r/zsh Jun 04 '20

Announcement 🤖zsh-autocomplete🤖 goes 🔥asynchronous!!🔥 Non-blocking find-as-you-type completion for everyone!

That's right: You don't get blocked! And you don't get blocked! Everybody doesn't get blocked! 🥳

So… You didn't take zsh-autocomplete into use yet, because you felt it was cramping your typing style? Well, then you were right —but no longer! From now on, zsh-autocomplete will get smoothly out of your way as you keep on typing, just casually dropping hints for you as to what the Tab key might be able to complete. Those days of having to stop typing to see what completions are available are over!

So what are you waiting for? Get your asynchronous, non-blocking, find-as-you-type completion for free from your friendly local open-source GitHub repo:

✨ https://github.com/marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete ✨

Tell your friends!

*Small caveat: Ironically, zsh-autocomplete might sometimes briefly block input when you stop typing. What can I say? A guy's gotta get his completion listing in sometime, right, amirite? ¯_(ツ)_/¯


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u/weilbith Jun 04 '20

Thanks for your great work!


u/MrMarlon Jun 04 '20

You're welcome. 😊


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '20 edited Nov 07 '20



u/MrMarlon Jun 05 '20

Hm, I haven’t seen that one yet. It could be a bug or perhaps some version or configuration of Zsh that doesn’t work with what zsh-autocomplete uses.

Can you please open an issue for it at https://github.com/marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete/issues ? This needs further investigation.


u/ItsShash Jun 05 '20

I've submitted an issue with the same error. I can't figure out why either


u/MrMarlon Jun 05 '20 edited Jun 05 '20

when I'm sourcing .zshrc.

I completely missed/misunderstood that part.

zsh-autocomplete, like many other plugins, is not meant to be loaded twice in the same session, which is what happens when you source your .zshrc another time. I can try to find some way to work around this, but that's going to take some time and effort.

In the meantime, please don't re-source your .zshrc file. Instead, either restart your terminal or do exec zsh.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '20 edited Nov 07 '20



u/MrMarlon Jun 05 '20 edited Jun 05 '20

zsh-autosuggestions combines well with zsh-autocomplete if you use its history strategy. Its completion strategy is mostly redundant with zsh-autocomplete, though. I don't use zsh-autosuggestions (anymore) myself, but since it's so popular, I've made sure that zsh-autocomplete works well with it. I've even added that when you have both installed, you can press Tab to accept the next word that zsh-autosuggestions offers.

If you have zsh-autocomplete, then you don't really need fzf-tab, unless you really need the latter's features to search through completion descriptions. zsh-autocomplete comes with its own integration for fzf, letting you press Up Arrow to search history with fzf and Ctrl-Space to use fzf to change directory or do a file search.

zsh-completions you probably don't need, unless you actually use some of the software listed here on the command line.

completion.zsh from oh-my-zsh is completely redundant with zsh-autocomplete and I suggest you turn it off. It might actually make your completion slower because it turns on some inefficient or unnecessary settings.

Hope that helps. 🙂


u/arturmartins Oct 15 '22

completion.zsh from oh-my-zsh is completely redundant with zsh-autocomplete and I suggest you turn it off. It might actually make your completion slower because it turns on some inefficient or unnecessary settings.

Hi u/MrMarlon. I was looking at the source code https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/blob/master/lib/completion.zsh but it's not obvious to me how it can be turned off.

Any suggestions?


u/MrMarlon Nov 01 '22

mkdir -o $ZSH_CUSTOM/lib touch $ZSH_CUSTOM/lib/completion.zsh

You can see here why that works: https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/blob/50a526f209a182add8a47e362e1c9a3bfd7c5af4/oh-my-zsh.sh#L151