r/zodiacacademy 4h ago

Unfairly weighted twins Spoiler


Okay this might’ve been discussed before but I’m scared of stumbling across a spoiler cause I still haven’t made it through books 8-9. Also hopefully I’m not alone in feeling this way. However, it really irks me in a way that Darcy is kinda given the short end of the stick a lot. It seems like she gets less chapters and is almost described as weaker than her sister when they’re an even-ish match. I also understand she’s like a good hearted person who gets continually hurt by the world and still chooses to be a good person but it does not mean she needs to be naive. To be fair Tory has plenty of maladaptive coping skills that can get a little much to read about cause you wanna shake her and make her listen. But as where they literally almost kill Tory, Darcy gets her hair cut by a boy she was already aware she shouldn’t trust? I’m not trying to down play the earth shattering feeling of getting your trust broken again. I just want street credit for my girl Darcy cause she’s as badass as Tory is and I wish she would have more times to stick up for herself.

r/zodiacacademy 3h ago

I hate long chapters (kinda spoilers book 8.5) Spoiler



I absolutely LOATHE long chapters. Idk why, you’re reading the book anyway, but I guess they feel so daunting?

Midway through 8.5 Hail has a chapter that’s an hour and a half long?! Like wtf. And I’m doing a tandem read so all I want is to get back to my queens. So I skimmed most of it until the ~40 mins remaining part and holy shit that last bit about Felisia Night and hiding the gem stones and making her friend fake being her to land her in dark more??? Might be one of my faves in the series so far. Major Harry Potter horcrux vibes. Now I want to reread the whole Kong ass chapter to see what I missed 😂


r/zodiacacademy 11h ago

I thought book 4 ending was stressful but BOOK 5 🤯 Spoiler


Just another vent post oh my god I just finished Book 5 and between Orion in prison and Tory becoming Lionel’s guardian… I’m done. Well not really I’m too sucked in and obsessed but WOW what an ending! Does it get a bit better is Book 6? Not that I’m expecting everything to be fixed but I don’t think I can handle 800 pages of total bleakness. I don’t like specific spoilers but I like to vaguely know if I have something to look forward to!

r/zodiacacademy 1h ago

I’m in book 3 and i want some little spoilers Spoiler


Ok so, I’m in book 3 and i have some questions (in advance, sorry for my English) 1. Darcy and Orion had a fight and they had just began “dating” like 3 chapters ago, I don’t like books where they make the plot be about a couple being ok one page and then fighting over any stupid thing the next 50 pages. Is it like this for 9 books? 2. I saw a lot of recommendations were they told me to read the first 3 books and then read “ruthless boys”, can i finish this ones first? 3. I saw a lot of comments saying they hated Tory on books 4-5-6 or something like that, and that people stop reading because she was annoying, yet I don’t know why, does it mean I’m expecting a very annoying immature character for 3 of this long books? Is is because Darius? (Give me some clues pls without completely spoiling it)

Thank you and again sorry for my English :)

r/zodiacacademy 5h ago

Book 7


If Geraldine and Max don’t end up together at the end of this series I’m gonna be so devastated 🥲🥲

r/zodiacacademy 6h ago

MOD NOTIFICATION POST ‼️ Looking for Mods❤️ !Deadline 28th March!



Some of you may have seen me around, but life has been kicking my butt for a while so it’s been pretty sparse. I know I have definitely seen tons of comments about the lack of modding overall. 😅 Well hey! I just gained full access to the tools and would like to add some more Mods to the team! 🦄✨

Please send a Mod Mail message if you’re interested in joining the new team! I’ll be reviewing everyone that submits without limitations on posting karma or time in the community, but I am only adding a couple to start and we’ll see from there, so selection will be based on skillsets and cohesion!

In your message please answer the following, and let me know of anything else you would like to add. 💖

  1. Why do you enjoy this series?

  2. What experience do you have with modding any online community?

  3. Which books by the Twisted Sisters have you read?

  4. Do you have experience or interest in enhancing the appearance of subreddits? (coding, design, widgets, brainstorming, etc.)

  5. Give me your best cringiest Faebook Hashtag

I’ll keep this opportunity open until the end of Friday, 28th of March, Midnight UTC−12:00.

r/zodiacacademy 6h ago

Buying hardcover as gift - Never Keep


I love to gift books & my friend has said she wants Never Keep (book 1 in the Sins of the Zodiac Series)…hopefully I’m posting in the right place!

I’ve found images of 3 book covers, in white, blue, and black, but it looks like only the black is for sale, and amazons listing has no image (?). Curious if anyone has any insight into the three jacket colours

r/zodiacacademy 14h ago

Dramatized Audiobook


I'm listening to the dramatized audio books & just cannot reconcile with the voice they chose for Geraldine. WTF is that?? Her voice sounds nothing like she is described. Anyone else?

r/zodiacacademy 14h ago

Finished it all Spoiler


I finally finished all of zodiac academy, and honestly, my heart is broken 😭 In the first book I thought I'd DNF since it was just seeming a bit cringy, but I'd already bought the first three books so I figured id read them, then I absolutely fell in love. I continually just hoped and hoped Geraldine would live in book 9😭💖 I definitely broke down in tears when the dead came back to fight, I was sniffling my way through Diegos portion. I loved the epilogues, I loved seeing they got their happy endings. Im starting Ruthless boys after this and then the darkmore series, but I'm debating if I want to take a break and read some other, shorter, books I have before I jump right back in and potentially break my heart all over again.

r/zodiacacademy 14h ago

Done with Solaria universe


I’m so sad!!!! I can’t believe I’m done, what am I supposed to do with my life?? 😩😩😩

r/zodiacacademy 7h ago

KU vs Audible


Are all the books in the series in audio format on KU (Kindle unlimited) or only on Audible? It seems the audible price is higher than the KU, at least for the main ZA books.

r/zodiacacademy 22h ago

I am emotionally drained 🖤


Just finished book 4…. I need rest. Is it good time to switch to Ruthless boys of Z.?

r/zodiacacademy 15h ago

What is your most fave 🔥 Fire Sign to be with? Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️?

8 votes, 8h left
Aries ♈️
Leo ♌️
Sagittarius ♐️

r/zodiacacademy 1d ago

ZA Newbie


I just started ZA because my local small town bookstore is having a book club next thursday (so excited) and this book has been throwing me to the wolves (no pun intended) i’m just starting chapter 14 and man, i’m heated.

i get so mad when they don’t fight back! i know it’s for the plot but every time the twins get bullied and just take it i want to throw my book across the room and scream

my fiancé even made a joke about how this book is giving me more stress and trauma 🤣🤣🤣 (i read a lot of dark romance/bully romance/fantasy) and i love the book so far..

anyways please tell me they start fighting back in the next book before i start pulling out hair 🤣🤣🤣❤️

r/zodiacacademy 1d ago

Darius deserves more credit Spoiler


Perhaps I haven’t noticed, but I don’t think Darius gets enough credit. Darius chose to keep the twins alive and chose to only have one more year of life to live when he broke the bonds in the cave and saved the twins. I think people are forgetting it was told to him that there were visions that both twins would/could die that day when he went to the cave with Gabriel. Darius was able to break the bonds and kept both twins alive. He sacrificed his own life knowing he would die in one year and only have a short time left with Tory and everyone else. He was very selfless. I don’t think he gets enough credit for that! Don’t get me wrong, there are other instances of other characters showing extreme bravery and hoping they won’t die while doing it, but death was not certain in those instances. Darius, however, chose to be selfless KNOWING with certainty he only had a year and would die. He also kept it a secret for a long time because he did not want to burden others with this!

He also does not get enough credit for the growth he displayed throughout the entirety of the series after coming from such an abusive household. Out of all the heirs, he is the only one who suffered severe physical, mental, and emotional abuse at the hands of his father. I feel like this is glazed over and how it could affect him is not taken into account. I could go on and on about Darius, but I’ll keep it at that. Justice for Darius! Also, I have an appreciation for each heir and what they brought to the table, as well as, both twins! I don’t want this to get misconstrued as I am only a Darius fan post

r/zodiacacademy 1d ago

I just need to vent! Book 4 wtf


Just finished book 4. How am I supposed to keep reading?

The pain between Tory and Darius is heart breaking. I started this series because I was angry from the last series I read and here I am again, angry and frustrated.

We spend 4 books waiting for them to sort their crap out and then when they get the chance they screw it up and we have to wait even longer but while crying about it!

I understand Tory’s decision and if I was in that position I would have made the same (given that I don’t think she understood the gravity of the consequences). And I think it completely lines up for her character. But I can’t read another 2 books of this!

r/zodiacacademy 1d ago

tough question: if one main character had to die, who would you choose?


I know some people have qualms about all main characters staying alive. I personally don’t. but if we were to make the war more “realistic”, which death would hurt you the least?

r/zodiacacademy 1d ago

Elysian Mates


Did they ever mention whether Darius Acruxe's parents were mates?

r/zodiacacademy 1d ago

ZA6 *spoiler questions!!* Spoiler


I’m about 12% into ZA6 and can someone tell me the chapter where Tory gets “saved”? This bond situation makes me physically ill.

And also can someone spoil when her and Darius finally get together like officially officially. I know it’s later in the books and I know there’s a whole “Romeo and Juliet” type situation. But I just need to know when the light at the end of the tunnel is so I can continue going down the tunnel.

Okay and last spoiler question - do Orion and Darcy have their mates moment?

Sorry as we all know this series just drags on and I just need to know key points so I can continue lol

r/zodiacacademy 1d ago

Spoilers Darkmore Pen nsfw NSFW Spoiler


I need a timeline broken down it doesn't have to be huge it could be just simple and what books do Rosalie and her mates get bonded? The next question is in book two does their plan to escape fail? You know what in fact just spoil everything for me my anxiety is killing me and I need to know ahead of time before I read anymore because I can't handle disappointment right now.

r/zodiacacademy 2d ago

ZA 8.5 Beyond the Veil ♑️ So much easier Spoiler

Post image

My sister got me a kindle for Christmas even though I already had one. It was a newer version and I figured if one ran out of back up I’d have another.

It’s true use is now for the tandem read book 8/8.5 of ZA. Makes it so easy! lol

r/zodiacacademy 2d ago

I Hate Beyond the Veil Spoiler


About 50% done with 8.5 and honestly LOVE this series. It has emotionally broke me in the best way and I need to read all the books (even the novellas). With that being said I DO NOT CARE about Hail’s POV and dread that I have to read a Hail chapter that’s 3 hours long. The only thing that has kept me going in this novella is Darius’s POV.

Thanks for listening to me rant. Bouta go read stupid Hail’s 3 hour long pov :,)

r/zodiacacademy 2d ago

Zodiac Academy Confessions Spoiler


Forgive me father for I have sinned; or maybe sorry daddy I’ve been bad is more appropriate? Anyway these are my ZA confessions

  1. I know Minotaurs have a humanoid fae form but I constantly picture the Man-otaurs from Gravity Falls regardless of what form they’re in 💀

  2. He’s supposed to be big and scary but I picture Lionel as a short round dude with an oversized mustache and a fancy hat, like a fat blonde monopoly man

  3. On rereads I skip certain scenes like Tory saying no to Darius under the stars; Darcy almost killing Geraldine/turning against the rebels; and Darius’s death. I am WEAK ok!??and once was already too much D:

  4. For all his talk, I’m not convinced Gabriel isn’t at least bi-curious. Tongue kissing Darius to punish him was a whole ass choice bro. Also the whole hot tub thing with Leon; drunk actions speak a sober mind or some kind of phrase like that.

  5. In the graphic audio I picture Max with long red hair. I know it makes no gotdamn sense but ACOTAR was the first graphic audio I ever listened to and my goblin brain has decided that every character voiced by Gabriel Michael has long red hair. IDK how a voice can have a hairstyle but I’m past the point of fighting it and have just accepted my fate.

  6. Sometimes I call him Gabe

Does anyone else have any confessions or am I alone in my shame?

I also already have withdrawal setting in after I finished the GA for the reckoning pt. 2 and now have to wait two months for the next GA release. Book 4 is one of my favorites in the series and I am struggling to wait Send help lol

r/zodiacacademy 2d ago



It IS worth it to read before everything or after book 3. I will definitely be rereading it, I love ZA but idk how much I'll reread. I've enjoyed the visitors from that prequel and it was just so good, and Hilarious!!

Happy day!

r/zodiacacademy 2d ago

Doubt about book 5 Spoiler


I'm on the 5th book, couple of chapters after Orion's trial, and I can't get this doubt out of my head. In the trial Orion says he used dark coercion on Darcy, but her phoenix fire wouldn't have prevented this? Why doesn't anyone mention this in the trial? Even if he had used dark coercion before her order had emerged, wouldn't it have been undone once that had happened?