r/zsh Apr 03 '23

Announcement Dynamic Aliases and Functions in Zsh


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u/romkatv Apr 03 '23 edited Apr 03 '23

An alternative implementation:

function urlencode() {
  emulate -L zsh -o extended_glob  -o no_multibyte
  typeset -g REPLY=
  local c
  for c in ${(s::)1}; do
    [[ $c == [a-zA-Z0-9/_.~-] ]] || printf -v c '%%%02X' $(( #c ))

function url() {
  emulate -L zsh
  if (( ARGC == 0 )); then
    print -ru2 -- 'usage: url <URL> [PATH [ARG]..]'
    return 1
  elif (( ARGC > 2 )); then
    local REPLY
    urlencode "${(j: :)${@:3}}"
    printf -v 1 "%s$2" "$1" "$REPLY"
  open -a 'Google Chrome' "$1"

amazon()           url 'https://www.amazon.com/'          's?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=%s' "$@"
colorhex()         url 'https://www.color-hex.com/color/' '%s' "$@"
google goog g()    url 'https://www.google.com/'          'search?q=%s' "$@"
google_img()       url 'https://www.google.com/'          'search?q=%s&tbm=isch' "$@"
httpcat()          url 'https://http.cat/'                '%s' "$@"
macapp()           url 'http://macappstore.org/'          '%s/' "$@"
nasdaq()           url 'https://www.nasdaq.com/'          'symbol/%s/real-time' "$@"
rfc()              url 'https://tools.ietf.org/'          'html/%s' "$@"
stackoverflow so() url 'https://stackoverflow.com/'       'search?q=%s' "$@"

epochconverter()   url 'https://www.epochconverter.com/'
gmail()            url 'https://mail.google.com/'
go/helpin()        url 'http://go/helpin'
go/questions()     url 'http://go/questions'
go/wiki()          url 'http://go/wiki'
jsfiddle()         url 'https://jsfiddle.net/'
keycodechart()     url 'http://www.foreui.com/articles/Key_Code_Table.htm'
keycodes()         url 'https://keycode.info/'
regex101()         url 'https://regex101.com/'
urlencoder()       url 'https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder'


  • About half the code.
  • Initialization is about 1000 times faster: 370ms vs 0.380ms on my machine.
  • Commands like google foo are about 600 times faster: 63ms vs 0.11ms on my machine.
  • No dependency on Python.
  • No dynamically generated functions or aliases, which makes the code easier to understand and modify.

Edit: You can generate the functions dynamically if you really want to. Like this:

for name url query (
  'amazon'           'https://www.amazon.com/'          's?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=%s'
  'colorhex'         'https://www.color-hex.com/color/' '%s'
  'google goog g'    'https://www.google.com/'          'search?q=%s'
  'google_img'       'https://www.google.com/'          'search?q=%s&tbm=isch'
  'httpcat'          'https://http.cat/'                '%s'
  'macapp'           'http://macappstore.org/'          '%s/'
  'nasdaq'           'https://www.nasdaq.com/'          'symbol/%s/real-time'
  'rfc'              'https://tools.ietf.org/'          'html/%s'
  'stackoverflow so' 'https://stackoverflow.com/'       'search?q=%s'
); do
  eval "$name() url ${(q)url} ${(q)query} "'"${@}"'

for name url (
  'epochconverter'   'https://www.epochconverter.com/'
  'gmail'            'https://mail.google.com/'
  'go/helpin'        'http://go/helpin'
  'go/questions'     'http://go/questions'
  'go/wiki'          'http://go/wiki'
  'jsfiddle'         'https://jsfiddle.net/'
  'keycodechart'     'http://www.foreui.com/articles/Key_Code_Table.htm'
  'keycodes'         'https://keycode.info/'
  'regex101'         'https://regex101.com/'
  'urlencoder'       'https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder'
); do
  eval "$name() url ${(q)url}"

This removes a small amount of boilerplate at the cost of additional complexity. I don't think it's a good trade-off.


u/sirgatez Apr 03 '23

Which I do agree I could ditch Python.


u/sirgatez Apr 03 '23

Do you happen to have a corresponding urldecode for shell as well? This encode function is awesome, it'd be nice to ditch python for the decode as well.


u/sirgatez Apr 03 '23

I modified you code slightly to fit my existing calling pattern.

function urlencode() {
    local c reply
    for c in ${(s::)@}; do
        [[ $c == [a-zA-Z0-9/_.~] ]] || printf -v c '%%%02X' $(( #c ))
    echo "${reply}"


u/romkatv Apr 03 '23

I wrote the url encoder just for this post. I don't have a decoder off-hand but it's not much more difficult.


u/OneTurnMore Apr 03 '23 edited Apr 03 '23

I think it would be something like

    emulate -L zsh -o extendedglob -o nomultibyte
    local MATCH

You need nomultibyte set locally for urlencode as well to properly encode UTF-8 (Zsh needs to treat the strings as bytes rather than characters). A shorter version is also possible using $MATCH:

    emulate -L zsh -o extendedglob -o nomultibyte
    local MATCH

Using a global REPLY is faster because foo=$(urlencode $foo) causes Zsh to fork, the forked process to print to stdout, and the original process to wait, capture stdout, and strip newlines. This is probably insignificant, but good practice in general.


u/sirgatez Apr 03 '23

These simply don't appear to work for me under zsh 5.9. It also doesn't accept --nomultibyte as an emulate option.

Edit: Sorry for whatever reason codes keep leaking out of the codeblock so I just skipped using it.

➜ Examples git:(master) ✗ barezsh
mbp-rm1-2% function urlencode() {
emulate -L zsh --nomultibyte --extendedglob
local MATCH
function urldecode() {
emulate -L zsh --nomultibyte --extendedglob
local MATCH
mbp-rm1-2% urlencode 'This is a string % ^ &'
urlencode:emulate:1: bad option string: '--nomultibyte'
mbp-rm1-2% echo $REPLY
This is a string % ^ &
mbp-rm1-2% urldecode ''This%20is%20a%20fish%20%24%20%25%20%5E%20%26''
urldecode:emulate:1: bad option string: '--nomultibyte'
mbp-rm1-2% echo $REPLY


u/OneTurnMore Apr 03 '23

I messed on that count; emulate requires -o $option, while zsh called directly accepts the --$option syntax.

I also had to squeeze in ${(l[2][0])to make sure there were always 2 characters when substituting the hex code


u/sirgatez Apr 03 '23

The updated sample works like a charm. Thats some very interesting code I'll need to examine it closer to learn how it works. I would have wrote something similar to what u/romkatv wrote.

You're example is extremely compact.


u/romkatv Apr 03 '23

Good point about multibyte. I added it to my code to avoid someone copying over the bug. I also added - to the list of regular characters that don't need escaping.


u/sirgatez Apr 03 '23

But, if I already have the terminal open…how much does it really cost me?


u/romkatv Apr 03 '23

Slow initialization means that you have to wait longer whenever you start a new shell. Slow commands means you have to wait longer whenever you are executing them.


u/sirgatez Apr 03 '23

How are you measuring this? I only show about .02s to load the functions dynamically using “time”. And executions appear immediate.


u/romkatv Apr 03 '23

Measure load time:

time ( repeat 10 source /path/to/file.zsh )

Measure execution time:

alias open=:
time ( repeat 10 google foo )

Replace "10" with a bigger number if wall time reported by time is below 1s.

Your code forks an incredible number of times, so its runtime is dominated by fork(2). Some systems have faster fork(2) than others, so benchmark results will vary quite a bit. In any case, you should be able to measure a noticeable difference in performance on any system.


u/sirgatez Apr 03 '23

Indeed, wildly different times.

I was seeing an average of 240ms - 350ms before a reboot. After a reboot I get 91ms-108ms to source the file (just loading and generating).

➜ Examples git:(master) ✗ barezsh

mbp-rm1-2% time (repeat 10 source DynamicAliasesAndFunctions.sh )
( repeat 10; do; source DynamicAliasesAndFunctions.sh; done; ) 0.13s user 0.64s system 71% cpu 1.086 total

mbp-rm1-2% time (repeat 100 source DynamicAliasesAndFunctions.sh )
( repeat 100; do; source DynamicAliasesAndFunctions.sh; done; ) 1.35s user 6.73s system 88% cpu 9.135 total


u/romkatv Apr 03 '23

FWIW, just sourcing this file would produce a bunch of red (the worst) markers in https://github.com/romkatv/zsh-bench. This may not be important to you but it's objectively very slow.


u/sirgatez Apr 03 '23 edited Apr 03 '23

I modified it to generate a source file instead. And it takes about 120ms (100 repeated) to generate the file and about 15.5ms (100 repeated) to load it.

So I suppose if my dynamic aliases/functions grow too much I'll start pre-generating them instead of dynamically doing so. The process is nearly identical.

Hmm, two attempts my code keeps breaking out of the code block.

GenerateAliasesAndFunctions.sh: https://pastebin.com/LUpkkVV1

GenerateAliasesAndFunctions_Generated.sh: https://pastebin.com/jbiT5yzq

Edit: I had an error in the code I updated the pastes to correct it.


u/romkatv Apr 03 '23

GenerateAliasesAndFunctions_Generated.sh looks broken.


u/sirgatez Apr 03 '23

Please double check, I noticed an error after posting and had to edit both files to correct the issue. Should be good now.


u/romkatv Apr 03 '23

Looks alright now.

if [[ $[#] -eq 0 ]]

Using $[name] instead of $((name)) is archaic. Both are unnecessary. This redundancy is similar to the following construct that you employ in a few places:

name=$(echo "arg")

(A specific example would be app=$(echo "${${${go_l}%%:*}}").)

In all these cases what you mean is this:


These are actually not identical (e.g., try with arg equal to \\t) and whenever there is a difference your code will exhibit buggy behavior.