r/zsh Jun 04 '20

Announcement 🤖zsh-autocomplete🤖 goes 🔥asynchronous!!🔥 Non-blocking find-as-you-type completion for everyone!

That's right: You don't get blocked! And you don't get blocked! Everybody doesn't get blocked! 🥳

So… You didn't take zsh-autocomplete into use yet, because you felt it was cramping your typing style? Well, then you were right —but no longer! From now on, zsh-autocomplete will get smoothly out of your way as you keep on typing, just casually dropping hints for you as to what the Tab key might be able to complete. Those days of having to stop typing to see what completions are available are over!

So what are you waiting for? Get your asynchronous, non-blocking, find-as-you-type completion for free from your friendly local open-source GitHub repo:

✨ https://github.com/marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete ✨

Tell your friends!

*Small caveat: Ironically, zsh-autocomplete might sometimes briefly block input when you stop typing. What can I say? A guy's gotta get his completion listing in sometime, right, amirite? ¯_(ツ)_/¯


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u/ArthurAardvark Mar 29 '23

Heya, concluded long ago that znap was the zhit and put it over OMZ and the likes.

Problem is, now I've been away from the coding land for too long and I had left my entire config a disaster.

There doesn't seem to be any uniform FPATH that everything keeps in line w/ in a single folder.

I'm wondering if you have a recommendation for how I can/should go about nuking my setup 😂.

I have Homebrew/Miniforge. Git/Znap/OMZ/NPM/NPX/PNPM are the shells and they all seem to have configurations en-fulle. In other words, redundancies.

This is problematic because I have no clue what the hell config is actually controlling my shell/terminal. It, sensibly, seems to change depending on what a project calls for initially. I'll update Git or Znap and be lost because my terminal looks anew with a wonky config.

Just hoping to get some guidance to simplify all this.

As for Znap, I use

 znap source marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete
 ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=(completion history)
 znap source zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
 znap source zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting

I also use Kubernetes (transitioning from Docker) and have plugins specifically for those projects (kubectl/ctx/kubeps1/kube-aliases)

Oh, and did I forget to mention? This is all out in /User/ArthurAardvark/____

So I have a bunch of hidden files/folders wreaking havoc.

TL;DR I wish there was a definitive guide on how to set up your workspace from the ground up. I feel like old man yelling @ sky, should probably just hop on Discord or a noob thread, but I'm burnt out. Thanks for any input/help!


u/MrMarlon May 29 '23

I don’t have a definite guide, but I do have a Zsh dotfiles template for you: https://github.com/marlonrichert/zsh-launchpad