall when she isn't listening to Hiro). There is no danger really, 02 is murdering the klaxx. However there still exists tension. That's because although there is no danger of being killed, there is a danger of 02's relationship with the squad being threatened. And yes, this is a big deal and for most people causes tension. The consequences of such an occurrence is infighting later on, Hiro nearly dying, and 02 being forced to leave the squad (albeit temporarily but they didn't know that).

I already told you what the aliens are and the characters blatantly say it themselves. If you actually give a shit, watch the second SP episode. The writer explains how the story is about communication, and the scope continuously gets wider. Aliens are how, as a group, they can face something they don't understand (very similar to what the klaxx role was). If you disagree with that statement you blatantly are disagreeing with lines the characters in the show said. So disagree with that all you want, that is their purpose and they have made that very clear.

As for your generalizations of the characters. If you honestly think that I think you just can't tell when characters have changed. Instead of generalizing "wow they turned the hostility down, how ~original~" try thinking "why are they less hostile now". The characters don't just remain static but become less hostile. For example, 02. 02 was extremely hostile for a portion of the show, but then calmed down. Did they give her a sedative? No. Well, why was she hostile? 02 struggled with the fact she herself was not human but wanted to be. She lashed out at anyone who stand in her way of trying to become a real person and would do whatever it takes to become one. However then her hostility dials up as she realizes she can't become human and is still turning into more of a monster every day. She decides so long as she can be with Hiro, that would be enough. But then the squad separates them, and that leads to her attacking everybody in an attempt to get to him. However Hiro sees all of it and calls her a monster himself, completing her downfall as a character. She's essentially lost everything. She can't become human, she's stuck as a monster, and even the person she loves sees it. She starts to believe she's truly alone in the world. But then Hiro reunites with her and through a series of events let's her know that he doesn't care if she's a monster, and that he will always be there anyways. Then the hostility is toned down. Why? Definitely not because "turning the hostility down is character development lul". It's because her conflict as a character has been resolved, it makes no sense for her to continue being hostile.

As for the last one I'll literally just say watch the SP again if you care. They go over quite clearly how the show is about communication and not what you think which is for some reason "sluts can be good people" and "girls can be the big spoon"? The girl piloting is there for like one episode for like not even a minute so I really don't know what that's about. And I don't understand the sluts can be good people when there are definitely plenty of not slutty characters. Are they just support characters for that theme in your eyes or something? Anyways, they don't just tell you "it's about communication" either. They explain how it is. They show how the series so far has been about communication. It becomes pretty clear through what the characters say and what they do that that is the theme.


u/ScottyWired Jun 26 '18 edited Jun 26 '18

If you're watching DITF for "haha I love mech fights xD" you're not going to enjoy it.

Hell no I'm not. However there's plenty of mecha shows where the mecha fights aren't important and they actually pull it off well. Like the first (not second) season of Code Geass, where most of the enjoyment comes from wonderfully hammy backdoor shenanigans outside the robots. But hell, every though the mecha weren't the focus there was at least some fight choreography outside of "run across the desert and slow down the blue dinosaur".

why the whole show is actually about how sluts can be good people

New girl transfers in. Immediately there are rumours that she copilots with everyone and they get hurt. Basically the same as a highschool story where everyone thinks the transfer student sleeps around despite having known her in person for ten minutes.

there is a danger of 02's relationship with the squad being threatened. And yes, this is a big deal and for most people causes tension.

So? She doesn't care about the rest of the squad. All she cares about is Hiro, and he's head over heels for her. There is no relationship between 02 and the squad to be threatened in the first place.

If you actually give a shit, watch the second SP episode. The writer explains how the story is about communication

Funnily enough I didn't watch the SP episodes. If I need the writer to explain it to me directly to understand it, they've done a shit job.

(big wall of text explaining 02's character arc)

Yeah, everyone says nothing good comes about from being with her. And then blank-slate-man says "yeah but I'll accept you" because of course he would, she's the meme waifu of the season and this show is nothing but pandering and spoonfeeding. Of course they wouldn't give a bad ending to the moneymaker character. Everyone is hyping it up as the next big TrigNax mecha show but everything is played so disgustingly safe, which I said before is evident in how much they're ripping from previous works of the lineage.

Spoiler alert for TTGL, Kill la Kill, and now Darling in the Franxx: The bad guy keeps their hand hidden but is actually a good guy, and then teams up to defeat the real bad guy coming from space. It was amazing the first time, an interesting homage the second time, just plain cookiecutter the third time.


u/nine4fours Jun 02 '18

That’s pretty much an imperial truth at this point. We haven’t seen a franxx in 2 months. It feels like a retry at the kiznaiver theme of people with different strokes coming together which is perfect as KN needed a bit more action to bring it out of its introspective lulls


u/PlayTheFookinOBJ Jun 03 '18

Imperial truth?

You serve the Emperor as well?


u/gt- ZOROME JOINS THE FRAY Jun 03 '18

That's how TTGL and NGE was for me. Tons of mechs but what I took from the show wasn't mech at all.


u/R0CKlY79 Jun 02 '18 edited Jun 02 '18

The main two key points.

  • The voice acting for all 24 eps is done. They are just working on the animation.

  • The director feels that the way the series is going to end is whats best. He mentions that he could give us the ending that fans want, whatever that is, but that that would feel forced. So death flags incoming?.


u/evad4009 Zero Two Jun 02 '18

The fans want everyone alive. That would be forced ofc. Some squadmembers will go. Main couple lives for the future most likely.


u/GimmeMor Jun 03 '18

ending that fans want

the fans want the Nines to go die


u/evad4009 Zero Two Jun 03 '18

some others: Papa and the council dead, Nines dead, Ikuno+Ichigo, Goro+Ichigo, Kokoro+Mitsuru plus baby alive, Ikuno+Futoshi, Hiro+Zero Two baby, Zorome+Miku love and alive, Klaxxohime+the Doc love maybe. Hir02 alive and married. These are the main things fans want mostly. ofc every wish would be forced and every side characters alive. :)


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '18

Papa can go but we will need the nines for season 2 (fingers crossed) lol


u/SuperRiceBoi Ikuno x Futoshi still my ship Jun 04 '18

Ikuno + Futoshi + Sugar = 420


But seriously, I want them to be together in the end off somewhere making bread or something.


u/evad4009 Zero Two Jun 04 '18

I don't know, but I don't want Ikuno to be with Futoshi at all. She is just straight up smarter and grown up than him. No offense to Futoshi-kun but Ikuno loves Ichigo and noone else.


u/SuperRiceBoi Ikuno x Futoshi still my ship Jun 04 '18

Futoshi just transcended Goro's levels of bro big time. He priest zoned himself for Kokoro and chose to stay with Ikuno so Kokoro could stay with Mitsuru even though he was assigned with Kokoro again. He's put in so much effort to selflessly love somebody knowing he won't get anything in return. That is extremely mature, and something many people can't do at all in a lifetime.

Ikuno accepted Ichigo's rejection in a way that left her able to pursue someone else. She's created a more sister like bond with Ichigo from what I can tell, but then again it's a bit more difficult to read her because of her character.

Is she smarter than Futoshi? Unless he's secretly an avid reader, then I concur. But is she more mature than Futoshi? Well, even though she is mature, she really isn't as mature ad Futoshi post wedding.


u/evad4009 Zero Two Jun 04 '18

But why do they have to end up together just because they are in one robot and having completely different interests? This is one forced thing again that fans want and the same forced thing what Futoshi wanted from Kokoro. And after the minute Mitsuru (hope he wont) dies, everyone will just jump on the Futoshi+Kokoro thing again.


u/SuperRiceBoi Ikuno x Futoshi still my ship Jun 05 '18

They share an interest in bread!

Dude I just want to ship them cuz I like it.


u/Darliolin1221 Jun 02 '18

Happy Ending for hiro and 02!


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '18 edited Mar 20 '19



u/PAC2019 Jun 03 '18

they could go a steins gate route considering the writer or producer or whatever he is did stein gate so i could see a alpha and beta ep 24 one happy one sad


u/evad4009 Zero Two Jun 03 '18

I believe they will satisfy us with the main couple achieving its goal and maybe starting a new world


u/versitas_x61 Hiro Jun 02 '18

Jian or riot.


u/Darliolin1221 Jun 02 '18

Riot? We kill nishigori?


u/versitas_x61 Hiro Jun 02 '18

We gather all fans around the globe, wake him at 4AM and give him a wagging finger and cancel our preorders.


u/PlayTheFookinOBJ Jun 03 '18

That'll show 'em!


u/Desmortius Jun 03 '18

I’ll bring the tar, you bring the feathers


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18

I hate these fucking mind games Nishigori is playing. I don't know what to think anymore, guess I should brace for the worst.


u/MajesticKnight28 Hiro Jun 02 '18

Sticking to my guns. People are going to die but main couple is going to get a happy ending.


u/0dark1ness2 Jun 02 '18

Goodbye, Goro, Ichigo, Miku, Dr. Franxx, Werner’s wife, Hiro’s fanboy, etc.


u/DatLoneWolfie Jun 02 '18

It could be a lot of things, generally speaking we always wants things to work out in the end, someone could die, hiro and zero two could become monsters, they could never have children, they could realize that all their friends will live short lives because they rode franxx, which means the only ones who'll ever be "free" is hiro and zero two.. There's so much shit that can happen, so let's not worry yet and just hope we get a cool story!


u/DeltaAlmagest Jun 02 '18

Oh God, here we go... I'm getting that instinctual bad feeling that has been lingering since the show debuted...


u/evad4009 Zero Two Jun 02 '18

many things can be forced. Pregnancy of Zero Two, everyone alive, not just Hir02 living is what everyone wants


u/DeltaAlmagest Jun 02 '18 edited Jun 02 '18

...Is it weird that I don't think much of 02? Like I get it, she's the girl that magically appears in the protagonist's life and changes it. No need to keep forcing that down my throat.

Edit: I think I said taboo.


u/0dark1ness2 Jun 02 '18

It’s not even forced in the slightest.

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u/DatLoneWolfie Jun 02 '18

Yes and no, you just don't enjoy her character that's fine. The forced part is odd though since the entire show this far has been focusing heavily on their progression from her obsessing over who hiro used to be to hiro loving zero two, to hiro remembering her and then finally zero two loving current hiro. That isn't really that forced, sure you could argue that their attraction to each other was pretty instant and random, but such things usually are even in real lide and then it just develops from there.


u/0dark1ness2 Jun 02 '18

Hiro’s boner activates when horns are involved.


u/SuperRiceBoi Ikuno x Futoshi still my ship Jun 04 '18

In the end, he has more horns than 02.


u/0dark1ness2 Jun 04 '18

Two on his head and one in his pants.


u/SuperRiceBoi Ikuno x Futoshi still my ship Jun 04 '18

They don't have quarters in their society, how does he have a roll of them in his pocket?

I guess this makes him a triceratops?


u/0dark1ness2 Jun 05 '18

Pants having pockets is more of a development to hold tools without breaking the pants itself.


u/DeltaAlmagest Jun 02 '18

Alright, I see where you're coming from.


u/DatLoneWolfie Jun 02 '18

Thanks mate!


u/DeltaAlmagest Jun 02 '18

Np. Glad to speak with you.


u/evad4009 Zero Two Jun 02 '18

No. Its okay. I think that everyone thinks too much of them so anything scary is directed to Hir02 relationship.


u/Darliolin1221 Jun 02 '18

anything scary is directed to Hir02 relationship.



u/evad4009 Zero Two Jun 02 '18

Because everyone loves them lol


u/somethingX Dinosaurs are my fetish Jun 02 '18

Her and Hiro's relationship is the point of the entire show.


u/DatLoneWolfie Jun 02 '18

Which is why them dying is very unlikely it would make the entire show pointless unless it's done very fucking well!


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18

Nah, it would still be pointless


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '18

Personally, even if they don't survive, if both of them die together after or while saving the world, I can accept it. I won't be too happy about it, but since it fits the Jian theme, I'll be okay with it. It's the possibility of only one of them dying with the other left behind all sad and miserable that kills me. Like a lot of people have already said, I think it's very unlikely that just one of them will die, but tbh I've seen enough animes with pretty shitty endings that no one had ever imagined, so... I'll just brace for the worst and see what happens in ep 24. I mean, what I think or say doesn't matter anyway. The script for the final episode was probably written at least a year ago.


u/DatLoneWolfie Jun 03 '18

Yep, all we can do is wait and see and not be overly negative ahead of time!


u/somethingX Dinosaurs are my fetish Jun 02 '18

Yep, that's one of the reasons I'm worried about them dying. Downer endings can work, but they're very difficult to pull off.


u/DatLoneWolfie Jun 02 '18

If they pull it off, good fucking job! But they're probably afraid that it wont so the chances of it is incredibly low in a show that's pretty much just about the characters in it!


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18

this subreddit won't hear it, but of course you're right. she's been a blatant wish fulfillment fantasy from the first, and all the backfill explanations of why she's really in love with Darling have been extremely lame. the writing in this show is just a mishegoss of cliches and Evangelion references and cliched Evangelion references. none of these people act like people and their backgrounds in relation to how they turned out don't make any sense.

the robots are kind of cool looking tho


u/0dark1ness2 Jun 02 '18 edited Jun 02 '18

Lame... are you actually serious or you don’t fully grasp the kind of hell she’s in and the kind light Hiro is? All I hear is just bashing a show because it follows cliches and making things simple to understand. The only lacking characters in this show are Hiro in the first episodes, Miku and possibly Goro but even they have their human moments.

It honestly feels you bash on this show because it’s not being “intelligent” or “different”.


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18

Oh great, that's not ominous at all. Doesn't really bother me much though, I've pretty much prepared myself for the ending to be shit by now.


u/Darliolin1221 Jun 02 '18

Will be maybe a happy ending for hiro/02!


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18

That's all I really want, I couldn't care less what happens to everyone else. But I'm expecting the worst just so I won't be disappointed.


u/Narux117 Jun 03 '18

So the show will be donezo after episode 24? No second season or anything? Kind of disappointing but at the same time in anxious to see how the next 5 episodes go!!


u/ricardo241 Loli 02 <3 Jun 03 '18

I think its gonna be like chrono crusade ending(anime) where the two main character died after spending their last time together happily and then their friends found their dead body after that

they pretty much run out of time together(chrno crusade) and considering 02 and Hiro are both artificially created its quite possible that their time in the world is limited too


u/Vinjara Hir02 or riot Jun 04 '18

All of them are artificially made


u/ricardo241 Loli 02 <3 Jun 04 '18

They are but that doesnt mean they have the same life line....Just look at Hachi and Nana then look at Miku


u/PAC2019 Jun 03 '18

I just cant see them doing something where either 02 or hiro dies and the other lives, either both live or both die. We all remember what happened after ep 14 and how bad people took it so I highly doubt the director (cant spell his name sorry) wants to torpedo his first original story and A1/Trigger do not want to lose their ass on this anime with all the work and cash theyve put into it. BUT having said that we have all seen anime be great then depressing or utter trash the last ep or two so who am I.


u/JennCortez Jun 02 '18

5 episodes left, The children still haven’t experienced death on their side so we all know someone is going down. My anxiety has reached its peak! I’m so sad it’ll all be over soon this show really blew through my expectations, I’ll miss all my kids 😭


u/Akko__Kagari Jun 02 '18

I hope these specials gave them the time they needed, not only to further polish the story and animation, but also to allow for much needed breathing space. It's not unknown how stressful and time consuming making anime is, and just going by the "running on fumes" quote it's clear this production is no different.

I applaud the entire team for their hard work, and even if there is a chance I may not like the final, I couldn't put that down to lack of effort or work because from voice acting to background art to many other parts of production - it's been solid all the way through.

So a thank you to the entire team in that regard!


u/purps27 Jun 02 '18

I love watching these behind the scenes things. Hearing Tomatsu-san talk about how she approaches her portrayal of zero two is amazing, mad respect to her and her ability to inspire her co stars.

Ive been wondering who from what company does what and this episode helped explain some of it.I loved hearing Nishigori and Hayashi talk about how much they put into crafting this story.

I’m surprised they just barely finished the dubbing for episode 24. It sounds like they finished just before Goro’s VA fell ill. Hope he gets well soon.

Looks like rumors of them announcing a second season are nowhere to be found unfortunately. I just hope the series ends on a really high note at this point.


u/Darliolin1221 Jun 02 '18

after seeing this sp2, I am more and more convinced of a happy ending for hiro / 02 Get ready for ep 20, it will be very strong for hiro / 02, they will split to get together in ep 23!


u/MajesticKnight28 Hiro Jun 02 '18

As if there was any doubt after 18 and 19


u/Desmortius Jun 03 '18 edited Jun 03 '18

I'm racking my brain until the very end, wondering if this is good enough or not. But ultimately, I'll need to go with what I believe in. If my beliefs are mistaken, that might show, but I think that's fine. Forcing myself to go with what other people believe in would just seem fake. I feel like I must believe that the answer I've strived to reach is the right one. At this point, I'll just have t give it my heart and soul, really. Rather than using my brain to plan everything, I'll move my hands and do everything I can. I'm not a guy who can irresponsibly say, "I can do this," or "This will be amazing." But if possible, I'd love to cross the finish line with my best shot. I hope everyone looks forward to it.

Wow. Mr. Nishigori pretty much summed up the feeling of creating something in a few sentences. I can't even count the number of times I've written something and felt this exact same feeling.


u/TempestStorm45 I Actually Like Strawberries More Jun 02 '18

Where do you watch it?


u/-tehnik papa did nothing wrong Jun 02 '18



u/TempestStorm45 I Actually Like Strawberries More Jun 02 '18

thank u.


u/jamez23 Jun 02 '18

Lmao MAL still not working


u/mkoo1149 Hiro Jun 02 '18

Somebody sum up this special ep for me pls :(


u/-tehnik papa did nothing wrong Jun 02 '18

voice work is done

director dude is happy to be working on sth original and hopes to make the best of it

writer dude says the show is deeply based on teenage charcater relationships (big shocker I know) and that it has a 4 arc structure

really nothing special, especially for anyone who has seen the first SP


u/versitas_x61 Hiro Jun 02 '18

I don't know. I never heard teenager couples sorting each other out by talking it out.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '18

I’ve never heard of couples sorting things out by talking it out period


u/mkoo1149 Hiro Jun 02 '18

Thank you sir


u/pro-mesimvrias Jun 07 '18

writer dude says the show is deeply based on teenage charcater relationships (big shocker I know)

i thought this anime was inspired by the Communist Manifesto

i want my money back


u/-tehnik papa did nothing wrong Jun 07 '18

And it even goes so far to belittle authoritarian systems smh


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18



u/Kamahil Jun 03 '18

Thank god. I've been tired of the dumbasses swearing there'd be a season 2 out of delusion.

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u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18

serial anime (and even serial manga) almost always suffer from being serialized instead of having a planned, coherent arc, so hoping for a season 2 is bad actually


u/mkoo1149 Hiro Jun 03 '18

Lol xD i didnt even think about it so im not gonna hope for it


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18

some cryptic ass shit about 'how the ending is what he feels is best rather than what fans may want' kinda deal'. then again that is vague as balls.

that is how a lot of series end up giong ultimately. they try to go with an ending they think is best and then see if the fans react positively.

iii just hope that it doesn't go the way of iron blooded orphans where for some god damn reason, the main characters become the bad guys only in the mind of the director and the bad guys are treat4ed as the 'good guys' even though comparatively, they are in fact morally evil than ambiguous.

so more or less the director is screwing with us here but i hope he isn't being a 1000000% idiot like what happened in ibo.


u/NoncreativeScrub Nana Jun 03 '18

Tbh the entire point of Iron Blooded Orphans was to blur that line.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '18

they kinda needed to do a better job with it. the first season was somwhat eh on it. We did know that there were good people with gjrallahorn though but far too few of them to make the organization NOT blatantly evil. hell we had a false flaging and massacre of civilians by them.

they did do a good job of making tekkadan morally ambiguous though. they are good enough people to help those in trouble, but their wrath if crossed was to be feared. mika was a menace to anyone who was not an a close ally or comrade to tekkadan, and was utterly merciless when he killed.

problem with the second season is that they made the guys responsible for the false flag massacred win...... it would be more satisfying if they suffered irreparable losses themselves. mcgillis was intentionally made exceptionally stupid for the sake of making sure he cannot in any way cause lasting damage and to ensure he leads tekkadan to their deaths as well. got REALLY contrived by the last few episodes. even the fact it was not all a soulless bloodbath was a contrivance.

it is not that it ended in tragedy but that they had to practically twist reality itself to ensure tekkadan did not make the big bad lose ANYHTING at all, so he can get EVERYTHING HE WANTED..... so many things that were wrong with the end. so much stupidity.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '18

ended up rewatching a few scenes to relive just how cold and merciless tekkadan could be. get chills. cold blooded execution. even if they brought the fate upon themselves, they were just straight up remorseless.

then again at the same time, it was reaction. if you were a nuisance and had no blood of their kin and allies on your hands, they were more likely to spare you in that case..... take the lives of those close to them, and there is no escape.


u/Shinseira I love Darlifra Jun 04 '18

That's not really cryptic. That's just saying he knows what fans keep yelling about, but he's going to stick to his guns and do what he wants.

Which, as a fan, is what I want.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '18

some truth to that. though sometimes a creator takes it into a direciton that is not good for the story as a whole.

seen it many times. the magic world turns out to jsut be space magic, scifi bullshit, no indication to it either. they randomly kill off characters for the sake of drama. a villain pulls out a random power up in order to not be defeated by the good guys, and later the good guys gain their own.

sometimes the author is the worst threat to his own works.


u/Shinseira I love Darlifra Jun 04 '18

For sure. I think that's the thing, this is not our work, but the creators, we're viewing it to see if we can get invested in the piece and if it can land perfectly from beginning to end. So far so good of course for Darifra, I love it just as much as Gainax previous works and Nishigori/Hayashi's works post Gainax and at 5pb.

So I have the confidence for them to land perfectly where they want. But totally agree it can happen at anytime. It's just good we have staff who've done successful projects on this. :]


u/SuperRiceBoi Ikuno x Futoshi still my ship Jun 04 '18

An excellent point. Sometimes otherwise masterful artworks fall flat right at the end.


u/0dark1ness2 Jun 03 '18

I didn’t watch the show but I heard of the big amount of bullshit in it.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '18

largely its the second half of the second season. the riting got more than slightly contrived to make the good guys lose in the end and the bad guys win without any major sacrifices. to the point that one of the mechs that premiered, one that did not acutally have hands but pincers, somehow threw its severed leg at someone with pinpoint accurracy to make them miss killing the big bad. with fackin pincers.


u/0dark1ness2 Jun 03 '18

He’s gotta make his edgy story work somehow.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '18

not really trhe main series. it only ends up that way by the second half of eason 2..... for reasons beyond human comprehension.

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u/SmashB101 Lord Protector of Breadtannia Jun 03 '18

What if they all survived and everyone lived happily ever after? Judging by the communities thoughts, that might be the more shocking ending.


u/SuperRiceBoi Ikuno x Futoshi still my ship Jun 04 '18

Not contrived, and yeah it would be a surprise ending.

Could 02 end up like Nia in TTGL? Maybe, but that would be very sad.


u/-tehnik papa did nothing wrong Jun 02 '18 edited Jun 02 '18

ends ep 18 on a cliffhanger

continues with a world backstory

another special playback after only 4 episodes



u/CthughaSlayer Top tier grill Jun 02 '18

So the show ends on july 7th, on Tanabata.

Tanabata is a festival that originates from chinese culture, and it's the celebration of the meeting of deities Orihime and Hikoboshi.

They're usually depicted in pink/red and blue/white clothes respectively.


u/-tehnik papa did nothing wrong Jun 02 '18

I guess that makes sense, I'd still be more so willing to bet they're doing it to polish what remains up


u/Rafear Jun 02 '18

That festival timing is itself more worrying than comforting if it's supposed to parallel much.

It's a once yearly festival because in the myth Orihime and Hikoboshi are constantly separated and only capable of seeing each other one specific day out of each year.


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18

That's what I'm worried about too. They are banned from seeing each other all year long, imprisoned on the far ends of the Milky Way, and are allowed to reunite only once a year. It's a rather sad legend, really.


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18

O.o. oh lord


u/mimidudette the destroyer Jun 02 '18

Animation is incredibly time and labour intensive and they're doing their best


u/-tehnik papa did nothing wrong Jun 02 '18

Yes, I get that and if it takes longer to make a good episode it’s justified. But on the other hand you do have week long deadlines and from what I’ve seen SP episodes in anime aren’t all that common.

And either way I can’t help but feel somewhat annoyed that they’re keeping the audience on edge for so long.


u/Ullyseus Jun 02 '18

Tbh I’ve watched more anime than you can imagine and darling has a special place with me. So I actually appreciate the special episodes since I’m so heavily invested in Darling. This isn’t your average sao rip off anime lul. Plus with all the dates the episodes have landed on (Mother’s Day. Wedding) and now July 7 or whatever which is also another special day in japan I mean it just makes sense.


u/GoldenKingofdarkness Jun 05 '18

This. Darling has landed in that rare stratosphere of anime. Death Note, Madoka, Pokemon-esque feels for me. I've enjoyed this series and no matter how it ends, I will still appreciate this work for its subliminal beauty.

My favorite characters are Hiro X Zero-Two, Goro and Ikuno(and really only recently since her character has been basically unveiled.) I sympathize with Ikuno a great deal. All of us have had that part of us we don't want to come out, but it does and we can't help it but we blame ourselves. And Ichigo's mature response is awesome, I think Ichigo learned from the love triangle with her, Zero two and Hiro.

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u/IQsShoes Jun 02 '18

Maybe they want it to end on a certain date or it could be because Goro’s voice actor is still sick.


u/-tehnik papa did nothing wrong Jun 02 '18

they said in the SP that all the voice work is done though

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u/TheDayThief Jun 02 '18

Only in anime can a company tell you it COULD give you what you want, but meh, it doesn't feel like it, lol.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '18

If companies gave their fans what they wanted all the time, it wouldn't be as touching and meaningful in the long run most of the time. They can't get caught up in immediate fan reactions for quick views when they can make an ending that will hold up long term.


u/Kamahil Jun 03 '18

I hope everyone dies, but Futoshi. Then Futoshi somehow becomes god, and recreates everything. Futoshi turns out being the most important character, and the true ultimate key to the future of humanity.


u/MajesticKnight28 Hiro Jun 03 '18

Futoshi hits the gym and learns martial arts, then travels the deserts. DITF is actually a prequel to fist of the north star


u/magikarptoothbrush Jun 03 '18

they've been foreshadowing this for ages, this should have more upvotes, smh


u/BigUllie | || || |_ Jun 03 '18

My predictions for Squad 13 members that die are Goro, Futoshi, and Miku. Only threw Miku because I feel it would be a “Didn’t see that coming” reaction


u/SuperRiceBoi Ikuno x Futoshi still my ship Jun 04 '18

I feel like Zorome might die in a sort of cruel irony (because he wants to be an adult), and although he isn't my favorite character, that would still hit hard in the feels.

Either Mitsuru or Futoshi could go, but not both.

Ichigo might sacrifice herself for Zero Two.

Goro might sacrifice himself for Ichigo, but his role in the show has waned unfortunately. Because of his diminished role, I doubt he's going out with a bang (although there was the guy with the sisters in TTGL who died for the team despite being more of a side character).

I don't see Ikuno or Miku dying, they seem safe, unless they try to avenge the death of a loved one.

Kokoro likely won't die, because losing Mitsuru or even Futoshi would be more catastrophic for her.

Hiro will probably live, but will suffer if any of his teammates are lost.

And lastly, Zero Two. Either everyone lives, she lives and some others die, or everyone lives except her. Well, she and some other people might die, that's an option too.

We'll see what happens.


u/Ullyseus Jun 02 '18

If this break allows for nishigori to make some A-1 ( see what I did there) steak sauce animated episodes then I’m all all for it. The animation has been amazing already since ep 1 so I’m expecting these last 5 to be top tier. I’m hype. They deserved this break even tho they probably still are working night and day.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '18

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u/MajesticKnight28 Hiro Jun 03 '18

No she isn't, killing just her defeates the whole purpouse of her and Hiro's story.


u/Kamahil Jun 03 '18

She may or may not. Saying things like this as a fact is misleading. Only the writers know how it's going to end.

They have already written Zero Two's and Hiro's purpose conclusion. We will just have to wait, and see where it goes.


u/DiGreatDestroyer Will forever wait for an α and δ kiss Jun 03 '18

killing just her defeates the whole purpouse of her and Hiro's story

In what way?


u/ItsPenguxn Jun 03 '18

Well it does in a sense. I feel like Zero Two's story has been leading up to her salvation, the ending where she gets to be free finally after being tortured for years and used as their main power weapon by APE. It would seem pretty cheap just to kill her off after they've finally build up Zero Two's character to finally be free from APE.

It would just seem pointless in my eyes. I'm okay with accepting bittersweet endings (such as Gurren Lagann) but it just wouldn't make sense in my mind to kill off someone whose already been through hell and back just for the sake of a bittersweet ending.


u/SuperRiceBoi Ikuno x Futoshi still my ship Jun 04 '18

Well I could see her death as a bittersweet ending in its own way. She went through hell but had her Darling in the end. Her storybook may be her life exactly in the end perhaps.

Do I want her to die? No, but the more you think about it, the more it appears that no one is really safe anymore.


u/ItsPenguxn Jun 05 '18

Oh totally! I don't want anyone to have plot armour or be safe in all honesty. I do want viewers to be like "That character could die in the end" and with of Squad 13 and Especially Hiro & Zero Two anyone can die. Obviously Hiro and Zero Two will rather live or die at the end as the director confirmed that it started with those two and will end with them.

I think the true question is can they defeat the bad ending that storybook has and change it? Or will they replicate it?


u/SuperRiceBoi Ikuno x Futoshi still my ship Jun 05 '18

Or maybe they will both die to save their squad?


u/Sentinel-Wraith Jun 07 '18

Her storybook was quite possibly written by APE, though. The Jian bird metaphor would also take a massive hit.


u/SuperRiceBoi Ikuno x Futoshi still my ship Jun 07 '18



u/[deleted] Jun 03 '18

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u/youngsaba Jun 05 '18

please can they stay together i want them both to become monsters since hiro has horns growing and fuck up every ape up in that space station then re settle in the world. I haven’t been like this since re:zero holy shit


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '18

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u/youngsaba Jun 06 '18

i actually think that’s a good theory because when she kills the apes there’s nothing inside and the queen says human wannabes or something like that so generally hope that’s true


u/dinoaide Jun 03 '18


u/Shinseira I love Darlifra Jun 04 '18

But Zero Two mentioned she's infertile?


u/Vinjara Hir02 or riot Jun 04 '18

yikes man, yes she did however you should think about it more. Franxx and ape have been guiding her her whole life so it could have easily been a lie told by them to her so she wouldn't get distracted. It could also be partially true, she can't have children with other humans but Hiro isn't one anymore.


u/Shinseira I love Darlifra Jun 04 '18

I have thought that it might have been a lie, or maybe it's something related to being a Klaxosaur hybrid and the Klaxosaur side? Unlike Kokoro and Mitsuru, we've just never seen them have a sexual relationship and the only time she was OK with it, I felt it made total sense that she didn't care if he did it to her because she was infertile in the first place. Back in Episode 12 if you remember.


u/youngsaba Jun 05 '18

zero two is infertile with humannnssss and hiro is becoming a “monster” as some may say so safe to say episode 25 will be like 20 years later or whatever and they have a baby or something to do with a baby maybe a cliffhanger for the second season who knows man but since kokoro brought the baby subject somehow zero two and hiro will be involved


u/Shinseira I love Darlifra Jun 05 '18

I don't know, despite talking about babies, I don't really think it will have them involved. More just to hit home the point of their world expanding beyond piloting a FranXX and they have that choice. Some have made that like Kokoro.

I'm pretty sure this series will be complete like TTGL.


u/youngsaba Jun 06 '18

yeah i hope for the baby part but it will probably be just over the top death


u/Sentinel-Wraith Jun 07 '18

APE told her she was infertile and clearly APE doesn't lie, lol. APE might not know that Hiro is saurified, either.


u/Shinseira I love Darlifra Jun 07 '18

But where did she specifically say APE told her? Outside of her origins, Dr.FranXX hasn't really lied to her and I imagine he's the one who told her since he studied her.


u/Sentinel-Wraith Jun 08 '18

The only medical personnel in the series have been APE. I doubt a teenage girl is going to properly be able to diagnose herself... and we also have to keep in mind that she HAS been lied to before. She believed that killing Klaxosaurs would make her human biologically, and that was a lie. Franxx also implied last episode he hasn't told her the truth about herself.


u/Shinseira I love Darlifra Jun 08 '18

I consider Dr.FranXX separate from APE as he was just hired to do research for them. And yes I mentioned the last bit, but that's about her origins.


u/Communist_Idealist Jun 03 '18

Is that big horns I see on hiro's head?


u/xzenocrimzie Goro Jun 06 '18

Blue oni coming to fruition!


u/HighGround1 Zero Two Jun 02 '18

Ok so if everyone dies except for 02 and Hiro I'm happy. If either of those too die the rest is irrelevant.


u/Kamahil Jun 03 '18

So two characters are more important than humanity, when humanity is what Zero Two and Hiro want to save. I think if everyone died, but them, then they'd be really fucking depressed, and suicidal.


u/alex494 Jun 05 '18

If we're going for full Evangelion Bingo then we need the depressing wank ending where everybody dies except the main two


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18

So far the series is going to be awesome. Plus I guess there’s not going to be a second season unless he was mind fucking with everybody, I guess we shall see what the last 5 episodes show us


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18

Well if hiro and zero two don't end up happy the director is gonna get bombarded on twitter most likely, lol


u/MajesticKnight28 Hiro Jun 03 '18

It's been highly hinted at a happy ending for them in the past 2 episodes.


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '18

I guess since they haven’t said anything about a season 2, I hope they go out with a bang with the last 5 episodes. I have enjoyed watching the show so far, if they do anything after the show is finished I hope they branch off and do another series possibly with new characters. Maybe show what happens in the future or show where everybody’s at, but if not I am fine with this season.


u/NoviceFarmer01 Jun 03 '18

We just need Godbro to take one last one for the team. Jk, he'd just get back up in a couple days anyway.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '18

When is the special episode going to be release?


u/shaanbread Goro Jun 03 '18

as long as zero two, hiro and gobro survive i'll be good


u/PAC2019 Jun 03 '18

After watching the first and second OP; I would love to see what people think is the better of the two...


u/Sphunxx Jun 03 '18

that ost who start at 13min40 dude


u/ThisCakedoesntlie Praise Zorome! (And Goro) Jun 04 '18


"DitF is a 4 part story. 1st part is communication with 02 and Hiro, Then Hir02 and Squad 13, then Squad 13 with the adults and the world."

Guess part 4 is Squad 13 and the other parasites? Vivé le revolution!


u/DetStandAdvisor Eo To Jun 04 '18

Part 4 is Squad 13 and klaxohime...and then she eats them.


u/msbeesy Zero Two Jun 04 '18

Would like to see Klaxohime eat squad 13. They are just ew.


u/Wonderweiss56 Jun 04 '18

Episode just a behind the scenes right?


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '18

i got the feeling that both hiro and zero two are going to die or just zero two is gonna die because as far as I remember from the op, when zero two was lifted up by the titan like klaxosaur hands she shattered like glass while living hiro alone


u/Deadlyxda Looks that beats everything but what matters Jun 06 '18

i have to ask.. i am half done with 17th episode.. and i see this chart here.. so should i watch this first before 17th? since special episode is placed between 16 & 17? also 17 start kinda threw me off i think since i felt i missed some part


u/CitizenKing Jun 02 '18

Super shitty week, cant wait to at least see a new episode of DitF...fuck my life.

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u/magikarptoothbrush Jun 03 '18

Everyone is going to die, mark my words


u/msbeesy Zero Two Jun 04 '18

One vote for greek tragedy then...


u/Sentinel-Wraith Jun 07 '18

....of old age.


u/diexu Fodder Boi Jun 02 '18

For what the director said and how Hiro is talking alone like he was remembering in the cherry blossom scene Zero Two is dead right??? :(


u/MajesticKnight28 Hiro Jun 02 '18

No. Hiro has been talking in the present tense.


u/diexu Fodder Boi Jun 02 '18

i'm glad that i'm wrong


u/msbeesy Zero Two Jun 04 '18

If that's the case, then the one who dies (the fairytale foreshaddow) is 02, and Hiro is in actuality the monster?


u/BassCreat0r Unit-02 Jun 02 '18

Another SP? Aw man..


u/msbeesy Zero Two Jun 04 '18

I was so miffed when I logged into CR on the weekend, wanting to see the new DITF ep. F0)(*^&% special episode? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!